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78.57% SPECIAL CLASS: Classroom of the Elite / Chapter 11: CHAPTER 2-1: Kaguya wants to discover

Capítulo 11: CHAPTER 2-1: Kaguya wants to discover

"True intelligence acts without noise, insinuates itself without clash, opposes itself without violence." - Gustave Le Bon


POV : Kaguya


Oh, what an endless day... even for someone of my stature, these ceremonies can turn out to be dreadfully boring. It seems that some things never change, no matter the establishment.

Exiting the gym, I found myself surrounded by a sea of noisy students, all just as eager to leave the place. By chance, or perhaps by a fortunate coincidence, I was in the company of President Shirogane and Hayasaka. We had looked for Ishigami-kun, Fujiwara-san, and Iino-chan without success in the crowd, leaving us alone, each with the others.

I won't feign indifference; being near the president has its charm. Hayasaka, though present, doesn't have the same... impact as Fujiwara-san. With her, I would have had to endure the ceremony in a state of deep boredom, without the pleasant distraction provided by the president's presence.

Anyway, after what seemed like an eternity, the ceremony came to an end, and we found ourselves at the gym entrance, ready to go our separate ways. Part of me was longing for what was to come, especially for those privileged moments, even if fleeting, alongside the president.

President: Hmm, Shinomiya-san, are you sure you don't want us to accompany you? We could go together to the convenience store to get some supplies; after all, we will also need provisions. We can find Ishigami-kun, Fujiwara-san, and Iino-san later, right?

Indeed, I had suggested that it would be good to disperse now, to take the opportunity to explore other corners of the campus, and to try to find Ishigami-kun and Fujiwara-san. Me? I had planned to dedicate myself to some shopping, nothing more.

But then, the president offers to accompany me, along with Hayasaka, to stay together... Oh! The president desires my company, doesn't he? A subtle maneuver, my dear president, but, unfortunately for you, unlikely to shake me.

I can't possibly agree to his request too promptly, oh no. That would be revealing myself too easily, and he might find it suspicious, uncharacteristic of me. No, this requires a measured, thoughtful response.

And there it is, visions of this possible future begin to dance in my mind, presenting me with a mosaic of potential situations and reactions...


Kaguya: Oh? You wish to accompany me? That's perfect then, I've been looking forward to this moment. I'm delighted that you've proposed, President~!

My heart leapt with joy, and I couldn't help but bounce slightly, my hands clapping together in a gesture of excitement. My face was illuminated by a wide smile, a pure reflection of my happiness. But suddenly, a brutal realization extinguished my enthusiasm. My expression changed radically as my eyes met the president's, adopting a sudden coldness and calculated indifference.

I felt a shiver run through me, a slight tremor invading me, under the effect of the intensity of his gaze. His eyes, so piercing, seemed to pierce through me, triggering a storm of sensations and contradictory emotions deep within me.

President: Oh, are you so enthusiastic about the idea of me accompanying you just to do some shopping? Aren't you just adorable?

Aaaaaah! How could I have let this happen? What bewilderment had taken hold of me?

I grabbed my head, my fingers intertwining in my hair, while the echo of the president's words lingered in my mind, vibrant and intense. What he had just said took root in me, making me feel as though I was falling into a bottomless pit, an abyss where confusion and regret mingled.


I vehemently reject these thoughts, pushing them away from my mind. No, it cannot be, absolutely not!

The attitude to adopt is neither to accept eagerly nor to refuse outright... I should rather lead him into a subtle game of teasing. That should be enough to see him blush, stumble over his words, and avert his gaze from mine, all while fleeing my presence with palpable nervousness...

At this thought, a vivid image of this potential scenario emerges in my mind, unfolding with almost theatrical clarity.


President: K-K-Kaguya, I-I, yes, I admit, I... I would really like to spend more time with you, b-but it's just that, I...

There he was, stammering, avoiding my gaze with his, visibly uncomfortable in response to my words. One could see his embarrassment grow, making him increasingly nervous under my watchful eyes.


Excellent. Yes, this will unfold exactly as planned. I felt a smirk forming, pleased with myself.

Then, armed with a teasing smile and a similarly playful look, I addressed these words to him, my voice tinged with gentle irony.

Kaguya: Oh, why is that, President~? Are you so eager to accompany me that you resort to such tactics instead of expressing it directly? Laughing lightly, I gave him a mischievous glance. How cute.

Listening to my words, I saw the president flinch abruptly, taking a few steps back. Hehehe, so, Mr. President, feeling a bit unsettled, are we? Come on, show me, I'm eager to see you stammer and fall apart under stress.

I was all ready to savor this delicious moment, eagerly anticipating the sight of such a disturbed and charmingly confused president. However, instead, he suddenly turned around and, with astonishing speed, uttered a few words, catching me completely off guard.

President: N-No, that's not it, aah, um, actually, you're probably right. I need to go find Ishigami-kun; he's my main concern right now, especially after he ended up alone in the middle of nowhere in this establishment. Hmm, alright, then, we'll meet again later!

As he spoke these words, he suddenly started running, fleeing at full speed. Realizing what he was doing, I tried to call out to him, extending my arm toward him in a futile gesture, perhaps hoping to stop him. Not expecting such a reaction at all, I was taken aback and deeply surprised.

Kaguya: H-Huh? President, wait!!!

Now feeling dejected, I stood still for a moment, staring into the void before me.

It was my defeat, a bitter realization. And now, all that was left was to move on... My plan was so simple: to suggest to Hayasaka and him not to accompany me, secretly hoping to push the president to ask me to stay by his side. But it seems my calculations were in vain.

I let out a deep sigh at this setback.

Hayasaka: You got lucky with your risky plan; if the president had heard you scream, it would have gone badly for you, Kaguya-sama. She then displayed a mocking smile. You should just confess your feelings, and this silly and absurd game will be over soon.

And there Hayasaka goes, mocking me! I assure you, ever since we received that invitation from the ANHS, she has felt far too comfortable in my presence, despite being supposed to remain my maid! And what is she thinking? That I confess my feelings to the president? Never in a million years! It's his role, his duty, to kneel before me and beg me to become his girlfriend!

