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21.42% SuperSoldier (SI-OC/MCU) / Chapter 5: 5: This War is Mine

Capítulo 5: 5: This War is Mine

5: This War is Mine

John watched the girl eat as if there were no tomorrow. Maybe she really hadn't eaten in a long time, or maybe she simply had a big appetite. He didn't know, but it was certainly surprising how much she could eat in such a short time.

Did it have something to do with her powers? Energy expenditure? Idle thoughts filled his mind as he contemplated a future from which he no longer knew what to expect.

Mutants—John knew about them. When he was younger, he remembered going to see some of the movies in the theater, but that was a long time ago. Fortunately, the serum and Compound V had done more than just give him an indestructible body and immeasurable strength.

His mind was different. He didn't know exactly the magnitude of the change, but now he could perfectly remember things he couldn't before. He didn't know if he would call it perfect memory, as there were still things he "forgot" until he needed to remember them. It was then that his brain brought those memories back with perfect clarity.

That was the case with the girl in front of him. At first, he barely remembered some things, but right now he had almost completely recalled everything he knew about mutants, which honestly wasn't much since he had only seen the movies.

And in the movies, this girl shouldn't be around 15 years old at this time.

And much less be in the same universe as Captain America...

"What's your name?" he asked, causing the girl to stop and look at him with embarrassment, realizing the strange spectacle she had been making with her hurried eating.

She quickly swallowed and took a sip of water.

"Raven, my name is Raven" she responded somewhat hesitantly. John raised an eyebrow.

"No last name?"

She shook her head. "I don't think I have one now" Her father had been quite clear with his words as he chased her with his rifle.

"Well, I suppose that's obvious, but you can call me John" Despite his heroic name, people also knew his civilian name. Raven smiled a little and nodded, her nervousness still there but slightly calmed.

"Where do you want me to start?" he asked, sitting down in front of her. John didn't know exactly what to do with the young "mutant" She was a variable, something that could derail all his plans, if it was still possible to carry them out. If she existed, how many others existed? How many others were on Red Skull's side? The Nazis' side?

A fight that should have been simple could end very badly if he wasn't careful.

He wondered if this was the work of V, a final "Screw you, did you think it would be that easy?" just to mess with him.

Raven straightened up and looked at her now blue hands. It was very strange for her, feeling the change. What was it? Why her? She still hadn't fully processed the events of the last day, so she didn't know exactly what she was supposed to do. But she was clear about one thing: she wanted to know what was happening to her.

"What's happening to me?" she asked hesitantly.

John sighed inwardly. It was time to improvise. Since mutants were in this world, he had to seriously change his approach. It was still early enough in the story to make significant changes. Maybe... he could change how the world perceived mutants if he played his cards right.

Of course, his focus wouldn't suddenly shift solely to mutants. He was Captain America! His story was still in its infancy. Whether he could change the fate of mutants or not was merely secondary in comparison if the world ended up as a Nazi dystopia.

"Well, how much do you know about biology?"

Raven blinked and tilted her head to one side.


John looked at her. Right, it was the 40s...

He had forgotten that women hadn't had real access to... well, almost anything in these times.

Of course, there were special cases like Agent Carter and other women in the army, but aside from them, civilian women still had some serious issues. He didn't really know how serious since he hadn't thought about it until now.

Raven must be around 15 years old. If her family was considerate, she should have at least gone to primary school, right?

"Let's change the question. How much do you know about the human body and its evolution?"

After that, John had to become a teacher and give a crash course on human biology in two hours. Fortunately, he was quite good at explaining, and it helped that he could remember all the important information verbatim.

"So, DNA dictates the traits we inherit from our relatives?" Despite having only gone through the first year of middle school before her parents decided it was too much of a waste, Raven was able to understand most of the explanation.

It helped a lot that John was clear and explained things in a way that was easy to follow.

"Yes, and that's what makes you special" he pointed out, causing a look of confusion to appear on Raven's face.

