A young man was lying on a lavish bed. His pale skin reflected the scarce rays of the sunlight. Hundreds of cuts were traced on his skin from past battles.
But his body wasn't at complete rest, with uneven breathing from time to time and the whole body soaked in sweat. He was spasming.
Licht had dreamt of the countless horrors as the Dawn Sword choose him as its master.
He had hoped for that world to be just a dream, but it wasn't. It was his reality and his sole truth.
A fact that couldn't be changed or altered. That was the only reason why he couldn't ignore this.
The spasms in his body continued until he woke up after falling off the bed.
Opening his eyes in a spur, Licht suddenly got up as a short sword manifested in his hand. He spun around as if trying to kill someone that should have been in front of him.
His eyes dilated for a moment when he realized that he was in a different location. Looking at his shaking hand a frown came up to his face as he calmed himself down while looking out the window.
It was a serene atmosphere with greenery all over. it was a peace he had not experienced in a long time. The birds were chirping at certain intervals while blades of grass moved with the ongoing wind.
Feeling the sweet wind on his sweaty body, a refreshing feeling of euphoria overtook him.
Only after a certain amount of time had passed did he open his eyes, examining his body. Specifically his hands.
He…He couldn't believe what he saw. He thought that he had lost both of his hands, but it was right there…just in a weird form…
His hands were made of bones. There was no skin on them from the start of the shoulders to the ends of his fingers everything was made of bones.
He could still feel the wind on them, but it felt weird the more he looked at them. They were different from his fleshy hands in not just basic aspects but everything.
They felt more durable and it felt like he could handle spiritual power more finely.
While his power had already solidified, and he had obtained the Dawn Sword. But even if his body was in better condition, his mind wasn't. It was probably worse than when he had fought the corrupted.
It was a disarray of emotions. Now that he was in a safe environment, all the questions he had suppressed before bombarded his mind. His brain couldn't comprehend what that dream was and how did the Dawn Sword invoke so many things.
How could that man know of his existence?
Wait, was he even in a dream? It felt like that at first when neither he nor the other people could interact with each other.
They couldn't even see each other touching was a far-off thing.
But his powers were beyond what Licht could dream of, and he could easily kill Licht if his sword could touch him.
But all these questions didn't end there; they extended like a snake, slithering across his mind. Binding themselves to his mind.
In all of this scenario, one thing was certain: until Licht figured out the situation, he would have to give his all until then, no matter the outcome.
Standing up, he looked at a mirror that was fitted to the wall. Slowly taking some steps forward, he looked at his reflection.
Just as he tried to touch it, the gate behind him opened, and he threw the short sword where the sound came from.
The sword was deflected as a girl came into his view.
She had delicate features that radiated a natural beauty. Her large, round-shaped eyes also had a green color, with thick lashes that framed them perfectly.
Her nose was small and straight, while her lips were full and rosy. Her hair was black as night, cascading down her back in luscious waves.
She had a slim yet toned body. Her skin was a light, creamy complexion, with a hint of a blush on her cheeks that gave her a youthful appearance.
She had an air of confidence and mischievousness that exuded from her, with a proud stance and a smile that lit up the room.
"Aren't you quite energetic after not eating for days? Well, it is to be expected by how you are,"
"Didn't you gain quite the legacy?" she asked as her luscious lips were touched by her hands, turning her stance into one of pondering.
Licht's eyes widened the moment he heard what she said. His feet were on their own as he moved ahead in a flash.
He was happy to see another fellow human but he couldn't let her live now. This girl...she knew too much.
It didn't matter what she had to say. He knew one fact. The system never lied about anything, and what it had said about Emperor Sylvester was just astonishing.
The legacy was one of the strongest by Licht's standards, and he couldn't afford anyone knowing about it.
He produced four knives consecutively in his hands and threw them one after another at the girl who deflected them easily.
While she was occupied with them, he clapped both of his hands and produced another katana, which manifested right out of his hands.
As he leaped into the air, his sword pointed right at her.
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