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33.33% Tensei Slime: The First Otherworlder / Chapter 4: The Origins

Capítulo 4: The Origins

To understand the origin of the great interracial war, it was necessary to understand more about the races involved.

Which would not be difficult to understand.

For it all led back to Twilight and the experiments he'd performed for thousands of years.

The great war turned out to be one more consequence of his search for the perfect being.

What a terrible turn his experiments had taken.

If his name was meant to mean the dawn that rids the world of darkness, he ended up becoming the other side of a twilight, the darkness that overcame the light of day.

But that aside for now.

It would be better to understand a little more about the emergence of species.





It was a long process that lasted about three thousand years.

At the beginning of his experiments, where he used mindless creatures of nature as guinea pigs.

Twilight discovered through vitality manipulation that a creature's lifespan was directly related to its ability to father children.

That is, the longer a creature's lifetime, the lower its ability to generate children, and vice versa.

It was for this reason that a truly immortal being like him was incapable of such a feat.

Twilight also knew that he was Veldanava's ideal for the beings that should inhabit the earth.

The perfect human, according to his creator.

It was with this knowledge that he used [biological manipulation] to analyze his own body and take it as a reference.

After reaching completion, he used [Life Creation], [Evolution Manipulation] and [Vitality Manipulation] to generate a being similar to himself.

Those were his unique skill effects [Evolution].

It took mental effort and a lot of mana usage involved, but in the end, the experiment was a success.

"It sure is you, my first creation, the one Veldanava-sama has been waiting for all this time.

From this moment forward his name will be Jahil, the King of mankind."

Twilight was happy that he had created his first humanoid specimen.

In short, he just took his own genetics and through vitality manipulation, he eliminated his god factor and immortality to create a new specimen, hoping that his reproductive capacity would be high.

Which ended up working beautifully.

Thus was born the first of the High Humans. A rather average looking young man with a large nose and long light hair, perhaps his only distinguishing feature was his golden eyes.

When he was named, there was supposed to be an evolution or something like that, but nothing special happened.

Which in a way defied the primordial laws of the world.

But that was also caused by Twilight.

He feared that naming his creatures would end up compromising all his efforts. Just like it did when Veldanava gave him a name.

So he modified High Human so that evolution through nomenclature was not possible.

Could he really do something like that? Well, he apparently could.

And so he would do with most of his future experiments.

Only because of this, the world considered these creatures helpless and bestowed blessings and special talents to fill the gap.

Which turned out to be good.


Twilight had used the other divine ancestors to give rise to several races of high humans.

So for a long time he watched their progress in Eden.

He was delighted at first and couldn't wait to introduce them to Veldanava.

But at some point, he began to feel disillusioned with the existence of those creatures.

Although the High Humans inherited strong magic power and their reproductive ability was indisputable. They were mentally stupid creatures with an unhealthy overconfidence.

Especially the one called Jahil, the ancestor of mankind. His gaze carried contempt even for his peers, he was a despicable being whose arrogance knew no bounds.

He just tried to behave himself in Twilight's presence, which he held in some esteem.

Too bad he wasn't reciprocated, Twilight had already lost interest in the High Humans.

"Jahil my student, it's time for you to set out to create your nation and develop your people…"

Twilight used a similar excuse to get rid of the high humans.

Which would have been difficult given the dangers that lay ahead of the place Twilight intended to send them.

But it turned out to be easy with the help of the Queen of Spirits, who was also the administrator of the stars.

She simply teleported them to a different continent that they could easily adapt to.

She also sent some of them to other worlds, this in pairs of opposite genders, it wasn't hard to guess why.

But that was a secret request from Veldanava, who didn't intend to directly interfere with Twilight's plans, let alone show up anytime soon.

Going back to the High Humans who were sent to another continent in the core world.

Jahil was all smiles as he took Twilight's rant to heart. He believed his time to reign supreme had arrived, so he set out determined to create the greatest and most powerful of nations.

Twilight had not allowed some of the high humans to leave, as she intended to use them in future experiments.

But until then, he left them in the care of the other divine ancestors and returned to carrying out experiments in search of the perfect being.


On the second attempt, Twilight analyzed her body again to come up with a new specimen.

He used a similar method with which he had created the high humans. But this time, he used life impersonation and vitality manipulation to eliminate the human flaws he didn't want for this new species.