John decided it was time to start changing the perception of mutants, beginning with what the mutants themselves thought of themselves. Sure, only Raven was here, but she could spread the knowledge to other mutants and so on.

"Humans have evolved a lot throughout history. Despite our technological boom starting only a few thousand years ago, the truth is we've been around for millions of years"

"During all that time, humanity has remained almost the same, with only some minor changes... That is starting to change slowly but surely"

Raven listened attentively. The answers she was looking for were about to be given to her.

"To make it easier to understand, you can take me as an example. What do you know about a super soldier?"

Raven nodded, but then frowned and shook her head. She knew that Captain America was the only and first super soldier; they said that all the time. It was on his posters, in the newspapers, even on the radio.

But what did that really mean? She couldn't say for sure.

Seeing her doubts, John began to explain.

"Well, you know how DNA dictates the traits of a human being? Their capacities, whether physical or mental?" She knew that, as John had just explained it, so she nodded.

"The Project Rebirth that I was part of was an attempt by the U.S. military to awaken and modify the best traits within human DNA—super strength, super speed, enhanced durability, as well as heightened senses. They succeeded, but only with me. Due to the assassination of the lead scientist, the project was abandoned"

John took one of the metal shields he used as props and, with one hand, began to bend it easily until it became a small, perfectly compacted metal sphere, which he handed to Raven.

The girl took the sphere with wide eyes. Although she had heard that Captain America was the strongest soldier, she had never really thought about what that meant until now. His strength was beyond human, beyond normal.

Like her.

"You could say I am a forced evolution, but you... you are natural" he said, pointing to her blue skin.

Raven looked at herself once again. Evolution? Somehow, once she obtained this explanation, her change stopped seeming "monstrous and strange." They say knowledge gives perspective, and those who don't have it tend to ignore what is in front of them, as if judging something as trash when it is actually an invaluable treasure.

Raven didn't know exactly what to feel, but she preferred positive feelings over letting herself be carried away by negative ones.

"You are special because of that. Just like you, there are others who are part of a cycle of natural evolution—humans, but much more than that. Meta-humans, if we want to give them an appropriate name"

Mutants? What was that? No, if John had anything to say about it, they would have a better name, one that didn't depict them as something "unpleasant," but as what they really were.

"Meta-human..." Raven repeated the word softly and smiled. She liked how it sounded.




"Are you sure about this?" It might have been the fourth time he asked, but John wanted one last confirmation.

Beside him, Raven, who now looked like a woman in her early twenties with dark curly hair, nodded emphatically.

It was the day after their encounter, and it was time for John and his team to leave New York for the military barracks to put on a special show for the soldiers.

"I have nowhere else to go. Wouldn't it be better if I followed you?" she asked, looking at him with pleading eyes.

John sighed. In any other circumstance, he would have said no, but in this situation, he couldn't just leave her to fend for herself. He didn't know what kind of disaster she could cause if he did.

"Okay, but remember the rules" he said, making her smile and nod excitedly.

The rules were simple, really: don't mention her real age, don't reveal her powers, and don't act without consulting him.

Convincing Edward hadn't been easy either. The guy really thought he had kidnapped Raven from her family or something. her gaze on him had changed a bit, but he didn't say anything after John insisted. Would this be a small stain on his record?

Fortunately, Raven's current disguise made her age quite well disguised. Although people thought differently in these times than they would in the future, John preferred not to have the label "cradle robber" on his list.

Speaking of Raven's disguise, they had been experimenting a bit with her powers. She could mimic any appearance, even clothes, texture, hardness, and all other aspects. It was interesting how it worked.

While they were thinking about how to make her blend in, John had suggested "combining" that is, trying to add different types of traits to create a "new" person.

She had used her original face, the one she had before changing, but removing certain features that would make her look too young. Likewise, she had changed her hair color and shape, as well as borrowed certain features from the bodies of the dancers who accompanied John on his tour. Somehow, muscle memory and physical ability integrated into her new features, and she was able to perfectly mimic their dance movements and flexibility.

