With the group given the 'all green', they enter inside without much hassle. The Tops building itself has two floors from what Afton could see... A balcony area above the eastern side of the room contained some Roulette wheels and most of the elevators.
The eastern side had most of the gamblers however, it held most of the other tables and slot machines, making it far more lively than any other place. Still, one thing was always present, the gangsters in grey suits wearing pistols.
Afton knew they'd probably have to fight those guys if Tamia's 'seduction' fails, so he was already thinking up plans to take them down... Easiest of which would simply to be flipping over some tables and using them as cover, protecting the others as Afton went to town.
Still, that hadn't occurred yet so he bided his time... Though, by the looks of it, they'd found their guy... Checkered suit, slicked black hair, with a cocky grin on his face. He was exactly how many had described him.
Afton in particular took great notice of the 9mm pistol holstered at his side. The man seemed to take good care of it, especially if you took into account the engravings on it, regardless, it didn't look all that modified, so it shouldn't be anything to worry about.
Afton looks over his shoulder at Tamia who was already glaring daggers and Benny and nods at her, afterwards walking over and taking a seat at the Blackjack table closest to Benny. Karl and Veronica follow him while the others take up positions nearby, trying to make sure Benny didn't notice the sudden influx of people near him.
After that, all they had to do was wait, and watch...
Tamia struggles to rid herself of the furious expression on her face as she slowly stalked towards Benny. She could feel the familiar yet cold steel of the revolver Afton had slipped her in the waistband of the suit she'd stolen from the Ultra-Lux.
"Happy thoughts, happy thoughts..." she quietly mutters, thinking of all the ways she'd butcher and mutilate Benny once she had the chance... And like a light, a bright smile appears, and most would even consider genuine, were they not aware of the emotions behind it.
"So I said to the gal, 'hey birdie, why don't you stop ringin' them and come to Ring-a-ding-ding with me?' Know what she says?" Benny asks one of his bodyguard gangsters beside him, unlike the others, these one's wear black suits, as if to mark them out from the rest.
They shrug noncommittally as if only listening because they were paid to. "What, boss?"
"She says, 'Babe, my boyfriend is watchin'... But if you take care of him...' Gal wants me to off her B.F so we can F.U.C.K, and maybe a little S.U.C.K, you know what I mean?" Yet again, the gangsters just nod with blank expressions causing Benny to sigh.
"Yeah, of course you don't. Like you minions would know anything about women... Or how to spell for that matter... Anyways, end of story is, I take her to pound town while her 'pally' takes a trip down 'memory lane', if you catch my dig?..." upon not getting a response, Benny just sighs, "Memory lane, as in, only exists in peoples memories. Damn, you guys are some dumb suits..."
Deciding this'd be the best moment to make herself known, Tamia steps forth, approaching the Benny and his bodyguards and waiting for the man to notice her.
His eyes quickly catch hers, and he pushes past her bodyguards to get a better look, but quickly comes to regret that decision upon realising who she is. "What in the goddamn!?" he gasps, his breathing getting heavier as he struggles to calm himself.
"Alright, ok baby... Let's just... Keep things swingin'. Smooth moves, like smooth little babies." he says, more to himself than Tamia.
"Hello again, I was just thinking about you, Benny... You left quite the impression." she states, raising her hair slightly to show the bullet wound in her skull.
Benny audibly gulps at this, but takes a quick look at his bodyguards and forces himself to calm down. She was unarmed, and in his territory, he was safe here... Right?
"Baby you know I didn't have my heart in that, right? It was just business, something I know you would understand, we're more similar than you realise..." he says.
'Maybe I should tear our your heart to see then?' she thinks to herself, but manages to keep the forced smile on her face, "Oh? Did you also get shot in the face? Because I can't really see it, you're pretty handsome now that I can see you properly..." she says, chewing her lip as sensually as she knows how... Which isn't that much if she were honest.
Of course, despite Tamia's best efforts, this barely gets a reaction out of him. Benny can't really understand why the gal he shot was trying to flirt with him... It was really weird."
"Uh... What say, me and you go somewhere private to discuss things... I'll explain what happened, maybe we can get to know each other a little..."
"Without the guards?" she asks, but by the looks on Benny and his henchmen, that obviously wasn't going to happen.
Benny glances between her and his men, "Uhhhh... I don't know if that's the best idea, baby. You know how things are, big shots like me can't just go around alone-like."
Tamia raises a brow, "So... You'll make them watch us... You know." she says ambiguously, but everyone nearby gets the gist.
Benny eyes widen, "What? No! I like to swing baby, but not while a bunch of suits are watchin'... Ugh." he mutters as if the very concept offended him. "But, you and I aren't... Groovin' baby. If you get what I'm sayin'?"
"What? You don't want, this?" she gestures at herself, her curves showing despite the male suit she was wearing.
Benny gulps, "That... Doesn't matter."
"Heh, you were talkin' a lot earlier, boss... You sure you're not some virgin? Gal here has you all flustered."
Benny turns to the man and scowls, "I'm not about to stick it in a gal I went 'nd shot in the face... You know what they say, don't mix business and pleasure, baby!"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Joseph Suh
Deciding that this method of getting him alone isn't working, Tamia decides another angle... She steps forwards and slowly leans towards Benny, the man being unable to back away due to the bodyguards behind him. "I actually want to talk about the You-Know-What, that belongs to You-Know-Who... I don't think you want your 'friends' to be listening in."
Benny purses his lips at this, suddenly feeling like he wasn't the most devious person in the room... What did this gal want from him? It obviously wasn't the more 'physical' side of things, nor did she seem to care about him shooting her... Maybe a partnership is what she wanted? She must know that she'd never get out alive if she killed him, even in a private room.
