The completion of Dirt-Hog signalled their departure from Novac. Most of the townsfolk didn't want them to leave, due to safety and the help Afton's group had given them.
Afton was fairly sure they'd be able to hold back a medium-strength Legion assault with the training he, Boone, and Karl had given the townsfolk, but that wouldn't mean much if the Legion came at full force.
It was obvious to most that the NCR didn't care for, or want to defend the town, even if it'd lead to a strategic disadvantage. And now that Novac had refused to pay taxes, the NCR would likely let the town be destroyed and after let NCR settlers take the place. It wouldn't be the first time it'd happened either...
As thanks to Daisy for her continued help and support, he'd left her the Winch truck to do with as she wished... Though, he'd recommended her to armour it up and modify it into a makeshift assault vehicle... She could probably use the winch to drag something else into combat, though, Afton was still unsure at the effectiveness it might have.
Regardless, it was time to head to New Vegas. He still had to assassinate that piece of shit major that led the attack on Helios One, as well as finding Veronica who may or may not even be there. It'd been a couple months since she and Tamia had left gather enough money to enter New Vegas, so hopefully, they'd have made it in.
To be honest, Afton wasn't holding out much hope of keeping his 'neutrality' with the Legion after their defence of Novac. But, if he could gain a little more time so they could plan their attack on the Legion's main base, it'd be well worth it... Besides, he always intended to kill the major, whether or not the Legion asked him to is irrelevant.
So, he sat in the passenger seat of Dirt-Hog as Josie took the wheel. Despite him wanting to drive it, he wanted her to get a proper feel for it... She was responsible for the vehicle after all, that's why he'd invited her into the group.
Karl complained that the back of Dirt-Hog was a bit cramped, especially with ED-E and Dog-meat back there, but he couldn't really complain... Compared to sitting behind Afton on Dirt-Bird, he preferred the cramp, but well air-conditioned cargo hold.
The drive to New Vegas was pretty uneventful. It took a day or two, and they'd been forced to stop at the 188 Trading Post to get some rest. They'd visited the Slop and Shop to visit Samuel and his daughter, and learned that the duo were actually planning on moving back to Primm... Apparently, the conflict with the Legion has been forcing more and more traders to relocate... Add the cleared Long 15 and Primm was ready to become the new trading hotspot of the Mojave.
Of course, Dirt-Hog attracted alloooot of attention. Afton was forced to get a Certification of Ownership for it like he had done Dirt-Bird all those months ago. The NCR soldiers were almost falling over themselves to steal the vehicle however, which forced Afton to 'show' how much he'd appreciated them keeping their hands to themselves...
The fact that he'd broken all the bones in one of the soldier's hands was easily ignored when the context of the situation was given however, so no punishments were given to Afton for his assault on an NCR soldier.
Though, already over the NCR radio he'd received he could hear them speaking of Dirt-Hog... His vehicle was probably one of the best vehicles around America... Of course, the NCR still had a few tanks and other military vehicles back in California, but those had to be kept there to drive off any potential Brotherhood of Steel invasion.
Hopefully, the NCR wouldn't get the stupid idea to 'Commandeer' his vehicle, otherwise he'd definitely be forced to retaliate.
Eventually, the group reached the North gate of Freeside where a small group of King's were waiting and watching with rapt attention.
"My, god, whaddo' we have 'ere? One o' them prewar-war machines?" a King mutters as he unconsciously takes a step back.
Afton opens the door and sticks his head out, waving as he sends a cheeky grin at them, "How you boys doing? Good, I hope?"
"Hahaha! I shoulda known it'd be you drivin' around that contraption. The King has been lookin' for ya, you know?" he says as he approaches.
Another King speaks up, "I'm kinda worried about that ride o' yours... Seems like you could crush a man like a rotten tato'... Them guns up there ain't for show neither, right?" Afton shakes his head and the King continues, "You better keep everything tight and controlled then, wouldn't want a misunderstandin' would we?"
Afton chuckles, "The only misunderstanding that'd be happening in that instance is who you'd have to scrap up off of the road. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though, right?"
The King nods and shrugs, "Not much else I can say to that. I'd steer clear of those soldier boys though, even with things being calmer around here, they're still worried about another terrorist attack. Might just piss themselves and start firing when you roll up in that."
Afton nods, "We'll keep that in mind. Oh, you guys mind opening the gate for us?" he asks and the Kings nod and do so, "Alright, see you guys later." he says, waving at them before shutting the door and continuing.
Josie slowly drives Dirt-Hog down the street of Freeside, causing no small deal of fright to the locals who'd never seen such a big vehicle before. Most hadn't even seen Dirt-Bird in action, let alone the mobile assault vehicle before them.
There was a far greater NCR presence in the slums now than before, but apparently, it still wasn't enough to remove all the drugs, fights, and other illegal shit that goes on in the alleyways.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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