John then wondered what would happen if she copied him. Would it be a truly "perfect" copy? Would it be as strong and tough as he was? He hadn't suggested it because they were short on time.

In the end, Raven had obtained a new identity as a young inhabitant of New York whom John had randomly met and decided to take with him out of the blue... If that didn't sound exactly like the best excuse, there was little time to work with, so he had to improvise.

He hoped to get a better identity for her later, one that could withstand the scrutiny of the "curious." For now, they would have to go with this until then.

What a mess.




Raven looked at the base they were slowly approaching with mixed emotions. This was the first time she had been so far from home. She had been living in New York all her life. She had heard of distant places before, but she had never had the opportunity to go.

Now she was here, alongside Captain America! Of course, how she got to this place wasn't exactly how she had wished it would be. But dwelling on that served no purpose at all. She preferred to focus on the now and not to depress herself by remembering how she was forcibly expelled from her home.

With curious eyes, she looked at all the people around her. Most of them were soldiers and logistics personnel. It was a large base, and they soon began to walk around the place until they reached the stage where John would have his encounter with the soldiers.

She saw the weapons, the tanks, and the vehicles. It was fascinating in a certain sense. It was like seeing a different world. Even though she knew they were at war, she never really thought about what it truly meant until now.

She adjusted the trench coat over her body, a real one and not a copy that John had gotten for her during the journey. After all, it was easier to maintain concentration on her transformation if she just focused on keeping the shape of her body.

She glanced at John from the corner of her eye, who was talking to "Edward" whom she had barely seen once. Soon, everyone began to hurry to prepare for the presentation.

She even saw John helping out, either carrying props or setting up the stage. She couldn't find much to do herself apart from helping where she could. She didn't know anyone, but she had always been good at adapting, and soon she managed to do some simple tasks to keep herself busy.

In no time, the place began to fill up more and more with soldiers. The stage was set, and John prepared to go up. Not knowing what else to do, she stayed behind the stage with other people, watching him. Somehow, his face seemed much more serious than before. She didn't know if it was because of her new powers or something else, but she had started to become quite good at reading people's expressions and body language.


John stepped onto the stage and looked at the clustered soldiers, sitting on the ground, standing, perched on some vehicle or tank. They all had tired expressions, and he could see some with obvious bandages on them. These men were important. John knew he could go to war alone, handle everything himself, even the toughest missions.

But what sense did that make? Of course, if he wanted to end the war quickly, that would serve, but John didn't plan on doing that. He was an actor; he needed an audience. What was the point of performing if there were no eyes to watch?

And these soldiers, they would be part of many others who would see him on the battlefield.

For some reason, that thought made him hesitate for a second.

But it was just a brief second. He had already made that decision, and changing it now wasn't an option.

Still, he couldn't help but feel a bitter feeling within him. What had changed? Had he been carried away too much in recent months?

He cleared his throat and smiled, looking down at the soldiers who were looking at him with boredom and even mockery. It was normal. To them, he was just a circus monkey, a clown who did propaganda to fund their weapons.

But that would change soon, once he showed what he was really capable of, once he went to war. He approached the microphone and began to speak.

"I know most of you are here for the dancers, I mean, I don't blame you, Have you seen those legs?" he said, pointing behind him where the girls stood in a row, smiling.

The soldiers cheered and whistled at them, clearly agreeing with him.

"But before you can enjoy their incredible dance moves, I must give a little speech" this time there were some boos.

"I know, I know" he raised his hands, calming them down more easily than he expected.

"I know many of you just want to have a good time after risking your lives on the front lines, and I won't be the one to deny you that. So, I won't beat around the bush. I just want to say a few words to you" he said with all the sincerity he could muster.

