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99.85% Steel Waste / Chapter 708: Monkey Presents Wrench

Capítulo 708: Monkey Presents Wrench

The occupants of the aircraft actually consisted of everyone Afton was close to, his companions such as Karl, Boone, Anja, Veronica, Christine... And his other friends, Miles, Melissa, Usanagi, and Ulysses.

Despite their importance to the burgeoning society that was forming, as soon as they were informed of Afton's supposed location, almost all had jumped at the chance to rescue him from whatever fate had befallen him.

For obvious reasons, Rose had been left behind, the only non-combatant on board being Usanagi who'd been suited up with bulky power armour with a powerful shield generator strapped to the back of it... She was more there as a doctor than anything else, the group not wanting to need her and having left her back in the Mojave.

As for how the group knew where Afton was? With Afton's extended leave, everyone had basically been begging Shani to find his location, asking at every chance for her to use her powers to find him... It was only after Tamia had announced the construction of the bomber, and her intent for everyone to go to Africa to search for him that Shani finally had a vision.

Everyone was terribly confused when she started murmuring things about some sort of 'monkey-man', but when she gave her suspicions that said man was Afton, they didn't wait another moment had left for Africa, not wanting to leave Afton as some sort of mutated creature much longer.

Even with Afton's power, the chaos caused by the crashing mothership had uplifted a significant amount of buried radioactive material, launching it high into the air and making previously inhabitable areas unsafe.

This, as well as the tsunami which disturbed the largest and most dangerous creatures in the ocean, had made most coasts of every continent incredibly perilous to go near... And the group had no idea how this would have altered the African continent, the place most affected by the falling mothership in the first place.

The group watches Tamia sigh again, and Boone finally decides to speak up, "Look, if you're going to keep doing that then just sit in the cargo hold... And no, I'm not going to ask you what's wrong." he states, sounding harsher than most had ever heard from him.

Tamia crooks a brow, "What crawled in your ass and died?"

Shani clutches his hand and gives him a pointedly look, causing him to sigh as well, everyone else making sure to make snide comments in response.

Karl reholsters his revolver after wiping it down and cleaning it for the n'th time this trip, "Look, I get that ya're worried on the kid's state when we find him, but worrying about it now ain't gonna change what we find. So, just relax and enjoy the-Guhk!" he pauses as some sudden turbulence causes the aircraft to jolt and shudder, making Karl's aching back shudder with pain, "*Huugk!... Enjoy the... Ride..." he manages to get out as the others chuckle at his expense.

Veronica leans forwards toward Tamia with a smug look, "Or maybe you're worried about something else... Maybe that message Josie left with Glados for you... Wanna tell us what it said?"

Tamia quickly shakes her head, her cheeks flushing for a moment before memories of her old best friend flash through her mind. "No." she firmly responds, not wishing to make such an intimate thing known, even amongst the group both she and Josie was closest with.

She goes back to observing the view out of the small aircraft window, her eyes widening as she spots land in the distance.

It only takes another hour for them to finally reach Africa, the former-remnant, Orion finding a relatively flat, safe place to land the vehicle so they might safe enough fuel for the return trip.

The rest of the group funnel out of the aircraft, getting themselves geared up and taking enough supplies to last a few days. Shani's vision had apparently involved the coast, so the group was planning to travel around all of the coasts of Africa to locate their lost friend.

Unfortunately, the state of Africa was far worse than they'd initially anticipated... The creature's that'd inhabited this place before the great war had mutated into far worse monsters than even the mad scientists could come up with.

Giant crocodiles with hides and scales thick enough to block even .50 Calibre rounds, and jaws so powerful they could crush a block of tungsten with relative ease.

Large prides of monstrous-looking Lions, with claws that, while being much smaller than your typical Deathclaw's, would still produce similar, if not more damage with each swipe. Not to mention their incredible teamwork made them so dangerous that the group almost lost a couple people, even despite their power armour and high-tech weaponry.

Large groups of monkeys, apes, and other primates were far stronger than their unmutated brethren. Efficient and brutal, while being smart enough to attack at the weak points of someone who was wearing armour... Without the excellent design of the armour Afton had produced in the past, many would be missing their arms, legs, eyes, or even their genitals at this point.

