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10% Starless World / Chapter 1: 01 Zagreus Mountain(3 in 1)
Starless World Starless World original

Starless World

Autor: esi

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: 01 Zagreus Mountain(3 in 1)

in highland of northern Zagreus mountain where snow is covering everything that an eye can see 4 Individuals are climbing L shaped Cliff weareing snow climbing gear , in the lead was man covering his face with white chafee crarf ( strong Arabian fabric) and spatial eye glasses , skillfully placing his hands and feet on the icy and cold rocks.

just as he was climbing a piece of ice shattered and fell, almost hitting the last man on the rope.

The leading man looks down to see if everyone is doing ok to his relief None seemed to be hit even so he shouts ; "is everyone ok?",

to his question got the answer almost immediately; "just peachy".

even the tone of voice seemed sarcastic he didn't mind just making his tents muscles relax and keep climbing.

to relieve everyone of the tension of dangerous life experience that came close to them he says;

"come on guys we are almost there".

the same voice with Little impatient answered again; "we know perfect Guy can you hurry up .my ass is freezing down here".

"how rude" mumbles the leading man, his name is Reza 33 single and a local working at the restaurant in middle of City near the mountain even throw he is waiter, his body shape is almost perfect result of hobbies he did when he was a child until now,

which is rock climbing, wrestling, kung fu and anything sport related.

 some may argue that his good looks and his muscular body is why he got the job in the first place he wouldn't disagree.

and the least not the last , the person in the end of the rope who answered him is Ethan 22 single and part-time ‏worker in the same restaurant that Reza works, he was acquainted with Reza 13 years ago through his family that were friends with Reza's.

obviously Reza dragged him to all his sports activities. He was fine with it hello enjoyed most of it.

Reza is like a brother he never had even though he idolise the guy for free spirited way of living he wasn't keen to follow this guy footsteps, like quitting School for partying and socialising with people who didn't matter he was a smarter, finished his studies got a diploma, and now is a studying engineering, taking a part-time job it's a just way to cover his side expenditures.

it didn't take long for Reza to reach the top of the Cliff after making sure the rope was secure he faced a view city and untied chafee and with smrik on his face.

 soon a hand reached the mountain edge so he wiped the smirk on his face and grabbed the hand and pulled it up with all he got, Therefore the person landed on top of him as he fell with her.

He didn't get up and started laughing ,the person on top of him rolling his arm facing the sky makes a sweet laugh.

 after a while she whispered to his ear  "this is nice",

"what is nice?" he asked looking at the woman in his arm, her name is Elena and they met 7 months ago in the climbing gym and he was captured by her free solo climbing method and beauty.

she was 10 and he was at most 8 so he didn't think she was going to say yes when he got the courage to ask her out but she did.

 thinking about that moment he feels it's the best decision of his life and looking at her eyes right now he knows she's the one.

his thought process was interrupted by her answer "reaching at the top, what else?"seeing her smile playfully at him he makes fake sad expressions and says; "I thought you were speaking about lying in my arm" .

she giggles..

 he pulls her towards his chest with a serious looking face without looking at her just watching the sky says; "you're right this is nice".

After some pause;" , the sky I mean and let satisfying revenge smrik on his lips.

Elena was fooled for a second and that was enough to erase her smile so sitting on top of him and start kissing him passionately as her hands were going to untie his pants "euw" sound interrupted them.

looking at the source of sound they see two pairs of eyes staring at them.

 one of them belongs to a beautiful 19 year old girl ponytail with brown hair sitting on knees on snow like her knees gave up. 

 looking at them with disgust and curious gaze as she says "sister are you going to have sex right now?".

Elena who was caught in the moment and forgetting there were people with them including her little sister was so embarrassed with her own actions and shocked with her sister's gaze, froze.

 She regains herself in split second smiling and getting up off Reza staring at her sister and in playfulness "of course not silly you should really stop reading romantic books"

rose ; "don't treat me like a kid and I'm not blind I could see what you were going to do"

Ethan ; "I agree with 'euw' girl over there ,you two looked were going at it like passionate.."

seeing his friend and girlfriend and the girl he saw this morning giving him a death stare he didn't dare to finish is sentence and gave a hollow laugh and tried to change the subject by saying "very smooth bro with hole lying in my arms thingy".

 he was trying to make a funny joke but seeing his friend face red of furry or embarrassment and Elena still giving him death Stare he excused himself for getting a water bottle from his backpack just a few meters away and left an awkward atmosphere behind. 

