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1.93% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 5: Fantasies and Dreams

Capítulo 5: Fantasies and Dreams

I don't own star wars, etc.

This chapter contains gratuitous violence, a medium amount of abuse, and some philosophical searching.

Isn't that a hoot?

So… I didn't know what I expected to find when Torga sent me and Yura to Nar Shaddaa to meet up with one of his business partners but honestly, a holo-girl studio wasn't it. Up until now, he sent us mainly after debtors, thugs that pushed their luck, or maybe just as an extra gun on a delivery to his sister. But I have to tell you, as I entered the room to the familiar sound of a good blowjob I might have been just as giddy as I was confused. So a lot…

Yura seemed in her element… eyeing the girls just as much as the guys as they passed by her. A few of them cast lingering looks at her; males of course I expected… but a few girls as well…

Fuck, I love Yura.

Anyway, we were here to see an Ugnaught by the name of Flebbin. Apparently, he was Torga's business partner and someone was causing trouble. Getting directions from a red twi'lek holo-girl who might as well have been wearing nothing considering how much, and what she was showing, we found him in studio five in the middle of a shoot…

I recognized the holo-girl instantly and I think Yura recognized the familiar sound of my dick, slapping against my armor. She smirked at me, knowing full well what was going to happen later because of it, but maintained her silence as the holo-vid continued recording.

The Cathar, Milky Way, my all-time favorite holo-girl, was in full form. Naked and enthusiastic she practically devoured the rodian's dick, thrusting her mouth rapidly upon it and staring up at him, Her yellow cat eyes practically begging him to cum for her, silently willing him to even as her throat made that gagging sound that aroused everyone that could hear them. Her milky white fur seemed to shimmer in the light and her pink nose slammed hard against the rodian's pot belly, she seemed more concerned with her own pleasurable reward than the rodian's.

She pulled away, thrusting her body upwards as she ran her long pink tongue along the rodian's length causing him to shiver uncontrollably, "More." She whimpered, licking it long and rough, swirling it around the thin, surprisingly doglike tip. "More…" she half demanded, half whimpered, desperate for his release and her own reward. Her hands, padded but still pleasantly soft, moved rapidly as she jerked and pulled at his length, leaning under his cock as she licked and suckled at… well probably rodian balls. I never had an interest in them so I wouldn't know.

"Come on… more..." she whimpered, and that seemed to be enough for him, although the look on her face said otherwise.

The rodian didn't announce his release just gave out a desperate roar as a small amount of green cum shot from his tip.

Apparently, that was not part of the script, roaring like an angry lion just denied a meal, Milky Way thrust the erupting dick down her throat, getting small droplets of green cum on her white fur… the rodian twitched uncontrollably as he finished inside her throat, his eyes seemed bleary and unfocused. Milky Way herself was obviously pissed, her cat eyes were narrowed dangerously even with a dick in her mouth, her clawed hands tearing angrily into the sheets of the bed…

Then suddenly, bitterly she pulled away and shoved the rodian backward he had fainted from the sheer pleasure. Milky Way got to her feet and spat the green cum in her mouth bitterly upon his face. "Damn it Flebbin where did you find this ass?!" she yelled, taking a thermos of oddly red water from a nearby zabrak assistant. She, surprisingly, politely nodded her thanks at the assistant before taking a swing and swirling it around her mouth. And as the assistant held a bowl out for her she spat the liquid bitterly onto the unconscious rodian… "Thank you." She said to the assistant, handing him the thermos before turning to the director's chair.

"Flebbin! He taste like bantha shit! What did you let him eat?" she roared indignantly.

"I told him." Flebbin began patiently as the dangerously angry Milky Way approached him, "To only eat fruit before shooting."

"If he didn't listen. Fucking fire him…" she said flatly, wiping her mouth with a towel provided her. "Where the hell did you find him anyway? He might be big for a rodian but he has no fucking control."

"He came recommended from Tulba…" Flebbin began as Miky Way laughed loudly.

"Tulba? Fuck, she doesn't know what makes a good holo-vid star." She tossed the towel with some accuracy into a laundry bin in the corner of the studio. "Why can't we get Throbacca back?"

"Because he retired, got married, and his wife doesn't want him doing vids anymore…" Flebbin replied patiently.

"Oh really?" she said, apparently surprised at the news. "Oh, well good for him. What about just another wookie? Or fuck I don't know… anyone other than a slimy rodian, dick?" she spat demandingly, "Come on Flebbin, you can't have hired him just because of Tulba."

Flebbin waved a hand, dismissing the crew as she joined down from the director's chair. Not noticing us quite yet he kept talking to Milky Way, her surprisingly neat and clean womanhood at his eye level. He sighed sadly, "Because we've been blacklisted… nobody wants to work for us thanks to Geeba…"

"That rodian fucker who's muscles for Tuuba? Oh, well great, now we're getting screwed by shitty rodian's everywhere today."

"Uh excuse us…" Yura began, seeing that it was the perfect time to interrupt and get their attention. "But Mr. Flebbin sir, we have been sent by Torga."

I don't think Yura could've made him happier if she told him she was here to give him as many blowjobs as his tiny brain could handle. "Oh thank Torga! The bounty hunter!" he ran towards me shaking my hand as fast as he could. "Please for the love of the force you have to help me!" not stopping his hand shaking.