The sky was filled with large flocks of various birds who only seemed interested in the new visitors that graced their territory. Vultures, Eagles, and other creatures that were made only more dangerous due to the high levels of radiation.

Huge snakes that had poison strong enough to melt the ground it touches.

Giant mosquitoes able to shoot large globules of acid.

Rhino's that could literally charge through boulders of rock and come out unscathed.

Giant predatory elephants that had two or three trunks lined with sharp teeth that'd easily tear tree's out of their foundations...

Indeed, it was the latter creatures that had the group on the ropes currently. They'd been following the remnants of burnt-out campfires when they'd accidentally wandered into a group of Rad-Elephants, the five females and large bull elephant immediately becoming aggressive and charging them.

Boone easily fires his Railgun into the head of the bull, but its skull was so thick that the projectile simply buried itself in the creature's skull, leaving a large indentation in its forehead while dealing almost no damage...

The tree's separating the group from the elephant were no issue either, as the elephant either charged through them, or tore them out of the ground and threw them as make-shift projectiles.

By now Dr Usanagi was panicking and rapidly backing away, along with Shani who wasn't nearly as experienced as the others in this sort of environment.

Veronica was about to get stomped on by one of the female elephants when a loud, bellowing shout, "AAAwooahwoahaaaawww … ooohhhaaa!!!" (AN : Tarzan Yell) as a dark figure swings out of nowhere and kicks the female elephant with both feet, launching both it, and the creature a couple hundred meters of so from the sheer impact of the attack.

The elephant itself had its skull completely caved in, with its mulched brian slowly leaking out of its large ears... But the figure had seemingly vanished and reappeared next to the other elephants.

The group could only take a step back and watch as the elephants tried to flee as soon as they heard the shout, but the figure continued chasing, systematically wiping out the creatures before finally approaching the group.


They couldn't really see it properly due to the fact that it was completely covered in dirt and wearing a large pelt around its shoulders, but it was definitely humanoid... It was hard to tell under the huge beard it sported, but everyone was sure it was smiling at them, with white teeth uncharacteristic of what you'd expect from someone who looked like that.

"Haha! You guys finally came! If I waited any longer I'd have definitely become this age's Tarzan!" the man laughs, the group quickly recognising the person's voice.

"Afton!?" Veronica exclaims, the others parroting the same in equally shocked tones.

He laughs again, "Hell yeah it's me! How have you guys been!? God, I'm so relieved that you guys are alive!" he states, holding his arms out and quickly enveloping everyone in a hug. The females of the group turning up their noses at the putrid smell coming from his body.

"G-god damn, boy! Have you not touched water since you got here!?" Karl shouts, prying himself out of Afton's grip.

Afton scoffs, "Have you not noticed how much dangerous shit is around here? If I washed I'd be chased for another couple weeks until I managed to hide my scent again."

"Hide!? Why'd you have to hide? You just one-shot those things!" Veronica shouts in disbelief.

Afton nods, "Yeah, but constantly having to kill those things gets boring very quickly... Because of my size, most things think that I'm an easy meal, and my scent seems to drive them into a frenzy whenever they smell it... With it covered though, they have enough sense to leave me alone." he explains.

Boone glares at him for a couple seconds before turning back to Shani and nodding, "Mmhm, definitely a monkey."

"Hah!? What was that? You dull-faced bastard? You guys have been on vacation compared to me! I wasn't even able to move days after the ship came down! Do you know how painful it is to get eaten alive by ants!?" he exclaims, causing the group to grimace.

Afton lets out a breath and palms his face, "Whatever, I don't care about it anymore... All I want is to get home and see my girl!" his eyes light up, "How is Rosie anyway? Has she grown at all? How long have I even been here!?"

The group send awkward looks to one another, realising that Afton's isolation had made him far more excitable than usual... Something they might have to fix before taking him back, otherwise those religion nuts would take full advantage of it.

"Yeah, she's great. Just a little down since she'd been waiting for you the entire time." Tamia states, causing Afton to look a little downtrodden.

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that. But saving the planet more times than I can count made it slightly difficult to plan my landing." he grumpily retorts, his immature attitude causing a few of the group to chuckle at his expense.