Kaguya: Hayasaka, don't mock me, I understand! Aaaaah!

Hayasaka: She turned her head toward me, her gaze cold with a hint of sarcasm and mockery. Alright, since that's what you've said, I'll do my shopping on my own, I like it that way.

Kaguya: I looked at her peculiarly after she said that. And you know, since we've arrived here, even though it hasn't even been a full day, I feel like you're taking things a bit too lightly, Hayasaka! I sighed in frustration after that. Alright, in that case, we'll meet up later.

Hayasaka: She nodded before simply turning away. Okay, see you later then, Kaguya-sama.

And without another word, she left, not even throwing an additional glance my way, apparently eager to enjoy a solo stroll on campus... I let out a sigh.

Well, now I'm alone... Now that I think about it, I haven't often had the chance to walk around alone in such a vast place. This campus is almost like a small town, and I'd be dishonest to say I'm not a bit excited to experience this. So this is how the president lived, wasn't it?

I'll have to be more careful with my spending from now on, just like he would have had to... Although, maybe not to that extent. With 100,000 private points, I have more than enough to meet my needs. Yes, and I'm going to experience what it's like to wander around, at the mercy of the wind, heading to a small shop to make some purchases... It's quite exciting, I'm as thrilled as I am anxious. After all, I'm not familiar with this kind of life, and I probably wouldn't really know what to buy, haha. But no matter, I'll learn as I go, right?

And with these thoughts, while humming to myself, I moved away from the gymnasium, determined to do a bit of shopping.


I was walking alone, hoping to find a store. As I walked, I took the time to admire the setting surrounding me, the luxury and splendor of this campus surpassing even that of Shuchi'in, which was already a highly prestigious and well-endowed institution. But then again, this shouldn't surprise me much. Coming from the most renowned high school in Japan, backed by the government, such wealth was almost expected...

During my peaceful walk, I caught sight of a young man at some distance, apparently my age, whom I recognized. Well, well, it seems another student has set out in search of provisions. Isn't he one of my classmates? Since I find myself alone, why not attempt to make acquaintance? This would also provide me with a perfect excuse in front of the president if I am seen in the company of another boy, casually chatting during a stroll. Yes, this is absolutely ideal.

I then approached, calling out to him.

The young man was tall and slender, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion, typically seen in his school uniform. He was a classmate I had observed in the classroom, captivating me somewhat with his atypical demeanor, his often expressionless face, and his monotony reminding me a bit of Hayasaka. His name, Ayanokoji, had caught my attention, seeming oddly familiar. However, without giving it much more thought, I had tucked it away in a corner of my mind, concluding that after all, it was probably not that important.

Kaguya: Ah... Ayanokōji-san, isn't it?

My voice seemed to interrupt his stride, the young man stopping to slightly turn his head towards me, curious to see who was addressing him. Positioning myself by his side, we began to walk together, albeit maintaining a respectful distance. I could feel his gaze on me, not an ordinary look, but one that seemed to analyze me... It made me somewhat uncomfortable, but I assumed that being probably more accustomed to solitude, he wasn't used to being approached so directly. He must have been trying to decipher the reasons for my sudden and unexpected approach.

Ayanokoji-san: Ah, um... Shinomiya-san, right? Is there something you need?

Kaguya: Oh, no, not particularly, I just noticed that we were heading in the same direction, so I thought it would be nice to walk together, as classmates. I offer him an elegant smile for a moment before continuing. So, you decided to run some errands as well?

Ayanokoji-san: He looked at me for a moment with his inscrutable gaze, then shifted his attention forward. I understand. Indeed, I am also heading to the convenience store for some shopping. I see no harm in you accompanying me. It is probably beneficial to get to know one's classmates.

Kaguya: Yes, I agree with you, it is essential to maintain good relationships with one's classmates. I'm glad we agree on this point. I then turned back to face the road while continuing to walk beside him, keeping a certain distance between us.

Indeed, it was a wise consideration. Maintaining good relationships, especially in such a prestigious high school, not only brings admiration and affection but also respect and esteem. This can be just as beneficial as it is enriching, particularly in this institution... After all we have gone through with the S system and everything surrounding this high school, it is evident that there could be more significant events in the future. I can't say exactly to what extent, but cultivating good relationships could prove crucial in the face of future demands from this high school.

There are many speculations and few certainties, but it's clear that we won't receive concrete answers anytime soon... However, the evasive answers or omissions from Forger-sensei already offer clues about the upcoming grey areas.

Kaguya: And tell me, Ayanokōji-san, now that I think about it, I'm quite curious to know your opinion on the subject... What do you think about the allocation of these 100,000 points, or rather yen, to each student this month?

Ayanokoji-san: After my question, I observed his gaze briefly rest on me before he redirected it forward. My opinion? It is a considerable amount, especially for high school students... Sure, all this was theorized during the discussion preceding the opening ceremony, but the idea seems initially surprising, even suspicious.

Kaguya: I reflect silently for a moment, then finally respond. I understand, well, I suppose everyone in our class must have pondered over this... And I think that each of us has managed, at least initially, to draw one or two conclusions from Furudo-san's statements and theories.

Ayanokoji-san: We are supposed to be in an 'elite' school, aren't we? He cast a glance that seemed to carry a hint of irony in my direction before refocusing ahead, though his expression remained hard to interpret. Furudo seems very competent, analyzing and concluding quickly on the situation. She presented her deductions with confidence, as if she was certain of their accuracy, despite the lack of confirmation from Forger-sensei.

Kaguya: I give him another smile, giggling with refined elegance. I couldn't agree with you more, that girl seemed very competent, but she emanated a certain oddness I couldn't quite describe in detail... You've probably noticed it as well, haven't you?

Ayanokoji-san: He didn't respond immediately, giving me a neutral look before turning his head away again... Taking a longer moment than usual before answering. Who knows?

This evasive and ambiguous response left me somewhat perplexed... Why does he refuse to be transparent? Such reticence only makes him more suspicious in my eyes.

