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100% The Author's Privilege as an Extra / Chapter 19: The First Revision - I

Capítulo 19: The First Revision - I

Like in the story, the Eternal Knights came to be as a matter of course. But unlike in the story, the founding members and associated professor had changed. To start off with, since Elio was alive, Evelyn just reached out to her uncle to be the advisor, easily solving the faculty mentor criteria. 

Then there was me, who was suddenly made the vice president of the student organization before I could even ask who else was going to join. After me, there was Marisa, who was roped in by Evelyn saying that I was joining. And then when Marisa casually texted Roland about it, he showed up and forcefully joined our party.

Which meant that the Eternal Knights that should have been founded with Evelyn, Isaac, and two mid-boss type mobs who would later defect and try to bring her down had been replaced by pretty much all the main characters in the first arc of the story.

As you could imagine, I'd have a headache figuring out the implications of it all later tonight when I had time. But since we were doing it anyway, I'd just be rolling with it.

This wasn't some half-baked story that would collapse just because some pieces were shifted around.

And I wasn't some half-baked author who couldn't handle random variables popping up because of the ripples from my actions. What was the point of being the author in your own story if you were afraid to change anything, right?

Creativity was sacred, but the work was not. Especially when being reviewed with your own eyes.

So I wouldn't be second guessing myself about this, even if it would definitely paint a giant target on my back for being a mysterious commoner without a proper background but way too much competence.

> You have taken charge of the story scenario for the first time! From now on, story points will also be earned for substantive revisions that you make and their potential implications on the upcoming arcs!

> The Eternal Knights who would have generated negative energy within Evelyn vi Eternia to contribute to her fall have been replaced! From now, the Void Arbiters will seek alternative means to increase the negative energy within Evelyn! A major revision has been performed! +20,000 SP! Current SP: 45,000

> The main characters of the first arc have been united by your presence! Your weight in the story is now on the level of a supporting cast member, upgraded from an extra! You will be able to more easily change the fates of those you are close with among the main cast! But be warned, your hidden foes will not stand still! +5,000 SP. Current SP: 50,000.

...And even if this was going to completely overturn the flow of the story starting from the end of the semester.

Of course, all of that thinking was a distraction from the situation at hand.

Specifically, the fact that I was going to be, and currently was, spending two hours a day with Evelyn planning the course and development of our student organization.

Of course, it was in an administrative office that we were assigned for the Eternal Knights and not like a dorm room.

But I could already hear the rumormills churning.

> Your peers are discussing why a commoner like you was chosen by the princess and someone like Isaac was spurned! Rumors fly about whether you possess blackmail or used some underhanded means to charm the princess! +1,000 SP. Current SP: 51,000

Case in point. Though now that I saw that message... is there a reason why the SP is always given out in flat increments like that? 

> Ease of calculation. Multiples of tens, hundreds, and thousands are simpler to add and deduct. However, the inflation of SP has been noted and a fix will be considered after the mid-term scenario is resolved.

Oh, that's useful. Both in the balancing of my very useful system currency, and the fact that the system is giving back useful information now.

> This system is always for the Author's benefit.

And I'm glad to hear it.


I blinked and then realized that I was spacing out.

Evelyn sighed and rested her elbow on the table before resting her face against her hand. "I apologize if this is boring, but it is essential to set the foundation at the start."

I shook my head and said, "It's not boring, Eve. Just got a lot on my mind."

Evelyn's eyes widened and her face tinged red. "E-Eve?"

I blinked and then realized my slip-up. But I played it off and said, "Sorry. Again, a lot on my mind."

Evelyn cleared her throat. "Y-You're forgiven. I suppose it is a bit inconsiderate of me to take so much of your time when you need so much to catch up..."

I smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. I volunteered for this, so I'll do a good job. It'll just take a bit to get into the flow of everything." As I said that, I reached up to stretch and take a look around.

Fitting of the Imperial Princess and the esteemed Gate Explorer's influence, the Eternal Knights had a fancy clubhouse on the top floor of one of the buildings in Starlight's administrative section. It was essentially a pent-house suite complete with a training facility that used space magic to be larger on the inside than out, a gravity training room, magical training dummies, a pool, a self-serving and fully automated cafe area... In short, the works.

I had thought about making my own organization to get privileges like this, but even then, I wouldn't have gotten anything close to this fancy.

...Well, that wasn't completely true.

I could make quite a bit of the stuff on my own with mana crafting and enough materials, but this saved me quite a lot of time, effort, and energy. ...At the cost of headaches in the near future, but we take what we can get.

Evelyn paused, twirling a pen around in her hand as she stared at the notebook we'd be using for the organization's founding principles and guidelines. "...Yes. I suppose it would take a bit to become accustomed to such affairs." She sighed and said, "I seem to be forgetting quite a lot these days about the difference in status between you and I."

