"What's the catch?"
Lieutenant Hayes smirks, "Catch?"
"I know how this goes, you give us a tough job, we complete it and you stuff us back in prison anyway." Afton states, having seen more than his fair share of action movies. "I wouldn't put it past you to give us a pardon posthumously."
Karl snorts, "Kid, these guys are NCR, they couldn't wipe their asses properly if their bureaucrat overlords didn't tell them to."
Emil just shakes his head at them, "Your thoughts about the NCR don't matter to us, regardless, the kid is free to go whenever he wants."
Afton chokes, "What? Then-"
"But you, Karl Martin, are still guilty of crimes against the NCR. So, this pardon would only be for you. Do what we say, and you'll be free. Reject our offer and we'll find a prison that isn't liable to be taken over, so you can spend the rest of your days in relative 'comfort'" Emil says rather harshly.
Karl huffs at them, "What's the mission?"
Lieutenant Hayes smirks, "The mission, we want you to infiltrate the NCRCF and plant some 'packages' near one of the walls. It'd be best for them to be placed from within, but it doesn't really matter. Our goal is to eliminate the Powder Gangers once and for all, once all traces of them are gone from this side of the Mojave, you'll receive your pardon."
Afton cuts in, "You'll be sending troops in right? Unless you were expecting Karl to do it all himself?" asks warily.
Emil scoffs, "Obviously, not that I don't doubt your skill Mr Martin, but taking on a whole facility without ungodly firepower is beyond even the best of us. Once you've breached the wall, my men will charge through the newly made entrance, we may need help in eliminating the men on the watchtowers, but that's something to plan once you've agreed."
"I'll do it." Karl says after a moment. He had made a few friends among the Powder Gangers during his prolonged stay there, but not that he'd seen a chance of saving his daughter he wasn't going to squander it. Those men deserved to die anyway for what they'd be doing, whether it was Karl, or someone else to deliver it to them didn't matter.
Both officers nod at him, "Good. Now, Mr Parker, you'll not be allowed to leave until Mr Martin's mission is completed. Can't have this information getting out now, can we?"
"I'm going with him." Afton states, not willing to miss out on the action and potential exp gain.
Karl gives him a glance, "I can handle this myself kid, just wait here and I'll be back soon."
"Why though? I'm willing to help, and with me there we could lower the risk to the soldiers that'll be charging in."
Hayes and Emil both give Afton a look, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, Karl and I were both sent out by the Powder Ganger leader to deal with Tommy's gang, the guys who raided that civilian caravan. It'd be weird if he returned without me, plus, I reckon we could give them some 'information' on the next NCR supply caravan heading to Sloan... You don't even have to ambush those that go for it, it'd reduce the numbers inside the prison if we choose that route."
Hayes nods, "I think that would work, I'm willing to give it a shot... But know this Mr Parker, if you lead my men into a trap, I'll have you hunted down from here to D.C. Do you understand?"
Afton nods and Hayes continues. "Good. Now, you two know the place better than we do, so we'll leave whatever you plan to do to your own discretion. If you can get some Powder Gangers to take the bait and leave the facility then great, if not just ignore it and continue the original objective. I'll have squads positioned nearby, the explosion will be the signal, they'll wait there tomorrow night."
Emil walks up and uncuffs the duo, "Your equipment will be returned when you leave, you'll be provided with food and water, as well as some of the loot recovered from the civilian caravan and Powder Ganger bodies yesterday to make you look more legit. Any questions?"
Karl shrugs, "None here... Just gimme the 'package' and the trigger and we'll be off."
It's only thirty minutes later when the duo leaves the NCR encampment, they'd returned Karl's .44 Magnum, and Afton's pistols, along with some caps, supplies, and uniforms belonging to Tommy's gang. They'd be using those as proof that they'd dealt with Tommy.
"You better be ready for this kid, it won't be like the other fights we've had... It'll be a mini-war. Once it starts I suggest you dump the Powder Ganger jacket, otherwise you might get shot by the soldiers as they storm in."
Afton nods, "I'll be fine... Probably, I think its best you give them the false information while I plant the bombs... They'll trust your word more than mine."
"Yeah, I suppose you're right." he mutters, handing Afton a wrapped square and a small trigger that has the safety on. He goes onto explain how to use it, and that he should only take the safety off if he was ready to detonate it... C4 isn't something to be trifled with, even a small amount could bring down a house, the amount he was holding would annihilate both of them instantly should it go off.
"Think the NCR will stay true to their word? I doubt they lied about giving you a pardon but there are more Powder Gangers around the Mojave than just the NCRCF... What if they force us to deal with them too?"
Karl focuses on Afton's use of "us" but doesn't pursue it, they'd decided to help each other out and it was nice to know the kid really meant it. "Then I'll have to do what they say, won't be easy if that's the case though..." he admits, he knew the general areas of where the Powder Gangers were, but most of them were either far apart, heavily fortified or both.
Hope you boys liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
*Knock, knock*
*Knock, knock*
Eddie scowls at the door and drops tosses teh empty jet to the floor with the rest, "Who the fuck is it?" he calls out in irritation.
