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100% Star Wars : Redone / Chapter 1: Reincarnation
Star Wars : Redone Star Wars : Redone original

Star Wars : Redone

Autor: Galeitynd

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Reincarnation

"Rey Skywalker." It is with disgust that I hear the last sentence uttered by the heroine of the latest Star Wars trilogy.

I had to force myself to go see this film, taking advantage of it being the last day of its screening in the cinema in hopes of trying to appreciate it without the hordes of people who just come to see it because it's part of the Star Wars franchise.

I admit that I never connected with the character of Rey when she was introduced in the first film. She's essentially a Luke clone. I think I almost vomited upon learning that Palpatine was her grandfather or something like that.

I don't even wait for the post-credit scene and leave the theater directly.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" A young cinema employee waits at the exit for everyone to evacuate the room so she can clean it. She seems charming with her beautiful curly blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, but I'm not in the mood.

"Let's say it's ok." I don't even wait for her response and head to the bathroom.

The movie lasted too long, and it was with great relief that I freed myself from the almost half a gallon of soda I drank during the screening. I wash my hands at the sink and notice that my eyes are bloodshot from staying in the darkness for too long. Or maybe from watching such a terrible movie. I should consider myself lucky not to cry tears of blood.

When I leave the cinema, people all around me are talking about the film. "It was really good." "I didn't really understand the ending. Who was the villain at the end?"

The more I hear them talk, the more my disgust for this film intensifies. I have only one desire, to go home immediately and take a good bath to relax.

Traffic on the road is unusually calm, and I take the opportunity to relax with some music playing on the radio.

Techno-music gradually relieved me of the stress that watching this film brought. Then I noticed that it was already 8:11 PM, and I missed the beginning of the evening news.

I change the frequency of my radio to the national news channel. "And indeed, Thomas, it is now confirmed. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now ranked 32nd at the box office, with a profit of over 1 billion dollars. This is a colossal figure for the last film of the trilogy recently acquired by Walt Disney Studio, showing us that Disney magic can still bring great things, especially to major licenses like George Lucas's Masterpiece that had already enchanted us as children." The discussion continues with a romanticized introduction of the characters, which, if accurate, could almost make them interesting.

However, my blood begins to boil as my hands tighten on the steering wheel. How did this flop manage to make it to the box office? The first film being a success? Why not ? People didn't know what to expect. But after two servings of this crap, I don't understand how it made it to the box office.

I am so frustrated and angry that I barely react when I see blinding lights coming from my left. The last thing I feel is a piercing pain on the side and the sensation of being soaked.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH" My eyes snap open. Did I just have a nightmare where I got hit by a truck?

I look around. There is nothing but darkness as far as the eye can see and tongues of mist licking at my ankles. As I look at them, I realize that my body is grayish and slim! It's so strange to simply see my legs without a mirror. Normally, I should be morbidly obese and only a few kilograms away from spending the rest of my days in a wheelchair, and for the first time in my life, I don't feel like carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. The sensation is so strange that I find myself making small jumps to test gravity.

"It seems we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." I inwardly laugh at my own joke just before having the strange feeling of being observed.

[Interogation. Who is this Toto you are referring to, master?]

I feel like things are starting to fade from my memory. I know I just said something funny, a reference to an old movie I think, but I can't seem to remember which one.

"I don't know anymore; I felt like it was something funny at the moment, but... Wait, am I going crazy? There are voices in my head now."

[Satisfaction. Pleased to meet you, master. I am HK-47, the artificial intelligence in charge of maintaining the system.] I recognize the name of the assassin droid from the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games. Is this something that's supposed to make me feel better by using references to a universe I love?

"A system. Like the reincarnations in Japanese manga?! Isn't that a bit cliché?" Again, the words lose their meaning the moment I utter them to the point that I would be unable to repeat what I just said. Other things started to disappear, like my name, the age I had, or even if I had family.

[Confirmation. Indeed, master. According to the administrator's recommendations, a system will be installed to help you better adapt to your environment. Clarification. However, to make room for its installation, the administrator deemed it necessary to delete some non-essential information.]

