"Sure... Doesn't mean you'll get what you want though."
Dala hovers forwards slightly and approaches him, "Then, may I procure some of your fluids, teddy bear?... I will reward you with my new body afterwards." she creepily offers, but Afton just grimaces at the thought.
"Well, first of all, I'm married... But second, wouldn't that essentially make you my daughter, or sister? Yet you're offering to 'reward' me afterwards..." he mutters, feeling kinda ill at the thought.
"Indeed, ooooOOOoooh, the depravity of it." she breathes huskily.
"No." Afton obviously states, ignoring her as he begins preparing for the operation.
Soon enough, Afton and Dala find themselves in the operating room, attempting to move Doctor 8's brain into the clone body they'd prepared.
The process was incredibly hard in some aspects, but easy in others... For example, removing 8's brain from his braincase was as simple as opening a can of tomatoes... Just crack it open, disconnect the life support systems that keep the brain alive and move them to a temporary replacement, then prepare it for reintegration with a human body.
The process that actually moves a brain into a robotic body is more intrusive than most would expect... Many minute changes need to be made so the brain can operate properly without the other supporting organs. Thus, Cybernetic replacements need to be created to take the place of the missing material's role... For example, 8's brain stem was partially dissected and modified when his brain was stored, meaning a robotic replacement needed to be incorporated.
Fortunately, the Think Tank wasn't lacking Cybernetic technology concerning the brain. Just add a small tesla device, similar to what had been installed in Afton's head, and 'Ta-da!', good as new.
Of course, they also needed to get the clone body prepped, so after they removed its brain and cut down what was left of the brainstem, they fitted a Cybernetic casing that'd easily receive 8's brain. Once that was placed inside, all they needed to do was connect everything together, and watch to see if the body and brain accept or reject one another.
The other scientists continue watching through the observation window as the operation starts... All in all, it takes around two hours to complete... Honestly, the hardest part was trying to stop Dala from stealing bits and pieces from the body.
Once everything was done, all they had to do was wake up Doctor 8... But first... Afton takes a step forward and injects a stimpack into the body's neck... It probably wasn't needed, but boosting the body's healing rate wouldn't be negative... Not unless they'd botched the surgery somehow.
With that, he presses a button that shocks the body, kick-starting activity in the brain and causing Doctor 8 to rapidly sit upright. The scientist quickly blinks a couple times, seemingly getting used to the sensation, before beginning to loudly smack his lips, tasting his mouth and trying not to swallow his own tongue.
Afton is annoyed to find that the scientist had started urinating, somehow unable to control his bowels... He hoped it was just a psychological problem, and now something they'd damaged during the surgery...
He ignores the smell for now and gives 8 a light prod on his shoulder, causing the body to react rather explosively, almost falling out of the bed in response, forcing Afton to catch him. Again, the body shudders in his grip, which made Afton very concerned that something was wrong. "What is it, 8?"
"Nnnn.... Nnn-nnn-nn... Nnnotthhiiiinnnggggggggg..." the scientist stutters out, trying to awkwardly shape letters with his mouth for the first time in two-hundred or so years.
"Then why are you flopping around like a freshly caught fish?" Afton questions again.
The scientist stares at him while flexing and gripping his hands with fascination,"IIIYYYoooo... I...yyy... I, phfffeeeelllllo wweeyird bueeing twooouchhed."
Afton slowly nods as Dala notes all of this down, it'd be helpful information to have when the other scientists go under the same procedure. "So you're just reacting to the sensation of being touched?"
8 awkwardly nods his head, "Yyyeessshh..."
Afton and Dala continue conversing with 8, getting him to perform various activities and exercises to get used to his new body. They performed every check-up they could think of, until they finally determined that the operation was a success.
This all took around two more hours to do, and now 8 was able to walk around... He wasn't all that proficient at it, and seemed to act like he was still gliding in his robot body, but at least he could move, even if he did so like a drunk cripple.
Afton lead Doctor 8 out of the Think Tank after getting him some casual clothes, and the duo walked through the Big Mt streets as the afternoon roles around. There weren't as many people at this time when compared to do the morning, but it was enough for 8 to get reacquainted with what being human felt like.
After walking for a couple minutes, Afton and 8 sit next to a tomato farm on a bench, "How're you feeling?" he asks the scientist.
"I feeel cold.. No. Hot!... No... Both!" he says erratically.
Afton shakes his head, "Yeah, your face and hands are probably cold, but your torso and legs aren't... That's what wearing clothes feels like you dolt." he sighs, finally deciding to check 8's status to see if he'd inherited Uylesses stats.
[Doctor 8]
Health : 99%
Stamina : 20%
DT : 2
Strength : 7
Perception : 5
Endurance : 4
Charisma : 4
Intelligence : 10
Agility : 4
Luck : 5
Ailments :
[Discoordination] : Two left feet, unfamiliarity has led to problems moving, reacting, and performing difficult actions. -3 Agility.