"Despite what people may believe, I know the true heroes are here, in front of me. Your effort and sacrifice are a great inspiration to me and all the citizens of this country. It inspires us to stand tall and keep fighting for what is right because we know that no matter how difficult or frightening the future may seem, as long as you stand, as long as you keep fighting, this world will see a future where dignity, honor, and justice become a reality for us all"

"So, today, I thank you on behalf of every man, woman, and child in this world. I express my deepest and sincerest gratitude for your efforts, for your struggle, and for your sacrifices.... Thank you very much!" he bowed slightly.

There was silence, then John straightened up and smiled.

"Now, I'll let these beautiful women thank you in their own way" he winked, and the music started along with the applause and cheers from the crowd. The dancers came to the front of the stage as John exited.

He reached Raven's side and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"What did you think? Do you think I did well?" He had never asked anyone this before because he had never thought too much about his previous speeches, but this was different. Speaking face to face with those people who would likely die because of him felt much more meaningful than speaking to a group of civilians only to have them spend their money on bonds.

"I think it was very sincere. I'm sure they liked it" Raven said. She could see the faces of some soldiers, and while most barely showed any expression during the speech, some of them were more expressive as they listened. From what she could tell, there were some small smiles on their faces.

john nodded with some hesitation and looked at the sky, which was starting to cloud over. It looked like it was going to rain.




The show ended, and Raven had returned to where they would be staying until further notice, while John walked through the barracks watching as ambulances arrived with more and more wounded soldiers. The tents were full, and thanks to his enhanced hearing, he could hear their cries of pain and agony as if they were right next to his ear.

It was strangely heartbreaking.

John never thought he would feel any kind of regret for his actions. When he arrived in this world and spent a month in training before becoming a super soldier, he had been quite sure of the path to follow.

The sacrifices that needed to be made.

"Brings out the worst and the best in you, huh..." Who would have thought? The one who had never considered himself a good person actually had some conscience within him.

How foolish.

Because just as that small spark of conscience had illuminated, the blazing fire that was his desire for success had done the same.

Regret, sorrow, and pain, he could allow himself to feel them in private, as hypocritical as it was, but no matter what, it wouldn't interfere with what he had already decided to do.

And so what if thousands died because of him? In the end, he would save millions. In the end, he would create a better world. When all was said and done, his name would be hailed for eternity, and the ashes of those who died would be the foundation and pillar upon which a more prosperous tomorrow would be built.

Maybe when that moment came, V wouldn't even have to drag him down; he would have earned himself a VIP pass to hell.

"It's a balance, just compensate it" he only had to make the weight of his actions lean towards the right side.

"John!" a voice snapped him out of his deep thoughts, and he looked up to see a familiar face, the red hair was quite distinctive.

"Hey, Agent" he raised his hand, feigning surprise, though the truth was he had been expecting to meet her soon.

She approached him with a small smile.

"I saw the presentation, I didn't expect to see that side of the Great Captain America" she said, emphasizing her last words, and John feigned a grimace.

"I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't come to sell bonds, not today at least" he said wearily, causing his shoulders to slump a little.

"And is that all you want to do? Give shows and jump on stage to sell bonds?" Carter said with some reproach in her voice.

"Do you think I'm a dancing monkey, Agent?" he suddenly asked, looking her straight in the eyes, silencing her.

"I didn't mean-" Carter began, but John cut her off.

"Because I do. I think I'm just the circus monkey when I could be more, do more. I see this place, the men fighting for their lives every day, and I can't help but wonder what the hell I'm doing"

John gestured towards the tents, the ambulances transporting the wounded, and the soldiers with bandages covering their bodies.

"Every day since the serum entered my body, I wonder if what I'm doing is right. Are my actions really helping? Is this all I can do for this world? Is this the only way?"

Agent Carter looked at him and shook her head.

"This is not your only option," she said softly. As they spoke, activity in the area increased, with more wounded arriving every moment. John frowned, and seeing how he looked at the soldiers, Agent Carter had an idea.

"Do you know what happened to them?" the agent asked, catching John's attention.

"Something horrible, I imagine. They seem to have traveled to hell" he said, watching as they pulled a man without both legs out of one of the ambulances.