Rose collapsed on the snow and let her exhaustion of the walking edge of the mountain for 5 hours and climbing an l-shape 20 m Cliff take over.

Elena gives Reza a look as walks towards his backpack near him sitting down getting a tablet on it whispering ; "why did you have to bring him again?"

Reza ; "why did you have to bring your sister?"

Elena ; "I told you she wanted to see the guy his sister is dating and when she found out we are going mountain climbing I had to bring her, she loves thriller adventure"

Reza ; "well you know Ethan ,when I told him we are going out to Zagreus top he wouldn't take a no for answer besides I thought he and rose will get along with each other"

Elena said with a smile ; "you know, you're a terrible liar and I love you for it but you must promise to tell me what all is about once we get to our destination".

she gave him a soft kiss before looking at the tablet to determine where they were.

he was not surprised that she could see through his lie obviously it is not the first time he was caught lying, but he Hoped this time it was different not that it matters she doesn't know anything and he was going to keep that way until they reach that place. 

standing up shaking off the snow off clothes with a smile he whispers I promise.

 chopping his hand and calling Ethan and rose he says "come on guys we are almost there just about ten minutes and we reach it".

Ethan picked up his backpack with the energetic expression on his face, he turns he says "finally I thought you were going to make us climb on that Cliff behind us, bro dragging us here in the middle of nowhere one of your craziest ideas ever... what! what did I do this time?!"

His speech was cut off in the middle by Reza's look saying he should shut up or he was going to strangle him.

Reza just gave him a look that says he should shut up.

"let's go" said Reza as he picked up his backpack again leading in front.

Ethan catches up to Elena as they walk a few meters behind Reza and asks her what he did wrong so she explains to him in a low voice that Reza said to her about him bagging to Reza for bringing him and just knew he was contradicting it.

Elena looks at Ethan's conflicted face and smiles and didn't mind him anymore ,she slows down a little for rose catch-ups to her putting her arm around her neck she asks with amusement ;"happy new you see him at last while setting a new record for mountain climbing it's almost 6 hours".

Rose meets her sister's eyes and looks forward to her boyfriend back and says ;

-" I haven't had a chance to get to know him all we are doing is climbing" 

-"true but you heard him we're almost there you will have your chance once we get there so don't rush , come on don't fall behind"

says Elena as slaps her back and she jogging towards Reza with her usual smile. seeing her smile and childish behavior of her older sister brings her mood up and starts to jogged behind her as well,

When she was about to pass Ethan she stopped and said to his face "my name is Rose not euw girl".

Ethan who wasn't paying attention and his thoughts were somewhere else caught off guard by the weird girl and replied without thinking again ; "I remember you introduced yourself in the bar but hey I didn't say 'euw' when I saw them making out you earn that nickname for it". 

she was so mad that he could kill him but for her sister's sake she decided he wasn't worth it so she just hmmmed  at him turns around and follows her sister.

Ethan shakes his head and mumbles "weird girl" 

 she didn't hear him and kept following her sister.

soon they come near the heart of the mountain leading towards the bottom of a gigantic cliff It seems they reach a dead end as they see nothing except rocks and snow.

 just when Ethan is about to protest and nagge Reza to question where's the magical place he promised him, he sees him disappearing behind a giant rock.

 he and others followed him when they reached him all they saw was Reza and his arms crossed looking at them with an arrogant smile Near him is a cave about 1m diameter that God knows were is leads.

looking at three confused faces whose staring at him his Smile grows larger and with his shake of his head towards the cave meaning they should go into it, 

Obviously they didn't go in they just stared at him like he's an idiot.

Reza didn't stop his behavior and just kept staring at them And Ethan couldn't take it anymore nonsense so he shouts "what?"

Reza ; "go on."

Ethan; "go on were?"

Reza ; "into the cave were else?"

Ethan ;"first off, it's a hole and second no!"