"Well I am being paid to do that…" I said, pulling my hand away from him, "Seriously that's enough… now what exactly am I supposed to do?"

"You have to take Geeba in. Take him to Quallo Val, a quarren gangster…" Flebbin said desperately, getting to his knees and begging me.

"Okay, wait, what?" I began as to my disappointment, Milky wrapped herself in a short pink robe that, while still let me look at her slender and wonderful legs, denied me just about everything else... Sure I had vids of her but nothing would compare to the reality.

"Okay." Flebbin began slowly, letting his hands run through his greasy wisps of hair. "…Okay…" he began again, pulling his chair forward and clambering into it… Milky, rolling her eyes, grabbed him and easily pulled him up the rest of the way. "…So… a few weeks ago Geeba tries to muscle his way on a few of the girls, Star Gazer, Deline D, Tina Twilight…"

"And me." Milky said unapologetically. "…he didn't like it when I corrected his attitude."

"Oh?" Yura asked as Milky revealed her prominent claws and flexed her fingers. "…Ah…" she added with a respectful nod.

"Anyway he wasn't getting anywhere so he tried to get in on the shoots so the girls couldn't refuse…" Flebbin said nervously, "I told him no. I told Torga. And Geeba told Tuuba…" he sighed sadly, "Now I can't get decent male workers… Tuuba scared them all off on behalf of Geeba. Now the only way I get talent is if Geeba gets the girls…" he groaned dejectedly, "All the girls… I can't put them through that!"

Milky rolled her eyes, "Honestly I don't see the problem…" she grinned menacingly at us, although it was more arousing to me really, "…He gets in here and I castrate him…" she chomped her teeth quickly.

…...Nope. I still think she's as sexy as Yura.

"Okay you're getting blackmailed… why do I have to take him to a quarren gangster?"

"Because you don't work for him, you work for Torga. Quallo has a bounty on Geeba that his own men, thanks to the truce with Tuuba, can't collect on. If an outsider takes a contract, Tuuba can't break the truce and attack Quallo and won't enforce Geeba's threats."

I nodded slowly, coming to an understanding. "…Okay so… where is Geeba?"

"…In the Iron Maiden…" Flebbin said nervously as Milky shot him an angry look.

"That disgusting cantina in Tuuba's turf? That's a fucking fortress Flebbin how is he supposed to get in there and take him to Quallo?" I was kinda flattered, she sounded sort of worried… it was kinda hot.

"Oh that's easy enough we lure him out…" they turned to me surprised and I shrugged, "I just have to take him to Quallo right? And I know where he is, I know what he wants… honestly, I don't think I even needed to come here, you probably could've just sent that guy and done the jobs it yourselves…" I said gesturing to the unconscious rodian still in the room.

Milky… realizing immediately what I was saying and rubbing her forehead in frustration sighed dejectedly as Flebbin stared at me as if I slapped him.

"…What?" he asked, thoroughly confused.

"Well… you agree to his demands for one. Tell him what you told me. Your girls are unhappy, you can't get a decent shoot, you aren't making money… sell it, embellish it. Tell him your girls are practically begging for him…" he smiled as I approached Milky, holding out a hand, "May I?"

She humored me and took her hand in my own, pulling her in front of me, and wrapping my arm around her. She hummed comfortably in my embrace, her throat releasing an arousing purr under her breath as I held her… "…You tell him Milky here… even called first dibs, promising not to do anything he wouldn't want… and everything he does."

"Oh yeah…?" she whispered huskily over her shoulder at me, "And then what?"

"Well preferably…" I began twirling her gently, dancing, waltzing with her like had with my sisters so long ago, in some far away Dromund Kaas ballroom. "While he's distracted by you, someone… and I am not naming any names…"

Yura suddenly appeared next to Milky, holding her stun pistol on her with a pleasant enough smile. "Pops him on with a stunner…"

Flebbin finally caught on as I was about to stop waltzing. Apparently however Milky wasn't finished quite yet and promptly took the lead. "We lure him into a trap!" he shouted excitedly, "Then you take him to Quallo?"

"Yep…" I replied as Milky twirled delicately in front of me, clearly enjoying herself, apparently, Dromund Kaas ballroom dancing was a treat for girls who had never experienced it. "Simple and neat, problem solved and everyone wins but the mark."

Flebbin clapped joyously like oversized baby in front of the holo-tv. "Great! so whose going to go tell him?"

"Oh it has to be you…" I said suddenly just as Milky's arms draped wonderfully around my neck, just after placing my hands just a little too low on her hips. I tried to move them back up her slender waist but her yellow eyes flickered dangerously into my own, so I smoothed them the back down her sides, pulling a wondrous purr as I deliberately stroked her slowly…

…Who the fuck am I to deny my dream woman?

"What?! Me!?" he squealed actually snorting in horror as he leaped from his chair, "B-but why me!?"

"It has to be you." Yura repeated, "If one of the girls went he'd want to take them then and there, no good for anyone but him… if I went, the same thing would happen."

"Only then I'd shoot him…" I said protectively. Yura was my girl, in body mind and soul, and nobody demanded anything from her unless she cleared it with me. "A lot…"

"Yes then Aiden would shoot him a lot…" Yura gave me a brief loving smile before continuing politely, "And Aiden himself of course can't go because if you got a message from a dashingly, intimidating bounty hunter to come have sex with a few holo-girls would you believe him?"

