To tame a king is to ask his subjects to rule in his stead.
Zina stared with horror at the severed head that lay at her feet. She was numb to any feeling as she stared at the severed head of the Delta of the NorthSteed Pack. A sight she was sure Seraph would have otherwise enjoyed since the man was the same person responsible for handling Seraph during the days she was still a slave.
Unfortunately for Seraph, Zina could not do much against the man. But now it would seem as though Daemon himself had taken her vengeance.
Albeit in a twisted way.
"What is the meaning of this!" A voice that Zina didn't bother to recognize billowed from somewhere at the back.
Severed heads were still raining down like head-rain. The sight was nothing short of claustrophobic and Zina suddenly wished she was anywhere but there…and she was sure she wasn't the only one feeling like that. Join discord for more info.