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55.55% Star Wars: Fan Fiction / Chapter 4: Awaken

Capítulo 4: Awaken

<Hello everyone, I know most don't like time skips but it was kinda neccessary for me as it was mostly gonna be talking about the proccess of the place building up via the droids that was why last chapter was a bit longer than the rest at 3865 words where as the other chapters have been 3046 and 3316 words. Long Chapters i know but i cant find a way to shorten them without it being abrupt and i don't like doing abrupt ends. I am currently on a few days leave from the Navy at the moment due to some personnely issues and this story is helping me get through it all. Thank you everyone for the feedback and the stones, Love you all and enjoy>

{Due to body being unlocked, Changes have been made to body and the mind training Host has been conducting}

{Changes made to the body over the past 8 years. Height has grown from the height of 5'4 to the height of 6'10}

{Host has had an increase in Charisma as height is an attractive thing to many races, Vitality has increased also by 5}

{Host's Force Points has increased also as the vial induced more midi-chlorians into your system and unlocked you full force potential. You were at 45000 midi-chlorians before the vial now you are at 127,000 midi-chlorians. Host needs to be carefull as when you leave the Barrier around the temple all force powers will be able to feel your strength and will send out powerfull force users to either kill/capture or recruit you}


NAME: Drex Xi Rinn

RACE: PureBlooded Skell

AGE: 16

Health Points: 3580/3580

Force Points: 18000/18000

Midi-Chlorians: 127,000

Level 5

XP - 0/8000


VITALITY: 16 -> 21




CHARISMA: 10 -> 23



Advanced Technology Manipulation

Total Memory

Adaptive Muscle Memory

Force Master

Dark Lords descendant

Jedi Grandmaster descendant


Master of all Combat Arts

Master of all Survial Skills

Master of Building


Drex mentally thanked the system for his update. But got worried about his midi-chlorians level. Even Anakin Skywalker never had anything that powerful as his was only 20,000 this made Drex the most powerful in that count especially with his Force Master trait meaning he can use all force powers. He was thinking how would Yoda react when he finds his power let alone mace-windu.

Slowly opening his eyes Drex was met with bright green colours and red mixed in and mentally smiled. Gold had obviously been decorating a bit too much, there were plants everywhere in the medbay, hanging baskets and all. The medbay seemed to have tripled in size and there were medbots around. No longer the one medbot but now there was 40 of them. He also noticed the amount of Bacta Tanks also, there were 30 on each side of the walls and the one he was in was in the centre of the room with a force field around it with two medbots inside the force field constantly being vigilant of him.

He mentally opened up the system to check his building menu and then mentally prodded it over to the build list he had set. Drex was taken back by all the notifications they kept going and going but the ones he noticed as the most important were the ones he focuses on.

{Build List}

{Tree Forts and gangways - Completed}

{Armerments for Tree Forts - Completed}

{40m Deep Moat - Completed}

{Retractable Bridge - Completed}

{30m High by 20M wide Wall - Completed}

{Ion Cannons X2 - Completed}

{Armerments for Wall - Completed}

{Surface Temple Repaired and Upgraded - Completed}

{Planetary Sensor - Completed}

{Temple Upgrades, Decorated, Droid Maintenance facility, Droid Storage Facility, Prison Cell, Accomedation X200 Rooms, 1 Large Cabin, Hangar upgraded, MedBay upgrade - Completed}

After going through them all he was happy with all this then wondered when he could be released out of this bacta tank. Just when he thought that Gold came through the medbay door and he was decked out in mandelorian armour. It was good looking armour it went with the same design that his body was like with his black and gold. Then he finally noticed all the HK units in the room were all wearing Mando amour and it made him happy all he had to do was to update all there voice modulars to sound more human and then he can confuse all the other races into thinking there was always a massive Mandolorian army hiding out in the galaxy.

Gold noticed his master was awake and was looking around and instantly stated "Statement, Master has awoken deactivate the force field and get him out of that bacta tank" He sounded physically excited sing his mater awake and wanted to tell him all the upgrades he had done to the droids and the idea he came up with to hide all the droids as Mandalorians.

