The answer was of course! It was a horrible decision. W was not stupid enough to fall for something that simple, he was Ed, an ex-human. That being said… whoever captured him must have thought differently.
'I can't think too much or it will be suspicious' W decided to fake it until he made it, in a more literal use of the term.
If he started walking straight towards the settlement whoever might be watching would know the direction which could help narrow or simply point directly at their target. At that point, he could be easily eliminated.
He wasn't strong enough to fight the assassin, though he couldn't ascertain that they were behind this, this left him no other option than to seek or wait for help.
'Then…' A smile secretly crept up at the corners of W's lips.
Today was my first class for this semester so it threw me a bit out of whack. Maybe I shouldn't have played uno either I could really manage my time better. I'll work on writing a second chapter and having it scheduled for real now.
Outside of that, the next Auxiliary will be on the Volcan prince's childhood. More specifically his mother, is that interesting to you guys?
Thanks for reading and some reference weapons will be nice!