Truth be told, the reason he hadn't started the fight with his pistols was due to how difficult it would be to reload them without his right hand... Regardless, once he was out of shots for his ballistic weapons he'd swap to his backup plasma pistol.
Dust is kicked up around them as Karl finally throws himself behind cover. "Fuck! That was close!"
Afton nods, "We need to take out as many as possible before we can disengage and retreat." he states, both already knowing it but Afton feeling the need to say it.
"Fine by me, think of it as revenge for those lost souls those bastards ended last night." Karl says while raising his weapon and firing over some rubble, sprays of red indicating that he had indeed hit something.
Afton had his focus elsewhere though, they may be somewhat protected behind this cover for now, but who's to say more Fiends wouldn't come from behind them.
His ears twitch as some rubble is shifted on the other side of their makeshift cover, a Fiend sprinting out while raising their weapon towards him and Karl. Afton had already locked onto them though, firing off one clean shot with That Gun and putting them out of commission with another eye-socket.
Afton almost instantly activates VATS at the familiar sound and turns towards it, noticing a frag grenade in between him and Karl. His companion's eyes were almost comically wide as he stares down at it, looking as if he was about to reach for it and toss it back.
Afton liked the idea and stopped VATS while quickly grabbing the grenade, his sunlight enhanced strength allowing him to bowl it towards the group of Fiend currently shooting at them like a professional baseball player.
Both weren't aware if they'd managed to kill anyone with the grenade or not, but a severed arm flying by their position definitely gave a good case for it.
"HAHA! Have you got any more grenades for us to throw at you? You stupid bastards!" Afton mocks, snickering to himself as dust kicks up around them at a greater rate, clearly his taunt had an effect.
Karl pats his arm without looking at him, "Kid, we got a problem." he says, staring straight at a large group of Fiends off in the distance. The enemy could clearly see the duo as well as the direction they were coming from completely invalidated their cover.
"Fuck." Afton growls, turning to look for a better place to hide but not spotting anywhere all that good... There were a few boulders large enough to hide behind, but if they went there they'd be locked down and unable to move, sitting ducks at the Fiends mercy.
He uses VATS to stop time and thinks over a few plans, discarding most as being unviable or unlikely to succeed... Eventually his thoughts drift to what he currently has in his possession... Yes, that could work." A sadistic grin forms on his face as he turns off VATS.
He holsters his gun and thrusts his hand into some rubble, digging out a small crevice to hide something... He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small device... Karl pales upon seeing it and sends him a wary look.
"You sure about this?"
Afton nods, "If it fails then we'll go out in a flash of glory, you know, instead of being tortured to death by dirty chem addicts."
Karl shrugs, "Fine."
Afton quickly sets his trap and Karl hands him his LMG, Afton using his 10 Strength to fire it with one hand with some difficulty. He covers Karl as the man retreats to a boulder a good distance away, the reinforcing group of Fiends already firing at them both with bloodthirsty looks.
He continues to apply suppressing fire with the LMG until a *Click!* indicates that it was out of ammo. He'd be attempted to try fire his Anti-Material rifle with one hand if he didn't already know how much damage it'd cause to him... It wasn't an impossibility to lose his other arm from th sheer recoil of the thing.
With the LMG out of ammo he starts sprinting towards where Karl was currently hidden, shots kicking up dust around him as he does his best to apply evasive manoeuvres. Flips, ducking, and other parkour tricks allow him to weather most of it... Most of it.
He'd been shot a couple times in the back for his troubles, but his recon armour proves its value once again by protecting most of his vitals. Blood darkens the leather as he runs but he ignores it, the pain not even being a fraction of what cutting his arm had felt like... Not mentioning the fact that the pain killer he'd previously used were still running through his system.
With a groan his jumps high over the boulder Karl was hiding behind, slumping against it while blood trickled to the floor below him. He pushes the LMG back into his friend's hand with a grunt, "Go on, get firing... Fuck." he mutters, slowly receiving the pleasant feeling of the sunlight on his face, the rays slowly healing his wounds. Pushing bullets and other pieces of lead out of his body so other natural processes could take over.
Afton takes a glance over the boulder and grimaces at the sheer numbers the Fiends had gathered. There was at least two hundred of them streaming towards their position, mongrels that'd presumably been bred by Violet gnashing their teeth as their owners held onto them for now.
Suddenly, a red flare flies overhead from behind the. Afton spins around but sighs in relief as he spots some NCR soldiers taking up position nearby, the familiar figure of Boone taking up a high position, giving a small wave at him to show that he had indeed noticed him.
The only problem was, the NCR soldiers didn't even make up a fraction of the Fiends forces, so what their plan was is anyone's guess... If all else fails, Afton would gladly use the trap he'd set, he just didn't know what would happen once he did. Was there even a Geneva convention anymore?
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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