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39.06% Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest! / Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Some Events That Happened In My Life.

Capítulo 23: Chapter 23: Some Events That Happened In My Life.

'Rimuru POV:'

It's been nearly 18,000 years since Milim's last rampage, and time has seemed to flow steadily since then, with few notable events breaking the flow.

On the day when we created our Demon Lord council, we had a party at Guy's place. Everything went well at that party, except for a few things.

Present at the party were myself, Ciel, Velz, Velgrynd, Milim, Guy, Ramiris, Veldora, Diablo, Rain, and Misary.

After discovering that Ciel is my wife, Milim almost went on a rampage again, but we were able to calm her down.

As the night progressed, the atmosphere grew more intimate, culminating in an unexpected turn of events. A moment of passion between Velz, Grynd, and myself evolved into a steamy threesome. When Ciel decided to join in, it became a foursome, adding an extra layer of excitement to the already memorable occasion.

(A/N: If you guys want, I can make a side story [lemon chapter] of this later. Tell me in the comments.)

At the party, we all decided to relax and have fun by letting go of our usual defenses and enjoying some drinks without holding back. Velz, feeling a bit competitive, challenged me to a drinking game, maybe hoping to get back at me for making her work before. Grynd, being Grynd, couldn't resist joining in, adding to the excitement with her friendly rivalry with Velz.

As the night went on and the drinks kept coming, the contest became less important, and we all just focused on having a good time, laughing and chatting.

But with all that alcohol flowing, our guards were down, and things got a bit wild. Before we knew it, I found myself in a steamy situation with Velz and Grynd.

And just when I thought things couldn't get any crazier, Ciel jumped in, adding even more fun to the mix. After the steamy encounter, I ended up having sex with Velz, Grynd, and Ciel, adding an unexpected twist to the already memorable night.

Second morning when we all woke up, we were freaked out because we were all naked in one room on a single bed. I was in the middle of the bed, Velz was on the right side of me, Grynd was on the left side of me, and Ciel was on top of me. But after remembering the events of the previous night, we calmed down.

After that, we had a talk. Ciel said she didn't mind if they wanted to be with me, but Velz said she enjoyed sex with me but as of right now, she didn't want to enter into any romantic relationship, and the same went for Grynd.

Then Ciel proposed that we could have a relationship where we could satisfy our desires without getting into any romantic relationship. It's like we're very close friends and have a sexual relationship, but we're not interested in a romantic way with each other, like friends with benefits.

Actually, after spending the night with them, I had realized that I have feelings for them. But I didn't confess my feelings to them because when they told me they didn't want to enter into any romantic relationship right now, I thought that if I were to confess my feelings to them, there is a chance that they would change their minds out of sympathy, and I don't want anyone's sympathy.

Because we are close friends and now only one step behind getting into a romantic relationship, and now if I were to confess my feelings to them, then they could change their minds because of me, and I don't want that. I want them to take this decision by themselves, and I don't want to force my opinions/feelings on them.

I don't want them to reconsider their choices just because of me. I want them to choose their decision without any pressure or something like that.

That's why I decided to honor their decision and wait until they change their minds.

After next day...

"Wait!! Wait!! Rimuru-sama! Don't go any further!" As I was explaining the events that transpired during the time-skip, the author of this story suddenly called me and stopped me.

"What do you want, author?" I asked him in a rather irritated voice.

In reality, the author of this story is a lazy bastard and didn't focus on making the story creative. I have told that bastard to make the story more creative, but he didn't listen to me. Well, for the time being, let's listen to what he has to say.

"It's just that, Rimuru-sama, before you continue, there is something that I would like to tell the readers," the author told me, his reason for interrupting.

"First, you act lazy; second, you don't make the story creative, and now you are trying to interfere with my story! Did you really forget that I am the one who controls this and all of the stories and their authors then even if they are fictional or real!! And if I want, then I can make anyone as strong as Veldanava. I can do as I see fit with all stories; like if I want, I can kill anyone! Do I need to remind you?" I said to him, trying to intimidate him.

