"Who on earth taught you about medicine? Your patient could've gone into shock with the way you were digging through their wound, I've seen torture less painful than that!" he exclaims, only now noticing that he had a few weapons pointed at him from all directions.
The woman whom he'd shoved gives him a confused look, "What do you mean? I've done this plenty of times and it usually goes pretty well!"
Afton maintains his glare, "Define 'pretty well'"
She shrugs, "Half of my patients make it out fine~."
Afton glances at the mercenaries pointing their weapons at him and growls, "You guys better put those guns away before I jam them up your ass's and pull the trigger."
They relent and lower their weapons upon seeing there was no immediate threat of violence. "Keep your hands off the boss and we'll get on nicely." one says and Afton just shrugs.
"I'll ask again, who taught you medicine?"
"No one, I'm self-taught." She states with an almost smug look.
"What does DNA mean?" he quizzes her, wanting to sees the extent of her stupidity.
She places both her hands on the bloody table and leans against it, "That's easy. 'Do not'... Err, 'ASK'!, that's it. 'Do not ask', the main tenant of all medical practice!"
Afton crosses his arms, noticing that it wasn't just him staring at her in disbelief. Even her own body-guards were astounded by the answer. "Uh huh, and what does asphyxiation mean?"
"Something to do with apples? Or maybe x-rays?"
"How would you deal with an infection?"
"Just pour salt on their foreheads, give them Chems and pray that it gets better."
"What sickness would someone have if they had a stuffy nose, sore throat, headaches, and a raised temperature?"
"Well, there are a few things it could be... The deadly Brazilian virus, Randy Orton disease, and ghoulification... But my gut says they'd have cancer."
Afton squeezes the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "How the fuck do you know what cancer is but not asphyxiation? And all of your guesses were wrong, it's the common cold you damn fool! What the fuck is the 'Randy Orton disease' anyway!?"
"It gradually causes your spin to bend backwards, destroying your posture and forcing you to eternally do the bridge pose."
"That's it, I refuse to allow you to operate on anyone else as long as I'm here. You will tell me if someone comes and I'll operate on them myself. I cannot allow someone as stupid and irresponsible as you to ruin the good name all of us medical practitioners have worked hard to earn."
He was expecting her to be distraught by what he'd said, but the woman just shrugs and agree's. "Whatever, being a doctor isn't my main money maker anyway."
"And what might that be?" Afton asks, feeling as if he's just getting deeper into the rabbit hole.
She steps away and takes a bag from her tent and opens it up, revealing a litany of incredibly addictive Chems that no reliable doctor would ever be seen near. Let alone carry on them. There wasn't a medical use for Jet, Psycho, and other similar drugs that'd destroyed more lives than Heroin had.
Afton just shook his head at this, he wondered what would be worse, letting her continue operating on people, or allowing her to sell drugs... He chose the latter as that was something people did to themselves, if they wanted to get fucked up on drugs there wasn't all that much he could do to stop them.
"I'm Afton. What's your name." he asks, feeling as if his nerves were frayed.
"I'm Ada Straus, guess we're partners now, huh?" she says in a slightly too chipper tone.
"Absolutely not, I'm only here to make sure you don't kill anyone with your stupidity. In a few weeks I'll be gone, and I hope you'll never call yourself a doctor again, not without at least doing a couple years studying under someone." he says.
She nods and he leaves to go find Karl to make sure he never allows that woman to touch him. Afton wasn't sure why the townsfolk had not kicked her outta Novac yet... Surely with her doing irreparable harm to half the people she dealt with they'd run her straight outta town.
Or, maybe doctors were so few and far between in the wasteland that the 50% casualty rate was manageable... Either way, he'd try and knock some senses into that woman's head during his stay in Novac.
He enters the motel's reception to see if Karl had gotten a room yet, but finds the man talking to a little old lady with grey hair, grey eyes with thick-rimmed glasses, and is wearing a dirty dress. She's sat behind the reception desk with an almost off-putting sickly-sweet smile on her face.
"Oh? So you used to work with the NCR?" she asks, looking enthralled by Karl's small-talk.
"Yeah, that's in the past nowadays. Just a wandering Merc-Ah, there's my partner. Kid looks fresher than a newborn but is one hell of a shot. Jeannie meet Afton, Afton this is Jeannie May Crawford."
Aford gives a weak nod in response, "A pleasure... Have you got us a room yet?"
Karl looks away for a moment before sheepishly shaking his head, "Ah-no, I lost track of time while talking with Jeannie here... Wait, why're your hands covered in blood?"
"Don't ask... All I'll tell is you to avoid that woman calling herself a doctor, I'd rather have a feral ghoul operating on me than her."
"Ah, miss Straus? Is she really that bad? She's done quite well in our town so far." Jeannie deposits herself into their conversation as if she belonged there.
Afton ignores the rather blunt breach of etiquette and nods, "From what I've seen, you guys are lucky that anyone she treats is still alive. She even asked me if irradiated people could toast bread for her... I mean, that's not even close to making sense!" he exclaims.
"But we need a doctor... Farmwork and varmint hunting tends to produce injuries. One bad infection and you'll never work again."