…Dashingly intimidating was a new one…

"…No…" Flebbin mumbled dejectedly, running his hands together nervously as he tried to find a way around it. And unfortunately, he knew he wasn't exactly smart enough to do so.

"Oh don't worry Flebbin…" I told him turning away from gazing into Milky's eyes to smile at him, "I have the utmost confidence in you! Who else can keep control of a wild cathar like Milky Way?"

Milky's cat ears twitched, and her eyebrow rose slowly as if to say, 'Really?' but Flebbin didn't see it. in fact, he had a distinctly newfound confidence.

"Your right!" he said, seemingly braver than he ever had been.

Milky voiced her opinion this time, staring at her longtime director and business partner confused, "Really?"

"Really!" he shouted as if leading the charge against the republic…

Or imperials, I don't really judge anymore…

"I CAN DO THIS!" he declared holding an invisible flag while running past a couple of twin twi'lek holo-girls staring worriedly after him.

"Oh fuck, what did I do?" I mumbled watching him go, not even realizing that I was still dancing with Milky.

"Eh he'll be fine… the thing that protects Geeba from Quallo also protects Flebbin from Tuuba…" Milky replied turning halfway and pressing her body against me… even through the armor, even though the robe I could just sense how soft she was, how physically toned her muscles were… she is literally everything I dreamed she would be… except she wasn't a bitch. That was a bonus…

Personally, I thought she would be one…

Yura patiently watched as Milky gyrated and purred against me, tilting he head slightly as Milky forced me to dip her low, her enhanced breasts fighting against her robe, begging for release… "So… she your girlfriend?" she asked, gesturing to Yura as I pulled her dashingly back to her feet.

"I'm his slave…" Yura replied flatly, with a sort of pride that I was a little uncomfortable with.

"Kinda girlfriend…" I answered, causing her face, while still very stoic, to blush purple around her azure blue cheeks.

"Well that's not conflicting." Milky giggled, placing my hands deliberately too low on her ass and draping her arms back around my neck again and smiling seductively, "Does she get jealous?" she asked slowly, pointedly shaking her ass with my hands still on it at Yura who to her credit, only seemed to enjoy the sight with minor interest.

"Only when I don't get to play too…" Yura replied pointedly, examining Milky's enhanced rear end with some interest. "Sometimes he punishes me by making me watch…" she added with a hint of pouty disappointment. "He gets to play with all the pretty girls…"

And considering the only pretty girl I've been with since meeting her was her, that was true. But it was kind of hot that she was making the implications.

Milky's eyebrow rose again and she stopped dancing to look over her shoulder at Yura, unsure if she was joking or not before finally she settled on 'Who cares?' and continued to dance with me. "Where did you learn to dance like this?" she finally asked me as I twirled her once more.

"My sisters… they taught me to dance on Dromund Kaas."

I don't know if I said the wrong thing or not, but her expression changed ever so subtly. I knew that a lot of her most popular holo-vids were essentially republic and rebel propaganda but that sort of thing just sold well. Like watching imperial soldiers gangbang an alien girl, we all have our fetishes…

"You're imperial?" she asked a little more tersely. Yura watched my face nervously, unsure of whether or not was suddenly in danger.

"I was. Not anymore… now I'm just a bounty hunter." I replied gently twirling her away, trying to end our waltz just a little sooner than I wanted. "If it makes you feel better, if given the option I would shoot my imperial mother in the face for free…"

She chuckled at that, and the sudden tension of my origin seemed to vanish from her concern, "Actually yes it does… so what do we need for our trap?"

"You naked probably…" Yura replied interrupting me before I could speak, "But that can wait… oh an I'll need something…" she tugged at the straps of her black tube top, allowing her large breasts to bounce distractingly, "…Less obvious. Like a burka…"

"Why?" Milky asked, leading her to one of the dressing rooms, pointedly making sure to step on the still unconscious rodian as she went.

"Aiden can't be seen until Geeba is in here and can't escape. And if he doesn't notice me then that'll help too because I'll be able to get a shot." She replied stepping on the rodian as well, "If he's staring at my tits it makes it harder and easier to aim a stun blast at him…"

"Huh. Who knew?" Milky replied slightly interested…


The Iron Maiden on Nar Shaddaa is where you go when you want a slave. Not to buy of course. To use… Torga the hutt believes that if a slave is happy then she works harder, better, and longer… and Yura is a prime example of his belief.

His Brother, Tuuba the hutt believes that a slave is a fucking slave and they will do what you want and like it or get fed to whatever pet he was starving at the time. The Iron Maiden was where Tuuba's slave girls go to… well I'd say die but at that point, they are usually far too broken… the very lucky ones find a less than brutal client who will take their used-up bodies out of there for… force sake, anything else. The lucky ones get ignored after a while and let go to survive on the streets of Nar Shaddaa alone until something takes them… And the unlucky ones end up screaming in the back rooms as the gamorrean guards have their fill.

The Iron Maiden is a fucking shit hole and one of the best days of my life was when Torga by proxy told me to fill it with holes… but I'm getting ahead of myself…

The whole cantina was filled with laughing thugs and even a few 'thugettes'. But no waitress, no caged dancer, and no pleasure girl had a smile on her face. All the girls were pleasure girls officially, any girl was available for the right price in the Iron Maiden; they were just as much a commodity as the drinks and the food…

Geeba was enjoying himself with a couple of his rodian buddies who had their fill of the scared-up twi'lek waitress beneath the table, Geeba had cruelly pulled her under the table and force-fed her first dick of the night. Her stomach was now filled with two thick disgusting loads or rodian semen and no matter how much she tried to please Geeba and get it over with he simply wasn't aroused enough by her mouth.