His reserved demeanor, his way of speaking, his behavior in class... He seems to strive to remain on the periphery, as if he aspired to isolation, indifferent to others' gaze or any form of recognition... Doesn't he realize that it is precisely by adopting this attitude that he piques interest, paradoxically? He appears enigmatic to me... At first glance, he might resemble Ishigami-kun, but the differences between them are evident. Talking to him is a bit like interacting with an automaton. It doesn't particularly bother me, but it piques my curiosity about him, prompting me to wonder what he might understand about the system... Has he deciphered as much as Furudo-san? Does he share her opinions? Given his demeanor, he would probably not give me a direct answer, would he? Ultimately, his mystery makes him more akin to Hayasaka than to Ishigami-kun...

Kaguya: Tell me, you don't seem very comfortable with social interactions and conversations, do you, Ayanokoji-san? I mean, you seem quite reserved and taciturn, it even reminds me of someone else at this school. And your class introduction was quite revealing already. I laugh softly, then continue. However, I feel you are probably much more than what you let on, aren't you? You mentioned not excelling in anything... But I'm almost convinced that's not entirely true. Is it an inferiority complex?

Ayanokoji-san: Ayanokoji-san took a moment before responding. An inferiority complex is related to a negative perception of oneself, but I did not express a negative judgment, I merely mentioned facts about myself. I am an ordinary student, average, with no exceptional characteristics, which is the reality. He expressed this in his usual monotone voice. While I may have made some deductions, I am convinced that the rest of the class, perhaps other classes as well, could have done the same, which confirms my status as a perfectly average student.

Kaguya: Well, in my opinion, you are certainly above average. Do you remember being accepted into this high school? I let out a little laugh, then continue. And if the theory that Furudo-san stated turns out to be accurate, then the fact that you find yourself in class S is proof of that.

Ayanokoji-san: After a pause for reflection, glancing sideways. I suppose...

Kaguya: I take a moment to think... Then I resume speaking. Upon reflection, I also had some questions coming here. After all, why would there be a class called "class S" when normally classes range from A to D? It was really unusual... But I didn't delve further into my queries about the school. After all, I wasn't particularly eager to challenge or deeply question the teachers on such topics... No high school in Japan operates this way.

Ayanokoji-san: After listening attentively, Ayanokoji-san replied with his usual neutral voice. Yes, I understand. Questioning an authority that has always been perceived differently indeed represents an additional challenge...

We have been conditioned to follow the rules... In any educational institution, there are guidelines and duties to respect, and among these rules, the one that prohibits challenging the authority of the teacher or the institution prevails. However, possessing a critical and analytical mind is not enough; one must also be able to question authority, to have that little rebellious side, or rather, the courage to question the established order.

This school is an elite institution, and I now fully understand what that entails... It's as if we were immersed in a mini-society, isn't it? And in society, or even in the professional world, these realities are not always clearly laid out; it is up to us to identify and demonstrate that we have understood them. From now on, I won't be taken by surprise, I'm convinced of that.

Thus, Ayanokoji and I continued our path toward a place where we could do some shopping. It's true that he's nice, this boy... He's not disturbing, rather quiet, and his tone, which might seem somber and monotone at first, becomes quite pleasant to listen to... His intense gaze reminds me of the president; there's something attractive about it when I consider it this way... And-- Aaaah!! But what am I thinking? I suddenly felt my cheeks warming up with these thoughts, so I vigorously shook my head from right to left to dispel these ideas. Every time my thoughts turn to the president, I end up acting ridiculous. I can't let myself go like this, absolutely not!




POV : Riku

This ceremony was really boring, wasn't it? Are they all like this? Well, at least it only happens once a year...

After the opening ceremony, I parted ways with Ishigami. I had asked him to join me for some shopping at the convenience store, but he said he had to meet up with friends he had come with, so we went our separate ways, agreeing to catch up later. Ishigami... yes, he is my very first friend here! And then, it seems that the whole class likes him, especially the girls, but... I can't really consider them my friends yet, can I? Well, it was quite challenging to get out of the gym without being noticed by them, but fortunately, the other popular guy, Hirata, was there and diverted their attention. I owe him one and I'm sorry, buddy... I promise to pay you back one day!

And now, here I am in a small convenience store, not far from the gym, the first one I found, putting in my little basket an inexpensive item I just picked up, some shampoo.

Horikita: It seems that fate has chosen to mock us today, doesn't it?

I was suddenly surprised by a voice right next to me and, recognizing that voice, I couldn't help but inwardly laugh at this unexpected coincidence before turning my head towards her. Yes, it was indeed Horikita...

I didn't expect to bump into her so soon, especially with all the convenience stores and shops available around ANHS. Really, a funny coincidence, ah ah ah. Quickly regaining my composure, I then offered her a smile before finally addressing her.

Riku: Well, I wasn't particularly expecting to run into you here, Horikita. Coincidences can be surprising, can't they? Anyway, I'm actually glad to see you, you know.

This inevitably caught Horikita's attention, who finally turned her face towards me. Perhaps I should have chosen my words more wisely, ah ah ah.

Horikita: And what exactly does that mean? Are you trying to flirt with me or something?

Riku: Her question took me a bit by surprise. Huh, how did you get that idea? No, I mean, I was just saying that personally, I'm not unhappy to bump into you here, ah ah.

Horikita: No, I expected that response. I don't want you to harbor any false hopes regarding me.

Riku: I let out a resigned sigh, accompanied by an embarrassed smile. Yeah, don't worry about that, it's not going to happen.

Horikita: Very well, then everything has been said.

She seemed really eager to end our exchange, ah ah ah. Would she be embarrassed by my presence?

However, I then turned my attention to the product she was choosing for her basket... Hmm? Unlike many other people I've observed here, she seems really more attentive to her choices, doesn't she? Well, that's a good thing, but it doesn't surprise me coming from her.

Riku: You're really careful with your points, huh? That doesn't surprise me about you... It seems like you probably think it through a bit more than most in Class D, ah ah.

Horikita: Rather than taking my words as a compliment, she abruptly turned her gaze towards me, displaying slight irritation. Don't lump me in with those fools, okay? They are just idiots looking to have fun without seriously considering the consequences of their actions.

Riku: I let out a sigh at her comment. That's not very nice, you know, Horikita... With that attitude, you'll have a hard time making friends.