Reza ; "no? why not?!" by now his face didn't look smag any more just confused.

Ethan ; "why would I?! , it's a hole middle of a mountain it could be some wild animal nest or something worse"

Reza;"what wild animal? this mountain is a tourist attractions center and a seasonal mushroom farm for locals you know that and what could possibly be worse?" he was now starting to get annoyed by his behavior.

Ethan ; "I don't know maybe an active volcano" .

in that sentence Reza figured out he was being fooled by this little rascal from the beginning so he sent a kick in his beyond with an angry smile while saying; "are you going in or should I throw you in?"

Ethan;"alright, alright no need to be violent about it, just remember if I didn't come back delete my browser history!"

making a tired sign Reza waved his hand and said;"just go in".

While all of this happened , Elena was standing a side with an amused smile, the only person who seemed not catching up on was rose looking at her sister will 'what the hell?' expression so she had to enlighten the poor girl before she misunderstood something; " in the Zagreus mountain is mostly rock and sultry surface so there is no wildlife just some non-toxic small Insects, as for volcano there is nothing in whole Regen even I know that let alone a local, don't worry about them they sometimes mess around a little" 

nodding her head in understanding, the sisters came closer to the cave where Reza is, he turned his head towards rose as he smiles says; 

"Sometimes it surprises me that he can speak so much nonsense with a straight face he should have gone to be an actor instead of an engineer".

 rose just hmmmed and nods her head looking at the cave going up without a source of light.

 She has a worrying tone asks "is he going to be alright in there?"

Reza ; "I found it last month and checked it, the cave is safe don't worry " 

to his amusement the girl didn't seem to listen to him just looking at the cave with a worrying face so to relieve her shouted at the entrance of the cave;

 "Ethan are you ok there?" 

Ethan;"yeah, yeah I'm having the time of my life here"

Ethan shout comes from the cave with some echoing.

while in the cave Ethan bending little so could fit in a small space and turning light off a flashlight in the direction of the cave ground to see where his steps are.

in the few seconds he reaches the end of the cave and what a surprise another dead end, just as he's about to turn around his eyes caches a glimpse of light.

 going a bit more forward and touching the end of cave wall he realized this is not cave wall at all just a big rock blocking the cave way, looking up he sees small space leading on top of the rock were a fade light comes out so putting his backpack down and flashlight in his mouth starts climbing,as soon as he on top of the rock his mouth opens up as he did not know how to spell out what he was seeing he didn't even notice that the flashlight in his mouth falls on the ground.

meanwhile outside of the cave three people standing silently staring at the cave waiting for news...

 The sound of something breaking reaches to their ears making Reza smile and goes to the cave saying to his girlfriend and her sister to follow him.

Elena saw Reza walk in the cave with the same smag smile when he told her they were moved together in his new place, decides to trust him and goes after him just as she was about to move a hand and grabs her jacket making her stop..

looking at her sister's scared expression holding her jacket like a small rabbit, she says it will be fine and she grabs her hand and drags her with her.

Reza didn't want to spoil any surprises that he is stored for them , so he kept quiet..

soon under a minute they reach the place where Ethan is still looking at The view behind The Rock as if he couldn't completely believe what he was seeing.

Reza calls out to him "hey Ethan buddy are you ok?" so Ethan answered him absentmindedly "yeah I'm trying to figure out where the light comes from".

 Ethan turning his head looking down to his friend says; "that.. this is not possible am I hallucinating?".

Elena and Rose, whose curiosity reached the top couldn't control themselves and cane to the top of the Rock to see what all this fuss is about.

 seeing what is on the other side of the Rock makes them equally surprised that they didn't know what to say either.

the scene behind The Rock is about a 15m round oval shape cave , upon it ceiling is shining white Crystal which around it is leaking water to all cave walls like a cracks around an egg, the impulsing and dancing water on the surface of cave gives people impression that it's live, bottom of the cave is pond where all the water leads and in middle of the pond is 2m round stone leaving 50cm above the pond water on top of it a Sakura tree has grown covering the store surface with it's big root leading in the pond and keeps going down.

as if this scene wasn't a bazaar enough some of the leaked water broke the light making them shine from time to time.

esi esi

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