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94.28% STAR WARS: Galactic Sex Adventures / Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - A Return to Form

Capítulo 33: Chapter 33 - A Return to Form

So Coruscant isn't bad once you get used to it. Not that I ever hated the place to begin with, but there was so much more to do on it than Dormund Kaas. Milky and Yura adjusted quickly, it seemed like every night they were going out to find something new to experience. Whether it's a new play at the theaters, the food, or maybe a new holo-film; they weren't disappointed. And Short-round apparently found a new market for his trinkets and gadgets, Femlem (what I had taken to calling the female voiced Bedlam) was apparently an excellent assistant.


Honestly I was enjoying my sabbatical, after a very hectic week and a few bombshells both literal and metaphorical I really needed it. I spent most of my time with the girls, accompanying them to their fun, or even just playing games. They strangely gave me as much time and space as I needed…


But we were on Couscant for a week… and I hadn't had sex with them in that time. I was nervous, and a little hesitant. Pali said I might not be as good with the suppressors on and honestly I didn't want to take them off. The girls acted the same, behaved around me exactly like they did when I didn't have them. Nothing was different so that built up my confidence a little but… call it paranoia, but I didn't trust myself.


Still though I did like spending time with them, and we had had a few more movie nights than usual. But I saw the looks in Milky's eyes. She was getting antsy, and she spent just a bit more time in the shower than usual… At least it was hot that she was just naturally that frisky for me…


As I mentally prepared myself, trying to fight through my mental block I decided that maybe a visit to Scarlet would clear my head. Being close to her was something of an emotional godsend as I found myself talking to her a lot more often: just too talk. I of course missed Newt, and it wasn't fair to compare them, but Scarlet really was the republic version of Newt, or Newt was the imperial version of Scarlet. I mean there were differences of course and not just physically. Newt was a sniper and gadget centric operative, who only blended into public when she really had to. Scarlet was a more battlefield operative, capable of handling herself and adapting on the fly, and apparently a master of disguise when she wasn't around me.


So once Milky and Yura were off on another stage play I decided to spend time with her. So I went mid afternoon, maybe we could go out and get lunch. I wasn't allowed to call it a date… As I approach her door I thought I heard music and once I knocked on her door it abruptly shut off, after a moment she opened the door a little annoyed, and strangely sweaty, she had an odd glow about her. she was wearing a tight black sports bra and matching yoga pants that went to her knees.


"I told you- Oh… hey." smiled at me, realizing it was me.


"Expecting someone else?" I asked as she let me enter, "I'm not interrupting anything am I?" I paused as I saw in the center of the room was a long metal pole. "That wasn't there last time…" I noted


"No, I wasn't expecting anyone. Not exactly…" she said hastily, suddenly scrambling to her nearby table and grabbing a remote, pointing it at the pole and pressing a button. The pole contracted and folded on itself until it vanished into the floor. "My ugh… my stupid college neighbors keep dropping by and hitting on me when I exercise…" she scowled angrily, "They're pigs really."


"You were exercising?" I asked, looking around the room and then letting my eyes settle to where the pole once was. "I can come back later if you're busy."


"No!" she said quickly, "I wasn't saying that… I love having you visit."


I smiled embarrassed and shook my head, "Its okay Scarlet you don't have to be on pins and needles around me." Scratching my neck sheepishly I added, "Hell you don't need to stop your schedule on my account. Honestly I was just bored on the ship and I wondered what you were up too…" then I looked around the room again, "…Exactly how were you exercising?"


She suddenly blushed and didn't meet my eyes, "Well that's… its a little embarrassing." She fidgeted in place and suddenly I felt a little… motivated.


"Embarrassing how?" I asked interested, "Something silly? Like new age Jedi stuff?"


"No…" she said slowly, then she sighed defeated, "…Pole dancing aerobics…" Suddenly my blood began pumping with new life at the thought of her dancing.


Hello my old friend…


"Seriously?" I asked, it wasn't as a joke. I was just trying to clarify as my erection began to physically cause me problems.


"Yeah…" she grumbled, not noticing my sudden uncomfortable arousal. "Pali suggested it to me during one of our session's ages ago and it just sort of stuck. Sometimes I use music which seems like a fucking signal to my neighbors."


"So you pole dance…" I said, "…That's… really fucking hot…" I mumbled, looking at where the pole was and already imaging her shapely body around it.


She rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "Oh yeah. So hot…" she laughed a little louder. But I looked at her, suddenly inspired.


"…Can I watch?" I asked her suddenly and she blushed heavily at what I was implying.


