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90.21% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 212: Extra: Life of a Ex-NCR Citizen

Capítulo 212: Extra: Life of a Ex-NCR Citizen

"That buzzing again..." A man with a curly beard grumbled as he tapped his alarm clock that rang loudly at 4 am in the morning.

He sat on the bed and reflected on the situation around him.

He was one of the ardent supporters of the NCR and vowed to protect the Democracy and the citizen within it... "Was" is the emphesis... When news of the politicians attempted to nuke their own capital with a majority votes and fled to the seas have broken many of their patriots as the Mechanized troops arrived and detained the defenders... He was laid off from the NCR army that forcibly drafted him for combat... Some of the traits he earn in boot camp still lingers in him.

He stared outside the bedroom window of his apartment and saw activities that occured outside.

Flying skulls and the criers yelling time for sermons by the church that is built by the imperium opened it's doors for the Sunday mass tomorrow. He took his coat that had a laspistol in the gun holder as he headed down to the mines. Taking a bread and coffee that is given to him by the vendors for a throne as he went along the avenues that is slowly came to life.

"We got fresh bread from Giono Bakery! Cheap and hot!"

"Get your pasta right here! Bolognese! Pah mihn Noodles from Asia!"

Many scents of food loitered the air as the people tried to find emphasis to cope and accepted that the imperium is here to stay.

The goods came from the planets beyond earth as those triangular shaped ship landed near California bay, making life cheap.

The imperium have conquered Shady Sands by doing nothing to the citizens. Upon their arrival, they gave a Tax freeze for three years and gave anyone a job as long as they abide by their laws, which is simple to understand to the public. It was heaven to the citizens that is taxed to death by the war effort. Though the Ex military of the NCR are unable to be recruited in the army for a certain period of time and they were allowed to own guns that is enough to defend themselves. The crackdown on crime is so severe that many sought to find jobs in the bulletin boards scattered around that requires hard labor.

The miner passed by the public space that shows tv on the current events, not every former citizens of the NCR owns a tv, much less a radio and this is one way for the citizens know of how the Imperium react on their behalf. One of the news is interesting to some as a Lawmaker from NCR asked the Arbites from Texas about the laws in place.

"So you are saying that we are able to buy guns? Does that mean that you are expecting nothing less of the citizen of the NCR might riot against you?" The lawmaker asked his host.

"My Leader told me that there is a old second amendment that was once the constitution of this nation... The right to bear arms. Why should we bother to take the right and liberty of the civilians that defend themselves from criminals and the unification of America is long and hard, there are monsters that will kill you before you get the chance to scream for help. He wants a well armed and polite society. And beside our police department would be grateful of the citizens have the chance to change what is wrong before we could react."

"So you suggesting vigilante groups?"

"That is a term that compasses on whether the hearts and minds are in the right path, if they did good and keep the darkness of the criminals at bay, less hassle for us. But if it lead to a false or worse a mistaken justice, we will uphold them in the law."

"I heard that they are making night watch for the villages and towns outside the jurisdiction of the police and military department of the imperium, what on your thoughts about it Mr Arbites?"

"As long as they take up arms against the monsters and raiders that seek harm against your family, it is a simple matter, if they sought rebellion, you know how brutal the Imperium would react." The Arbites felt amused as there is a couple of villages of hardliners NCR attempt to rebel only to be vanish off the face of the earth.

"I heard that there is a thing you called a servitor, and as a advocate for humans right activist, I complain that it is harmful the supposed humans right act is more horrible against criminals.. Your take?"

"Servitor are a crime befitted the punishment, and those that undergoes that procedure have already merit their punishment, they are verified murderers, Liars, criminals that act against the state and their people by terrorism, undermine the humanity interest of unification are worthy to be a servitor, we will not spend taxpayers money to feed entitle criminals, only for them to do it again and make it as a inspirational model for children to follow them... We have already given safety net for those that wish to break free from their hierarchical structure of being poor and looked down upon, if one chooses to be a criminal, then that is the person choice to make and that individual must accept the consequences."