I hoped that after scaring him a little, he might stop being lazy and become more creative. No harm in trying.

"I know, Rimuru-sama, but it's very important!" he said, seeming rather desperate.

"Fine, for this once, I'll let you do this," I said and backed down.

"Thank you, Rimuru-sama. I will never forget your kindness!" he said gratefully.

"Just finish your thing!" I said to him.

Seriously, now he's starting to irritate me even more. But I wonder what he wants to tell the readers?

'Author's POV:'

Hahaha, finally, I was able to take my lead. Now readers will be able to listen to my thoughts. Hehehe

"Did you say something?" Rimuru-sama said in a sweet voice.

"No, Rimuru-sama, it must be your imagination!" I used the infamous 'Ciel-style Uno Reverse Card.'

"Tch* she taught you, huh? I need to see her tonight," he said and left.

Hehehe, All Hail Ciel-sama!!!!!!!

So the reason I am doing this is because I want to tell you something, and that is,

Actually, Velzard and Velgrynd also have feelings for Rimuru, but because of their pride, they won't confess to him. That's why they told him that they enjoyed sex with him but don't want to enter into any romantic relationship right now. They only said this to avoid confessing their love to Rimuru.

And when Ciel proposed the idea that they can have a relationship where they can satisfy their desires without getting into a romantic relationship, they were relieved and happy. Relieved and happy because now they can satisfy their desires with Rimuru without entering a romantic relationship, and they can confess their feelings to him in the future.

Also in my story, the progress of the romantic relationship between Rimuru, Velzard, and Velgrynd is slow.

That's all!!

"Rimuru-sama, I am finished. You can take it from here," I said to Rimuru-sama, showing as much respect as possible because I don't want to die by his hands. But if it's by the hands of Ciel-sama, then it's okay, I guess.

"Bastard, you dare not entertain impure thoughts about my beloved Ciel! Your audacity in imagining staining her purity shall not go unpunished. For this grievous sin, you will suffer eternal torment by the hands of [Azathoth]. [Azathoth], unleash your infernal wrath upon him for all eternity!" Rimuru-sama's voice thundered with chilling intensity, sending shivers down the spine. It threatened the very existence itself.


No... no, Rimuru, I beg of you!!!

Readers, pray for my safety.

'Third Person POV:'

As Rimuru's menacing voice resounded in the empty void, a gate materialized following his command, its mere presence radiating unimaginable power—power beyond anyone's imagination. Soon, the gate opened, releasing an ominous aura that screamed of power, authority, death, despair, destruction, chaos, torment, suffering, life, and creation. As the gate opened, a hand emerged from the other side, pulling the author inside with an irresistible force.

Upon arriving on the other side of the gate, the author's eternal torture and suffering commenced. His cries, filled with pain and anguish, echoed throughout the empty Void, an occurrence that seemed impossible but still transpired. As his tormented voice reverberated, the gate closed and disappeared, leaving behind the terror of [Azathoth] in the empty void.

'Rimuru POV:'

Serves right to that bastard for thinking something indecent about my beloved Ciel. She is mine and mine alone; no one has the permission to think any impure thoughts about her, not even you readers. And if you thought something indecent, then you will also suffer eternal torment by the hands of [Azathoth].

And if you guys are wondering how this story will continue after the author is gone, don't worry, because for my story, only I am needed. Things like the author, characters, readers, and others are nothing but fodder in front of me. As long as I want, the story will continue, even if the author is dead or suffering eternal torment and can't write the story anymore. Because I am above everyone and everything; everything happens as I wish. It doesn't matter what happens because as long as I wish, the story will continue.

Now, where was I? Ah, I remember. So, after the next day, Ramiris returned to her place. Grynd stayed with us for one week, and during that time, we had sex more than seven times. Then she returned to that blondie. But I, along with Diablo, Milim, and Veldora, stayed there for some more time.