And Geeba was a fucking bastard… violent, cruel, and too arrogant to realize that maybe he couldn't get his own dick hard was because he was already such a giant dick. He snorted angrily as he stared down at the twi'lek waitress under that table who stared up desperately at him, silently pleading for him to relieve himself in her mouth just to let this moment end.

She should've known not to be a waitress for Geeba's table. He preferred the waitresses… he liked the idea that even though there were clearly designated girls on the floor he wanted the ones he couldn't theoretically touch. He liked the power, her liked the control… and unfortunately, he liked the fear…

The fear in the eyes of a poor slave girl as he pointed the barrel of his pistol between her forehead…

"Suck harder green slut…" he hissed in his native tongue as tears of horrified fear flowed from her eyes… you'd think that Tuuba would object to even his underlings treating his property like disposable garbage. But as long as you paid enough in the Iron Maiden you could get away with anything… Geeba proved that theory corrects the first time he treated a girl who couldn't please him. A poor human girl who apparently welcomed the blaster fire…

This waitress however wanted to live even in a hellhole like this, violently lunging herself onto him Geeba twitched slightly as he finally felt something, pulling his blaster away he cruelly gripped one scarred lekku. He needed to pull the blaster away because sometimes he had involuntary spasms when he came... learned that the hard way.

"Green bitch!" he hissed, squeezing her lekku painfully as he forced her down his quickly flaccid dick. Thankfully for her, he apparently had hardly any semen. And once he finished he showed his appreciation by whipping the remainder of it on her checks. Sending fluid and sperm degradingly upon her face… "Good. Leave whore, I'm done…"

She didn't leave fast enough, which was hardly any time at all to do so… before she could even crawl out from the table Geeba cruelly whipped her across the face with her pistol. Laughing with his thug friends as she cradled her head on the floor, spitting his un-swallowed semen onto the floor with the rest of the unidentified fluids…

…Somewhere in the near future you can hear an angry trandoshen slugthrower being loaded. I want you to remember that…

Flebbin had quite lost most of his courage as several girls helped the weeping and defiled waitress away. Before he lost it utterly he saw that Geeba was looking directly at him… pointing his blaster pistol with one hand and gesturing forward with the other. Flebbin gulp, telling himself to be brave, all he had to too was get Geeba to come to the studio and the bounty hunters will handle it. Nervously Flebbin slid into the booth and jumped slightly as he heard a distant scream… or maybe he had imagined it.

"Pig face…" Geeba said, smiling cruelly at him, "What you want eh?"

"…I… I've come to tell you that… that we can't take it anymore…" his terror of the Iron Maiden masking his attempts at acting. "The girls decided that… as long as you let us hire more quality talent… you can have your pick…"

Geeba chuckled, "Oh?... and when they decided that?"

Flebbin in a moment of brilliance for him, hit the nail on the head, "When Milky Way told them too… she said you can sample the goods right now as long as you agree…"

Geeba's flaccid cock jumped slightly at the thought, adjusting his pants and standing up, he hissed at his cronies and Flebbin, "Come! Let's go. Can't keep my new women waiting…"

Shoved along by Geeba's flunkies and led be Geeba himself they left the Iron Maiden heading to the Holo-vid studio…

Geeba kicked in the door of studio five to find Milky Way reclining comfortably on the bed, her feet being massaged by a frumpy-looking pantoran with a ridiculous massive hairdo. She sighed disgustedly, "Oh… well it's about time. Come on… you've kept me waiting…" she half moaned half pleaded…

That's what I liked about Milky, she could actually act.

Geeba could hardly keep his pants on as he began undoing his belt and charging towards the bed… however the moment he tossed his blaster pistol to the floor the pantoran moved… reaching into her ridiculous hairdo she pulled out a blaster letting the cloth fall away and revealing Yura's lekku… Geeba had one moment of aroused surprise at the beautiful twi'lek before taking a stun round dead in the face.

And well I'm no slouch, coming out from behind the door I tagged down both of his flunkies with my own pistol as Flebbin dropped to the ground covering his head.

"You were right…" Milky said, wrapping herself back up in her robe and stepping on Geeba as she walked towards me, "…It's a lot easier than it looks…"

"Well a beautiful woman is hard to resist…" Yura noted softly and to my own happy astonishment, slapped Milky's ass playfully as she approached me, emitting a yelp of surprised delight from the famous holo-girl.

Milky took it in stride before giving me a rather satisfied look, "…Fuck you are lucky, you know that?"

I just smiled and began tying Geeba and his boys up.


So… Quarrens are worse than hutts to some extent, they don't tend to have a fondness for slaves but they did tend to be just a little more brutal. Geeba had awoken long before I had gotten him to Quallo and had begun screaming rodian profanities at me and a very bored Yura.

Quallo was to an extent happy to see us as we arrived at his secured manor, throwing Geeba in front of him along with his flunkies he… grinned? At me… it was hard to tell he had a squid for a face.