"Surely they did. A few days ago, Hydra sent a new type of troops never seen before to the front lines. Two hundred of our men encountered them, and less than fifty returned" Agent Carter explained grimly.

John silently gazed at the wounded in the distance.

"What happened to the others?" he asked.

"Dead if they were lucky, but most likely captured. There are reports that Hydra is using our men as slaves, forcing them to work for them" she replied.

John furrowed his brows deeply.

"And what is the army doing about it? Are they going to rescue them or-" his words were cut off by Agent Carter.

"No" she said, shaking her head and looking at him seriously.

"The army won't do anything for them. They have no plans to save them"

John stood still and silent. Without saying another word, he began to walk with firm steps towards the main station of the barracks.

Watching him go with determination shining in his eyes, Agent Carter couldn't help but wonder if she was doing the right thing.

But there was no other way. Hydra had advanced too far; rumors spoke of weapons never seen before, capable of turning a man's body to dust instantly with a single shot.

Common soldiers could never win anymore. They needed something more, something stronger.

And John was all they had. Sighing inwardly, the agent began to follow him. There was no time for regret; war never waited for anyone.




John entered with hurried steps and stood in front of Colonel Philips's desk. the man was signing letter after letter for families who had lost one of their own on this day..

"Colonel" John's voice made him pause and look up to meet his gaze.

"Well, look who it is, America's favorite dancer! What do you want now, boy? I don't have time to waste; I have another dozen letters to sign" bitterness crept into his voice towards the end.

John glanced quickly at the map behind the Colonel, though he already had a mental image of it. It was better to confirm than to rely on memories that he wasn't sure were still reliable.

"I came to inform you" John said, causing the Colonel to look at him again with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

John met his gaze and spoke loudly enough for everyone around to hear. Agent Carter stood behind him, listening intently, as she wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do.

"I know many of the men for whom you're signing those letters are still alive. I know you have no plans to rescue them"

The Colonel stood up immediately.

"Watch your words boy! Do you think it's so easy to open your mouth and speak without knowing?!" His palm crashed against his desk, making a loud sound.

"Do you think it's my choice to abandon those men?!" the Colonel asked loudly.

John looked directly at him.

"No, I don't believe it's your choice. I believe you have no choice, and that's why I'm here" John took a deep breath.

"The last time we met, you told me you didn't need me, that one man was useless to the army. But you were wrong and I won't wait any longer; not anymore."

The Colonel smirked and asked sarcastically with a low laugh.

"And what will you do, soldier? Will you take that silly shield of yours and go 50 kilometers behind enemy lines? Venture into one of the most fortified territories in the world where hundreds of men die daily? All by yourself?" He laughed aloud, and some of the soldiers around joined in.

"Yes, sir, I will" John's voice cut through their laughter, causing everyone to look at him as if he were foolish.

"I know you don't trust me, and I don't care. I know you have no choice, but I do. I will do this, and I hope you won't stand in my way"

The Colonel's expression turned into cold rage.

"Have you gone mad?! This isn't a game or one of your stupid shows! This is a battlefield where thousands of lives are lost every day! Dancing steps and flowery speeches won't work here, soldier! This is war!" The Colonel breathed heavily before sitting back down and speaking seriously with a thick, heavy voice.

"Now get out of here and stop this nonsense. You have another show to give tomorrow. Remember your place, boy. This war is for real soldiers, not dancers" the Colonel stopped looking at him and began signing condolence letters once more, paying no more attention. All the other soldiers and army members around chuckled under their breath and returned to their duties almost simultaneously.

Agent Carter at his side was the only one who didn't laugh.

John nodded to her and turned away, starting to leave.

"It is, sir. But don't forget that This war is mine too"





What do you think? I'm still working on the speeches, it's actually more complicated than I thought. As always, your critiques, advice, and suggestions are welcome.

I think that the preparation time has been enough, the war is coming and with it the really interesting things begin!

The next update of SuperSoldier is now available on Patreon ( If you don't want to wait for a public update, you can take a look at it n.n

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