"And that's a testament to your ability to speak to the commonfolk like myself and hear our issues." I smiled and said, "I think that's a plus, right?"

Evelyn laughed and said, "You are anything but common, Alex. But in any case." She leaned over and turned the notebook around. "I believe we should keep it simple in the beginning. What do you think of this? 'The Eternal Knights are an organization founded to foster talents from all walks of life.'" She smiled and said, "There are quite a few students who simply need an opportunity, and I wish to provide that. A-Ah. I mean, I wish for us to provide that..." 

A kind heart and diligent work ethic, always thinking of her people. Once again, I was reminded of the good natured princess I wrote into my story. And once again, I was reminded of the approaching deadline and the problem I still had yet to solve. But until then... "I think that's good. But we can't just have everyone. Like you said at the start, we need some filtering, so we should add in some criteria..."


Saturday evening, in the public training facility for students. Roland dropped the barbell he was using for training on the ground before wiping sweat off his brow. After that, he looked over with a smile and said, "You seem to be getting along well with the princess these days, Alexander."

I sighed as I set down some dumbbells and said, "Just call me Alex, Roland. The rumors about me having nobles call me by my full name to feel validated are getting annoying."

Roland shrugged and said, "I prefer the name Alexander. It suits your character and esteem."

"...Then I'm going to start calling you Rolo."

Roland's eyes widened and then he let out a bright grin. "I would be honored! It's the first nickname I've ever received!"

"Huh?" I frowned and said, "Doesn't your kid sister call you that?"

Roland shook his head. "Angela used to call me Rolo when she was a toddler, but-" He blinked and then said, "...Have I ever told you I had a younger sister?"

"No. But you didn't strike me as a single child, you're too mature to not be the oldest, and you're way too nice to have younger brothers." 


Lies ran from my mouth as smooth as butter. I didn't know whether to be impressed or terrified of that fact...

Roland laughed and clapped a hand on my shoulder. "You know me that well already, do you, my friend?"

I shrugged and said, "You're an open book, and I'm a good reader."

"Mm." Roland nodded and said, "That's how you ended up with the princess's heart that she kept hidden in her sleeve, right?"

"...You do realize that if I somehow manage to actually become the Imperial Consort that I can make your life and your family's life a living hell?"

Roland chuckled and said, "If it comes to that, I'd likely have earned it."

A calm and carefree demeanor, taking in everything I threw at him with stride. In the story, it was refreshing and heroic to see him act like that. But in person... it was kind of annoying. 

How do you irritate someone who just accepts all the vitriol you spew at him?

Easy. You didn't. You just had to not waste your energy on someone who wouldn't even bother to care about it in the first place. Hah...

Roland tossed a towel around his neck and then gestured towards the exit with his head. "You want to grab some dinner? Mari said that she'd treat us out to celebrate the creation of the Eternal Knights if we wanted."

I hummed and said, "I would like to. But..."

> Many peers are considering your actions. 

> Many nobles in the Crown Prince's factions are plotting against you.

> Many nobles self-purportedly in Evelyn's factions are plotting against you as well.

> A great deal of females are jealous of your casual bond with Roland.

> A good number of females are blaming you for corrupting their knight with your seductive ways.

> You have gained 1,000 SP. Current SP: 52,000

"...I think I need some time to myself." 

Roland noticed the people watching us and put on a serious expression. "Should I deal with them?"

"It's fine." I smiled and said, "It's kind of cute. If it gets too far though, I'll let you know."

"...Alright. But just a warning. Both Mari and the princess seem pretty protective of you, so try not to let things go too far."

I felt a headache coming along and said, "Ugh. Don't remind me."

Roland laughed and then said, "Alright. Then I'll head out first." He glanced at the other free weights littering my station and said, "I presume you'll be out a bit longer?"

I nodded. "Have to train my body up to catch up to you, Rolo."

"Well, don't work too hard." Roland waved and then left. And the moment he did, the training facility's atmosphere changed.

It wasn't outright hostile, but it was definitely uncomfortable. And while he wasn't anywhere close to me, I could feel Isaac's prickly gaze on me from somewhere in the distance.


The price we pay for power...


Isaac Frostblade stared at the commoner who snuck his way into the princess's good graces.

It didn't make sense.

Isaac was the perfect candidate to stand at her side. His family was loyal, he was talented, and he was willing and able to do anything to protect her.

Yet the princess not only spurned him, but she chose a commoner with a mysterious background who could very well be a spy of some sort aiming to take down the Empire. Perhaps even someone from the Crown Prince considering the commoner's stance on who was most fit to rule.

It was unforgiveable. 