"Ah Torga's hunter… you're as good as he says. Hardly a mark on him…"

"So what now? Surely Tuuba isn't going to be happy about Geeba being caught…" I asked but the quarren however waved a webbed hand.

"Ah Tuuba and I have an understanding. If underlings are dumb enough to get caught by outside contractors it is fine… but no open warfare between clans. I pay him a small amount for 'offending' him and we move on…"

Geeba spat at the Quallo's feet, and the quarren stared down at him with discontent. "Fuck you squid! Tuuba will get you. And you!" he turned to me, "When Quallo lets me go, I kill Milky bitch, I kill Pig face and I kill your slutty worm head…

…Oh… okay then…

I turned to Quallo, "…Do you have rules about accidents?"

"Accidents?" Quallo asked, confused at the question for a moment as I approached one of his transdoshan bodyguards.

"Yeah… like for instance… misfires?"

Quallo shrugged carelessly, "Eh… treaty is vague."

I pointed towards the trandoshan's sidearm, a classic slugthrower of trandoshan make, of course. "Is that a classic slugthrower?" The trandoshan hissed at me but Quallo gave him a look that quickly silence him, "…Yes…" he hissed out, not looking away from Quallo's cool gaze.

"…Can I see it?" I asked politely, the trandoshan got a nod from Quallo and reluctantly handed his side arm…

I briefly examined it, holding it correctly and staring down the barrel at a profanity-spewing Geeba.

I looked Quallo dead in the eyes as Yura smiled and turned away… "Whoops…" the sudden bang alarmed the trandoshans and Geeba's flunkies as Geeba's meaty corpse collapsed headless to the ground. I handed back the somewhat stunned trandoshan his gun and walked away, "Man, clumsy me…" I said. "Sorry about that."

"Oh my…" Yura said with false shock, slapping her face with both hands, "What a horrid accident…" she then turned and followed me back to the speeder.

"Yes… how unfortunate…" Quallo replied knowingly, kicking the dead body of Geeba off the edge of his manor and down into the depths of Nar Shaddaa, "I should really secure our weapons more appropriately… and see if they function properly..." he then waved the terrified Geeba flunkies into the manor, and shut the door behind him as I sped away in our speeder…

Also I decided I wanted a slugthrower, they feel fucking awesome. I need to get Short-round on it.


So the day was saved blah blah blah… the holo-vids were hiring, Quallo and Tuuba were negotiating, and even the Iron Maiden seemed less like a hell hole. It was amazing how an 'accidental misfiring' of a slugthrower solved so many problems. I was in no rush to head back to tattooine to collect from Torga and Short-round seemed to be working frantically to install the new ship blasters on the hull so I could afford to wait…

But what would've made it better would be if I was waiting with Yura… And by waiting I mean fucking her relentlessly. With Short-round on the hull this was an opportune time after all. But you know sleep was a welcome gift as well… I honestly didn't get enough of it so I lied down in my bed… turned on some music and let my eyes shut as Short-round's hammer slammed rather relaxingly on the hull…

…I know not everyone has woken up to a twi'lek nymphomaniac giving you a blowjob… but there really is no feeling like it… So naturally, I've been awoken by Yura enough to know the difference…

I sat up suddenly and for a moment I thought I might still be dreaming…

Gently caressing me in her mouth, and honestly being a lot more gentle than many of her holo-vids implied, was Milky Way. With an amused pop she pulled me out of her mouth and grinned up at me, nuzzling against my dick as if it were her teddy bear and stoking it gently with her unbelievably soft hands… "Good morning…" she said softly, absently stroking me with long-practiced expertise…

"…Oh shit I died…" I said suddenly, and lamely, letting my head drop onto the bed to stare up at the ceiling of my room…. "I'm one with the force… that fucking rodian must have shot me…"

Milky laughed as she rubbed her cheeks harder against me, the softness of her fur was unbelievable, I wondered how much conditioner must she have had to go through to get it like that. "Nope. Not dead… cute though…" not releasing my length she lay down next to me, deliberately stroking me slowly… not enough to grant me release, but just enough to keep me hard and comfortable. "I kind of like the idea of being in your version of heaven…"

I grinned like I was in the academy again and I saw my first holo-vid of her. "…Well fuck…"

She laughed, it was melodious… she is an amazing actor. "Getting to that…"

"Okay I'm not dead. I'm not dreaming…" I gently reached for her breasts, taking one oversized lump into my hand and squeezing it softly, letting the fur flow between my fingers as she moaned in delight. "…Oh shit you're real."

She laughed again, not dignifying the classic joke. "So… what do you think?"

I stared at her open-mouthed, not sure entirely sure at first but as I looked up at the security camera of my room… I know. "…I have the best girlfriend ever…" I whispered to her, and her smile widened.

"Well… let's wait on that title a little shall we? Let's keep it 'slave' for the moment…" she squeezed my dick harder and embraced my mouth with her own, letting her rough cat tongue plow into mine as we wrestled for dominance.