Horikita: Humph. After expressing that, she turned away again, her hair swirling behind her. As if I needed friends. Unlike you, Kushida, or Hirata, I prefer to be alone. It would only be a waste of time anyway.

Riku: Well, if you say so, I won't insist, ah ah. I scratch the back of my head lightly. But you know, having good relations can be beneficial, especially here... Are you sure you won't regret it later?

My comment seemed to make her reflect, which was interesting to observe.

It seems I'm starting to understand how she works. Instead of just telling her that making friends is a good thing, I chose to use a logical approach, which speaks to her more. She needs to change, to find allies and friends. Throughout the school year, she will probably realize how important this is.

Horikita: You might be right, I admit it, so I'll think about it... But it has nothing to do with making friends or anything of the sort. I just acknowledge that maintaining good relationships or being well-regarded by others could prove useful in the future, if necessary.

Riku: I let out another sigh at her comment. Well, at least you're considering it, that's progress, I guess.

Horikita: Her face turned sharply towards me, displaying an irritated expression. I could do without such comments in the future, Nakamura. Hasn't anyone ever taught you to keep your thoughts to yourself?

Yes, it seems I may have lost some affection points with her, probably a poor choice of words, right? Maybe I should have kept that thought to myself, ah ah ah.

We remained silent for a while, simply continuing our shopping until surprisingly, Horikita broke the silence, addressing me in her usual serious tone.

Horikita: I'm rather surprised; you're not with your unbearable friend? You seemed quite close; I imagined you as the kind of person who likes to be constantly surrounded, whether with him or all those idiots who seem to adore you.

Riku: Mmmh? Ah, I like having friends, but that doesn't mean I enjoy being surrounded by lots of people... In fact, for now, Ishigami is the only one I'm sure is my friend, ah ah! And then, he has other friends too, so we just drifted apart a bit, that's all.

Horikita: I understand... Then, a piece of advice: avoid befriending those morons. You should be more cautious in choosing your acquaintances so as not to become an idiot yourself.

Riku: I pause, deciding to slightly ignore her previous remark, then adopt a more cheerful tone. Oh, did I hear that right? Is Horikita Suzune actually worrying about me, maybe--?

Before I could finish my sentence, I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine as my gaze met that of an evidently irritated Horikita, her expression screaming "don't say another word." Well, this girl can really be intimidating, can't she? Ah ah ah.

Horikita: Huh? Free items?

Horikita's comment, which had her turning around, piqued my curiosity, so I too turned towards the spot she was observing.

Indeed, there was a small bin with items marked "free," accompanied by a sign stating "3 free items per week maximum." Hmm... That is indeed quite unusual, isn't it? Yes, it seems to confirm what I was thinking; there's no doubt about it. It's a sufficiently obvious proof, and I'm convinced Horikita has understood it as well. I mean, it's plain to see here.

Riku: Yeah, it seems my theory was correct... I mean, why offer free items when we're given 100,000 yen per month? There must be something else behind all this.

Horikita didn't react directly to my statement, seeming rather to immerse herself in thought for a moment. After a brief pause, she finally seemed to reach a deeper conclusion or reflection, then turned her head towards me.

Horikita: Regarding that, it seems I had underestimated you. You might be a little more interesting than I thought, unlike the other idiots in the class.

Oh!! Wait, did she just give me an indirect compliment? I was momentarily surprised by her words but, naturally, I was pleased.

So I am of interest to her? Well, that makes me quite proud! Don't worry, Horikita, you also pique my curiosity in a special way.

Riku: Wait, wait!! Did you just compliment me there? Wow, I'm really surprised, you know, I wasn't expecting that at all... So, is that really what you think of me?

My comment seemed to irritate Horikita even more, and I must admit it's quite amusing. I like teasing her; her reactions are fun, and then... it's not so bad, is it? I'm sure it can even help her, in a way!

However, in response to my comment, she simply gave me an even colder and more serious look.

Horikita: Don't get carried away; I wasn't trying to compliment you or anything! It was just an observation, and I felt I had to acknowledge it.

Yes, yes, don't worry, Horikita, I'm not deluding myself, ah ah.

Horikita: And by the way, can you tell me what happened next? It seems you're also quite adept physically... When that idiot behaved like a perfect moron, you seemed really angry with him... If that other girl hadn't interrupted you, do you realize you could have broken his wrist, right?

Hmm? Ah, okay, she's referring to that incident... Indeed, it's quite logical that she'd bring it up; I had a feeling she would eventually talk about it.

And well, I have nothing to hide on that subject. I simply lost my cool, and I'm not particularly proud of it, honestly... After all, who would be?

Riku: Ah, you're talking about what happened with Sudo? Yeah, I got a bit carried away, it's true... You could say I lost my temper, ah ah. I smile awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. He was annoying me a bit, and he was going to pick on Ishigami, so I wanted to step in, but... I realize it probably wasn't the best way to act, indeed. Luckily, Forger-san stepped in right after, didn't she?

Horikita: She gave me another look before letting out a sigh. Well, at least you admit it... But that wasn't the essence of my question. You're obviously not the type to resort to violence, and given the popularity you've already acquired in the class, you probably could have resolved that conflict differently.

Riku: I let out a sigh following her comment, feeling a bit like I was being scolded by my mother, but acknowledging she was right. Yeah, I know, I'll think about it a bit more in the future, I suppose.

Well, I didn't expect her to be so concerned about the situation... She was treating me a bit like a mother scolding her child, which was quite unusual, but after all, she was right. So I certainly have no reason to contradict her.

As we continued our shopping, my attention was captured by a product... instant noodles, huh? I was curious about their taste and was quite tempted to buy a packet to try for myself... But I needed to be careful, especially regarding the price! Oh yes, but I'm not sure if I can judge that correctly... maybe Horikita could help me with that?

However, just as I was about to ask her the question, my attention was diverted towards her, interrupted by a loud voice coming from the checkout area. Intrigued, I immediately turned toward the source of the noise to observe two people in the midst of some sort of argument... A disgruntled black-haired boy stood behind; he seemed to have an issue with... Wait, is that Sudo? Oh no, what has he done now...

