Word of Caesar's return had spread throughout the Legion, much to the Empire's relief. Once it was known that he had been saved, all the Centurions, Legates, and other important individuals immediately leave their posts to go and meet their leader.
Obviously, he did not return to the Fort, as that place was deemed unsafe and unsuitable for the Great Caesar, especially since he'd been captured from there in the first place... Instead, he was taken to an encampment miles west of the Colorado, and was heavily, heavily reinforced compared to the Fort.
This was to make up for their failure at protecting Caesar last time from those despicable mercenaries now calling themselves 'Bulwark'...
Caesar was currently sitting on a throne within a large war tent, Augustus was standing at his side as Legates and Centurions enter and kneel before him. The only people who weren't present were the one's in charge of taking care of the Empire, those like Legate Lanius.
Caesar's eyes linger on Vulpes Inculta as the man silently enters and kneels next to the others, "Vulpes, stand." he commands, a scowl on his face.
Vulpes Inculta, knowing he was in trouble, stands and immediately starts speaking, hoping to alleviate some of Caesar's anger, "It is a joy for us all that you have returned, my liege. It shames me that I was not able to save you sooner, the pain, humiliation, and torment those barbaric mercenaries put you through must have been terrible." he smiles graciously.
Caesar scowls and slams his fist onto the armrest of his throne before pointing an accusatory finger at the man, "You simpering whelp, did you really think I'd believe such verbal diarrhoea!? You thought yourself above the task of retrieving me from our enemies, instead, sending Augustus Aquarius into what you assumed was a trap, endangering a valuable commander of the Legion all to save your own skin." he spits.
"Great Caesar I never mean-" Vulpe starts but is cut off.
"You will shut your filthy mouth while I am speaking, do you Understand!? The only reason I haven't had you dragged outside, set alight and thrown into a canyon is because you still have your uses. Even with your numerous failures concerning your schemes and even my safety, you are still useful... Consider this your last chance, Vulpes, fail me one more time and I promise every inch of pain and agony I can grant unto you. Do you understand!?"
Vulpes quickly nods and presses his forehead to the floor, feeling a sort of deja vu... Vulpes was honestly expecting two things from this meeting. Either he's executed, or let off completely... This compromise surprised him somewhat.
In recent months Caesar had become more passive and delegated much of his responsibilities. Less brutal in his punishments, now it seems his recent encounter with Afton Parker had put the fire back in him. Vulpes didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing... Caesar would now act like he used to, but that also put Vulpes at risk of an agonizing demise... He mentally shakes his head and returns to kneeling beside the others in the room.
Caesar sits up straight and scours the crowd with his gaze, "Cicero Tullius, what changes have been made to make sure a disaster like what happened at the Fort does not happen again?" he asks and a man with a heavily scarred face stands.
"We have ten thousand men in this encampment alone my liege, our defences are still being constructed, but the walls will be so thick that even a tank would not breach it at full speed. We have set up turrets at all entry points that will be permanently manned to prevent surprise attacks. Every person that enters and exits the encampment will have their identity checked, through tags, passcodes, and member lists." the man explains.
Caesar slowly nods, "That will do, for now, concentrate on completing our defences... If we cannot protect ourselves from a small group's assault then what chance do we have at taking the Mojave!?... Surge, militibus meis." he commands, and everyone stands to attention, "Take this as our second chance, if such events as happened recently occur again then our campaign is finished, along with our future. The future of you, your children, and your children's children. All of our future's hinge on your success, remember this when you start to falter." he states before waving them all off, "Nam Legion!"
""""""Ad Caesarem!"""""" the crowd shouts in response before they all march out with a spring in their steps.
Caesar slumps slightly and looks at Augustus who's still standing at the side, "Do you believe our defences will be enough to fend off Afton Parker and his 'Bulwark?'"
Augustus thinks for a moment before slowly shaking his head, "Those machines he had at his side during the trade looked more powerful than those I have seen before... He also seems able to reproduce that Power armour of his, which is the biggest threat to us currently... Given enough time, I believe he would be able to create an army more powerful than even the Brotherhood of Steel." he cautiously states, hoping to not offend Caesar.
Caesar nods, "My thoughts exactly... We have enough men, but our equipment is lacking compared to him... Of course, our laws against technology do no help us in this regard, but we need something to combat him... Even if we triumph over the NCR, he will still be there, waiting in the Mojave for us." he says with a slight shiver.
Augustus bites the inside of his cheek as he goes to speak, his words alone risking his health. "Then perhaps we should... Alter the law slightly, my liege? Our fights with the Brotherhood of Steel have left us with quite the arsenal, but all are forbidden from using it... Perhaps now is the time we create a 'special unit' for just such an occasion?"