I quickly recovered myself pulling her hands away and laying her on her back. She gazed up at me as I pinned her hands above her head and for a moment see seemed… submissive…

I'm mean, she's done submissive in Dungeons of the Emperor. But that was with chains, leather and the worst emperor impersonator ever. But now…

Now she was acting like Yura; she wanted me to take her, to lead her just like when we danced in the studio. Dare I say that she wanted a 'boyfriend' experience? Her breasts quivered below me as I stared longingly into her eyes. Her breasts rippled upon her surprisingly muscular body as if they were begging me to touch them… she spread her legs around me, trying to aim my dick directly at her pussy… which was a slight surprise because she hardly ever did vaginal. Thinking about it maybe a handful of times with human actors on the more…

… Romantic-centered vids…

Okay… okay, I can work with that…

I smiled down at her and she whimpered desperately, caressing my dick with her flexible and sturdy body. Trying to get me to thrust into her pussy but not doing it herself. I wanted to hear her… I wanted to hear her say it…

"Come on what's the matter with you?" she panted, her mouth opening slowly as she quickly became more and more flustered like a cat in heat. "Yura said I was your favorite holo-girl… come on!" she continued struggling harder now, actually confused as to why I wasn't ravishing her. And she was much stronger than she looked, I was having a little difficulty myself.

"Come on!" she hissed, her eyes watering slightly as her arousal reached its peak, "Come on and take me!" she looked angrier now… she didn't want to play my game anymore. "IF you aren't going to fuck me then get off!" she demanded, struggling against my firm grip.

Finally… I decided I had teased her enough… I wanted her to tell me what she was right now…

"Are you my fantasy girl?" I asked softly, staring down at her, "Or are you my dream girl?" She stared up at me, eyes wide and honestly very confused… she didn't understand. she was a holo-girl what was the difference? She was a fantasy and a dream… men and women of every age had fantasies about her; dreamed of meeting her, being with her, being inside her.

"…Do you want me to perform for the camera?" I asked her gesturing to what was obviously being recorded by Yura. "…Or do you want me to dance with you?"

…I think I honestly believe our relationship could've changed drastically at that point. I don't think I would be here at all if she didn't pick what she did… If she hadn't figure out what I was asking her…

Did she want this to be a lie? Or did she want it to be real?

"..I want to dance…" she said finally, not looking away from my gaze…

And I thrust myself into her…

Making her wait was the right choice… she felt like she was a virgin again, practically exploding with an orgasm as my dick thrust into her. Catlike hands tightened suddenly into fists, squeezing so tightly blood flowed onto my sheets, "…By the Force…!" she screamed as I collapsed onto her and began slamming hard into her, "Oh gods don't stop!" she wrapped herself around me, digging her claws into my back and squeezing her legs around me, willing me to go deeper.

"Don't stop…" she repeated into my ear, softly like a lover on their first night together. And I know it was… but this whole affair might have ended differently… "Don't stop… keep going... I'll take everything I promise." She was attentive and loving… it was like we had been together for years before finally consummating…

It was so much different from her vids… it was fucking better…

She was always dominated… always the bottom, the slave, or the prisoner… she took dicks inside her pretending to enjoy each and every one of them but it was different right now. In the vids she was a fantasy to be used… to watch and imagine it was you making her scream in pleasure. To wonder what it would be like just for a moment to have something beautiful cater to your every wish…

But right now that wasn't what she was… as I slipped my hands under her enhanced ass I pulled her up to meet my thrusts, trying to satisfy my primal urges to get as deep in this wonderful woman as I could, and as she tightened her legs and hands around me I knew she felt exactly the same…

I could feel her quivering around my length… she was coming, and this wasn't a fake one like on the vids. "S-shit…" she whimpered, "Inside… no matter what cum inside." She felt my length pulse at that… she had never done a vaginal creampie on the vids. Oh, she took anal and oral with ease, but vaginal… I had heard she scratched up an actor badly for trying it… "Inside." She said again, staring at me like a devoted lover. Not looking away as I released one final thrust inside of her, "I'll take everything…" she whimpered huskily as she felt my semen rush to her womb.

We lay there in each other's embrace for a long moment, finally, she began to squirm beneath me… trying to pull me out of her but I pulled her back eliciting a delighted yelp. She giggled as she caressed my face, as if staring into my very soul. "…You're done you know… you can pull out now…"

I nuzzled against the softness of her fur, delighted at the fact that she was now purring contentedly, "…No I need to make sure…"

"Sure about what?" she asked softly, nibbling gently on my ear.

"That I didn't just fantasize about giving my favorite holo-girl a creampie…" I mumbled exhausted as the very idea of it came flooding back to my brain and I suddenly couldn't believe it.

"…Well I'm not a fantasy…" she said softly, lovingly… it was hard to believe we had just met yesterday it was as if we knew each other forever. "…I'm your dream girl right?... was I everything you dreamed of?"I Kissed her… I didn't warn her that I was going to do it I just pressed my lips against her and struggled against her tongue.

"You are perfect…" I said honestly, pulling away to look at her…

She smiled up at me… and suddenly I hardened inside her again, causing her to laugh. "By the force don't you get tired?"

"Yes… and because of you Yura is going to be pissed that I won't be able to perform…" I told her mockingly shifting myself on top of her.