"How do you know that the criminal is indeed a criminal that deserves being a servitor?"

"We have technology and techniques that have judged the crime that occured in the past. Psykers or my Lord have called them, are allowed to peer into their minds and check if they are guilty as well. So that we would not have mistaken identity."

"But reading minds is on borderline of having bodily independent?"

"No, the moment if one criminal done his deed against his fellow man, he ceased to be a human."

The arbites looked at the report that shows about the humans right activist and scoffed.

"If they are so keen of keeping criminals alive, then they should be jailed with the criminals they protected... "

"Those are just teenagers that have nothing to do, surely-"

"That the point, they have nothing to do, that they want to make it a problem for the rest of society that forced to cater to the criminals. Or do you want us to release the prisoners loose upon society without us not doing anything? This is live you know?"

"I will not stand of letting teenagers being locked up with criminals!"

"Then why are you so hurt about the Criminals lives and want to release them in the streets? Let them understand the consequences firsthand of what they are protesting for. We don't have time to deal with problems that plague this nation. Now then, back to the Commercials."

As a series of commercial promoting jobs and goods. And some of the time show the names of the NCR soldiers that got apprehended or killed in action.

The people scattered as the miner watched as he down his last bit of bread.

As he walked to the outskirts of Shady sands he hear so many people discuss what is happening.

"That person Is crazy... Wanting to release the criminals for those teenagers..."

"The Arbites is right, we better bear arms, there are still raiders and monsters that the army didn't kill off yet..."

"Did you hear about the no tax on tips? Thank God the Taxes is cheaper compares to living under the NCR... And they don't even demand us to join the Army."

"But I heard that joining the imperial army will grant you citizenship and the earn to vote... And there is no picky of age, unless one is not mentally sound."

The miner scoff a bit.. he knows the Leader of the Imperium will take them heavily as soon as those years are up...

He arrived at the mines just in time for the Afternoon shift. Ore carts flowed out by the hour as they being shipped to a train for processing the metals within. The machines began to come to life as miners gave a rotated shifts to keep the industry going.

"Jacob! Up and early I see!" The foreman smiled as he patted the miner back. The miner saw the aquila on the foreman breast pocket and frown.

"What's the quota?" Jacob gruffly asked.

"You shall mine 20 tons of iron at level 3 and 20 tons of aluminum at level 5, if you exceed the quota, I will pay you the exchange rate of the ore you found, and if you find any jewels, its yours to keep or sell it." The foreman laugh as he went to meet his valued miners.

Jacob arrived at his rig. A Ore miner that dig ores..

It was armed with a dual .50 cal machine guns to stave off the Underground monsters that lurked the depths.

He mused himself that he might use it to rebel against the government but those thoughts ended when he saw those walking churches that shook the earth...

He arrive at the entrance of the mines and a guard post nearby held a guard that Man the levers to let his rig down.

"Eh, doing your best miner of the month, Jacob what level?" The guard smiled at the miner. Many of the miners simply joined the elevator looking at the man rig with envy.

He simply gave three and five.

"Alright, I suggest that you should mine for iron first. The aluminium level is currently busy at the moment. Give us a holler when you are done." The man smiled as he pushed the lever bringing Jacob rig to the level he mined.

The journey below was lighted up with the shafts lights and tunnels filled with activity began to echoe in the depths.

He turned on the fog lights, lighting up the endless darkness. The lights he installed in his vehicle made the miners felt a bit comfortable... They began to take their place in the mines, the chipping and cracking of ores began to sound in the level.

Jacob simply pushed a lever and a grinder popped out Infront of him and began drilling for ores.

He ponder himself... Why did the ores didn't ran out? He is attentive to the mine walls and noticed that the ores never ran out and infact some of the ores contains gems and crystals... He asked around in the miners who worked in the night shift, told him that the walls were still there and the ore veins never exhausted... It was creepy to him but work is work, as the load is filled up, he left for the elevator and placed the ores on a conveyor belt that servitor scanned the ore density... He repeated until the aluminum level is cleared for working.