Caesar is silent for a while, but eventually he slowly nods, "I think the situation demands something like this... Very well, Augustus, I put you in command of the Legio peccator, a unit given special permission to use advanced technology." he states.
Augustus nods, "It would be an hour my liege."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
After speaking briefly with the scientists about Bulwark's new standard medium and light armour that's in the works, he leaves and decides to check on things around Big Mountain. Karl was still spending quality time with his family, and Josie was slobbering all over the various technologies around the place... He even swore he saw her riding around on the back of a Robo-Scorpion the other day... Or maybe hallucinating...?
The only thing that perturbed him slightly is the fact he hadn't seen much of Boone... The man would always get up early in the morning, go somewhere, and then come back with dark circles around his eyes and smelling heavily of gunpowder.
Obviously, he was at the firing range, but Afton wasn't sure what brought on this new bout of determination and obsessive training... He shrugs to himself, perhaps it was time to find out what was bothering his companion.
As he approaches the Firing Range he'd greeted by the sound of gunfire from various weapons. Inside he spots Boone standing where Tamia had been weeks ago, he was currently firing his Hunting Rifle at a target around 800 yards away.
To most, this would be an incredibly difficult shot, but for Boone, it seemed relatively easy... Once he'd emptied his clip he drops the rifle and pulls out a .44 Revolver and continues firing at the same target. Most shots hit despite him now using a pistol, Afton knew how difficult such a shot was, especially since his Perception and Agility was so high.
It was an almost superhuman feat, but Boone was doing it fairly easily...
"Yo." Afton greets after the revolver clicks, indicating its lack of bullets.
Boone glances over and nods at him, "Need somethin'?"
Afton shakes his head, "Personally? No... You on the other hand have been training non-stop for weeks now... I'll return the question, do you need something?"
"No. I just need to be better than I am, faster, stronger, better." he states while reloading his weapons with such dexterity Afton wondered if he had the [Rapid Reload] Perk.
"So something is bothering you." Afton challenges, wondering if Boone would be willing to talk about it... The man was a tough nut to crack, rarely showing emotion. To be honest, the only real smile he'd seen Boone give is at Karl's survival, and while killing Legionaries.
Boone halts halfway through reloading the Revolver before nodding, "It's been a while since I was in the 1st Recon, I try not to think about it too much or the days sometimes slip by me... Manny either wasn't bothered or drank enough that it didn't matter, but I can't forget the people we lost and the things we did... I want to say I've moved past it, but. What happened with Karl made me feel like I was straight back in Bittersprings."
Afton raises a brow but doesn't interrupt the man, allowing him to air his grievances.
Boone finishing reloading his weapons and starts firing again, unloading all the bullets in his rifle before turning to Afton again, "I had a buddy called Isaac, funny guy, liked food despite the shit we had to eat in the unit, made it his duty to hunt animals to give the unit some variety, dreamt of buying a farm and living peacefully with a wife and family... He was my spotter before Manny." he releases a long sigh.
"We were in a firefight for some reason I can't remember... Bullets were so loud I could barely hear myself think, let alone Isaac spotting for me... Which is why I had no idea when some guys had snuck up on us and shot Isaac through the neck... I manage to deal with them while taking minimal injuries, but Isaac was fucked. I tried to save him but..." he trails off and shakes his head with a look of determination, "The shit that happened to Karl wouldn't have happened if I was better. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Ever." he states.
Afton slowly nods after listening to the story, he could understand Boone's feelings... Kind of. He was sure the Sniper had some sort of PTSD, but that was common in the wasteland so no one really bothered to pay attention to it.
"If you want to get stronger, I think practising something you've already mastered is rather inefficient... Why not try working gadgets into your abilities, if you had some Flashbangs you might've been able to blind those guys with Grenade Launcher for a moment." he says.
Boone puts down his Hunting Rifle and nods, "I think... You may be right." he admits, having not seen any drastic improvements to his shooting for many years.
"I'd also like you to get fitted with the weaponry we'll be producing in the future... What would you say to testing a Railgun?" he asks.
The project that he was speaking about was basically Bulwark's take on the Brotherhood of Steel's Gauss Rifles... Gauss Rifles were meant to be an 'All-Purpose' weapon, thus they weren't as powerful as they potentially could be.
The Railgun Afton and the scientists were trying to create were significantly larger, with a much, much longer barrel so the projectile could pick up more speed. This weapon would be excellent for Boone as it'd essentially be a super sniper, putting even the Anti-Material rifle to shame.
Boone slowly nods, "If it shoots well then sign me up."
Afton grins, "Good. I'll have the scientists get to work on supportive tools, though, that'll have to wait until we get Karl's prosthetics properly fixed up... I think he'll like what we come up with."
Boone raises a brow, "Guns?"
Afton nods, "Big guns."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
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