"Oh no, what a shame…" she said not meaning it, pushing me with surprising strength onto my back. Making me realize that if she had really wanted to we would have had a very different experience. Leaning back she began gyrating, letting her perfectly designed breasts move enticingly above me… "I better make extra sure then…" she lifted herself off me slightly before letting herself drop back down, grunting slightly as I penetrated her… or continued to do so since I never really pulled out of her…

"You know…" she began increasing her speed and letting her breasts bounce freely pulling my hands up to grip them and forcing me to squeeze. "…If you want… we can change holes…" she smiled down at me as she let go of one of my hands and slipped two of her fingers in her ass… "…I promise it feels just as good…"

"I'm content for now with what's mine thanks…" I said playfully pulling her forward by her breasts causing her to shriek in delight and a little pain as I began to thrust up into her intensely, she put the full weight of her body onto my hands, sending both pain and pleasure to her brain as she continued to fingers her ass, taking my dick, and pressing down hard on her perfectly designed breasts…

"Shit... Shit!!" she finally managed to get out as the constant pleasure hit her fully, "What… 'what's yours' huh?" she asked as she grinned down at me, smiling possessively… "Did you ever think that maybe this is mine?" she reached around with her remaining hand and squeezed my ball sack playfully, not to tight and not to hard… and thankfully without her claws. "Everything in here right now…" she said, staring at me with a sort of command, and just a hint of desperation. "Is mine… you put all of that into me right now. Tonight you are only mine do you understand?"

Who was I to deny her?

Pulling away from her breasts and letting her fall on top of me I wrapped my arms around her… holding her closely and feeling them press explosively against my chest. I stopped thrusting only for a minute; she whimpered surprised and a little scared…

Maybe she upset me… maybe she pushed it a little too much, all of a sudden she was a virgin again unsure of what to do and horrified that she had done something wrong…

But I knew exactly what to do… exactly what she asked. Putting all of me into her… pulling out just enough to tease her I slammed myself to the hilt, practically burying my balls into her. She screamed in incredible pleasure as all her fears were literally slammed away, "Deeper!" she commanded suddenly, "Come on! breed me!" she whispered in my ear as she lay down fully against me as I thrust up into her, "…Its all mine tonight… come on." She moaned, "I'm cumming again… I'm going to cum without you…" she was driving me on, calling to me… she wanted this, she wanted me… never in my fantasies or dreams did I ever think Milky Way would do that…

"Don't make me cum alone…" she whimpered pitifully staring into my eyes, "I want to cum with you… I want to cum with you!" smacking both cheeks of her ass down hard and forcing her as far down on my dick as I could get her… we came together… I forced myself to do so the moment her body began to twitch uncontrollably and she yowled dramatically, we had finished at the same time and we both relaxed... exhausted she fully pressed herself against me, her fur brushing against my cheek… her lips literally centimeters away from my ear

"…I want to cum with you…" she whispered drearily into my ear, and so soft I wouldn't have heard her otherwise, she was in utter bliss. Completely satisfied exhaustion. "I want to cum with you…"

…At the time.. I just thought we had fucked each other senseless…

I awoke sometime later, still inside her and with her resting on top of me, breathing slowly in my ear. I didn't want to wake her… I wanted a lot of things… but waking her was not going to be one of her. I wanted to hold her… carefully my arms rose from the bed and wrapped around the fur of her back. She was so soft; like Mirialan velvet. I wanted a bed sheet made of her fur…

But you know… not in a fucking creepy way. For force sakes…

And by the force she was so muscular… her legs, her thighs, her back and arms she could probably bench more than I could. She could probably bench me and what I was benching! By the Force I know I say it a lot but she was just… perfect… she was everything I dreamed of.

And she was now waking up feeling my gentle caresses along her fur and moaning cutely at the pleasant feeling. Blearily she blinked at me and, for half a moment I thought she was going to attack me… but silently she leaned forward and kissed me gently before abruptly removing herself from me and crawling out of bed…

I felt a little dejected but I guess it wasn't going to last… I was going to leave. She was going back to work… once again becoming the fantasy that everyone wanted, leaving me to my memory of my dream girl… I know I had Yura, and she even selected a handful of Torga's girls I had permission to bring back to the ship. But you know, each woman you meet is different… each one brings a different feeling… an unspoken friendship sometimes, but Love and Lust are interchangeable. You can feel both, and experience both. Sometimes separate or like last night at the same fucking time…

So it always hurts when a girl I spend the night with leaves… I know it makes me sound like a pig. I know it makes me sound greedy or awful but you know what? Fuck off. I make love to every girl in this or any bed because that's what it is… I never slept with any woman I don't to some extent love. I've gotten head and handwork and I definitely even masturbated, but my LUST and desire for a woman never beat my love…

As she left I felt empty… she didn't look at me or say anything it was as if she regretted everything that she did and wanted to forget me. I wasn't angry at her… maybe I just wasn't that good at spotting an act as well as I thought…

I sat there in my room staring at the floor deep in thought… for half a second I was wondering if I just get too attached to my partners… fuck, one night with Yura and I was ready to tell her I loved her. My very ship was named after a woman whose name I didn't even fucking know. Yura teases and plays but… she never said she loved me… she always calls herself a slave. Never tells people she's my girlfriend or even my partner of which I always thought she was both…

… I was starting to think something was fucking wrong with me… still do sometimes. Maybe I was more confused than I thought and less clever than I felt… I think I was… different at that moment… maybe I was just a sick sexual deviant…

Maybe my mother was right all along and I really was just a disgusting miserable failure…

I lost track of time… I didn't care. I just sat on my bed naked and drowning in my own thoughts… I didn't even notice when Short-round shouted through the door… and I certainly didn't listen to him when he hacked it open…

I just sat there, still as a statue… my mother's scolding and hurtful words echoing in my head from birth to the academy…

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Milky said suddenly and my mind shot back into the present as I stared at her. She wasn't wearing her robe but a regular shirt decorated with a popular Nar Shaddaa Bith band, and black short shorts that just showed how temptingly thick her thighs were. "Come on your breakfast is getting cold!"