Tamia walks up and takes Afton's hand, "As much as I like waiting around, I think it'd be better if we spoke on the way back." she squeezes his hand affectionately, "Trust me in saying we'd like to get away from this shit hole as much as you."

Afton pauses at Tamia's rather strange actions, but nods with a smile regardless, "Yeah, let's go home... Say, I know its a lot to ask but, did you guys bring any snacks? A guy can only last on radioactive meat for so long ya-know... Oh! And some alcohol... I'd even drink hand sanitiser if you gave it to me." he says semi-sarcastically, but not hiding the slightly crazed glint in his eyes.

Tamia shakes her head, "Before you're getting any snacks, we're shaving that damn fluff off of your face." she states, causing him to grumble good-humouredly.

Afton takes one last look up at the sky and his goofy attitude fades for a moment, as he begins plotting on how to recover the scraps of alien parts that'd crashed into the earth, and use them to find the alien homeworld... During his months of isolation, only the thoughts of his friends, family, and getting back at the aliens had kept him relatively sane, even without all the comforts and luxuries he was so dependant on nowadays.

He shakes his head and looks at the others, "Race you guys to the ship, or whatever you used to get here." he says before jogging at a light pace down the coast... Only for Veronica to interrupt him, "It's the other way you mad idiot!" with which he turns straight around and races in the other direction.

Niggross Niggross

And boom, that's the end of Steel Waste... For now I guess?... I wasn't really sure on how to end the story, but leaving a potential sequel involving space warfare available seemed like a good spot to finish.

I'm sure it'll probably be unsatisfying for some of you, but that's the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.

Now, as you long-time readers know, there'll be a couple things happening now... A new book that'd been voted on by my Patrons, this one being a world hopping novel similar to EBW. And I'll also be doing a end of book review, like I had done for EBW.

Hope you bois liked the book, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Nazlican Erdem



next chapter

Capítulo 709: Steel Waste - Author Review

Yo bois. *Ahem*, you may know me as the charming and very handsome Niggros, son of Nutterison and the great Emperor of the Kingdom known as 'Copeismplesium'... Like I had done for EBW I'ma sum up my thought for how Steel Waste went, how I think I could have improved upon it and where I went wrong.

The most obvious place to start would be, well, the start. The beginning of Steel Waste was rather controversial if I do say so myself, the Mc's rather blasé actions and attitude rubbing a few people the wrong way... Many didn't like the way I present the Mc, as he wasn't really something most would consider 'good'... He was lazy, unmotivated, disrespectful to his parents, and pretty arrogant.

To be honest, there isn't much I'd change about that though, it's how I wanted to present him, as I wanted to show his growth from a rather easy life on earth, to a hard, disciplined, and brutal one in the Brotherhood of Steel... Whether or not I accurately displayed that is debatable, but I think I did an 'alright' job.

A few people didn't like how he acted in the womb of his new mother, the kicking in particular raising a few hairs... Honestly, I thought it was a throwaway thing, it wasn't all that impactful and would probably be something I'd do if trapped in such a confined space for an extended period of time.

Mc growing up was fine, and I feel like I fleshed out the characters in the Brotherhood somewhat. Mainly focussing on Veronica and Christine, along with their relationship that wasn't really explored in the main game. Nothing I'd change on that part.

Moving along, the 'troupe' of both his parents dying was actually kind of required for the story to progress how I wanted... If the Mc's parents survived, they'd have likely been able to stop him from leaving the bunker, forcing him to stay for longer and actually missing Tamia's adventures.

The only thing I might change is the way I introduced the system... For some, the lack of explanation regarding the Pipboy was annoying, but there isn't really a way to explain how 'magical powers' were involved with the device. Suffice to say he became the Mc of the game and leave it like that. I myself haven't really considered it much, as it didn't really matter.

I'm happy with most of the things that happened from then on, Afton's meeting with Karl, tensions with the NCR, and adventures through the wasteland.

Obviously, there is one glaring thing that may have annoyed some of you... The lack of real romance. I avoided this early on for obvious reasons, my previous book EBW fucked that up royally, and I wasn't too keen to involve it all that much this time. Though, as I'll address later on, got added eventually, much to some people's chagrin.