Disgruntled Boy: Come on, move it! We're all waiting here!

Sudo: Oh yeah? Well, let them come and complain to me directly then!

Feeling it was essential to step in before things escalated further, I quickly made my way toward them at the checkout, aiming to ease the tensions and understand what was going on. I have to say, Sudo always ends up putting us in tricky situations, ah ah.

Reaching their vicinity and adopting a more serious expression than usual, I observed the two individuals before turning fully toward Sudo and placing my hand on his shoulder to draw his attention toward me, my voice following the gesture.

Riku: Hey, what's going on here?

Sudo: What, huh? Hey, stop sticking to me, are you lookin' for trou--

After turning around and seeing me, Sudo seemed surprised for a moment, then visibly calmed down. Recognizing me, he seemed to regain some serenity, adopting a slightly more respectful and correct tone in speaking to me.

Sudo: Oh, it's you, Riku? Sorry, man, didn't recognize you right away. He scratched the back of his head while looking at me.

Riku: I let out a sigh before responding. Yeah, it's fine. But tell me, what's happening? Why does everyone seem annoyed with you?

Sudo: Oh, yeah, actually, I forgot my student card. I forgot that thing is pretty much like cash now, you get it? So, I don't have it on me, and I only realized when it was time to pay.

Riku: I stared at him for a moment, my face expressionless, then let out a sigh and an ironic chuckle. Yeah, I see... Should've guessed it was something like that.

Internally, I sighed... Even though I barely know him, I could already sense that this kind of situation would be typical for him and might lead to more trouble. It's better that I intervene before other problems detrimental to the class arise.

My gaze then turned to the people queuing behind Sudo, all displaying discontent. Yes, I could fully understand their frustration. Then, I addressed the cashier, who also seemed to be losing patience. Clearly, I had no choice: to prevent the situation from worsening, action was needed promptly.

Riku: Anyway, we need to act now. If it's okay with you, I can pay for you. Going back to fix this would be complicated, and it's no problem for me to use my points; I don't spend much usually. Plus, if we stay here too long, we're just going to bother everyone else.

Sudo: He seemed astonished by my unexpected offer. Oh, really, you'd do that for me? Ha ha, don't know how to thank you, man, so yeah, thanks.

Riku: Yeah, that works, I guess.

Immediately, I apologized to the cashier for Sudo's items. Once that was done, the line could move forward again. Then, turning to Sudo, I adopted a slightly more severe expression than my usual one.

Riku: But be careful in the future, okay? Forgetting once happens, but try to be more attentive... Next time, I might not be here to solve the problem and pay for your stuff.

Sudo: Once again, Sudo scratched the back of his head, visibly embarrassed. Yeah, I know, you don't need to tell me... Next time, for sure, I'll be careful.

He seemed to get the message, which was already a good point, ah ah ah. This realization made me chuckle slightly to myself.

Then, I saw him pull out a pack of instant noodles from his plastic bag and offer it to me in a spontaneous gesture. Was he trying to give it to me as thanks?

Sudo: Here, it's not much, but I can at least give you this as thanks.

Riku: I was a bit surprised by his gesture, but I quickly offered him a kind smile and accepted what he handed me. Well, thank you in that case. I guess we're even now, no need to do more.

In response, I gave him a smile. Oh, he turns out to be quite nice, actually!! And plus, thanks to him, I'll get to taste these famous instant noodles I wanted to try, not bad at all!

Afterward, I headed to the hot water dispenser, while Horikita, having also finished her shopping, approached me. She seemed surprised after witnessing our brief exchange.

Horikita: You are far too kind, Nakamura. Are you trying to play the devoted servant for others? You should have let him handle it himself; it wasn't your problem.

Riku: Faced with yet another reprimand from Horikita, I responded with a smile. Well, you know, this kind of thing happens to everyone... As long as it doesn't repeat, it's not so bad... And it was nothing serious; I just like helping others, that's all, ah ah.

Horikita: She stared at me for a moment, arms crossed, before sighing. You're truly strange, a hopeless case. Do what you want, after all, it doesn't really concern me. But I strongly advise you to avoid that kind of delinquent in the future.

Riku: I respond to her first comment with an embarrassed smile, choosing to deliberately ignore it. Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit? He's just a bit hot-headed, that's all, right? Besides that, he seems pretty nice.

I sincerely believed that. True, he might give off a bit of a delinquent vibe with his temperamental nature, but deep down, I'm convinced he's really nice... He seems to be the kind of person who reacts impulsively and emotionally to whatever is said to him. Criticize him, and he'll immediately go on the offensive, but show kindness, and you'll see a much more pleasant side of his personality.

Horikita: Fine, let's not linger here any longer. Let's just finish this.

After finalizing our purchases, we exited the convenience store. The receipt detailed the price of each item and the remaining point balance, indeed like a bank statement. The payment process went smoothly. While I waited for Horikita, I prepared the noodles by pouring hot water into the cups. I thought it would be more complicated to open the lid and pour the water, but it turned out to be quite simple.

As I pondered the uniqueness of this school, Sudo, leaving, gave me a wave. In response, I returned a nod accompanied by a genuine smile.

Horikita: Seriously, are you really planning to eat here?

Sudo: Of course, I'm going to eat here. It's logical, isn't it? Where else would I eat?


When Sudo reacted that way, I was taken aback, and I saw Horikita sigh in exasperation. I sense this will lead to another series of complicated interactions between them two. With their respective personalities and characters, I truly fear their exchange won't be the most harmonious...

Horikita: I think I'll return to my dorm. I feel my dignity starting to erode if I stay here any longer. Then, she turned to me. Nakamura, you would do well to heed my advice if you too care about preserving your dignity.

Sudo: What dignity are you talking about? You're just a regular high school student, like all of us. What are you, a princess or something?

Indeed, as I feared, it would be wise to intervene before the situation worsens.

Although Sudo showed aggression, Horikita remained unfazed, with no visible reaction. Clearly irritated, Sudo put down his noodles abruptly and stood up, facing a Horikita who, arms crossed, displayed an exasperated look.