During that time, Milim named her pet dragon. When I asked her if she gave him the name "Gaya" or if Velda gave it to him, she explained that she was just calling her friend by the name Gaya, but in reality, he didn't have any real name. She hadn't named him before because she wasn't strong enough.

So, I told her that now she is strong enough to name him, and she did it. She named him 'Gaya'.

We stayed at Guy's place for some time, and during that period, I had many threesomes with Velz and Ciel.

Around this time, Velz began to transform into her teenage form using our intrinsic skill, [Universal Shapeshift], and her teenage form is incredibly adorable. In that form, she appears to be around 16-17 years old.

They, along with Ciel, wanted me to change into a child form because they wished to see my cute, childish face.

My child form looks like this.

Initially, I rejected their request, but they didn't back down and forced me to change into a child form.

With no other choice, I resigned to my fate and transformed into my child form using my intrinsic skill, [Universal Shapeshift]. In that form, my age appears to be around 8-10 years old.

After transforming into my child form, they nearly squeezed me to death, and every night when we go to sleep, they cuddle me.

At that moment, I realized that regardless of the situation, a husband can never win an argument with his wife. He always has to listen to his wife, no matter what, because if he doesn't, he'll end up sleeping on the sofa for at least a week.

Moreover, they even forced me to stay in this form for almost all the time, except when we were having sex, of course.

After leaving us, Ramiris entered the cycle of reincarnation, and her new incarnation is in a fairy form, or more precisely, now she has become a pixie.

She's quite an annoying one. Even after getting incarnated into a fairy (pixie) form, she still has all of her powers and nearly all of her memories, so she still knows us.

However, after incarnating into fairy (pixie) form, her personality has changed. Now, her personality is quite annoying and childish.

Then, after a few centuries later, we returned to our forest. Milim also came with us.

Milim has also mastered her ultimate skill in the centuries following her rampage, and now she is as strong as Veldora. They are equal in strength, but Veldora possesses more skills than Milim, and he is more skilled than her. This is due to our Tempest Art's and his Veldora style killing art.

If they were to fight, it would be very difficult to determine the victor.

This is because Milim possesses the Magicules Breeder Reactor and extremely powerful defensive and offensive abilities. On the other hand, Veldora can borrow [Nihility] energy from me to match her Magicules Breeder Reactor. Additionally, he is more skilled than her and possesses a Probability Manipulation skill, allowing him to penetrate her defenses.

So for now, we can say there are 50-50% chances of either one winning.

Around the time when we returned to our place, a Primordial Angel destroyed some nations and evolved into a True Demon Lord. His name is Dino.

After his evolution, he approached Guy to join our Demon Lord council, and Guy also accepted him. Then, Guy arranged a 'Walpurgis.'

When humans came to know that we had formed a Demon Lord council and were going to have a meeting, they started to call our gathering the 'Walpurgis'. We accepted it because it sounded cool.

At first, when Guy invited me to Walpurgis, I was not going to attend and declined his invitation. However, later, I began to ponder why a primordial angel would want to join a primordial demon. This piqued my curiosity.

And like any other person, I decided to satisfy my curiosity, so I chose to attend this Walpurgis.

So, upon meeting him, I became certain that he had alternative motives behind joining us.

So, in that meeting, we accepted him as one of us and granted him the fifth seat on the Demon Lord council. After the meeting, I invited him to my place for some talking (interrogation).

At first, when I started to ask him about his real reason for joining us, he didn't say anything. But after some "talking," he spilled the beans.

He said that Velda had given him the job of observer/watcher of this world. He was just doing his job, observing this world for a long time. But when Velda died, he became angry at humans and elves, but he decided to wait for Velda's resurrection.

However, even after waiting for a few centuries, Velda didn't resurrect himself. So, in a state of anger, he destroyed some human and elven nations, and because of this, he, along with his two companions 'Pico' and 'Gracia,' went from 'Seraph' to 'Fallen Angels'.