An hour later Drex was out of the Bacta tank and was drying off all the fluid that was stuck to his skin. He equiped his armour straight from his inventory and noticed Gold was fidgeting for some reason so he said "Gold, is there something wrong you are moving iratically" Gold instantly came back with "Statement Master, I am just happy to see you moving again and i have so many things to tell you master"

Drex audibly laughed "ahahah well first of Gold i like what you done with the decorations using the local flora to spruce the place up and there is finally lights everywhere i love it haha. I also noticed you are all wearing Mandalorian armour did you have the Forge make it or did you go hunting for some?" Gold stated "Statement Master, We found a dead squad of mandalorians about 30 miles out while we were scouting and brought there armour back to the Forge for it to be made for all the combat droids to confuse enemies in the future and anyone that tries to scout us Master"

Drex was worried hearing about the dead Mandalorians near his Temple so he asked "Gold, How were these Mandalorians killed and how long were they dead?" Gold took a few minutes then came back stating "Statement Master, They had been dead for many years and they were skeletons when we found them and they seemed to have been killed by natural causes Master, Most likely starved to death as there armour was perfectly fine Master"

Drex smiled saying "Well thank god for that, Has someone been watching the sensor for any income traffic and ships Gold?" Gold suddenly stated "Affirmitive Master, We have built a HK unit specialised in Communications and Hacking Master" Drex nodded to that statement and left the medbay he noticed that there were several HK units following him from the medbay they were in fully matte black armour and had black robes on so he turned around and asked "Is this my personnely body guard unit?" Shadow suddenly spoke from the group and stated "Affirmitive Master, I have trained them to constantly follow you and protect you Master" Drex smiled and said "Awesome looks like i have knights following me around" He started to laught after that and started to walk over to the cafeteria as he had a hankering for a big juicy Rancor steak since he has been in a coma for 8 years his stomach was constantly rumbling just thinking of it.

He arrives at the Cafeteria and it seemed to have been upgraded to house about a thousand people at once. There were hundreds of rows of tables and serving area was 10 times the size of the origional as he was walking up the serving area Gold stated "Statement Master, you don't eat in this section we have made you a VIP seating area Master" hearing this he turns to see Gold next to a private eating area with nice looking metal chairs and a personel ChefBot who cooks right next to the table so its all fresh.

Drex seen the ChefBot and it had Golden head so he asked "ChefBot are you the head chef or shall i just call you ChefBot?" The golden ChefBot stirred and seemed to be angry after Drex said that the gold ChefBot stated "Master i am no standard ChefBot i am the best Chef there is!! you can call me Head Chef though!" Drex laughed at this and said "Very well Head Chef!, I want the best Rancor steak you can cook!" Head Chef said in return "What size do you want? Another 60oZ steak or do you want something bigger Master?!"

Drex mused and said "I want to try a 100oZ steak and did you cook my first steak?" Head Chef made a laughing sound with his beeps and boops and the said "Who do you think cook you the first one Master!" Drex laughed and nodded his head. A few moments later this glorious massive Rancor steak was served infront of him and he smiled the biggest grin ever licked his lips and ravished the steak in minutes and grabbed his plating licking the left overs up and pushed his plate towards the Head ChefBot trying to get more. The Head ChefBot seen this and made laughing noises again and made another steak for his Master.

After Drex had finished his two steaks he leaned back and started to pant as he had overfilled himself. Chucking he slowly stood up and said "Head Chef that was amazing, Thank you!" He soon left and went towards to what this large cabin was so he set a designation point on his map so it would tell him when to turn left or right. While walking the long corridors he noticed it wasnt the black metal it was before but now had white metal walls, Black ceiling and a red floor.

He looks to Gold who has been follwing him and says "I love what you done with the place Gold, So tell me what has changed with the troops then" Gold said "Master, we have 4000 Heavy Weapon Specialist units split evenly between Prime and Twinkle. They are easily labled differently and have different weapons and colours. Prime's Troops Have Red and Black armour and specialise more in Ambush tactics and use heavy blasters where as Twinkle's Troops have Silver armour and specialise in open warfare using mini-gun's to get the enemies attention so Prime's troops can encircle them and obliterate them. Grim has 1000 sniper HK's all in Digital Woodland Camo and there sniper rifles are built for troop warfare where as Ranger has 500 HK's all in Dark Green who specialise in long range combat at up to 2km."