That's how after a long effort, vampires came into existence.

Apparently perfect beings that in a way represented everything that was lacking in high humans.

A high immortality, strong physiques and a mature mind. Not to mention that they had magic as powerful as or more than that of high humans, they were just perfect.


Twilight had conducted a forbidden and risky experiment to generate the first of the vampires. He reached far enough to analyze her own heart core, her most intimate.

Which nearly cost him his life, or existence as a whole.

Well, that was traumatizing enough that he would never try anything similar again.

But as they say, with big risks come big gains.

Because as a result, the one that Twilight considered her greatest pride was born.

"Ah! My daughter! You are my masterpiece"

He rejoiced at the birth of what he proudly called his daughter.

A beautiful girl with long silver hair and beautiful heterochromatic eyes that glowed a deep crimson and sky blue.

What caught the most attention however, were the two pure white teeth that reached the top of his small lips, his vampire fangs.

His whole existence had a certain air of nobility.

"I can feel that you are the embodiment of Veldanava-sama's ideals. What I myself should be."

"So my daughter, I bestow upon you the name Luminas. The one who represents the light and salvation of the world.

You will also inherit the name Valentine, as it represents the creator's perfection and ideas, but also because you represent a part of me."

He had said something like that at the time, his enthusiasm was frightening.

But it was no wonder, as somehow he had managed to bring Veldanava's original project to life, or at least, he had come very close to it.

An almost immortal, sentient being that could reproduce at will, and could even change its gender and form whenever it wanted.

Luminas Valentine, the queen and ancestor of vampires, fulfilled all these requirements. For this and much more it was called a perfect existence.

Feeling that the future was promising, Twilight used Luminas as a reference to create more vampires.

He had never been so happy.

But only to be disappointed again.

Luminas was a very special being whose existence could not be replicated or recreated by ordinary methods.

Twilight would have to rip out more of his life essence to create similar beings, but he wasn't willing to take that risk again.

There were other long years carrying out experiments.

Many vampires were born and died. But in the end, Twilight deemed it all a failure.

Although the new vampires maintained their qualities compared to high humans. Its weaknesses and shortcomings were simply inadmissible.

For example, they were intolerant of sunlight, suffering mortal damage at the slightest contact.

It was not known why, but its strength and durability seemed to be ignored in front of objects made of wood, it was laughable.

But even worse.

It was the strong desire and need they displayed for human blood, like mindless beasts when hungry.

Few humans were left in Eden because of the vampires' madness, even the divine ancestors suffered damage because of it.

Twilight concluded that Veldanava would never approve of the existence of such beings, so he considered them a failure.

Not wanting to risk the loss of more humans, he disposed of the vampires brusquely, throwing them into a faraway land where night lasted longer.

The good thing was that it was located on the same continent. But it was undeniable that they too had been abandoned, just like the High Humans on the other side of the world.

Twilight just didn't allow the departure of Luminas and a select group of vampires, she was too special to leave free and unattended. Her greatest treasure.

Well, you could say that was the conclusion of his second experiment.


As for the third, fourth, fifth and remaining experiments.

Twilight was taking her first steps down the path of madness.

He spent some time looking into other possibilities after his latest failure.

It was when, after much wandering, he had the idea of ​​incarnating the elemental spirits present in nature.

Yeah, spiritual engineering was his new focus.

But once again, the high humans were the biggest victims of all this.

They served as the basis and endured unpleasant treatment to ensure the success of the experiment.

Who watched everything was Luminas, who every day felt something emerging inside her.

A certain sense that he repudiated such acts.

But as that feeling grew, she continued to help Twilight, from which she learned something new every day.

As for incarnating the elemental spirits, it took time, but once again Twilight had achieved what she set out to do.

It wasn't just because of the [Evolution] skill.

Twilight was a true genius when it came to biology and species evolution.

It was safe to say that such an ability only came about because he was exactly who he was, an intellect like his would never come.

As for the new specimens.

From the element of wind, the High Elves were born.

From the element earth, the High Dwarfs were born.

From the element of fire, the Enkis.

And from the water element, the Sereais.

While carrying out such experiments, Twilight was unaware that the High Humans had already spread out and were slowly developing a nation on the distant continent.

Well, he was focused on the birth of the new specimens, so nothing else mattered to him.

