Loyal gives a loud "Yeehaw!" as he and the other Boomers pilot the Bomber. This was their dream, and they were finally in it! He'd need to thank Tamia for her help after all this is done, as well as Mr House for providing the opportunity...
"How're those bombs lookin'!?" the old man calls to the back of the aircraft, wanting to know how many more passes they had before they had to return.
"We got enough for two more passes Loyal! We got enough fuel for it!?"
Loyal gives a beaming smile and nods, "Hell yeah we do!"
On the ground, Lanius can only watch as the bombs drop onto his helpless forces. The Legionaries try to shoot back at it in response, but the bullets do little to nothing, even if they manage to actually hit it.
Shaking his head, he prepares for another charge. He knew that the NCR wouldn't dare bomb the Dam, it was already fragile enough from the two hundred years of little to no maintenance. If it fell, the rest of the Mojave would as well.
A grenade drops nearby him but Lanius just kicks it back towards the NCR. It explodes just as it passes the barricade they were using as cover, killing and disorienting a good portion of them.
Lanius gives a roar and charges once it explodes, headed straight for the first tower. A couple bullets skitter off of his armour, but he ignores it and beheads two NCR troopers who hastily try to retreat, knowing full well what awaited them if they got into melee range with the Legate.
A trooper tries to use the bayonet on the end of his rifle to fend Lanius off, but he just grabs the blade with his gauntleted hand and breaks it, causing the man to squeak in fear and piss himself.
"Futue te ipsum!" Lanius screams as he slashes the man with his blade, causing him to stumble against the concrete balustrade. He looks up just in time to see Lanius giving a great kick to his chest, launching him completely off of the Dam.
Lanius turns his furious glare towards the other troopers as the man's scream echoes behind him. They cower in fear but continue to fight regardless, knowing they had nowhere to run. He enters the tower and tries to break the hatch that led further inside the Dam, but notices that it'd completely sealed... It'd been welded, as well as barricaded from the other side.
Lanius stumbles forward as a hard impact hits him in the back, along with a few smaller ones at the back of his helmet. He turns with a fierce growl and spots the couple NCR troopers further up the tower, looking down at him with shocked looks.
A couple minutes later after butchering the troopers and the Ranger sniper that'd been posted there, Lanius looks down and spots a few NCR soldiers wearing that accursed armour approaching the tower. He looks Eastwards and notices his army trying to fight through the surviving NCR troopers, but their progress was too slow to make it before he'd have to fight these specialised warriors.
He scowls as he spots that infernal aircraft flying over his forces again... He can only look away as the bombs decimate more of his men, turning his attention towards the enemies at hand.
The NCR power armour team crashes through the closed tower door with weapons ready. One wielding a Minigun while a few others had assault rifles.
Lanus leaps from the stairs though and drops right onto of the man wielding the Minigun, stabbing his blade into the crook of his neck where the armour was thinner. "Die cum armis huius sceleris reus!" he bellows as the others swiftly react and start pelting him with bullets.
However, once they noticed the bullets doing nothing, they tossed them away and attempt to grab Lanius and use their slightly enhanced strength against the man... Unfortunately, Lanius was far stronger than he had any right to be.
"RRRRAAAAGGGHH!!" the Legate roars as he twists an armoured troopers neck with a single hand, smacking another on the top of their helmeted head with the flat of his blade at the same time.
Their neck breaks with ease, leaving only two armoured troopers left, one charges Lanius while the other throws themselves at the Minigun, grabbing and revving it up while their teammate keeps Lanius busy.
"Dodge this you BASTARD!" the trooper exclaims as he begins firing, only to realise too late that Lanius was using his teammate as a human shield.
Lanius throws the bullet-ridden armoured trooper onto his friend which forces the Minigun to stop, afterwards jamming his blade straight into the only survivor's neck. Once he was sure that was the end of them, he beheads one of the corpses and carries it outside, throwing it at the NCR soldiers who all pale in fear.
"LAM PASSIM DIMITTUNT!!! WE WILL PAINT THE DAM LEGION RED WITH YOUR BLOOD!" he roars, turning to his army that'd finally caught up to his position, "MEN! CHAAAAARRRRGGGGEEE!" he shouts as he charges the enemy while using the headless armoured trooper's corpse as a shield. Quickly a number of .50 cal rounds lodge themselves into the body through the makeshift power armour.
By the time Lanius actually reaches the enemy, the corpse he was carrying had lost its lower extremities, leaving him with just a mangled torso. He throws it and continues his bloody rampage, grinning viciously as the blood lust takes over.
Colonel Moore was watching all of them on the other side of the Dam with some binoculars, as well as listening to the screams of help over the radio... The channels they were using to communicate were almost rendered useless due to people misusing them to beg for reinforcements and help... There wasn't anything they could do however, they needed to hold position and wear down as much of the Legion army as possible... Hopefully, the Legion would route before all the NCR troopers were expended.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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