"I've offered to treat anyone that comes to her, let the town know that I'll be willing to help as long as I'm in town... Me and Karl should only be around for a couple of weeks, but that's the best I can do."
Hope you guys liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
After the talk with Jeannie Karl and Afton were finally able to rent a room. They even got a discount due to the heavy praise Karl was laying on the woman... He didn't think the old man was still in the "romance" game, but apparently not.
The next day Afton stepped outside of his motel room, it was placed on the second floor and overlooked the opposite houses next to the huge green dinosaur. People were already up and about, milling around to attend to their respective duties.
Having nothing better to do he immediately headed for Ada Straus's tent to make sure she wasn't treating anyone. Fortunately, it seems that no one had needed her services so early in the morning.
"Ah, partner, how're you doing!" she says with a stupid smile on her face.
"You remember what I said yesterday right?"
She nods, "Your the doc and I'm the pretty nurse... Until you leave at least."
He raises a brow at the weird way she'd put it but shakes his head, "Alright, I've got other things I need to do so just call me if someone turns up." he says, giving a small wave before leaving.
The trader Karl had spoken to yesterday had already left, he woulda wanted to buy some extra stuff to help him with this experiment he wanted to try out, but it's too late for that now, isn't it. Instead he headed behind the motel, between the back of the motel and some residential buildings were the ruined remains of a variety of vehicles.
A few cars, trucks, and motorbikes greeted his eyes as he walked over and examined them. They were strange to say the least looking old fashioned yet futuristic... Obviously, he was basing his judgment on his old world's aesthetic. Due to the pre-war fuel crises most petrol engines were scrapped and replaced with reactor cores, these were usually bulkier than a regular engine but didn't need to be refuelled, nor maintained.
The only negatives to having them were the fact that if the casing of the reactor was cracked, and the safety's failed it'd go up like a nuclear explosive. This ended up adding extra bulk to the vehicles due to the extra protection giving to the reactor, the government couldn't very well have nuclear blasts going off whenever there was a car crash, could they?
Afton walked up and examined a ruined car, someone seemed to have scavenged bits and pieces from it, but the reactor core was all there... Many spiderweb-like cracks could be seen littering it, it wasn't breached, but if he started messing around with it he might just irradiate the whole of Novac.
Regardless, it wasn't the car that interested him right now. He turned his attention towards the nearby motorbike. It was a relatively long vehicle with dirty grey metal covering it. Its tires were completely deflated and seem to have been slightly melted, whether it was from the sun or something else was anyone's guess.
Its lights were all smashed in and the bulbs stolen, wing mirrors were missing and the reactor core was heavily damaged... Like, a few good strikes away from completely cracking the casing. This wasn't really a problem though, if what he was trying to do would work, everything would work out fine in the end.
He glances over to the nearby car and intones in his mind, "Jury Rigging".
[Jury Rigging is in effect]
As soon as the notification pops up he spots something peculiar... The car's reactor core looked to be... Melting? No, that wasn't right. It seemed to be changing shape... Afton wasn't sure if he should let the phenomenon continue or not, the Perk seemed to be causing this so he'd let it go for a while longer to see what it was doing.
After a couple minutes the melting reactor core had finally finished it transformation... It'd shrunk and become almost identically similar to the motorbike's engine... The only difference being that it seemed brand new
Did [Jury Rigging] just create a brand new engine for the motorbike? That's fucking overpowered! Quickly he examined it all over to check if it was suitable, and found that it did indeed look brand factory new.
Afton didn't waste any time and quickly pulled out his tools from his Deathclaw leather satchel, going over to remove the damaged engine from the bike to allow room for the new one. His tools weren't really suited to mechanics, but his high skill level in Repair almost made him able to do it with his bare hands.
After a couple minutes, he dumps the damaged reactor on the floor and lifted the other into its place, connecting all the wires, tubes, and other necessary things together before taking a step back.
He nods to himself, "Nice. This still isn't close to being usable though." in his old world engine fans helped cool the engine... But here and now where the engine was literally a nuclear reactor, the cooling fans were way more advanced. This, in addition to the engines, made it terribly difficult to fix vehicles. Most were irreparably damaged due to the great war, and even if that hadn't destroyed them all, time would've dealt the final blow.
This wasn't a problem for Afton anymore though! Again he finds a car wreckage and uses [Jury Rigging] to collect the brand new part that'd appeared, using these parts to slowly repair the motorbike.
In the end, he had only managed to repair thirty percent of it before the day was done. He was rather unfamiliar with vehicle repair so connective all the vital systems together, even with brand new parts proved to be incredibly difficult. He knew the theory, but lacked the experience to quickly pull it off...
What Afton didn't know was that it'd usually take a professional mechanic a week to fully repair a vehicle in the same manner he had. His [Mechanicus] Perk had allowed some of the stray wiring to sliver towards each other and connect on their own, momentarily confusion the teen before he saw spotted the notification.
[Mechanicus is in effect]
Here's what the motor bike looks like : https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_vehicles?file=FNV_motorcycle_4.jpg
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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