During this process, he evolved into a True Demon Lord. After calming down, he continued observing the world as Velda instructed him. Until one day when his fellow primordial angel named 'Feldway,' who is also their leader, approached him and told him to join us and keep observing us.

Feldway thought that because of his evolution into a True Demon Lord, we wouldn't become suspicious of him.

But sadly, this Feldway guy doesn't know who he is dealing with.

So, he did what he was told, and that's why he joined us. However, I wasn't convinced by his story because, no matter what, it seems unnecessary to send him to us just to observe us. So, I pressured him further.

Even after pressuring him, he said that he doesn't know any more than this. He told me that Feldway didn't tell too much to his subordinates. Feldway thinks that his subordinates do as he says and follow the orders without asking and knowing much.

But he also said to me that he also thinks that Feldway has some alternative motives behind sending him to us.

After conversing with him, I asked about his skills, suspecting that he might possess abilities open to control, akin to how Michael can control all angelic series skills.

Initially, he was hesitant to share this information. However, when I activated my eyes to threaten him, he relented, revealing not only his own skills but also the skills of other angels he was aware of.

He possessed one ultimate skill and one unique skill. His ultimate skill, [Heaven Lord: Astarte], was bestowed upon him by Velda long before Velda even met me.

Astarte's primary ability is, evolving skills in the direction desired by the user. Even a unique skill can transform into an ultimate skill if the user possesses sufficient energy.

An example of this is his unique skill, [Sloth], which he evolved from his extra skill, [Accidie]. He acquired this extra skill due to his perpetual laziness, which only served to elevate his indolence to a spiritual level. Truly, the perfect skill for him.

After evolving into a True Demon Lord, he finally had enough energy to evolve his extra skill into a unique one.

Upon discovering his possession of an angelic series skill, I realized that Feldway might have intentions to exploit him for some purpose. There's a possibility that, upon Rudra's death, he could acquire [Michael].

Given that Rudra is an arrogant idiot, and his arrogant demeanor, it's possible that his actions may lead to his downfall one day.

And there is a possibility that Feldway might acquire [Michael] following Rudra's death.

So after that, Ciel and I discussed the topic and decided to let Dino stay with us for a while to observe his personality and motives.

In just a few years, he earned my trust, and we became somewhat good friends, but he is still lazy as hell.

However, I had a rule in my place that stated, "If you don't work, then you will not get any food." Since the food in my place makes everyone addicted to its flavor and makes them want it more as they eat, he had to work, willingly or unwillingly.

Also, Ramiris visited us quite often, and he and Ramiris also became good friends, but whenever they met, they always started bickering with each other.

And Ramiris has started to call Veldora "master." She calls him that because they started reading mangas together, and because Veldora is stronger than her and experienced in reading manga, she calls him master.

Dino and I have become such good friends that he even told me about his life when Velda was alive.

When Velda was alive, Dino always remained by his side. On the battlefield, he was the sword of Veldanava.

After hearing that, I tested his sword skills, and after that, I can confidently say that he is so skilled in swords that he is the greatest sword master in the whole Tensura world and one of the greatest sword masters in the entire existence. In the Tensura and Fiction Worlds, he stands only below me, Ciel, and Veldanava.

And Ciel and I are the greatest and most skilled in all kinds of fighting styles like sword art, martial arts, and all other arts like that in the entire existence, including the Tensura World and Fiction World, which are inside existence.

Continuing, he mentioned that when he was away from Velda and carrying out the assigned tasks given by him, Velda married Lucia, and they had Milim. Later, Velda passed away.

Upon learning of Velda's death, he was angered but decided to wait a little. However, even after centuries passed without Velda resurrecting himself, Dino became enraged. It wasn't just a normal anger; he was super angry, losing all his senses.

In a fit of rage, he destroyed the nations involved in Velda's death, harnessing the creative and destructive power of Astarte to reduce those once-prosperous nations to nothing.