"By the force you let one guy cum balls deep inside you and it makes his head explode." She rolled her eyes impatiently, "Seriously I made breakfast come on!"

And she turned and left my room again, heading for the kitchen… I began scrambling to pull on pants as I ran down the hall to find that she had quickly roasted the leg of bantha we had in the fridge and some tattooine chicken eggs judging from the shells in the incinerator.

Yura and Short-round were politely and happily eating her cooking as she prepared me a plate, smiling as I took a seat.

"Man what was with you?" she asked sitting down next to me with her own plate. "You were just staring into space." She turned to Yura, "…Is he always like that?"

Yura shrugged with a small smile, "If you screw him hard enough he does all kinds of things… I do like getting him to say 'I love you Yura' in his sleep when I get done with him.

Milky laughed lightly "I'll have to give that a try next time…" she stared at me, and all of a sudden I wasn't looking at Milky Way: the holo-girl I was looking at the very real Milky way… "…You okay?" she asked finally.

"Yeah…" I said, maybe a little too quickly while digging into my food, "Just uh… just a little distracted sorry, but I thought you left."

"Well yeah about that…" she said softly, strangely carving away the meat from the thick bone of the bantha with her sharp claws.

"See… I managed to do some thinking when you were thoroughly conquering my insides last night…"

"That tends to happen…" Yura nodded her understanding, but Milky ignored her and continued.

"Look… I can't keep spreading my ass open for Flebbin forever…" she said matter of factly, "It's not that I'm too old for the business it's just… Throbacca was the last guy I actually liked working with and he's retired. That foul-tasting rodian is just the first wave of a long line of assholes and wannabes who want a go at me and the other girls… now the girls might be okay with dealing with it but let me tell you, if you don't enjoy your work and your coworkers you're not cut out to be a holo-girl… I know Flebbin thinks that with Geeba gone we can get quality workers but I don't really want to break them in…" she finished easily butchering the leg of bantha and lifted the sturdy, even in death, leg bone by the knee joint the strongest part.

"So… I figured…" she said slowly, eyeing me with a playful glance, "I like you… and you like me…" she said simply, "And I do like Yura and I like Shorty over there because he doesn't stare at me like I'm meat…"

Short-round shrugged inattentively as he tinkered with… the fucking whatever he was always tinkering with. And still silently proving her point "So I thought that after my contact with the studio is up… I could join your crew. I could be a bounty hunter."

I stared at her amazed… she wanted to stay. She wanted to fucking stay! You have no forced damn idea what that meant to me at that point!

"I… fuck yeah you can join up!" I shouted at her as she smiled, "It's just… well…" suddenly it occurred to me that... well holo-girl and bounty hunter might not exactly transfer together all too well. "Well other than cooking Milky what can you do?"

"This is excellent by the way…" Yura added pointedly while reaching for seconds.

Milky seemed to take my question in stride and wearing a smile that could brighten any day, she held the bantha leg bone between her hands… and practically crushed it into powder between her hands.

Yura coughed violently as she choked on her food and Short-round's tinkering shattered on the floor as it slipped from his hands…

"Holy fucking shit…" I managed to get out as she dusted her hands off the destroyed bone.

"…How do you think I manage with these?" she asked caressing her breasts, "Muscle enhancements are a must… plus I had to deal with wookies. If you're not careful they'll tear your arms off during doggy style! Lost a lot of pleasure droids that way…"

"Holy fucking shit…" I repeated as she giggled rather embarrassed at the attention.

"Come on it's practically a party trick here… everyone knows I can-"

"You're hired. You're fucking hired!" I said happily embracing her and twilling her around. Causing her to laugh excitedly, "When can you move in?"

"My last day of contract filming is in three weeks…" she said sheepishly and pulling a napkin from the table she wrote on it with a pen, "So in three weeks, come to this address…" she gave me a number, an address and strangely a name: Calypso Bessana. "And I'll be ready to go then…"

I stared at the name and number as she began packing what little belongs she brought to the Scarlet Rebel, "So whose Calypso?"

"I'm Calypso…" she said matter-of-factly, "Milky is a stage name." but as she was about to turn and walk away, she leaned in close to me and kissed me… "…But you can still call me Milky whenever you want okay?" she whispered lovingly and eyeing a positively bored looking Yura she added, "Or when we are with Yura… I'm not picky…"

…Then as I walked her out she was gone… and I couldn't fucking wait for those three weeks to be up…

Yura and I watched as Flebbin's speeder picked her up at the end of the pier. Casually Yura leaned on the support of the ramp before eyeing me as I stared, as she put it mind you, like a lovelorn puppy…

She sniffed with mock indignation, "So now we got some muscle… that's cool and everything but…" she suddenly grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me up the ramp towards 'our' room, "I'm not sharing our room with her… at first…" slamming the ramp shut behind us.

Or at least the equivalent of slapping the button that closes the ramp… except somehow Short-round had accidentally wired the new cannon wrong, and blasted a hole into a nearby pirate ship…

End of Chapter

Fan Favorite Milky Way has now joined the crew. Ah. Memories...

next chapter
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