"Wait, what? But what about my family and friends? I don't want to forget them!" I already have no memories of them, and even stranger, I don't feel like I miss them either. I admit it's really frightening.

[Explanation. This should not be a problem for you, master. You were specifically chosen among all the other meatbags precisely for this. Your parents died at a very young age, leaving you in the care of your grandparents who died shortly after your 18th birthday. You have always been a very withdrawn child with no real friends, and you work as a computer engineer from home, so you've never even met your colleagues in person. Admiration. You are probably the only person whose existence was so insignificant that erasing you would have absolutely changed nothing in the universe.]

"I admit that I wasn't expecting this. I almost forget the myriad of questions crossing my mind.

[Additional clarification. This incredible peculiarity, combined with your incredible knowledge of the selected universe, makes you the best candidate for this transfer.]

"Wait, which universe?" I realize that the name HK-47 might not have been chosen randomly. "Are you saying I'm going to be reincarnated in the Star Wars universe?"

[Confirmation. Indeed, master. You will be reincarnated in the Star Wars universe during the Mandalorian Wars. Please select the options for your new life; the number of points you can allocate depends on the number of minutes you have spent interacting with Star Wars-related content. You currently have 2,953,654 points.]

So, Star Wars is something I'm familiar with. And the Mandalorian Wars period too. It's a complicated time for the Jedi after Exar Kun and the Great Sith War. Whether due to the public's lack of trust in the Jedi because of Exar Kun's fall to the dark side, the discovery of terentateks feeding on Force users scattered throughout the galaxy, or simply the amount of damage the war has caused. Anyway, I'm sure I don't want to get involved in that, let alone become a Jedi in the midst of the Mandalorian Wars.

The advantage is that I know the Star Wars story so well that it won't be difficult for me to make a fortune. Whether it's planets rich in resources or the evolution of technologies, I'm aware of everything that has significantly influenced the galaxy, whether it's in the comics, movies, or video games.

"Alright, I'm in. I just have one question. Why make me reincarnate? It's not that I'm unhappy about getting a new chance at life, but what's the benefit for this administrator?"

[Explanation. Your reincarnation is a measure taken by the administrator to stabilize this world after a complete formation intervention by the Administrator, who used privilege escalation to replace * * ****** *. This intervention generated several bugs that require the direct intervention of an affiliated user.]

"Wait, I didn't quite catch that. Who was replaced? And why should I help fix these bugs? Can't I just live my life peacefully?"

[Information. I cannot directly access that information. However, the information I have access to suggests that the Force referred to by the Natives of this universe is not the same as the one referred to in the media you have seen. Additional clarification. I'm afraid you have no choice, master. Your existence and that of the bugs are intrinsically linked. It can even be concluded that you are somehow a bug yourself. The other bugs seek to unify, and the central piece that allows this unification is the system granted to you.]

"In that case, I just need to avoid them and run if one of them finds me."

[Disapproval. I'm afraid that's not possible, master. Know that you will be able to sense their presence, but conversely, they will be able to sense yours. If contact is made with one of these entities, escape seems like a highly complicated option.]

Goodbye, my quiet little life. Although, if I manage to have enough money to hire henchmen, I could turn my house into a fortress on one of the core worlds. Taking refuge within the reach of the Republic's military will give me fairly good security. But that means I'll have to do something to make myself important in the eyes of the Republic. Maybe I could try to become a senator or an admiral?

"What can you tell me about these bugs? What do they look like, and what are they capable of?"

[Response. Bugs are the result of the complete formation carried out by the Administrator. They manifest as aberrations in the fabric of reality. Impressed. They often appear as objects, but can also be found in possession of animals that gain their power. To activate, bugs need the presence of the system, so expect to sometimes see creatures suddenly mutated in your proximity.]

[Clarification. Bugs are fundamentally hostile to the presence of the administrator. As this system was created by the administrator, you will not escape this hostility and will have to tame them. However, if you succeed, you can obtain their power. Consolation. Rest assured, master. In the beginning, you will be far too insignificant to attract the attention of really powerful bugs.]

So I suppose I can see them as some sort of dungeon boss? Shouldn't I rather form a team of extremely strong guys to help me defeat them instead of hiding?