Sudo: Huh...? Pay attention when people talk to you. Hey!

Seeing that the situation could escalate, I chose to quickly intervene to try to calm the tensions. Hey, stop the provocations; it won't solve anything. Horikita, let him eat where he wants... And Sudo, make an effort to control yourself!

Horikita: What's gotten into him this time? Getting angry suddenly without any apparent reason.

Horikita chose to continue deliberately ignoring Sudo, speaking to me as if the conflicting situation didn't exist. Pushed to the edge, Sudo then raised his voice, overwhelmed with anger.

Great, just great... I was simultaneously ignored by both, my intervention completely swept aside...

Sudo: Come here! I'm gonna beat the crap out of you!

Riku: Darn it, calm down!!

Sudo calmed down almost instantly when I firmly raised my voice. If that was the only way to interrupt this pointless dispute, then I had no other choice.

Suddenly, Sudo turned to me. As for Horikita, she seemed unbothered or concerned by my scolding and simply looked at me.

Riku: Sudo, do you realize you were about to hit her just for a few words? And don't forget there are surveillance cameras everywhere here. You need to learn to control yourself; otherwise, you're just going to create problems for yourself in the future with this kind of attitude, okay?

Sudo: Huh? Pff, yeah, yeah, alright, I got it.

Internally, I sighed again. This is going to be tough... But it should be fine, right? After all, I have three years to instill this in him, ah ah. Over time, he should understand, right? For now, I feel like he's agreeing with me just to avoid direct conflict, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want him to understand why such behavior is wrong and for him to evolve, not out of fear toward me but for the class's sake and his own good.

I then turned to look for Horikita... Just to realize she was no longer there. Wait, did she seriously just leave like that without a word? I swear, this girl... She's going to require quite an effort, too.

Sudo: Hey, wait, she really just took off like that without a word? Pff, seriously, she's the one who started making a scene in the first place! He muttered the last sentence. Damn chick...

Riku: I let out a sigh of frustration. But that's no excuse to act like that all the time!

Sudo: He gave me a frustrated look, then averted his eyes with a click of his tongue. Okay, fine, I got it, I'll be more careful, alright.

Yes, for now, I suppose I can be satisfied with that... He promised to be more careful; that's something. I sincerely hope he'll keep his word.

Second-Year 1: Hey, are you a first-year? That's where we usually sit, so it's our spot.

Watching Sudo eat his noodles, I saw a group of three boys exit the convenience store, also holding similar bowls of noodles.

... Really, when it starts, it doesn't stop, does it? I have a feeling that troubles are not over yet.


POV : Kaguya

As Ayanokoji-san and I made our way to the convenience store, the establishment finally came into view, marking the end of our shared journey in a silence that had, surprisingly, woven a form of silent complicity between us.

Despite the scarcity of our exchanges, a sort of harmony had settled in, making the journey not only bearable but unexpectedly enjoyable. Watching the convenience store sign approach, I felt a slight relief mixed with curiosity about the continuation of this impromptu experience.

Kaguya: Ah, here's a convenience store at last! Let's go in!

Ayanokoji-san simply nodded without uttering a word... Really, he is remarkably discreet, isn't he? It seems he's not much into socializing... But that doesn't really bother me, in the end.

Our goal was to go to the grocery store together, but our progress was suddenly interrupted by a young girl running at full speed in our direction, as if fleeing from something. She bumped into Ayanokoji-san, who seemed hardly affected by the collision, only showing a slight surprise in his gaze as he bent down to observe the person who had just run into him. I watched him, curious.

The girl, visibly upset, stepped back to face us. When she met our gazes, she seemed stressed, even a bit frightened, nervously adjusting her jacket as if trying to conceal something. What's going on? Why is she looking at us like that? Does she have a problem?

She was quite beautiful, with long purple hair falling to her thighs, tied in a side ponytail on the right, complemented by bangs and matching eyes. Intrigued and slightly concerned, I wondered what her story could be.

Ayanokoji-san: Sorry, it seems that I wasn't paying attention to what was happening in front of me...

Kaguya: Miss, are you okay? Do you feel well?

However, without offering any response, I watched her eyes widen suddenly before she abruptly pushed past us to flee, clutching her school jacket with both hands without deigning to give us a second look or any explanation.

Well... What an unusual interaction. Who could that young girl be? Isn't she aware of the basic rules of etiquette?

Kaguya: I felt slightly irritated by what had just happened. Really, such rudeness... She bumped into you, didn't even apologize, and ran off as if nothing had happened.

Ayanokoji-san: It's fine, it happens. I guess she was just in a hurry or something like that.

Kaguya: I looked at him for a moment before letting out a sigh. Well, if you say so... Anyway, there's nothing we can do now that she's gone.

After expressing my intention to head to the convenience store, I turned to Ayanokoji-san, waiting for him to follow me. However, I found him absorbed, his gaze fixed on the rapidly receding figure of the girl who continued her run.

This scene left me puzzled... Did he harbor any resentment toward her? It's disconcerting not to be able to glean any indication of his thoughts by merely observing him. His expression, marked by concentration, left me thoughtful. Ayanokoji-san is certainly shrouded in mystery. And despite the briefness of our acquaintance, this enigma all the more piques my curiosity.

Kind Boy: Sudo, please, I've already told you... Don't respond to provocations! It's just going to get us into trouble!

Sudo-san: These second years are talking nonsense. We're already settled here!!

As I was about to question Ayanokoji-san about the reason for his sudden attention directed behind him and "wake him up" to finally head to the convenience store, our attention was abruptly captured by a commotion not far from there, near the convenience store. Loud voices were heard... We then observed a scene where three individuals, evidently older, were bothering two young men.

One of them, displaying an angry demeanor, seemed ready to pounce on the troublemakers at any moment. His red hair and unconventional hairstyle gave him an intimidating look, far from what one would expect of a high school student.

Beside him, a striking contrast: a young man attempting to defuse the tension. His face showed notable serenity, and his appearance was that of a boy both handsome and neat, with short chestnut hair blooming elegantly on his nape and eyes shining with a similar brightness, capturing the sunlight. His build also suggested a certain physical strength. He was, in every respect, the antithesis of his companion in terms of temperament and appearance.

