Boone wasn't all that surprised when Johanna returned without Mortimer, though the news of his death was a pleasant one. Someone who engaged in cannibalism, and sought to encourage others to follow the same path must be exterminated with extreme prejudice.
Fortunately, most of the other members of the White Glove Society disavow Mortimer and his actions completely, giving the group way to arrest him and hopefully stop their reputation from being pulled through the mud (too much).
Once Johanna returns covered in mud, water, and blood. The group head back up to the hotel room so Boone can put his armour back on and get ED-E, not to mention grab all the bags they'd left in there.
Once done, they take the jar containing the Major's head and exit the Ultra-Lux, walking towards the NCR embassy as they go. Johanna and Christine give him questioning looks as he throws his hunting rifle and Anti-Material rifle on his back, while only the latter seem concerned as he puts his First Recon beret on. Fortunately, neither mention it and they go about their business.
A few people stare at them as they pass, but Boone isn't really concerned... Though, by the time they reach the embassy itself he questions the two women, "I don't think they will allow you inside with those masks..."
The two women touch their faces and only now realise they'd still been wearing the masks the whole time. "Huh, I'd forgotten they were even there." Johanna mutters, taking the mask off and causing Boone to gape at her.
Long black hair, dark brown eyes, tanned skin that's marred with a few visible scars... Just as Afton had described. Though, instead of a Vaultsuit, she's still wearing the tuxedo from the Ultra-Lux. "Tamia?" he questions, causing the woman to go still.
"Do you know me?" she asks, wondering if Boone was someone from her forgotten past.
He shakes his head, "Not personally but," he glances at 'Christine', "That would make you, Veronica, right?"
Veronica shrugs and takes off her mask, "Either you're really good at magic tricks, or you know things you shouldn't... Either way, I wanna know." she says, a small, cheeky smirk spreading across her face.
"Well, a friend of mine has been looking for you... Afton Parker." he says, taking a small degree of amusement from the way the woman's eyes bulge at the name.
"You know Afton?! How is he? Where is he? Why is he-" she stops herself short, she didn't know if Afton had revealed their origins to 'Squinty', but it was best left unsaid, especially now that they were literally standing next to the NCR embassy.
Tamia raises a brow, "You know Afton? Huh, seems like that kid gets around..." she mutters, not having expected her companion to be personally involved with the kid that'd helped her months ago.
"What? Why does everyone know how Afton is but me!? I should be the first one to know!" she exclaims, catching a few irritated glares from nearby NCR personnel. She sheepish scratches the back of her head before refocussing on her companions, "I'm his big sister, I should at least be aware that he's out in the Wasteland!"
"Sister?" Boone blurts out, not having heard of such a relation beforehand... He'd just assumed she was an ex-girlfriend or cousin. "He hadn't mentioned that..."
Veronica shakes her head in exasperation, "Of course he didn't... Well, where is he? I doubt you'd be running an errand for him on the other side of the Mojave."
Boone gestures back in the direction of the casino's, "He's in Gomorrah right now..." he mutters, wondering if Afton would appreciate the misunderstanding this would no doubt create.
"HE'S WHAT!? That little-, he better not be doing what I think he's doing!" she exclaims with righteous indignation.
"Veronica, relax... Who cares if he wants to spend time with some paid company?" Tamia chides from the side.
"I care! Women like that aren't good enough for him! And who knows what kinds of things he'll catch from them!?"
Boone coughs into his fist, deciding to save Afton some effort, "You misunderstand... He's in Gomorrah's gathering intelligence. Specifically, your location, and the location of a man in a checkered suit."
"Benny." Tamia spits, the venom in her voice only matched by her seething look. At Boone's raised brow, she decides to illuminate him on the topic, "We were only in the Ultra-Lux to find out where that rat-bastard was... Getting caught up in... That." she gestures at the jar wrapped in cloth that Boone was holding, "Was entirely unintentional. At least things turned out okay, I'm actually looking forwards to seeing the kid again."
Veronica beams, "Oh! Can we surprise him? I can't wait to see the look on his face!"
Boone shrugs, "Whatever bottle's your cap, let's finish our current job first though, bet there'll be a reward in it for us."
The girls nod and the trio enter inside the embassy, walking towards the receptionist who looks at them disinterestedly. "State your name, and the purpose of your visit." she drawls, all the while munching on some chewing gum.
Boone doesn't address her attitude and instead drops the jar onto her desk, "I'd like to report a crime." he states as he raises the cloth, revealing the severed head.
"EEEEEEIIIIIKKKK!" the receptionist falls backwards off of her chair with a yelp, the other military personnel looking over and immediately going on high alert when they spot the jar. It wouldn't be the first time the Legion had sent the severed heads of their allies back to them to demoralise the men.
"Stop! Don't take another step or we'll shoot!" One of the military police shout, pointing a pistol in their direction.
Boone slowly raises his hands and gestures at his beret, "Do you know what this means? Obviously not since you're still pointing your weapon at me. Means I've served the NCR most of my life, probably longer than you've been able to speak, put the gun down, recruit." he growls out, the younger soldier hesitantly doing so, but still keeping it at the ready in case Boone does show to be at threat.
"We've just come from the Ultra-Lux where we discovered this, the severed head of Major Lowell Thompson Jr. I would've brought the rest of his body with us, by most of it has been cut up into bite-sized chunks for the cannibals in the casino to eat."
The receptionist slowly gets to her feet, and exits the room, eventually coming back and addressing them, "Ambassador Crocker would like to see you..."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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