Afton shrugs to himself and steps into the Auto-Doc, allowing the machine to examine him. With the addition of Nyx, the check isn't even invasive as it can use her to check his condition.
It takes a couple minutes to finish, but once done the Auto-Doc speaks up again, "God-damn, what kind of hell-hole did you crawl out from? Heavy radiation damage, remnants of a deadly fungal infection, roots wrapping around your heart, even lacking your brain? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were just a walking corpse." it says, clearly astonished by his survival thus far.
"Yeah... Shit's been rough. You done with your checks?"
"Almost... Try to keep still." it says, and he feels the many small needles connecting the Stealth suit to his body heat up slightly.
After a bit more waiting, the astounded voice of the Auto-Doc makes itself known again, "Jesus, Mary, Joesph... Boy, you're strong as a bull, agile as a weasel, and built like a brick-shit-house. I wanna meet your folks and beg them not to birth anymore of you, unnatural creatures such as yourself'll only cause trouble."
"Okay... I'd let them know if they weren't already dead." he says, not really knowing how to reply to the robot.
"Goo-*Ahem*I mean, you have my condolences... Tests are done, calibrations are complete. What can I do for ya' today?" it asks, the Auto-Doc opening and allowing him to step outside.
"Well, what can you do first of all?" Afton asks, deciding to check its full capabilities before getting his brain, and possibly his spine put back in.
"Regular check-ups, treatments, radiation flushes, cosmetic surgery, implants, and psychiatric evaluations. You know, the basic stuff... With time I might be able to come up with more, with your permission of course." it explains.
Afton slowly nods, taking great interest in the implants, along with the psychiatric evaluation, perhaps he'd be able to rid himself of his fear of plants? Honestly, he didn't think much of psychometrics, they weren't as well-founded as other medical fields after all. "What Implants have you got?"
The Auto-Doc proceeds to list out the currently available Implants :
[Implant C-13] : Plus 10% damage to cazadores.
[Implant M-5] : Your crouched movement speed is increased by 20%
[Implant Y-3] : Removes any radiation taken from drinking an irradiated water source.
[Implant Y-7] : +5 health and +2 restored action points through the consumption of food.
Afton raises a brow at them, Usanagi certainly had more 'combat oriented' implants, but these were pretty good in their own rights. He could see uses for all apart from Y-3, as radiation from water didn't negatively affect him, and even empowered him to an extent.
M-5 was probably the most useful out of the bunch, combine the 20% crouch movement speed it grants with the Stealth suit's +20% would give him massive bonuses. He wondered if he'd eventually be able to crouch walk faster than he could run... It would look pretty fucking stupid, but would be effective nonetheless.
"Do I have to purchase them?" Afton asks, most of the machines here were designed before the Great War, all apart from Alfred had no concept of caps as a currency, so hopefully he'd be able to get them for free.
"No... As long as the commissary has the right materials I can implant whomever you want. I'd say to keep it to one implant per day though, surgery can be taxing on the body." it states.
Afton nods, "Alright, but before that, I want you to put my brain and spine back in my body... I have the X-2 Antenna, Stealth suit, and Sonic Emitter ready for the procedure."
"Good, then you've already got the pieces needed. I might as well give you an Implant while you're cut open, so what do you want?" it asks.
"The M-5 implant, if possible."
"Alright... Grab the other tech, get out of the Stealth suit and we'll get started."
Afton does as he's told, his Medical Skill allowed him to keep an eye on how preparations for the procedure were going, while he trusted the Auto-Doc, he still wanted to makesure everything was fine himself.
Four hours later :
Afton blearily wakes up, now laid on his bed in the Sink, the procedure having finished a while ago. His body is sore all over, but before he can check himself he's bombarded with numerous messages in his peripheral.
[Big Brained Perk has replaced Brainless] : Your brain is back in your body, but some of the advanced technologies remain: Your head still cannot be crippled, but you are only 10% more resistant to addiction now. Surprisingly your Damage Threshold has improved by 3.
[Big Brained] : Head cannot be crippled, 10% resistance to chem addiction, +3 DT.
[Reinforced Spine Perk has replaced Spineless] : Your spine is back in your body, but some advance technologies remain: Your torso can now be crippled again, but your Strength (STR) and Damage Threshold (DT) bonuses have doubled! (+2)
[Reinforced Spine] : +2 DT, +2 Strength.
[Your Strength has achieved superhuman levels! Title granted : Goliath]
[Goliath] : +50% to intimidation checks. Feats of Strength grants +10% fame.
[Perk Gained : Implant M-5]
[Implant M-5] : Your crouched movement speed is increased by 20%
Afton ignores the level-ups for a moment while checking the new Perks that'd replaced the old ones. To be honest, he was a bit nervous at first, reading that some Perks had been replaced. But one he saw the new ones his worries were vanquished.
The new [Reinforced Spine] Perk had put him above what he previously thought the max stat level was, giving him a title in the process.
[Big Brained] was pretty negligible, but he wouldn't scoff at the extra DT, especially since Chem addiction resistance was pretty useless to him anyway.
He hums to himself and looks to towards the level ups, immediately putting all points into Survival and boosting it to 89 before moving onto the available Perks.
I hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to, I'd appreciate it.