It was clear that these three individuals, probably second-year students whom I regarded as senpai, were trying to bother the younger ones by invading their space and ordering them to move away. This constituted harassment, a totally reprehensible conduct and unworthy of an institution of excellence such as our school!


Second Year 2: Yeah, we're here too. So move, this is where we usually sit.

Sudo-san: You've got some nerve, guys, damn!

The boy, who had just been named Sudo-san by his companion, remained unflappable despite the numerical disadvantage. A palpable tension suggested an imminent altercation. It was imperative to prevent any escalation; the consequences of a fight, especially under the watchful eyes of the surrounding surveillance cameras, could be disastrous. Although we were not directly involved, intervening seemed like common sense! Having served as the vice president of the student council, I still felt the weight of my former role and the responsibility it entailed.

My gaze then shifted to Ayanokoji-san, who, by my side, watched the situation with apparent indifference... He seemed truly detached from all this commotion, didn't he? That seems consistent with his character, but still...

Second Year 3: Wow, that was really scary. What class are you guys in? Wait, don't tell me... let me guess... you're in class D, right?

Sudo-san: So what if we are!? What's it to you whether we're in class D or not?

The situation clearly escalated towards a physical conflict, and intervention became imperative. I had already made my decision! I would not tolerate these second-year students using their position to intimidate the freshmen. This is unacceptable!

Kaguya: Shouldn't we intervene, don't you think, Ayanokoji-san? These three are clearly harassing these two boys. We can't just stand by and do nothing, can we?

Next to me, Ayanokoji-san didn't react immediately, his gaze carefully scrutinizing the scene unfolding before us... Then, after a moment, he finally responded, his voice maintaining that characteristic monotone.

Ayanokoji-san: We don't really have a choice, it could become even more problematic otherwise...

I watched him for a moment, then simply sighed in response to his words... Now, I suppose I should get used to this kind of reaction from him, shouldn't I? It would have been almost surprising if he had expressed something different. Can any real emotion be discerned on his face? At times, his consistency seems almost disheartening. Is there anything more to him, I wonder...

Nevertheless, after a brief exchange of glances and a mutual nod, we advanced together, moving closer to the epicenter of the disorder.

Second Year 3: Did you hear? He's in class D! It was so obvious! Haha!

Sudo-san: Oh? What does that mean, huh? Whether we're in class D or not, what's it to you, you idiots!!

Kind Boy: Sudo, please, let's not make things worse. Let's just leave... It's only going to get worse, especially since they outnumber us.

Sudo-san: What? No, we can't just let them spit on us like that, and I'm not going to be walked all over, that's clear!! Hey, Riku, you're good at standing up for yourself, right? Together, we can quickly teach them not to disrespect us like that!

Kind Boy: Huh? No, I can't do that... Remember there are surveillance cameras here, and besides, I'm not going to resort to violence over something like this! That's exactly what they want from us, let's not fall into their trap. Let's be smarter than them, okay?

Sudo-san: Pff... Okay, got it, then let's get out of here quickly, away from these clowns, and go eat somewhere else.

Although Sudo-san seemed to have calmed down slightly, the three older students did not seem willing to let them go... They had probably identified him as a potential target to achieve their objectives, having observed his impulsive temperament.

The other boy's hypothesis was valid: it was likely an attempt at blackmail. But to what end? It seemed logical that they wanted to provoke Sudo-san to then force him to yield points. In this environment full of surveillance cameras, if Sudo-san physically reacted against these three senpai, he would be playing right into their hands.

Second Year 1: Wow, seriously, are they getting rid of the trash already?

Second Year 2: So they got scared, huh? Haha, yeah, that's right, they'd better listen to their elders.

Second Year 3: Anyway, what can a guy from class D do to senpais like us? Look how this idiot immediately wanted to resort to violence against us.

As Sudo-san appeared to have been temporarily calmed by his friend, irritation was boiling inside him again, perhaps even more intensely than before. His fists clenched, veins bulging on his neck, he pivoted toward the three senpai, ready to cross the point of no return.

I couldn't remain a bystander. It was imperative to act quickly to prevent an action whose consequences would be disastrous for him and his friend. Once close enough, I raised my voice, letting my frustration color my words, capturing their attention. Their gazes turned to fix on me. Sudo-san, interrupted in his momentum, paused, his expression now oscillating between confusion and surprise. That was exactly the desired effect.

Kaguya: You three, that's enough now! Haven't you caused enough trouble? Stop tormenting these two boys, they were here before you, and this place doesn't belong to you, does it?

My unexpected intervention clearly took them by surprise, momentarily leaving them speechless. However, it didn't take long for one of the three senpai to retort.

How far do they intend to push their insolence? Their behavior is starting to seriously irritate me!

Second Year 1: Hey, we didn't call you, it's not your problem, right? Didn't you notice your buddy is in the wrong? Class D, seriously, nothing but burdens... And it's sad to see a cute girl hanging out with this kind of guy, it's an insult to nature.

Kaguya: His remarks also began to irritate me, but I know how to control myself. So I spoke to them in an authoritative and cold voice, ignoring his last comment. In the wrong, you say? All I see are three upperclassmen harassing two new students, trying to make them flee their spot and provoking them. You were planning to exploit this boy's impulsiveness to your advantage, hoping he would react violently so you could then use that reaction, captured by the surveillance cameras, as a means of blackmail to extort his points from him, weren't you? I stared at them intensely, and as their gazes met mine, I could see them flinch. Sorry, but I find that unworthy of three older students and of a higher class, so I'm not going to let this pass.

Second Year 2: The three looked at each other before scowling, one of them speaking up. Pfff, seriously. So you two must be in class B or A, right? Honestly, the upper classes always have to get involved, it's none of your business, besides.

After delivering my words with confidence and authority, I noticed that the three senpai were somewhat disconcerted under my steadfast and penetrating gaze. I didn't avert my eyes, maintaining a constant visual pressure, and I sensed some intimidation in their demeanor.

They mentioned our classes as if they could deduce which one we belonged to just by our demeanor? It seemed then that one of Furudo-san's hypotheses was about to be confirmed.