Gold stops for a second to let Drex catch up before he continues saying "Shadow has 100 Assassin HK's all in Matte Black and where robes, They utilise Swords, Pistols, Snipers and Explosives. All there equipment has been hidden into there bodies and they can go into stealth mode going invisible to hide from enemies and perform there tasks. At all times you are guarded by 25 Assassin HK's" Drex nodded and looked around only spotting 10 of them and then asked "Where are the other 15 then?" as soon as he said that they appeared further up the hallway turning of there cloaks so there master can see them. Drex laughs and says "Well carry on then and good job" The HK closest to Drex nods to him and disapears.

Gold then went on to say "And lastly for myself Master i have troops trained in CQB they have Black/Gold. All mine will be black all over but a Gold Stripe on there chest and we are specialists in all types of warfare but specifically better in CQB second after the assassins who are masters of ranged and CQB" Drex nodded then asked him what squad is in charge of what location.

Gold nodded and then said "Twinkle's Squad is called White Widow and they are based on the wall. Prime's Squad is called Steel Rain and they are based on the Tree Fort's. Ranger's squad is called Phantom and they are based on the wall. Grim's squad are called the Huntsman and there on the Tree's also" Drex was nodding to this and setting all of it up on his Squad system slowly adding all the names on.

Gold then carried on saying "For one of the last squads is Shadows unit who go by the name Black Death as there silent and deadly, They go where ever you want them and they defend you at all times and lastly my squad were the Defence Force as we only protect the Temple and everything inside it" Drex was happy and nodded to all this he got the system to update it all and then display it before him.

{Open Squad System}

{Squad name - White widow - Heavy Weapons Wall - Squad Leader Twinkle}

{Squad name - Steel Rain - Heavy Weapons Tree's - Squad Leader Prime}

{Squad name - Phantom - Sniper Wall - Squad Leader Ranger}

{Squad name - Huntsmen - Sniper Tree's - Squad Leader Grim}

{Squad name - Black Death - Assassin Unit - Squad Leader - Shadow}

{Squad name - Defence Force - Commando Unit Temple- Squad Leader - Gold}

{Close Squad System}

Drex was happy and by the time it was all done he arrived before his new Cabin. The doors parted and he was awared with a lovely room with white walls and ceiling, Evenly spaced lights, Vines all accross one of the walls to give it a bit of feature and in the centre of the room was a sofa with a TV type system that was already connected to the galaxy. The bed wasn't small it took up a majority of the room also it was definetly double the size of a super king bed. He soon left his room as the next big thing on his to check was the Hangar as that was one of the main upgrade for the whole inside of the Temple.

He soons arrives at the Hangar and it was massive at least 10X bigger than it was before. There were Hundreds of ships. Mostly Fighters and Droid Drop Ships but then there was Drex's baby The Dispatcher and he noticed there were multiple smaller versions parked next to it also. He was happy with what he seen. He had to think of what he was gonna do next now. He knew all his base turrets were automated and if he wanted to do anything fun he was gonna have to leave the safe confines of his temple properly and if he did the Galaxy would know of his force strength and send people after him good or bad.

Drex spoke out to the system "System, how long would it take for the Jedi Order or the Sith to feel my power?"

{Host, It would take them instantly to feel your power, But due to the strength of your power it could take them a few months to narrow down the search to this sector then a few weeks after that to this planet}

Drex thought for a minute... He had decided he was gonna leave the planet for a few months and explore. All his droids were dressed as Mandalorians and they had made a banner for themselves on the wall around the Temple of a Madalorian holding a sythe in a cutting motion. Drex was happy with the banner as it was what Shadow had made for the Temple.