"Lord." A young man with black hair moved to Isaac's side and glanced at the commoner. "Should we take care of him?"

Isaac glanced over at the young man. He didn't recall the person's name, but he was the son of a baron who threw his lot in with Isaac in some attempt to obtain power. Someone who purposefully wished to become Isaac's hands and feets. 

The offer was tempting. However...

"No." Isaac shook his head. "Leave him be."

Even without Isaac's interference, the rumor mill was already working against the commoner. The princess was well beloved, and for her grace and affection to be stolen by a man with no background or much skill was enough to earn the ire of the nobles.

So Isaac would just watch him. Besides... though that commoner annoyed Isaac and raised his suspicions... 

"Haha! Of course, Lord! You must have some great plan... We'll do as you say then!" The yes-man who appeared out of the blue earlier smiled and started ranting some nonsense.

Isaac glanced at him and then remained quiet. Particularly when he sensed a faint hint of malice emanating from that noble's body.

...Yes. Even if the commoner was suspicious and drew Isaac's ire, he was sincere regarding the princess. Though the commoner didn't care about the princess's duties or her position at all, he at least cared about her as an individual, as taboo as that may be.

Isaac watched the commoner struggle to lift weights for a bit longer and then turned around to leave. 


Time passed without issue. 

I attended classes in the morning. Had lunch with Evelyn in the afternoon while we planned out the direction to take the Eternal Knights. Trained in the evening, sometimes joined by either Roland, Evelyn, or Marisa depending on what I was training. And late at night, I carefully took note of any suspicious points.

But overall, nothing happened. Like a proper tutorial stage, after that first hiccup with the crazy Tenth Apostle showing up, it was just some relaxed school life simulation.

Kind of like in Persona, where I just spent the days improving my relationships, parameters, and skills while plotting for the big event happening in the future. Which for me would be the midterm practical exam.

That was where everything would change, for better or worse.

I'd made preparations. And I'd confirmed the abilities of the main cast. Barring a crazy thing like a Rank 6 monster that was immune to physical attacks or something, it should be resolved without issue. Even then, I had built up enough 'plausibility' to pull out some trump cards to handle a situation like that. So-

"As deep in thought as ever, Alexander?" Roland grinned and then wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "At this rate, you'll be sporting gray hairs before you even turn twenty."

I chuckled and said, "Well, it would make me look quite distinguished, so that's only a plus, no?"

Roland laughed and said, "Always looking on the bright side, hm?" He patted my shoulder and the pulled his arm back. "That's what I like about you, Alexander."

I sighed. "And that's what I hate about you. Do you understand the rumors that are going around because of how you act and what you say regarding me?"

Roland shrugged.

I sighed again.

We were currently on a bus headed towards the Gate where our midterm practical would take place. Since the instructors wanted to reduce potential problems springing up beforehand, and also to make sure people were in the proper state of mind, the male and female students had been separated into different buses. 

Which was why I was currently sitting next to Roland instead of either Evelyn or Marisa. Though, that was probably for the better.

Nobody had done anything about me spending so much time with Evelyn. But I was pretty sure that people would be tempted to try something in the Gate if they saw us together one more time before the practical started.

Not that I really cared. It would just be mildly annoying. But I anticipated some people coming after me anyway, so they'd just be added to the list.

Roland glanced at me, a serious expression on his face. "By the way... Are you prepared?"

"Hm?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "For what?"

Roland frowned and said, "Even after all this time, you haven't even broken through to the third circle. Considering the Gate's danger level is C, it might be a bit dangerous even for you. Not only that..." His frown deepened and he said, "Something feels off about this exam."

Leave it to the MC to sense the plot developments. I was pretty impressed considering there hadn't been any objective hints or clues of something going down. Still. "Don't worry, Rolo." I smiled and then made a show of flexing my arm. "If anything goes wrong, I'll just show off another percent of my true power."

Roland laughed and said, "Well, if you're able to joke about it like that, I suppose I shouldn't be worried."

I smiled and said, "I appreciate it. But you should know by now, Rolo. I might be a commoner, but I'm not common."

Roland laughed again and said, "Taking the princess's words to heart now, are we?"

"Considering I hear them every day, I have to, don't I?"

Roland smiled. "So. When is the imperial wedding date?"

> Great hostility has been directed towards you!

> Many male students are wavering on malice!

> Some students are pondering the plausibility of getting away with murder!

> You have gained a great deal of attention! 

> The system is recalculating your SP... Current SP: 100000

Roland you trolling-

Ah. Wait.

I blinked and stared at the messages that popped up.

100000 SP... that should be enough, right?

> You selected the trait [Jack-of-all-trades]. The cost is 100,000 SP. Would you like to purchase it?

It WAS enough. And it was tempting... But on the other hand...