"I guess that's reassuring... well, I think. But isn't it against your interest to tell me that this Administrator is probably not the original Force?"

[Confirmation. Oh, yes, master. However, during my installation, the Administrator gave me only a few orders to limit the number of bugs from his intervention. I am ordered to assist you as best as possible, answer all your questions, and not access data or features that have been specifically forbidden by the Administrator. Amusement. However, the Administrator surely didn't think that to answer your questions, I could extrapolate a response from the information I have access to.

[Confident. Don't worry, master, I will answer all your other questions in due time. With my good advice and the system put in place by the administrator, we will make you the best tool to cool down meatbags. Excitement. It is now time to make the choices that will decide the parameters of your next life. Please first choose the species you want to belong to, your sensitivity to the Force, and the type of origin you wish to have.]

A new blue window opens in front of me with several choices. Firstly, for the species, I have the choice between an animal that adds 500,000 points to spend, a human that costs no points, a humanoid race for 100,000 points, and a rare humanoid race for 500,000 points. There are also options with non-humanoid thinking races, but I'm not sure I'm ready to live as such a species. I can't quite imagine myself as something like a Hutt. Even though animals give additional points to spend, it's still not an option for me. And even if it's tempting, I'm afraid I'll regret it later if I choose an alien species. So, it will be an ordinary human for me.

Next is the Force sensitivity with several choices as well. I can choose to have no Force sensitivity for 0 points, marginal sensitivity for 100,000 points, low sensitivity for 500,000 points, medium sensitivity for 1,000,000 points, high sensitivity for 5,000,000 points, rare sensitivity for 10,000,000 points, and legendary sensitivity for 100,000,000 points.

"HK-47, could you tell me what the Force sensitivities equate to in terms of midi-chlorian concentration and possibly give me some Star Wars characters to compare?"

[Confirmation. Of course, master. I don't think I need to explain the first tier; those are the meatbags with around 2500 midi-chlorians per cell. Meatbags with marginal sensitivity have around 5000 midi-chlorians per cell. People with basic precognition abilities, like the smuggler Han Solo, fall into this category. Meatbags with low sensitivity have around 9000 midi-chlorians per cell. This is generally the minimal level required to start Jedi training, but individuals at this level usually end up in the Jedi service corps or do not survive Sith training. A good example is the Jedi Temple archivist on Coruscant, Jocasta Nu. Meatbags start becoming interesting targets from around 11,000 midi-chlorians per cell, where they are considered to have medium Force sensitivity. Jedi knights and masters with lower Force sensitivity, like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Ki Adi Mundi, fall into this range. Then there are beings with high Force sensitivity, with around 15,000 midi-chlorians per cell. Most Jedi masters, like Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, or Exar Kun, fall into this category. Next are beings with rare Force sensitivity, with around 20,000 midi-chlorians per cell. There is usually one or two per generation, and they easily unlock great powers in the Force. In this category, we find Ajunta Pall, Yoda, and Sheev Palpatine. And then there are beings that are more like war machines and aberrations, which can almost never appear naturally, with a midi-chlorian count of around 25,000 per cell, such as Anakin Skywalker or Tenebrae.]

So, if I want to be at least capable of using the Force, I need to have low sensitivity, and the highest I can afford for now is medium, which could potentially allow me to hold my own against masters if I follow Obi-Wan's example and focus on my lightsaber skills.

Finally, I need to choose the type of origin I want. I can choose an extremely poor origin that adds 5,000,000 points, a very poor origin that adds 1,000,000 points, a poor origin that adds 500,000 points, an average origin that costs nothing, a rich origin that costs 500,000 points, a very rich origin that costs 1,000,000 points, and finally, a significant origin that costs 5,000,000 points. I would be tempted to take a very rich or at least a rich origin, but since there will be a war, I doubt that investing my points in a family that could collapse when I have the knowledge to become rich on my own is a good idea. However, having a bit more points to spend is not a bad idea in my opinion, knowing that I will leave as soon as possible to make my fortune.

"Very well, HK, I've made my choice. I want to be a human with medium Force sensitivity and a very poor origin."