Drex calls for all his main Party to arrive at his ship. After waiting a bit all his main party had arrived and the pilot droid know as Dispatcher Droid or otherwise known as DD had met them at the cargo bay doors and let them in. Drex told his bots "Squad load up and have the other bots protect the base and to let no one in. If any diplomats arrive tell them to turn away or to wait 20 miles away from the temple and get them to contact me" After they went of Drex sent an update to all the voice modulars on all the HK units for them to sound more human but to sound militaristic and aggressive at all times incase they come in contact with anyone.

After waiting for an hour all the supplies were loaded on the ship. He had his main party with him and 10 units of Assassins, 4 Snipers, 8 Heavy Weapon Specialists and lastly 10 Commando Units. He was happy with this setup as it meant he was equally protected and they would be a strong force to deal with if they had to fight. Just as he was taking off he had DD set a course for Coruscant as he was going to have to show his face before the Jedi at some point and he wanted to establish himself as a soverign nation eventually.

He was going to Coruscant however to find a Bounty Hunting guild to earn some credits as he was currently lacking any credits at all. DD nodded and said "Better prepare Boss its gonna be a tad fast" Saying that Drex nodded and held onto DD's Chair. DD hit it into hyperspace and the force was tremendous as Drex could feel his brain being pushed to the back of his Skull. His body slowly adjusted to the force of the pressure and he smiled eventually all he could say is "I am going to love this universe" Laughing after that.

As soon as they left the moon Dxun. Yoda on the planet of Coruscant felt a great disturbance in the force and looked to Mace-Windu and said "Someone strong has apeared, Find them we must" Mace-Windu looked a bit creeped out as he felt the power also it was like nothing he has ever felt before. Mace-Windu said "But i feel Dark and Light energy within them" Yoda nodded and said "Find them we must, before the dark do"

At the same time in the senate, Sheev Palpatine felt the power and visibly shook to his core, this power was ten times stronger than him, his master Darth Plaguis and Yoda. He spoke into his mind to his Master "Master i have felt a great disturbance in the force, Its the strongest i have ever felt" His master Darth Plaguis said "We must kill them as they are a threat to our plans".

Drex was none the wiser to this happening. While they were in hyperspace there ship got pulled out of hyperspace by a group of pirates who immediately opened fire on them. But the Pirate ships could do nothing to the shield on The Dispatcher so he had DD disable the pirate ships and go to board them. "Squad set up on the storage bay doors were going to board those pirate ships. Kill all the crew but the captains as they will spread our name, we will gain fame and infamy doing it his way but our calling card from now on will be our Banner. If they ask who we are just say the Reapers"

DD pulled the ship up to the pirate ship and started the boarding procedure. DD said over the intercomn "Boss, Opening the cargo bay doors in 5.. 4... 3... 2... 1..." As the door slowly opens the HK's instantly started running out and slaughtering anything in there way not leaving anyone except the Pirate captain who was pulled back to Drex. The Pirate Captain instantly retored and swore at Drex "Who the F**** are you, Do you know who i ******* for!!!" Drex not giving a damn pulled his pistol out and shot the captains legs. The captain screams in agony and cry's and Drex says coldly "I don't give a flying **** who you work for but we are the Reapers and we will hunt down anyone who stops us" After saying that Gold knocked the Captain out and all the Units took all the credits onboard, along with any food and resources they might need.

Getting back into the Dispatcher, DD closed the cargo bay doors and they flew off again into hyperspace. In the distance watching all this was a small ship heading to the Order onboard was Ki-Adi-Mundi who had stopped to report to the Order about the powerfull force he felt. When he felt it again nearby as he seen two ships attacking each other for one to completely nullify all the damage it recieved and boarded the ship that was attacking. He watched the battle in the force and couldn't feel any life force except one person on one of the ships that was being attacked but he had never felt that life force before, it was from a race he has never seen before or heard of.

Drex felt the pressure of being observed but didn't care as he knew that was gonna happen eventually. If only those god damn pirates didn't pull them out of hyperspace he would of been happy.

{Enemy's Eliminated -Pirates X35 Lvl5 - LVL 15 - XP Recieved 4382XP}


NAME: Drex Xi Rinn

RACE: PureBlooded Skell

AGE: 16

Height: 6'10

Health Points: 3580/3580

Force Points: 18000/18000

Level 5

XP - 4382/8000









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