The door opens with Karl and Afton walking in, the two bodyguards sitting around sit up slightly to be ready for an attack should it come. Eddie gestures at Scrambler who seemed like he was about to start firing shots any minute, the man was a short fuse that lit spontaneously and randomly.
"Oh, so it's you two... I don't see Tommy so..." he starts, his voice trailing off suggestively.
"Tommy and his gang decided that they didn't want to come back with us, they'd just raided a caravan and saw it fit that they keep all of the spoils, ignoring your tax." Karl explains.
Eddie shrugs, "So they're dead then? I'd say good job but they were technically still Powder Gangers. Whatever, doesn't matter now."
"So, we gettin' paid for this or what?" Karl asks abruptly.
"Why would I pay you to deal with your former posse?" Eddie muttered with a weird expression.
"Because we had to take down the whole gang with just the two of us, add the fact we brought this." he gestures at Afton and he drops five bloody Powder Ganger jackets as well as some supplies the NCR had handed them. "I thnk some caps are in order."
Eddie chuckles, "Fine, a hundred each... No more than that, we're fucked on food and water but I'll not be ripped off by my own gang." he states.
Karl slowly nods, "One last thing Eddie. One of the men in the caravan had ties with the NCR, I managed to... Persuade them to answer some questions, the last NCR caravan to Sloan was destroyed, so they're sending a larger one with more men. That's not all though, it apparently has triple the supplies we found last time."
Eddie's eyes widen greedily, "That could sort us out for a while, you sure they were telling the truth?"
Karl nods, "The man was given the choice between watching his wife die or answering... The torture softened him up... I killed them both afterwards anyway." he admits with a hard look.
"When's this happening?"
"I don't know exactly, but Sloan will be receiving their supplies by tonight or tomorrow morning... Setting up an ambush today is the best choice, plant some traps, get into position, etc." Karl goes over a quick plan and the others nod.
"I want you to go with the group Karl, you're one of the best we have, we can't afford to fail this." Eddie asks, Afton struggling not to be affected by this.
Karl shakes his head, "I'm old and tired, just been walking for a couple of days with minimal sleep. You'll be fine without me, I've already given you the info. Now, are we done? I wanna drink." he huffs.
"Fine, piss off and get your drink. Scrambler, grab some men and set up an ambush for that caravan. Bring a lot of guns, you're gonna need it." Eddie states as he tosses a bag of caps at Karl and Afton.
The duo leave and Afton sends a relieved glance at Karl, the plan had worked unexpectedly well. Karl had managed to portray the strength of the 'NCR caravan' so that Eddie would be forced to send many Powder Gangers with the best weaponry to seize it.
This would no doubt be a huge boon during the upcoming siege, especially since one of the guys leaving would be Scrambler... Afton had heard stories about him, and had no wish to see the man in action.
Karl left to start drinking at the bar and await the signal, Afton knew he couldn't just walk over and plant a bomb in broad daylight, he'd need to wait until nightfall to do it. The courtyard of the prison always had a few people wandering about, playing caravan or other card games while eating or drinking. Their attitudes would make you rethink whether they were in a supply crisis...
So, until that time he'd do what he usually does in the NCRCF... Sit in his designated office and wait for patients to need his services. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be anyone injured today, which left him alone to go over the plan in his head.
Glancing over to the medical supplies, he decides to steal all the stimpacks they had, he shoved the ten syringes into his Deathclaw leather satchel. Taking another look he figures that if he's going to steal the stimpacks, he might as well take the other things as well.
[10 stimpacks acquired] +30 Hit Points
[5 Radaway acquired] : -50 Radiation
[7 Med X acquired] : +25 Damage Resistance for 4 min
[6 Rad X acquired] : 25% Rad. Res. for 4 min.
[2 Jet acquired] : +15 Action Points for 4 minutes
[3 Psycho acquired] : +25% Damage for 4 minutes
[1 Rebound acquired] : Regenerates +5 Action Points per second for 1 minute
[1 Fixer acquired] : Permanently removes addiction
[2 Antivenom acquired] : Cures animal and arthropod poisons.
[1 Mentats acquired] : +2 Intelligence for 4 minutes, +2 Perception for 4 minutes, +1 Charisma for 4 minutes
[2 Buffout acquired] : +60 Max Hit Points for, 4min +3 Endurance for 4min, +2 Strength for 4min
Quite the haul, but similarly pretty terrifying when you consider these were all the medical supplies the Powder Gangers have... They had around a hundred members so this was really the minimum you could have before people started dying due to injuries...
Afton could also notice the obvious lack of addictive Chems, with how much Jet Eddie was going through he was surprised to find two... Oh well, he didn't intend to use Chems unless the circumstances were incredibly dire, he had no idea what effect they'd have on him as he'd never done them before. Obviously, he could see their effects with the Pipboy but that wasn't what he was referring to.
Once he was out of this place and in a safe area he'd sell them off for some extra caps though, maybe he could buy himself a better Energy weapon than this piece of shit laser pistol. If he couldn't then he'd just go with ballistics until something dropped into his arms.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
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