He believed again that he had arrived at the result.

But only to be disappointed again.

Although the new specimens looked much better and had very peculiar talents, they also carried a flaw.

Because they originated from the four elemental spirits, they all had a certain dependence and housing preference, becoming fatal if they stayed away from these environments for a long time.

For the High Elves, it was the forests.

For the High Drwafs, were the underground places.

For Sirens, it went without saying.

As for the Enki, they were hot places like volcanoes.

In that regard, humans turned out to be better. Because they could adapt and survive to different environments.

So these new beings were also considered a failure, which led to Twilight getting rid of them.

But just like part of humans and vampires, he kept part of every species in Eden.

The goal was to use them in future experiments.

Only then again, it would backfire.


After his failure with elemental spirits, he went even further and decided to create hybrids between humans and different species.

He experimented with dragons, true giants, original fairies, and more.

There were several results.

But his longest experience, which he also found his most fascinating.

That's when he started fusing humans with different animals and magical beasts of nature.

That's where the Lycanthropes were born, humans who inherited the characteristics and capabilities of the beasts they were merged with.

He looked like he was having a lot of fun during the process.

Because there were different types of magical beasts, which made the possibilities endless.

It took him a thousand years before he felt that he had played and experimented with them all.

And as usual, he was so immersed that he was unaware of the current situation in the world.

The other races he had created and abandoned had already spread and developed their own nations.

Nations that grew stronger every day.

The biggest example was on the distant continent. Where the high humans had already spread and dominated most of it.

They split into different factions and created prosperous nations.

But most were under the jurisdiction of the Super Magic Empire, which was Jahil's domain.

The high humans were constantly at internal wars and were always aiming to decimate each other, their stupidity as a species never ceased.

But there were few nations with the courage to face the Super Magic Empire, nor did its subjects dare to carry out a coup d'état.

That's on account of Jahil their emperor. He might be an obnoxious being, but his strength and power were unquestionable.

Jahil was supposed to be past old age and to have met his death a long time ago.

But he was a true genius of the magical arts, having discovered a method to always reincarnate after death.

He could also assume other bodies if he so desired.

For this and other feats his ego led him to call himself the Great Mage.

It should be enough about the distant continent and the ancestor of mankind.

As for the central continent, it can be said that the queen of spirits helped the other races a lot.

With her power of management, she sent each race to the place best suited to their needs.

This was mostly about those descended from elemental spirits.

There they settled and developed their nations.

The dwarves founded Dwargon, led by Gran Dwargon, their ancestor.

The Elves founded the first version of Sarion, which was led by Sylvia, their ancestor, who ruled alongside her peer Grimwald, an elf with a noble and kind soul, but with a playful personality.

Sirens and Tritons founded Atlantis and became lords of the seas. They were led by Nereus, their ancestor and lord of the seas.

The Enkis, these founded Etnar, the kingdom of fire. It was advisable not to mess with them, as they were explosive and short-tempered. They were led by Kai, who was also their ancestor.

The Lycanthropes, who just occupied a territory and called it their own, were not interested in building or developing a nation. This territory came to be called the kingdom of the beasts, led by Zuri, its queen and ancestor.

Apparently all kingdoms were led by their ancestors. This was because the world bestowed blessings on the first of each kind, making them more talented and powerful than the rest.

That's why the ancestors were always on top, nobody could stand up to them unless the ancestors fought each other.

As for vampires, these were a special case.

As lords of the night, they roamed the realms always in search of delicious prey.

They split into factions led by vampire earls, their thirst for blood grew every day and their freedom led them to massacre several cities.

Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Lycanthropes no race escaped them. For a time vampires were the most feared creatures in the central continent.

But all that freedom was about to come to an end. For their ancestor, Luminas, had fled from Eden.

She just couldn't take her father's antics anymore, the whole thing was getting out of hand.

But more than her freedom, she had fled to help and unite the helpless vampires, which ended in the birth of a new kingdom.

It wasn't difficult for her, as she had a certain noble air and great charisma, not to mention that she was the strongest of the vampires.

If they, especially the counts, were not willing to listen to her, it would be enough just to force them to bow.

That was how determined she was to end the vampire madness.

There were other domains that had existed for some time.

As was the case with the realm of giants and the realm of fairies, but we will not go into detail about them.

Well, that should be enough about the origin of species.




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