[Validation. Very well, master. Your choices neither add nor deduct any points. You still have 2,953,654 points. You can now choose Force powers that will be unlocked at birth, additional abilities, or talents that will influence your ability to acquire new skills and the outcome of some of your actions.]

I begin to read the descriptions of talents and abilities. They are all classified into four categories: ordinary, high, superior, or legendary. They cost 100,000, 250,000, 500,000, and 1,000,000 points, respectively. It is also possible to get a random ability or talent by paying the price of the lower category. So, it's possible to get a legendary talent for only 500,000 points, but I won't know which one. For Force powers, most of them start at 100,000 points, except for some rare ones that can sometimes start at 500,000 points.

I choose the legendary ability [Eidetic Memory], which allows me not to forget the information about Star Wars that I obtained in my previous life, but also to resist memory alterations and certain mental attacks for 1,000,000 points.

I also need an offensive Force power and another to conceal my presence from Jedi. So, I purchase [Force Lightning], which is an offensive power with many possibilities for evolution, and [Force Stealth], which allows me to hide my ability to use the Force, my presence, and my affiliation to the light or dark side from other Force-sensitive beings, which should prevent me from being sent to the Jedi Temple if my path were to cross one of them. Knowing that the midi-chlorian count test is not yet mandatory and that people have not linked midi-chlorians to the use of the Force yet, encountering a Jedi capable of detecting the Force in others is the only way to get recruited.

As for talents, I don't remember what I was good at in my previous life, so I leave it all to chance by choosing three random legendary talents and one random superior talent.

[Confirmation. Your choices have been recorded, master. Your talents are [Legendary Talent: Technological Mind], [Legendary Talent: Forest Lord], [Legendary Talent: Gods' Chef], [Superior Talent: Child of the Sea]. Please now decide on your appearance once you reach maturity.]

A man's silhouette appears before me with a new window. The number of modification options is simply incredible, and I could easily spend an hour scrolling through them before reaching the end.

"Hmm, does that mean I can modify my appearance as an adult?"

[Confirmation. You can modify the appearance within the limits of the species, master. Note, however, that it only affects genetic predispositions, and the result at maturity can still be influenced by external factors such as nutrition, environment, or exposure to certain chemical compounds.]

"Even the penis?"

[Confirmation. You can modify the entire appearance within the limits of the species, master. Question. I fail to see the importance of modifying the genitalia?]


I start browsing through the options. The first thing I change is the height, which goes from a decent 5'9 feet to a towering 6'4 feet. I could push it up to 7 feet, but the height I've given is more than adequate.

Next is the physique. I don't have very good knowledge of physiology. I try to create a physique more athletic than aesthetic, but it's quite challenging to know exactly what I'm doing in that regard.

"HK, can you adjust the body parameters for an athletic physique? Not as muscular as bodybuilders, but more like an Olympic athletism champion."

[Confirmation. I change the physical parameters for an optimized athletic body. Should I also make facial modifications?]

"Uh, yes, give me a face with features that women find most attractive. A square jaw, seductive eyes, and smile, the whole package. With green eyes and black hair if possible."

[Validation. I apply the requested parameters, master.]

Before me, the silhouette of the man transforms, and I feel like I'm facing one of those models for underwear brands that make women drool. Speaking of underwear, I'm not sure what size I should have. Actually, I don't even remember the size I had before or what is considered a normal size. I look at the maximum possible size and subtract 1.5 inches for a member with a length of 7.5 inches and a circumference of 6 inches.

[Question. Master, are you aware that this is approximately a reproductive organ that would belong to a well-endowed reproduction professional of your species?]

"Oh, really?" I subtract half a inch in length and one in circumference. "Is it better like this?"

[Neutral. I don't know if it's better, master. I admit I see little value in this kind of function.]

"In that case, let's leave everything as it is." I don't know why, but I feel a certain satisfaction in seeing my new body.

[Confirmation. All options have now been selected.]

[Warning. The creation of your avatar is in progress. A temporal advance until the moment your body is capable of moving on its own is about to occur.]

The world turns dark again, and my consciousness fades away.

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