"Uh. You want to watch me work out?" she asked a little confused, it was so fun when she was coy.


"I want to watch you dance." I replied grabbing a chair and facing the pole, "Come on, please?" then feeling a bit of my old self returning I added, "…You know what it does to me."


I gazed into her blue eyes, and watched as she suddenly fidgeted in place again; her crotch suddenly looked just a little more damp than usual. Hopefully that wasn't just my imagination, "W-well…" she began softly, pressing the remote and letting the pole rise back up, "I guess I was in the middle of my set…"


"Yes. Yes you were…" I said, nodding vigorously as she swayed her shapely body towards the pole. Her tight workout clothes leaving nothing to my imagination


"Aiden how would you know that?" she asked playfully, smiling at me over her shoulder as she pressed another button and the music began to play slowly while her hips began to sway tantalizingly before me.


"I just really want to watch you dance." I said honestly, straining against my pants as she began to twirl on the pole like an expert. She always kept one hand on the pole, spinning, twirling, kicking as she moved tantalizingly around it, sliding up and down as if in worship, reveling in my gaze as she watched me and made sure I took in every single one of her already well memorized curves.


Suddenly we were back of Dormund Kaas, and I was watching her perform for me all over again. Everything was simple again, and as she hung upside down on the pole with well practiced ease, I realized everything was beautiful…


Then some dead fucker knocked hard on the door and interrupted my fun. "Oh what the fuck…" I snarled looking at the door.


"Hey Maxine~!" came a singsong voice, "you home?


"Right on cue…" she replied, flipping from the pole and dropping into a split on the floor. I groaned, quickly reaching maximum arousal as I watched, "…Hey Aiden want to help me with something?" she asked, not stopping her dancing.


"Please tell me I get to threaten him…" I said as the knocking began again. "Going to need something special for that."


"Second drawer to the right of the fridge…." She replied briskly, gyrating against the pole rapidly as if making love to it.


Quickly going to the kitchen I opened said drawer and pulled out a common blaster pistol, that was the kind of thing you found in a spy's kitchen. I abruptly opened the front door to see a rather smug looking Mirialan. "Hey Maxine I was wondering…" I gripped him by the shirt and pressed him hard against the opposing wall holding the pistol on him. 

"Oh this better be fucking good." I said, lowering my voice to a growl as I heard Scarlet continue dancing behind me.


"Don't kill him baby!" came Scarlet's voice from the apartment, it had an odd accent to it; like something out of those old tattooine gunslinger holo-films. Inwardly I realized that she was obviously here under a false name. "He's just too dumb to realize I'm already taken!"


"You hitting on my girl?" I snarled angrily, as he whimpered nervously, "I come back after a long week of hunting down assholes to find you hitting on my girlfriend?!"


"Don't kill him baby he's just a boy!" Scarlet replied, milking it for all its worth.


"No! No way man I was uh…" he quickly searched his mind for a justifiable excuse. "I was just coming to ask her to turn the music down!" he said smiling sheepishly, "R-really man that's it!"


I glared at him coolly, making sure he remembered every second, then quickly pulled away. Calm as can be, "Oh why didn't you say so." I said clapping his shoulder with my free hand hard and making him flinch while I started laughing, "Man I thought I was going to have to shoot you…" I giggled and he began laughing hesitantly with me, "Like the last guy who wouldn't take my girlfriend saying no. You remember that guy honey?"


"Yeah you shot him good!" Scarlet replied casually.


"Good times… You have a nice day…" I said coolly, "And uh… You let me know if you see any assholes yeah?" waving the blaster haphazardly around.


"S-sure man…" he said, scrambling desperately away as quickly as he could without looking scared. "Later."


I waved him off with the blaster in my hand then entered Scarlet's apartment again and placed the blaster back in the drawer. "Okay all done…" I smiled sitting back down and watching her ass shake before me, begging me to touch it. "…Do I get something special from my expert assistance?"


"I'm sorry?" she said, bending backwards to look me in the eyes as I gazed longingly down her cleavage at her bending body. "Are you charging me?"


Gently stroking her lekku she quivered on the pole, I loved how sensitive she was. "Well charging is such a strong word. I also accept payment in used clothing…" I said with a very playful smile. She returned it very briefly before removing her hands for the first time since starting her dance. She took my own and gripped them under her sports bra.


"Pull…" she said simply before stretching her arms and shooting back up straight against the pull, leaving me with her sports bra and her topless.


"Fuck me…" I said softly, gazing lovingly at her smooth muscular back.


"…I think we're getting to that." She said, looking over her shoulder at me and shaking her rear temptingly, and said a very familiar question, "The pants?" she asked.


