Vulpes Inculta walks through the ruins that once were the Great Fort. Bodies were strewn around with no regard to who they may have been, fires linger atop tents and huts, walls collapse if they hadn't already...
Truly, he had underestimated the strength of his enemies, and Afton Parker specifically... Power armour was a surprise, but it wasn't as if they'd not had to deal with it before, this is why they had specialised units to deal with them... Even so, it all proved futile.
The results were thus thousands dead, Caesar kidnapped, defensive structures destroyed, and Lanius becoming temporary leader of the Legion... As far as he was concerned, all of the above were terrible, but Lanius was by far the worst.
The man had no sense for strategy, deceit, tactics, or even an average skill for planning. He was everything barbaric within the Legion all melded together into one man. True, he was an incredible combatant, perhaps even equal to Afton Parker outside of his Power armour, but they didn't mean he was a great leader.
At best, Lanius was only good at giving the troops something to fear, it was an approach Caesar had thought up after reading through some history books. He would be the calm, strategic, and merciful leader, while Lanius would be the barbaric general who you'd not dare cross. It helped put into perspective who you could have leading and why you were following Caesar in the first place.
Of course, this all now backfired since Lanius was in charge. Vulpes Inculta wasn't even sure who the troops feared more now, Parker or Lanius. He'd bet on the former due to the sheer body count of Parker's last attack, but even so, it was still close.
This is not to say nothing 'good' came of the attack, no, it provided Vulpes with quite a lot of information that could potentially be useful against Parker and his group.
Tech was the first thing, vehicles, weapons, armour, and even some form of teleportation? It was all too fantastical if he were honest. Had this not been reported by many, many men he wouldn't have believed it.
Parker had somehow gained access to incredibly advanced technology. Even the vehicle had been plated with some kind of miracle metal, so incredibly hard and strong that it put steel to shame.
Even the dull-headed Lanius had become interested in it, though, no for research and development... Instead, he just wants to melt it down and make armour out of it. Vulpes Inculta didn't try to persuade him as perhaps that'd what Lanius will need to fight Parker on an even playing field.
"Sir! Legate Lanius wishes to lead a force to recapture the canyon passage!"
Vulpes Inculta sighs and turns towards the messenger, "Very well... Send messages to Cottonwood Cove and all over Legion forces West of the river to assist in this effort. The NCR will not have constructed proper defences yet, so this is our best chance to attack..." he states, though, he is quite put out by the fact they'd be giving up Cottonwood Cove.
Due to Parker's attack, they'd need to pull all forces to take the canyon passage and prepare for the final battle of Hoover Dam. It's a shame really, all his intricate plans would be disrupted by this, and there was only one person to blame for it... Still, it wasn't as if all of his preparations were gone.
Elsewhere :
Afton walks through the Laboratories and toward the cells where they'd usually hold test subjects. Glados and Dala were floating either side of him and he was curious to finally meet one of the most feared men in the wasteland.
"I hope he's been polite to you two, you know what they say about rude houseguests." he says with a dark chuckle.
"The new teddy bear had been accommodating, aside from its poor temper. It has the most interesting insults, especially when I am taking samples from it." the robotic scientist says in a husky tone, clearly having enjoyed her time with Caesar.
Afton smirks, "Would these 'samples' include biopsies?" he asks with some mirth.
"Yes... Biopsies of every unique cell in its little body. It was fine with muscle extraction, but testicular, eye, and brain? It was one very angry teddy bear."
"If it continues to be disruptive, I recommend removing anaesthesia from the procedure." Glados adds.
"Anaesthesia?" Dala questions as if she didn't know what that was. This draws out a laugh from all three of them, including Glados who gives a robotic and rather chilling one.
Soon enough, Afton finds himself standing before the 'Great Caesars' cell. The man was sitting on an uncomfortable metal bed while covered in many bandages. Apparently, the biopsies Dala had performed weren't as 'unintrusive' as she'd claimed... Judging by the bloodied bandage over his eye, the 'biopsie' Dala had performed included taking the entire thing from its socket.
Not that Afton was complaining, this man was almost solely responsible for the murderous, raping, empire of the Legion. Seeing him in this 'thoroughly raped' appearance was rather cathartic if Afton were honest.
Though, Afton wondered what was worse, being raped or becoming one of Dala's 'teddy bears'... Both included incredibly uncomfortable and intrusive penetration.
"Ave Amicus." Afton mockingly says while looking through the cell bars.
Caesar slowly raises his head and locks his one eye with Afton's, "Non es amicus meus, negat Cyrtae... So, you've come to visit me, how droll."
"Droll?" Afton parrots in exasperation, "No, from what I heard you were quite droll yourself. I mean, acting like a supervillain and then subsequently being captured due to it? I can't tell if you're just eccentric, mad, or stupid." he states.
Caesar scowls but doesn't break their eye-lock, "A mistake, I was simply surprised at finding one of my long lost agents working against me. I felt a bit of theatrics were required to sway her back. As you can see, it didn't work." he says, gesturing at his bland cell.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Afton crosses his arms, "Well, before I start asking you questions, I am behoved to ask whether you've enjoyed your stay thus far."
Caesar wrinkles his brow, "What do you think?" he asks with a dull look, "I've been tortured, mutilated, and not even given the basic essentials even a sale would need." he lists off while glaring daggers at Dala.