He never had any feeling towards the servitors..

Infact some of them he recognized them as scammers, thugs in his neighbourhood and he did often wondered where they went.

He saw a red hooded figure looking at the servitors for maintenance and he had felt his spine shuddered as he watched them simply moved on to the next batch.

As he done for the last batch and headed to the aluminum level exit, he heard alarms going off.

"Miners, We have a mole rat infestation in Level 5, please be warned, Security would be coming down to meet assist."

He arrived at the scene where a hordes of mole rats flooded the tunnels and attempted to bite and maul any miners that is unlucky enough to be in their way.

"Time for a mole hunt!" He grinned as he activate a panel nearby and a targeting hub began to light up showing the molerats that is attacking them. He grabbed the console stick and pressed the trigger, opening lead at the hordes of molerats that swarm towards him, .50 cal flowed freely as the bullets pierced the thin hides of the beasts.

After several thousand is dead and clogged up the tunnels.

A p.a system echoed in the shaft.

"Molerat infestation have been cleansed, any miners in designate level five, you may have a day off while the cleaning crew is prepared to clean the shaft."

The miners cheered as Jacob simply put a cigarette and lighted it as he waited for the shaft elevator to come down.

He met several squads holding what seems to be a enlarged flamethrowers that swept by the miner crew and immediately set fire to the dead mole rats. The green light have turned them into ashes before they had time to be carbonized to charcoal.

Bringing fear and awe among the miners.

"Are they the imperial guards?"

"From what I heard from the foreman, they are hired as security details... "

"Hey... I glad I didn't join the fight against the imperium..."

The day ended as they receive their pay. Jacob have received enough to spend loose around.

He wandered in the nigh life of Shady sands.

Brothels, Bars and karaoke began to open up.

Scent of food still lingers in his mind as he wander in the food district, going to a bar buying dinner, barbeque lamb meat and beer as the day passed by. His entertainment is a tv, showing a ancient game of American football and baseball being enacted in California. There is even Blood bowl that is only for other planets

A girl sang a song that makes the patron cheers.

"Take me out to the ballgame

Take me out with the crowd

Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks

I don't care if I never get back

Let me root, root, root for the home team

If they don't win it's a shame

'Cause it's one, two, three strikes your out

At the old ball game..." The patron aughed and cheered as the singer sang as the opening of the game and both team is competing.

He watched as the Dodgers and Los Angeles Angels now revived that is in their state representative and they are competing for the Continental American Cup next year and they have to compete for the World cup, then the Galaxy Baseball as every imperial territory is playing to compete.

"Perhaps it isn't so bad after all..." Jacob smiled a bit... As he raised a bit of his mug to the baseball sport that is taking place. As he returned home, a bit drunk, he found the city ablazed and a group of giant figures running pass by with such swiftness as they went to the center point of the chaos that is ensuring.

While the life of the citizens is cozy and decent... The sycophants of the old order is scrambling like rats in the darkness.

They didn't joined the ship that fled because they didn't have the qualifications to join...and the Imperium is hunting them from the shadows....

A man is rushing in the night life of shady sands with a briefcase with him.. he nervously looked back in the crowd as if scanning for someone looking for him.

His eyes nervously darting around the crowd that is having fun as he fled to Hotel California.

He arrived at the desk and the female desk worker asked for his name.


"Abramson, room 221, one night, I have business with someone tomorrow."

The staff nodded as she punched in his name.

"Here is the keys and may you have a delightful stay in our hotel."

The man nervously take the keys and left for the elevator...

As the doors of the hotel elevator closed behind him. Several men wearing aquila arrived at the desk. They all wearing cloaks and armed to the teeth.

"Gentlemen what can I do for you?" She nervously asked. As the aura of this men is dangerous than her hotel security.

"We are looking for Abramson, we have reason to believe that he is a danger to NCR territory. A terrorist that will bomb next week parade." The leader cooly said.

"He is in Room 221, May you have a nice day."

