My name is Adam Morningstar, I am at the ripe old age of 10 years old.
I know that it is very sudden but I am currently dying.
The last thing I see is my Mother and Father standing over me with gleaming smiles of spite and pure hatred.
My mother is the kind and warm-hearted person that she is leaned down and whispered in my ear "This is for the best honey and don't worry I am sure this will hurt a lot" as both my mother and father cackle to themselves.
Slowly the pain gets to be too much to bear it all goes dark.
Finally, I wake up or at least I thought I did everything was still dark with glowing dots everywhere.
I should probably be scared or lonely, but all I can think of is that I am finally free form my parents and their unending hatred.
As I close my eyes to be at peace for once in my life I see them with their twisted smiles and looks of credulity. Now all I can possibly think about is how unfair it all is. Where is my happy ending? When do I get to be happy?
I feel myself vibrate with rage as and try to scream to let out my frustration and anger at those people for taking away my chance at happiness, but I realize that I don't have a body. This just enraged me even more as scream inside my head.
After a long time, I calm down and come to one goal and that was to survive and become stronger than anyone. After I become the strongest I will find the wretched people that I call "parents " and make them regret everything they ever did to me.
I finally take my time to look around and realize nothing has really changed except now I notice that some of the glowing dots that litter the sky are flickering in and out of existence. With no way to get to these random flickering lights, I calmly observe them for a while until I realize that there is one that has not flickering. I slowly come to the conclusion that those light may be my only way out of here.
The only problem is that I can't move I don't even have legs not that they would help see as I am just floating in a massive void. As I try to think about my predicament I realize that the light I was trying to get to was slowly fading. As it starts to fade more and more I start to panic.
I don't have any limb or even a head so trying to walk or crawl is out. A while later I come to the conclusion that I will have to will myself to move because that's all the soul really is, a giant pile of human will in a form. Right?
I test this out by looking at my destination and saying "Move" in my head and sure enough, I can slowly feel my soul slowly start drifting towards the fading light. I start to panic even more because the light is almost out and is getting closer and closer to disappearing every second.
"MOVE" I scream not wanting to miss my opportunity
I start moving faster and faster but the light is almost out.
I am almost there but it seems the closer I move the faster the light fades out of existence.
"I WILL NOT GIVE UP I WILL LIVE" I scream definitely as I speed toward the light.
With that final boost of speed, I crash right into the light and with a bright flash, everything goes dark.
Well this is my first novel and I know it is a little rough around the edges, but I hope I can improve and actually create a decent story. I love the stories on this site and I thought I would take a shot at it so if you have any constructive criticism feel free to tell me. Also, give me some ideas.
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