"Do you even need to ask?" I replied, gazing intently at the beautiful woman before me, making sure I memorized every curve of this moment.


"…Just don't leave me hanging at the end of it." she said smiling, slipping her thumbs into her spat's waistband, and pushing them to the floor while bending over, giving me a perfect view of her marvelous ass. I couldn't resist, my hands were on her butt cheeks, squeezing her intently, feeling her flesh mold in my hands. "You know… in a real club the customers aren't allowed to touch the dancers…" she noted playfully, leaning back against my hands trying to get me to feel as much of her as possible.


"Good thing we aren't in a club then…" I said softly, and gave her wet pussy a long loving lick. She squealed erotically as she felt my tongue, and suddenly everything wrong with the last couple weeks did not matter. "And while you in a strip club is tempting… I think I'd rather you keep your exercising private…" I gave her supple ass cheeks a firm squeeze.


"A-aiden!" she hissed, her body quivering underneath me as I buried my face into her, tasting as much of her as I could. "O-oh fuck…' she breathed. She smiled at me over her shoulder, "M-more…" she demanded softly, reaching for my head but I gently pushed it away and pulled away.


"Hands on the pole now…" I said softly, "Hold on tight." I slapped her butt slightly and continued with my meal, as her hands tightened on the pole. She began quivering and trembling as her orgasms took her. Biting her lips, she pushed back against me trying to feel more off my tongue until she finally screamed one huge orgasm, her legs giving out she almost dropped to the ground.


"No…" I said softly, standing up and grabbing her hips, holding her up and steady. "No not yet…"


"Oh fuck…" she breathed and felt my erection probe her pussy, "Hello again…" she breathed softly, smiling at me over her shoulder. "I've missed you." I buried myself in one quick thrust, forcing her higher on the pole as he toes clawed against her floor, screaming at my sudden penetration "Oh fuck yes!!"


Gripping the pole above her hands I pulled myself towards hit, thrusting deep inside her and trapping her between me and the pole. "You are… fucking… gorgeous!" I groaned painfully as my erection throbbed impatiently inside her while the thrust, I grabbed her lekku with one of my hands and squeezed. She whimpered in pain filled pleasure as I leaned forward and nibbled, she squealed her delight as I felt her quiver again. "I want those fuckers to hear you…" I moaned softly. "I bet you want them to hear you too..."


"N-no… fuck them." she groaned angrily. But regardless of her words her pussy tightened immensely.


"No…" I said softly, gripping her hips tightly and finishing up, "Fuck!" I thrust hard, letting her ass quiver from the blow as she squealed, "Me!!" I came deep inside her as her eyes widened and felt my backed up load flood into her now overstuffed womb. She squealed as some of my essence leaked erotically out of her onto the floor as she came from being filled.


"Oh fuck!!" she hissed through her teeth arousingly as she felt my erection soften inside her after filling her to the brim, "Fuck there's so much!!" she suddenly became just a little heavier as her legs finally gave out and she pressed her full weight against me. "S-shit Aiden you were backed up…" she moaned as she leaned her head back and kissed me, stroking my face and rubbing her belly…


Realizing she had let go of the pole, I was inspired once more and felt myself hardened inside her. "Aiden!" she laughed, feeling me throb, "Oh WOW!!" she screamed as I suddenly fell backwards onto the chair, pulling out of her pussy and stretching her legs wide as if putting her on display, "W-what are you? UGH!!" she groaned as I forcefully probed her ass, grabbing her tits from behind and squeezing as she leaned her head back on my shoulder.


"I got two weeks' worth of catching up to do…" I breathed into her ear; nibbling her lekku again and feeling her tighten. "Plus I need to figure out if I'm just as good without the pheromones." I said, licking her cheeks.


"F-fuck…" she groaned as I slowly began thrusting up into her, molding her breasts in turn, "You… you are! I promise… Fuck!!" she quivered again and I quickly began fucking her ass, grabbing her hips to hold her steady as I thrust up into her bouncing her on my lap. Soon after a few moment of thrusting I felt her come again, moaning her orgasm she pressed her body against me as her ass spasmed around my length. She wrapped her arm around the back of my head and holding me close as if she was afraid she was going to fall off.


"Keep cuming…" I commanded, letting my hand flow onto her clit and flicking it, as my sperm flowed freely from her pussy, "Come on. Again."


"Shit Aiden!!" she writhed on top of me, her eyes wide open as she stared at the ceiling and declared her released, "Shit Aiden! I'm cuming! I'm cuming Aiden!!" she had one last mind blowing orgasm as my body gave out as well, rapidly thrusting up into her I finally slammed my hips against her and fired.