However, in just a few years, he earned my trust, demonstrating that he was not working with anyone. So, Ciel and I decided to destroy the control circuit in his ultimate skill.

I entrusted Ciel with this task. However, I soon realized it was a mistake to allow her free rein and let her do as she wishes. But by then, it was already too late.

Instead of destroying the control circuit in his ultimate skill, she evolved his unique skill, [Sloth], into the ultimate skill, [Slothful King: Belphegor]. Later, she integrated both [Astarte] and [Belphegor].

In that process, Dino acquired a new ultimate skill, [Fallen King: Astaroth], which is as strong as both [Astarte] and [Belphegor] combined.

Abilities of his new ultimate skill are,

Fallen King : Astaroth


(1) Thought Acceleration: Accelerates the user's thought processing speed up to a factor of a million.

(2) Analytical Appraisal: Analyzes and assesses the target.

(3) Fallen Catastrophe: The ability to store energy as long as user is in the sleep and not moving or other words lazing around. The capacity of energy to store is not limited.

(4) Fallen Thanatos: It allows the user to enforce the concept of death like state/sleep onto anyone or anything, forcing them into an inactive state. This ability works even on inanimate objects and Spiritual Lifeforms who have no biological need to sleep and cannot be resisted by willpower alone.

(5) Forced Evolution: The ability to evolve skills in the direction that the user desires. Unique Skills can even evolve into Ultimate Skills if the user has enough energy.

(6) Space-Time Manipulation: It allows the user to manipulate and utilize the Elements of Space and Time, allowing them to perform Space-Time Connection or even Instant Motion depending on their proficiency.

(7) Demon Lord's Haki.

(8) Multi-Dimensional Barrier.

After seeing his skill, I can say that if he masters his new ultimate skill, then he will be pretty strong and a force to be reckoned with.

Also, I gave him his title because Guy was planning something lame, so I told Guy that I'll decide his title and he can choose all the other people who will join us in the future.

The title that I gave him is 'The Progenitor of Sword Techniques'.

He is the greatest sword master in the world, so I thought that this title will suit him.

After a long period of time, nothing special happened. We spent our days lazing around, occasionally engaging in fights, and, from time to time, I also had sex with Velz and Grynd.

Additionally, Milim has taken a liking to pranking. She always tries to pull pranks on me, often without considering the consequences. One time, her prank went awry, resulting in the destruction of an entire nation. She seems indifferent to the well-being of others, excluding a select few individuals.

A few centuries ago, a Giant named Dagruel joined us, accompanied by a Vampire. Although I have not personally met them, Milim informed me that they are not yet awakened Demon Lords, and they are not that powerful either.

She said that this Dagruel is slightly stronger than Dino but weaker than Grynd. Ciel also told me that he is the one whom Veldanava fought all those years ago, the Giant Mad King Titan, and later divided him into three Giants.

She mentioned that Dagruel is the oldest among the three brothers and also the king of his nation, which is inhabited by Giants. He and his younger brother rule over that country, while the middle brother is sealed by Velda.

After he joined us, Guy instructed Dino to stay with Dagruel. I don't know why, and I don't care either way because as long as Dino wants to go, then it's fine. And even if he doesn't want to, it's not like it's my problem anyway, but it will be quite interesting to watch their dispute. Surprisingly, Dino listened to Guy and went to live in the nation of Giants. He must be thinking that he can live there without doing any work.

Lazy bastard!

And about the Vampire, Ciel said that her name is Luminous Valentine, and she is the queen of all Vampires. Ciel also mentioned that there is a possibility that Luminous might possess a Demon Lord seed.

Well, it's none of my business, so I didn't think about it too much.

The new people who joined us are aware that there is one more Demon Lord in the Demon Lord council, but they don't know that it is me. They only know my title, not even my name.

They only know that there is one more Demon Lord, and his title is 'The Embodiment of Nothingness: The Ruler of Void,' and that's all, nothing more, nothing less.