If there was anything about the system I'd change, it'd probably be the sparse amount of quests it gave out. Along with the challenges you could do to gain extra perks, damage bonuses, and caps. I was going for a more realistic feel with it though, so I wanted to avoid making it completely game-like... Though, whether or not this actually worked, I'm unsure. Let me know if you liked it or wanted more of the system involved.

Speaking on my grammar and writing itself, I thought that was all fine. Nothing spectacular, but enough to get what I wanted across to you readers. I'm English, so many sayings, catchphrases, and other strange words I use may have gone over some of your heads, but in the context they were used, they should have been easily understandable... I haven't really received any complaints about it, so I think you guys understood me well enough.

I think the character development was alright, for all except Afton... To be honest, having him live in the bunker for 18 years had made him pretty stable, which almost entirely eliminated most growth from his pre world loser that could have been had. I do feel I did the side characters like Veronica, Boone, etc justice for the game though. Along with how I did the Big Mt scientists.

Some people had some issues with how this story progressed similarly to how EBW did, and I somewhat agree with their sentiments. Mc gets strong, gathers companions, enters conflicts, claims territory, and things develop from there... But, there isn't really much I could do about that without forcing something unrealistic... Afton was at odds with almost every faction aside from Mr House, meaning he'd either have to go solo, or create a faction himself... And with Big Mt at his disposal, there was only a couple ways that could end... In future, I'll have to consider this if I want the story to lead to another conclusion.

Now, for romance... I couldn't really avoid it for much longer if I'm honest. Afton was a powerful, relatively handsome guy with many women following him. He was bound to get together with one of them, thus, Josie.

I actually had a vote on my patreon to see who would end up with him, some of the options being :



Deathclaw and some other joke picks.

Tamia was the winner however, but I wanted Afton to be in a relationship before finally settling down... I wasn't too keen on having a 'happily ever after' feel to his relationships, so something else was needed.

The romance itself could have been better written, more importance placed on their interactions, and more time put into their eventual marriage... But, this is literally an apocalyptic wasteland, so couples would often get together relatively fast. Josie was a typical wastelander who'd grown up in harsh conditions and eventually joined the NCR army. Her prospects weren't all that great until she met Afton, so her rather abrupt actions were natural... To me at least.

Anyway, moving on. I personally liked the tech development and Afton's interaction with Glados and House. Him strong-arming the 'strong-arming-king' was very satisfying to write.

Now, as for the alien invasion... Yeah, I probably should have fore-shadowed it, far more than I did. Many comments on it assumed that those chapters were the end of the story, which made me laugh... I mean, that's akin to a dungeon master saying 'Ok, an earthquake happens, you all die.', definitely not something I'd ever intentionally do.

I'd always intended for the aliens to attack, but seeing how many of you saw it as 'out of place' and 'random', means that I failed on that aspect.

I wanted the end of the book to be tense, dramatic... Considering how powerful Afton was, the only place that tension could come from was either from space, or from some bullshit the Enclave manages to pull out of their ass... Or maybe a hidden psyker country somewhere.

Anyway, I feel that, aside from the lack of foreshadowing, the alien bits were alright.

As for the actual ending, I'm still unsure whether it was good or not. As I stated, I left it open to the possibility of a sequel. I was thinking about crossing it over with starcraft or something, but that'll have to wait in the future, as I'm not too keen on writing 'Steel Waste Two Electric-Boogaloo' anytime soon.

Anyway, this review is getting a bit wordy, so I'll cut it short here... If I didn't mention anything you guys feel I should know, please type it in the comments. These reviews are so I can get feedback on my writing and 'hopefully', improve.

I feel like Steel Waste is a far better book than EBW, so I think I've improved somewhat, but I guess that's up to you guys to decide.

Ah! Also, you guys should look out for my next book, which will be a world hopper like EBW. It'll involve skyrim, and start in an Anime that I haven't actually seen written about in Webnovel... Like, ever. So take a look and see if it suits your tastes. Here's the link :

Thanks for reading!

Niggross Niggross

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Nazlican Erdem



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