"Fuck!!" I hissed, turning her open mouth towards me and burying my tongue into it with a kiss that she eagerly returned, holding me tight as I filled her ass. Making sure every drop was deep inside her I caressed her body and pulled my tongue from her mouth. "Every time he have sex… I'm putting a load in your ass…" I declared firmly before kissing her again, claiming every hole today.


"Okay." She accepted blearily, not really having anything else to say to that.


We laughed lightly as I felt my load from her pussy leak onto my dick and I frowned, scolding her. "You're leaking everywhere…"


She frowned and spoke like a child that felt like she was being punished unjustly, "You put too much in me..." she whined seductively. I kissed her again as he moaned against me and my fingers slipped down to her clit again as those moans suddenly had another octave to them.


"Sounds to me like somebody wants a refill…" I teased lightheartedly as she whimpered jokingly.


"Oh fuck me…" she breathed, laughing exhaustedly.


"That would be the idea…" I laughed then lifting her onto the table I pressed my rapidly hardening length into her filled pussy and penetrated her again.


"Fuck Aiden!" she laughed looking over her shoulder at me, "A third time? Really?!"


I leaned down over hear, burying my length completely inside her and grabbing the other side of the table edge of leverage. "Two weeks' worth…" I repeated breathlessly as she leaned up and kissed me again, "Got to start somewhere…" then I began thrusting in earnest, steadily and rapidly as our fluids burst everywhere.


Realizing just how big a mess we were making she glared angrily over her shoulder at me, "Y-your helping me clean this up!" she said demandingly.


"When we're done…" I said, hilting myself inside her as I felt her cum, "…And we aren't, not nearly…"


"Oh fuck yes!!" she yelled as she trembled against me.


And we weren't done for a very long time. Nightfall actually, to the point where we were so exhausted it took us another hour before we could properly clean her apartment. When we were finally finished cleaning up our mess we cuddle naked on the couch for a moment, letting her rest her head on my shoulder.


"So…" I said finally, "…Was I just as good without these?" I asked, fiddling with the suppressors on my ears.


She chuckled, "…I think you could've gotten me to cum a couple more times…" she said a little pompously, "But yes, you were satisfactory…"


I kissed her forehead and pressed my own against it, "…So… I was wondering." I began a little hesitatingly, "…If you wanted to come on my ship for awhile."


She blinked at me, a little surprised, "…Like… for a visit?" she stoked my chest absently with her hand, "Or a vacation?"


"…I figure…" I began a little coolly, "When I'm finally ready to start working again… I'm going to find opportunities to piss off my bitch of a mother." I looked at her seriously, "And I was thinking you could help me with that when they came up."


She stared at me, her mouth opening a closing as she tried to find the words to speak, "I would love to Aiden, but my superiors might not approve." She said a little regretfully. I nodded my head, completely understanding.


"No. No I get it… I'm just putting it out there…" I replied quickly, "…I plan on staying for another week before starting back up with Torga. So, you know, maybe run it by them and see if you can…"


She rubbed her head tightly against my chest, "Of course…" she said, "Are you going to head back to your ship?"


I smiled and stroked her lekku, "It can wait…" I said softly "By the way… is your name actually Maxine?"


"No it's just a cover name for the apartment…" just as the door to her apartment banged loudly. "The hell?" I pulled pants on as I headed to the door, she quickly ran to her room and returned throwing on a robe.


I opened the door to find Milky and Yura standing there with a small bag stuffed with pillows and blankets. "Sleepover!" They shouted together, shoving their way inside.


"W-what?" Scarlet said surprised as Yura wrapped her arms around her in greeting, "Sleepover?"


"Yep." Milky replied, and approached me, taking in my scent and sniffing looking me in the eyes seductively, "…Sleepover…"


We didn't really do much sleeping. Let's just say I quickly caught up on those two weeks. When morning finally came and Milky stumbled weak kneed to the door dripping my remaining load from her pussy, I turned to face a rather exhausted looking Scarlet, and yawned myself. "...I'm serious Scarlet." She blinked at me rather surprised by my commitment to the idea, "…Ask them about it." then giving her one last deep kiss for the day, we left. As we passed the neighboring apartment, the door opened to reveal a trio of Mirialan males, one of which was the one from yesterday.


I glared at them and they quickly shut the door, then wrapping my arm around a satisfied Milky and exhausted Yura we headed back to the ship. For the first time in weeks, everything felt normal again, and the future was looking bright.

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