It's been so long, and I haven't made any appearance in public, so people are starting to forget about me. They think that there are only six Demon Lords: Guy, Milim, Ramiris, Dino, Dagruel, and Luminous, and not seven.

Should I make my existence known? Nah... Who cares about that.

I am fine as long as the people I am close with know me, like my fellow Primordials, True Dragons, and other people like Ramiris and Dino.

These two new Demon Lords only know that there is one more member, but they do not know that it is me.

Hehe, it will be fun if I suddenly appear in the Walpurgis. But not anytime soon.

Because there is no need to make them aware of my existence, as it is not beneficial to me in any way. So let things remain as they are.

I also told Ciel to do something to make my life more interesting because I am starting to get bored of following the same routine.

After listening to me, she altered reality a little and made some changes, telling me that the results will come in a few thousand years. I wonder what she did.

This is starting to become so interesting!!

During this period, Guy was starting to act weird. He asked me out on a date for some time. At first, I thought it was just a joke and let it slide, but after 2-3 times, it started to get on my nerves. Still, I kept my cool and declined him.

But when he came to ask me for the fourth time, I was about to lose it, but Ciel got really angry. And angry means super angry, she got angry to the point that even I don't want to see her like that.

After that she took him into the I [maginary Space] and altered the flow of time there. I think she and [Azathoth] did something to him.

I don't know how long they were there because for me, they were gone for only a second, and I don't know what she did with him either because when she returned, she had a delighted expression.

I was going to ask what she did with him, but after seeing Guy's condition, I didn't want to know anymore.

After that incident, Guy didn't talk to me for more than a thousand years. And after a thousand years, he started talking again, but this time he didn't ask me out even once.

Good for me.

And whenever he sees Ciel or her name is brought up, he starts to shiver from fear, and his eyes have the look of utter terror, as if he could die any moment.

From that point on, he has gotten a PTSD from Ciel.

Really, I didn't even notice, and already 18,000 years have passed since we created the Demon Lord council.

<<Master, someone is trying to enter this timeline from another timeline. Would you allow them, or should I send them back?>>

>>Who is that person? Do they have some kind of skill that lets them travel between timelines? And are they from Tensura or the Fiction World?<<

I still remember when Ciel told me the truth of existence. It was surprising but not unexpected.







'Continuation from Chapter 17: The Supreme Deity'

>>It's too much to take in all at once. Just run an appraisal on me. Also, you mentioned the Fiction World and Tensura World a few times. Could you explain that to me as well?<<


And that's end that's all for this chapter.

'Next chapter will be "The One Who Rules Over Everything!!"'

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count: 4.7k

God_RimuruTempest God_RimuruTempest

Guys, here are some things that I would like to clarify.

(1) First thing is about Ramiris,

Ramiris's personality is like her canon self, but she still has all of her powers from when she was in her complete state, meaning the state before she entered the reincarnation cycle, and almost all of her memories, including before entering the reincarnation cycle. It happened because she didn't absorb all of the magicules; instead, she absorbed nearly half of the magicules, and the remaining magicules were absorbed by Rimuru.

(2) Second thing is about Dino,

Yes, Dino evolved into a True Demon Lord. It is also mentioned in the Light Novel that Dino has evolved and become a True Demon Lord when he destroyed the nations before joining the Demon Lord council which is known as 'Walpurgis'.

Guys, I like Dino's character so much. He is a perfect background side character. That's why in my story, he is a good guy and has been on Rimuru's side from the beginning. Also, in my story, he is stronger than his canon self because it is only natural.

He is a primordial angel who has lived since the dawn of creation and is also considered as a sword of Veldanava, so it's only natural for him to become strong. That's why I made him several times stronger than his canon self. Additionally, in LN vol 21, it is made official that Dino's two ultimate skills are merged and become a new ultimate skill, which is [Astaroth].

next chapter
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