[New-Born Syndrome] : Body had been rapidly grown, preventing muscles and the cardiovascular system from developing as they should. Will require extensive training to fix this.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Afton crooks a brow at Doctor 8's status, he knew there'd be some difficulties when concerning clone development, but now that he was able to confirm it?... He'd have to look into some way of stimulating a clone body's muscles as it grew...
Fortunately, it seems as if Ulysses genetics were enough to produce a fairly viable body. And if Doctor 8 was willing to put the effort in, he'd probably be far above average compared to most other wastelanders.
"Ahem..." 8 awkwardly coughs into his fist from beside Afton.
"Yeah?" Afton asks after coming out of his thoughts.
"Aaassh nnnicee ash thiiyyss has beeeyn, Iy woould liyke two wreetuurnnn two my wrroom. I wwiish to eexshplore myy nnew..." the scientist gestures down at his crotch.
Afton rears back slightly in disgust, "Okay, first of all, gross. Second, make sure to use lube, I ain't giving you another body if you blister your new cock, getting it infected and forcing us to amputate it." he states as he stands.
8's eyes widen at his word, his lips twitching as if visually it, "I-Isss thaaat possshible?"
Afton crosses his arms, "Probably, I've never seen anyone stupid enough to do it... Maybe you can make an experiment outta it." he says as he calls for Glados to escort Doctor 8 home.
Three weeks later :
A couple weeks pass in which Afton had been busy giving clone bodies to the scientists. He'd obviously used Ulysses DNA when creating them, though, he had taken their old body's DNA and used them in the process as well.
The DNA had heavily degraded over time, which left limit options when concerning it... But, Afton and Dala had managed to find a solution... They'd extrapolate the code from their DNA and integrated it with Ulysses, essentially making their new bodies offspring of themselves and Uylsses...
Again, he wasn't looking forward to the time when Ulysses discovers that he has many two hundred year old children... That'd be difficult to explain.
Dala's new appearance was a mix of Asian and Ulysses' native American... She honestly resembled a darker-skinned Doctor Usanagi... Her breasts were small, and she'd immediately cut the clones hair short, leaving her looking like a tomboy...
Again, she'd started propositioning Afton to 'try out her new skin suit'. Which he quickly rejected, but the subject seemed to keep coming up... He was starting to think she might actually have feelings for him...
Doctor Zero was a mix between his old caucasian body and Ulysses, he had tanned skin and curly black hair, markedly different from the straight brown he apparently had before. He was tall and lanky, and with the rather make-shift muscle stimulation system Afton had devised, he was stronger than the average man.
He was still a nervous wreck though, making any attraction his body presented null... Get it?... Anyway, as he was a virgin when he had his brain swapped into a robotic body, he'd tried to find a romantic partner in Big Mt... Only to fail with every attempt.
He'd come to Afton for some advice, but Afton just shrugged and said "Girls usually just come to me, my advice would be to up your confidence if you want some tail".
His answer seemed to have demoralised the scientist, but he hadn't stopped his attempts, which meant at least he was trying...
Next was Borous, who had looked Icelandic before becoming a robot... Making his race after mixing his DNA with Ulysses rather difficult to say... He looked like Ulysses with straight black hair and a massive black beard... His build was also larger than everyone else, making him look like a novice strong man.
Borous was very excited to get a human body back, as now he could directly interact with the creature's he was creating... His reunion with Gabe had been especially heartwarming, the giant dog whining and wagging its tail as if greeting its owner who'd been at war.
After Borous was Klein, and wow, his clone body turned into an ugly bastard. His caucasian features didn't mix well with Ulysses, giving his a large nose, lots of wrinkles(Despite his body being 18 years old), and a flabby body... Despite his bad appearance though, his stats were actually better than Zero's.
He didn't seem to care about his appearance either, only that he could now work more efficiently due to how flexible human hands were, as well as the litany of tools designed with them in mind.
Now, last but not least was Mobius... Afton was slightly wary of putting him in a human body, as his dementia may cause him to accidentally hurt himself or something... Maybe forgetting to feed himself while he was in the midst of research?... At the scientists' assistance though, he obliged and created a body for him... He could probably have Glados keep an eye on him in the meantime though.
Mobius body looked the most 'handsome' out of all of them, with a square jaw, thick black hair, and symmetrical face. His build was strong, but not overly so, giving him a sophisticated look. This was only improved when the man donned an old-fashioned-looking suit, fit with pocket watch and all.
Afton wasn't sure where he got it, and when asked, Mobius had no idea either.
One thing that Afton was cautious about was the productivity of the scientists... Now that they had to eat, sleep, and take care of their body's, they wouldn't be able to work 100% of the time like they had before.
He'd created a graph of their productivity before the change, and was still waiting to see how badly it deviated... He hoped having human body's would boost their creativity and motivation, but time would tell if that actually did anything...
At least now that everyone had a new body, Afton could go back to spending time with Josie, who was looking more and more pregnant as time went on. He was fortunate enough to have Glados, Alfred, and the other personalities looking out, and keeping her company while he was busy.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
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