Plus, if word got around that he was scared of some girl, people would quickly be trying to take his position as leader of the Tops... That simply couldn't be allowed to happen, for his lavish lifestyle, as well as his future plans.
"Err..." he looks at his bodyguards, "You fella's stay here... Me and the gal gotta 'talk' in private, and relax, I'll pay her properly afterwards." he gives a stiff joke before nodding at Tamia and heading for a large elevator at the side of the room. "This leads to the VIP suit, we can talk in private there..." he says, pulling out a key and inserting it in a slot before calling the elevator.
Afton and the others watch as Tamia gives them a small nod and enters the elevator together with Benny. They knew that since she failed to properly seduce him, they'd probably have to intervene at some point... Hopefully just killing the bodyguards now stationed at the elevator doors would be enough to get Tamia out. The subsequent gunfight might just attract the attention of everyone on the strip.
Tamia allows Benny to step out of the elevator first, making sure to keep him in her eye-line in case he tries anything. The man however doesn't seem to care about her presence, instead just walking over to the bar, pouring himself a drink and sitting down.
"You want one? Some of these are even older than the strip itself-"
"Shut it and stop with the bullshit, let's get to the point. I don't wanna wait around here all day." she states, allowing some of her anger to shine through her facade.
He stills for a moment before slowly nodding, sipping his drink, "Before we start... I gotta ask, how is it that you're still living?"
Tamia walks over and takes a seat at the opposite end of the bar from Benny, "A creepy-cowboy-robot dug me out of the grave and handed me to a doctor."
Benny's posture straightens at this, "Robot? What kind are we talkin'?"
Tamia sends a meaningful smirk at him, "The 'Strip' kind."
Benny almost drops his drink at this, "Oh god, oh shit, oh fuck!... T-that means he's on to me... Oh, fuck! That's what I get for thinkin' I was clever!"
"What do you mean? 'Onto you?' What're you planning?" she asks, taking in his panic with a great deal of satisfaction.
"The chip... House needs it, and I've been tryin' ta' figure out what for. That immortal robot-overlord doesn't have the strip in his best interests."
Tamia scoffs, "And you do?"
Benny scowls at her, "You know nothin' about me, baby."
"I know you're willing to shoot a woman in the face to get what you want. Doesn't paint a good picture, does it?" she retorts, her anger seeping through.
"I don't care what you think of me, I did what I had to." he leans forwards almost causing Tamia to shoot him dead, "Between you and me? I think House doesn't care for either side of this war, I think he's plannin' something bigger... Crazier. Even if you manage to kill me, it'll be your head that rolls next, not from my guys, but from House." he states.
"What does the chip do?" she asks, wanting to know what to do with it once she kills this clown.
Benny pours himself another drink and sips it, "No idea... Well, I know it has information in it, but, I can't find a computer or port that'll take it. Needs specialized machinery I'd bet..." he pauses and locks eyes with her, "Look. I've been straight up with you, so maybe you can do the same... How's this gonna swing? Which way is the wind gonna blow?"
Tamia raises a brow, "I think you know exactly how this is gonna go. I've never been the forgiving sort, Benny." he spits, the tension in the room rising considerably at her words.
He finishes his drink, "I ain't gonna go out like some jerk, lady." he says, tossing the glass at her before throwing himself over the counter.
Tamia immediately bursts into action, pulling the revolver out of her waistband and firing at him, the shots clipping the counter and causing woodchips to fly up in the air. There's a spray of blood that peppers the bottles of alcohol on the shelves behind the bar, but by the way Benny's still moving, it wasn't fatal.
"You're fucking dead Benny! Paybacks a bitch, and I'm the biggest bitch of them all!" she shouts, continuing to fire on his position.
*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Click!*
The sound of her running out of bullets was music to Benny's ears, but when he stands to shoot her he's struck in the face... Tamia had thrown her empty revolver at him, dazing him slightly and allowing her to lunge at him.
She smashes the back of his head against the shelves containing the bottles of alcohol, causing liquids to spray everywhere and glass shards to cut both of them. The pain of combining cuts and alcohol isn't enough to stop her though, she slams his wrist against the shelf, causing the gun to go flying out of his hand.
Benny, finally regaining his bearing, panics at the loss of his weapon and grabs the nearest thing available... The expensive bottle of when shatters against Tamia's temple, almost knocking her out cold, but her sheer rage at the man allows her to remain focussed. Again, she knocks the weapon out of his hand, headbutts him in the face and grabs her own bottle, slamming it into his forehead.
The broken bottle causes long bloody lines to form on his face, but she isn't done yet. She thrusts the glass into his stomach, getting him to release an ugly, pained sound. He tries to fight back, but the accumulating injuries stifle his ability to fend her off.
Tamia was simply stronger than him, more experienced, and more driven. She throws him back over the counter, picking up his dropped gun and slowly walking over to him as he bleeds out on the suite floor. "Think shooting me was worth it now? Asshole."
Benny holds his stomach, the bullet and glass shards having done catastrophic damage to his internal organs, he coughs out a spray of blood onto the floor next to him and looks at her, "Lady, you're so done. My guys will hear this, the whole casino will... You-argh... You ain't gettin' out here alive..."
She chuckles at him, "You're pathetic, I'd castrate you but I don't think you'd live through it." she spits, placing a heavy foot on his stomach and causing him to groan in agony, the glass shards piercing him penetrating deeper.
Tamia smiles down at him, "But you know what they say, baby... You're Ring-a-Ding-Dead, bitch."
"Lame." Benny groans out, but isn't able to do anything as she points his favoured 9mm at his head.
"Fuck off."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Joseph Suh
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