> Calculating... Spending the user's current SP is sufficient to raise all stats to 40 (Fourth Tier).

Right. I could do that too. And then if I manage to raise it a bit more, I could use the rank-up voucher to reach Rank 6 and obtain a unique domain. It'd be suspicious, but at that point, it was enough talent for people to throw that suspicion away.

"Alexander?" Roland frowned and waved his hand in front of me. "Are you alright? Nerves getting to you?"

I closed my eyes to dismiss the messages and then let out a sigh. After that, I looked at Roland and said, "Not nervous. Just thinking about how much of a mess I'm going to be in because of how blatantly you ship me and Evelyn."


"...Forget about it. Instead..." I smiled and said, "How are things going with you and Marisa?"

"Hm?" Roland tilted his head and said, "They're going well? She's helping me a lot in testing my Talents. Though she keeps insisting on physically examining my body and treating me out to food after training sessions." He shook his head and said, "I keep insisting that's not necessary between friends, but she just gives me a strange look each time..."

...Was Roland always this dense? 

Wait, no. He was supposed to fall in love with Evelyn first before realizing that love was a thing. But since I was here...

Dammit. I'll need to head back to the drawing board after this...

The bus came to a stop. Afterwards, Professor Jake stood up from his spot at the front of the bus. Letting out a grin, he said, "Alright you lads! Get ready! You're going to be in for the time of your lives in this test! Bwahahaha!"

...Trouble. I sensed trouble...


"Good." Elio stood in the middle of the field and looked around at the students and volunteers. "It seems everyone is here."

I stood next to Roland and quietly looked around.

We were in the middle of the Highland Plains, about an hour north of Starlight Academy by bus. It was mostly grassland, with gently rolling green hills broken up by the occasional trees and shrubbery. Also some random animals that were mutated by the mana from naturally spawning Gates.

It was also a different place than the mid-term was supposed to take place in 3D-ED. 

Originally, it should have been some ruins to the south of Starlight with a Gate newly discovered by the Gate Exploration Guild. 

That was much more dangerous, of course.

But that was also with Elio not around. It seemed like since the best Gate Explorer was still in charge of things, he'd found a more fitting and secure Gate for us students to have our test. 

Forget butterfly effect, this was starting to be an entirely different story completely...

But that was fine.

Though events may change, people didn't. At least, not in such a short period of time.

I could be sure that the Crown Prince and the Void Sovereign would try something here. And case in point...

Elio nodded and said, "Today, you will be exploring a real Gate. Unlike our classes, you can be harmed or killed." He gestured towards the people next to him and said, "Heroes and Imperial Guards have graciously volunteered to protect and escort any injured students out of the Gate. But know that while it is a safety measure, it is not a safety net." His expression turned serious and he said, "Carelessness, recklessness, and stupidity can and will lead to death."

Although Elio said that, I could feel more than a few dozen eyes on me as well as faint malice. Not only that...

> [Story Quest: First Revision] begins!

> Objective: Survive

> Failure: Death

> Success: Dependent on performance.

> Good luck!

...But I had those feelings verified by the pop-up from the system.

Elio stared at the students to impress the severity of the situation. And then he nodded and said, "This is an individual examination. We will enter students in groups of ten, accompanied by a Hero or Guard. Walk forward when your name is called."

I took a deep breath. 

Alright. This was it. The first major revision I'd have to overcome.

No pressure. Just completely unknown territory.

...But even then, it should be doable.

"...Alexander Smith."

Elio called out my name.

I looked up and saw a group of nine students already waiting next to a dour looking man with black hair and crimson eyes.

I didn't recognize any of them. But it probably didn't matter. Because...

"Clear." Elio nodded and said, "Enter."

...When we entered, we'd be scattered. At least, that was what I would do to cause the most chaos if I was on the antagonists' side.

And true to my thoughts-

> The first development! <Random Entrance Teleportation>!

> Be warned! This is a mutated Gate! Difficulty is evaluated to be B-rank!

> Monsters of Rank 4 are common, and Rank 5 are possible! The boss will be at least Rank 6!

> The Void Arbiters have infiltrated the Gate ahead of time with their agents!

> The Crown Prince has sent the Imperial Shadows to eliminate certain targets!

> Many students are at risk of perishing!

> A Domain has been activated! All abilities are restricted to Rank 2!

The moment I walked through the Gate, I was alone and bombarded with messages.

I paused to read them.

I read them again.

Then I cursed and started running. "I hate competent villains!"

Forget a plot development, this was a complete wipeout scenario! Game over! Kaput!

Half the class or more would be killed off right from the start at this rate!

"I should never have written the criteria to summon the Demon God as a 'chaos' and 'negative energy' threshold... Dammit."

next chapter
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