Afton looks at the Perk available and skims them :
[Method In Madness] : Grants 100% bonus when attempting to teach someone something you are skilled at. A pretty 'meh' Perk, though it could prove incredibly useful as Afton was already proficient in many different fields.
[Circus Act] : Gives a limited ability to accurately bounce objects between obstacles to strike specific targets. This would be good if Afton didn't literally have weapons that could shoot through walls...
[Pressure Points] : Grants a 20% bonus to accurately striking pressure points, If a pressure point is strike, 50% chance to paralyse target, chance and duration depend on strength of said strike. Afton wasn't sure what to make of this Perk, if he ever got into melee range of someone they'd most likely be dead... Not to mention his Unarmed Skill already gave him extensive knowledge on pressure points.
[The Bronson Slip] : You are slippery and difficult to grab a hold of. +50% chance to avoid being grabbed. At first this seems like a pretty dull skill, but once Afton realised it didn't just include humans, it go a lot more interesting... He would have been able to easily escape Patient Zero's tentacles if he had this Perk...
[Madder Max] : Vehicles you drive can continue to operate for ten minutes longer, even after crippling damage has been done to it. (Does not work if vehicle is completely destroyed) Afton could see a couple uses for this, but if his vehicle ever sustained such damage he probably deserved what's coming to him... It'd be better to just build a more durable vehicle instead of relying on this.
[Por Favor?] : Boosts your ability to learn languages by 200% Yeah, no. Afton had no intention to learn any other language... For all he knew, English was the last remaining language around. No one could dispute that either since atomic annihilation didn't tent to spare anyone.
Afton mulls over the Perks and eventually decides to just put a point in Perception via [Intense Training], boosting it up to 9. He intended to use Usanagi to boost it to 10 to acquire its Perk, and hopefully do the same with Endurance while saving some Perk points in case an amazing Perk came up.
With that, he stands and brushes himself off, he notices that he's still naked and realises that Nyx must still be in the main room. Shaking his head, he stretches and looks at himself in the mirror. His hair that'd been slowly growing back from having been shaved off had disappeared again, the Auto-Doc removing it to open his skull.
The surgical scars across his body looked fresher as well, and they'd probably remain for a long while due to just how deep they were. Once he's done looking himself over, he gathers all his equipment and moves to the next room.
Finding the Stealth suit sitting on the map which held Alfred's personality chip. He quickly equips her and grimaces slightly at the pinpricks caused by the needles connecting to his body. "Hello Nyx, everything's well?"
"Operation was a complete success. I have checked your... Anatomy multiple times to affirm this." Nyx says, and Afton squints at the weird tone of her voice.
"Allright... Alfred, has the Think Tank made any moves while I was out?" he asks, brushing past Nyx's peculiar infatuation with his physical form.
"No, sir. They appear to still be under the misapprehension that you are invading Doctor Mobius domicile, or had perished at the hands of his Robo-Scorpions. Personally, I am looking forward to watching your confrontation with them."
Afton smirks, "As am I. Well, unless something else requires my attention, I think it's time to speak to our friends downstairs."
"Sneak attack?" Nyx offers but Afton just shakes his head.
"No, negotiation comes first. Sneak attacks come... Third? I'm not really sure where they fall on the priority list."
"They should be first..." Nyx quietly grumbles.
Afton ignores her and pats the Auto-Doc, "Thanks for your work, I think I'll call you... Meddie, unless you disagree?"
"Heh, I think it's as good as any other name... Now get goin', you have some egg-heads to scramble." 'Meddie' encourages.
Afton nods and grips the [Fallen Ranger Sequoia], he actually hadn't had a chance to kill anything with it yet, but like Mobius, this was a special occasion... He hoped he wouldn't have to use it.
He travels down the stairs to the Think Tank, entering the tunnel and immediately finding the place wreathed in a red glow, as opposed to the usual blue.
"They know you're here." Nyx states, and Afton wonders if they had sensors in the stairway or something, as just like the first time he'd entered the Think Tank, the scientists were floating above bright lights in formation again, all facing towards him as if preparing to judge him.
Immediately, Afton notices the lack of 'peace' that usually oppresses other thoughts he may have had while entering this place. The Pacification Field doesn't work on those with brains after all, and now that he'd retrieved his own. It would not protect the scientists from him.
Once Afton walks up the ramp, Klein starts speaking to him in a loud and dramatic voice. "THE LOBOTOMITE RETURNS. OUR LOBOTOMITE. HAS DR. MOBIUS BEEN DENOMINATORED INTO SCRAP METAL AND VOICE MODULE PARTS AS WE HOPED?"
"Oh, no, forget Mobius for now. From the ominous red lights, I assume you've noticed that I've reacquired my brain. I think it's time to collect that 'Favour' you owe me." he says, wishing to start with the simplest way of getting their obedience. Should they refuse, he can hold their 'dishonour' above their heads in future.
Klein growls at this, "FAVOUR? WHAT FAVOUR?"
"Er, Klein? I do recall agreeing to the Lobotomite's terms. In return for their help in gathering the technologies and dealing with Mobius, we granted one favour... Though, now that I think about it, an all-encompassing favour does sound kinda stupid." Zero says from the side.
Afton scowls, "Don't worry. In agreement with our terms, I've 'dealt' with Dr. Mobius. You won't be bothered by Robo-Scorpions any longer." he states ambiguously.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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