Afton slowly nods, "Good, I'd be unhappy if you were comfortable." he says and Caesar sneers at him as if he'd been expecting such an answer.
"The teddy bear will be surprised to find that had it not been captured, it would have died in months, if not weeks." Dala adds from the side.
"What do you mean, machine?" quickly asks, not understanding what she's referring to.
"From the samples I gathered I discovered something intriguing within the brain. I suspect that the teddy bear had a large, cancerous tumour inside its brain, though, I would have to scan it to be sure. No... Cut it open and see it for myself to be sure." she corrects herself.
Afton snorts and breaks into laughter, "Hahahahahehehehe! Did you hear that Caesar? Getting kidnapped by us is the best thing that's ever happened to you! Hahahaha!"
Caesar himself is looking incredibly grave, he ignores Afton's laughter and looks down at his hands as if only now contemplating his mortality. "W-what does this mean?" he asks as Afton's laughter peters out.
"I think you well know what this means. It means, had you not been kidnapped by us you would have died." Afton gestures at Dala, "Dr Dala here is one the foremost experts on human physiology left in the world, I sincerely doubt anyone else in the Mojave, or even the entirety of America would be able to save you." he says, deciding not to mention that he himself could probably operate on Caesar and remove it... Scarcity is scary in itself, knowing that only one person could possibly save you.
Caesar looks incredibly conflicted at this news, he knew something was wrong due to the almost constant headaches and migraines he'd get, but cancer? There's a rule in the wasteland, 'Cancel your plans if you get cancer', as your death was a certainty.
It was actually one of the most common afflictions in the wasteland, due to the abundance of radiation, radioactive material, and carcinogenic foods, drinks, and materials lingering around, you were more likely to die of cancer than of old age.
This is one of the main reasons you don't see century-old men wandering around (With the addition of the other threats of the wasteland)
"I-is there anything I can do?" Caesar tentatively asks, knowing he was now on a time limit. He knew these people would most likely keep him alive, as he was more useful as a bargaining tool than a corpse.
Afton smirks at him, "I don't know, it depends on how cooperative you are when I begin asking you questions... I'll warn you right now, we will be able to detect if you are lying on not."
Caesar nods, "I understand... Can we begin? I would rather be healed sooner than later..."
"Alright. Glados, bring me a chai-" he asks but is interrupted when the floor raises under him, forming into a metal chair.
"Anything else, creator?" Glados asks, and Afton was sure she sounded quite smug...
He shakes his head, "No, that'll be all, thanks." he says, sitting down and leaning towards Caesar. "Now, what's this about Tamia being a spy?"
"She used to be under my employ, a spy that was supposed to steal whatever Mr House was trying so hard to find... I did not account for other forces to intercept the package, otherwise I'd have had House eating from the palm of my hand." he explains.
"And her tribe? Her family?" Afton probes.
Caesar grimaces slightly at the question, if anyone else were to be watching they'd have not noticed anything... But Afton spotted the twitch in his facial muscles. "They were killed in an NCR attack." he states, but judging by the increase in his heartbeat that Glados and Dala were monitoring, he was lying. Not that Afton needed to a sensor to tell, Caesar was so worried that they'd find out that he was metaphorically stumbling over himself.
"Oh?" Afton mutters as he stands and walks to the side side of the cell were a few buttons were present. "Hmmm, let's see if one of these will make you more truthful... Eeny, meeny, miny, moe." he hums and suddenly presses a switch, causing electricity to run through the metal floor, walls, and furniture of the room.
"AAAaaaaaAAARGGHHH!!" Caesar roars as he begins convulsing, falling from his bed and onto the floor where he writhes around as if he was having a seizure.
Afton holds it for a couple seconds before releasing. "That was interesting, your voice sounded more honest while you were screaming. Shall I try another or will you tell the truth? Surely a bunch of slaves are not worth enduring torture?"
Caesar pants heavily from the floor while trying to regain his breath, he wasn't as fit as he used to be, so having so many volts of electricity running through him was as exhausting as it was painful. "I-I had them disposed of after Tamia's failure..." he huffs out.
Afton raises a brow, "Huh? Did they get the same 'burning man' treatment you gave Graham, or something else?"
"Don't test me, Caesar. I'm still on the fence on removing your cancer, and to be honest, the thought of sending you back to the Legion without having it extracted is too funny a thought to reject." he warns.
Caesar pales slightly at that, that would be a long and agonizing death sentence. That, and his legacy would end like him, frail, weak, and forgettable. "You have to understand! I spent enough resources on getting Tamia into House's good graces to buy an army!"
"Cut the shit and tell me what you did to them!" Afton growls, his finger hovering above the cell control panel.
"I had the children killed before their parents, the women violated before their crucified husbands, and after the troops were done with them, the wives join their spouses. The only thing left of them now are ashes, so forget about ever recovering them." he states, his back straightening as he explains his punishment as if he needed to be in a position of strength while recalling it.
Afton nods, "You're telling the truth... I'll be back to question you further, for now, I have things to do." he says before leaving. Once he's far enough away from Caesar he calls out, "Glados, make sure his stay here is as uncomfortable as you can reasonably justify... Also, have Dala conduct some more tests on him... They don't need to make sense, only cause pain. Tell Caesar that it's all required to properly remove the tumour." he orders, wondering if the anger he felt right now would match Tamia's when he gives her the bad news.
"Understood." Glados' robotic voice affirms from a nearby speaker.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
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