A bag of thrones is placed on the table

"Thanks lady, apologies of the night, Alright Nick, take half of our men to the emergency stairwells , while, we take the elevator, get the psyker and blanks ready. This hotel is under lockdown, Miss informed your guest to evacuate the premises.."

"Come-on, you get the easy way out?" Nick complain.

"If the target sabotage the elevator, then promotion might be in order. Hurry, before he does something."

The front desk staff watched as several men rushed towards the stairwells and elevators ofr just this one person...

"Is he that dangerous?"

The man in question is in his room... He looked at the briefcase that was entrusted to his comrades, his hands trembling as he unlocked it..

"Password , 6271... " His mind trembling...

The briefcase hissed as it unlocked revealing the contents inside.

He stare blankly at a vial of purple liquid just waiting for him....

He was just a scientist in the Office of Science and Industry... And they found a material that was found in the mines under a nine pointed sigil and sought to use it..

But as the war against the imperials progress to the point that the funding is cut short, forcing them to barely able to create one prototype vial for use... They didn't even have a testing trial for humans..

He stared at the purple glow and he heard a voice outside the hotel room

"This is the Imperial Eye, give yourself up and your sentence is much more lenient. On the count of three, One-" the scientist ignore the warnings and drank the content of the vial. His muscles bulged as if wanting to break free his mortal coils, he heard the door crash through, but the ecstasy of power is coursing through his veins.

He could hear the distance voices that is slowly blurring in his grandeur.

"This is Code Blue! chaos infested individual at Hotel California! Requesting the Imperial guard and Nearest Astartes to put down the threat!" A distant voice echoes.

He felt power coursing through his veins.

He felt he could ripped the imperials that is occupying this place and returned to the former NCR. His delusions and grander permeated in his mind, ignoring the screams that echoes in the distance.

He felt one of his hands being lopped off that temporary broke free of his mental high,

He looked around and saw his people living in fear, half the city was in flames as people wept and they stare at him with hatred that poked his very ego... His very ego being damaged... As several of the citizens aimed their guns at him.

"Please, don't looked at me like this... I only did it for the NCR-" a Egg splatter the trandormed scientist.

"Why you ruined our night! I lost my buddy thanks to you!"

"Where is Margaret? Tell me where is my child?" A woman dazed as she held a broken arm of a child hand.

For the first time he felt his purpose lost... But he didn't care anymore... Society hate him anyway, might as well destroy as many lives before the imperium take him down.

He gave a beastly roar as he plunged into the crowd, the citizens fought back with revolvers and Shotguns but the bullets didn't deterred the scientist.

Blood and brass have appeared in his mind along with the clouds of purple mist with blue thunder now giving him strength. His body further molded into a being of the warp and thanks to the massacre he is doing. The surrounding is getting warped.

As he found a target for his venting. A Shaven man looked at him coldly.

He felt his entire being, his entire existence is damaged by the presence of the individual before him.

Several of these Astarte approach the venue and with their bolters, the former scientist felt pain, he felt fear... He roared once more, ready to plunge into a crowd of wounded civilians.

In a flash, his limbs were destroy, that his now transformed mind, he could not comprehend how did that happen... The Astarte simply unloaded their bolter rounds into the being before them and the beast that was human finally breathe its last breath, one of the Astarte released the mag lock that held the flamer that have fuel blessed by the ecclesiarchy. And he burned the carcass... It was a incident that made the Citizens of the NCR hated the former government the most.

A simple poster came out that brought a discussion among them.

"If the Ncr makes demons for the war effort, are they truly righteous in your eyes?" It shows a man that is partially transformed into demon facing the Might of the imperium.

It made the people that still had attachments to the old government to turn their back, the incident last night was discussed heavily as they know someone that is close to them died in the crossfire.

Some of them got arrested for selling Sisters of battle bathwater as a way to ward of the demons.

Alexander and the Imperium he lead didn't even need to lift a finger... As the Imperial have assimilate the people faster than Intended. As churches opened up by the Ecclesiarchy, attendee visited by their own volition than forced listen to the preacher of the Emperor faith.

next chapter
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