Beside me, Ayanokoji-san remained silent, quietly observing the exchange, his expression reflective. His apparent calm contrasted with the surrounding tension.

Kaguya: Just for your information, we are in class S... But I'm curious, continue to explain your reasoning. Why did you seem so sure we were in class A or B? Does it really matter to you?

Now maintaining my unwavering gaze on them, the three individuals began to exchange uncertain looks among themselves, then started to converse briefly... It seemed that the mention of class S had triggered some wariness, prompting them to decide to withdraw. It was curious: would they have persisted in their attitude if they had identified us as belonging to class A or B? Their departure upon hearing about class S seemed not motivated by disruption but rather by a desire to avoid us.

This unusual reaction was intriguing... It seemed that Ayanokoji-san and the boy who had attempted to calm Sudo-san shared my perplexity, both deep in thought regarding this unexpected turn of events.

Second Year 2: Pfff, seriously, class S?

Second Year 3: Let's go, forget about this. We'd better leave, anyway, they're going to see what hell is soon, especially these losers from class D.

Second Year 1: Yeah, and frankly, I have no desire to hang out with these weirdos from class S. We're just going to get into trouble if we stick around with them.


What exactly were they implying? While it was not necessary to decipher every word to grasp the hint of a supposed "hell" associated with our intervention, the continuation remains captivating... They seem to consider class S as a group to be avoided at all costs, immediately labeling us as "strange."

I smiled inwardly at this thought. Well, if it helped drive them away, that's a win, isn't it? It's a rather favorable outcome.

Kaguya: Well, at least I guess it's over now. They're gone, and that's for the best!

Ayanokoji-san: Quicker than expected...

Kind Boy: Hey, you two, I wanted to thank you! It was really cool of you to step in like you did, ah ha.

Ayanokoji-san watched the senpais leave for a moment before turning back to us. Yes, it concluded faster than expected, sparing us further trouble...

Ayanokoji-san: Honestly, I didn't do much, in fact, I did nothing at all... All the credit goes entirely to Shinomiya.

Kaguya: It's not a problem, those guys were just annoying anyway! It's not your fault. But be careful in the future.

Kind Boy: Yeah, I still want to say thank you... I mean, I would have probably tried to do the same thing, but after what they said, I think my 'position' as a class D student wouldn't have had much impact on them... He sighed before giving us another smile. Anyway, sorry also for Sudo-san's behavior, he can be a bit impulsive at times...

Sudo-san: Hey, but you saw, huh, they were the ones who started trouble first, I remind you!! I just reacted to defend myself, that's all!

Kind Boy: Then, He took a more serious tone when addressing Sudo-san, almost like a reprimand. But I'm right! If you hadn't reacted to their accusations and had just followed me, we could have avoided more trouble... We were lucky it ended quickly and that you didn't go as far as to hit him, but I've told you, next time, we might not have someone to stop you from making a mistake, and you could end up in serious trouble!

Following the events, Sudo-san looked visibly embarrassed, scratching the back of his head while clicking his tongue, before heaving a deep sigh and silently nodding at the reprimand, giving up any further reply.

Indeed, the boy was right! Yielding to provocations would have been neither wise nor productive. This young man seems to be inherently good. Shortly after, he sighed and then turned to us, displaying a sincere and warm smile, perhaps signaling his gratitude or relief after the dissipated tension.

Nakamura-san: Anyway, nice to meet you, I'm Riku Nakamura, pleased to make your acquaintance. Riku gave us a warm smile to conclude his introduction. And this is Ken Sudo, one of my classmates.

Sudo-san: Yeah, yeah, nice to meet you and all... And thanks for the help, I guess.

Riku Nakamura-san, then? Interesting, he has captured my attention, and he seems to possess fine qualities... However, one detail bothers me. He's from class D, right? Hmm...

Despite these reflections, I chose to display one of those smiles that I master so well, then to introduce myself with a slight bow to these two young men, thus marking the respect and courtesy I intend to maintain, regardless of the class they belong to.

Kaguya: Oh, in that case, pleased to meet you as well. Delighted, I'm Kaguya Shinomiya.

Ayanokoji-san: Pleased to meet you, Nakamura, Sudo. I am, uh, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

After hearing Ayanokoji-san's somewhat monotonous introduction, I couldn't help but let out a discreet sigh. It seems I'm starting to get used to his style, aren't I?

However, Nakamura-san's demeanor changed slightly; after a sigh, he adopted a more serious tone than before to address us.

Nakamura-san: The situation was quite strange... They seemed to look down on us because we're in class D, but as soon as you arrived, they treated you with respect, as if they thought you were class A or B students... And when you said you were from class S, they ran off as if they were afraid of you. He paused, thoughtful, then sighed. Yes, it was really weird.

Sudo-san: Yeah, they were super weird!! It was like they were spitting on us just because we're in class D, I swear, those damn assholes.

Sudo-san is obviously very agitated, isn't he? While I understand where his frustration might come from, his behavior suggests that he is of an impulsive, perhaps rebellious nature. I sincerely hope that's just a misinterpretation on my part.

Moreover, Nakamura-san indeed mentioned something significant, which I had already begun to ponder... It seems that the pieces are beginning to come together to form a clearer picture, doesn't it?

Kaguya: It does seem that Furudo-san's theory is gradually being confirmed, doesn't it? If I recall correctly, she did mention something about the classes.

Ayanokoji-san: Yes, there seems to be a hierarchy among the classes... I guess she was right again. Honestly, it doesn't really surprise me.

Nakamura-san: Nakamura shows an interest in our conversation. Hm? What are you talking about exactly? Furudo-san's theory, who is that? One of your classmates?

Kaguya: Yes, in class, she talked about a lot of things... Including an interesting theory suggesting that classes are hierarchized, with class D at the bottom and class S at the top.

Sudo-san: What? A hierarchy? Pff, that's ridiculous! So, are we really sorted into categories like that? Seriously, that's just nonsense?!

It does indeed seem to be the case, but... I have a feeling that the situation is even more complex. After all, it seems unlikely that students are simply randomly placed in a hierarchy determined by chance or luck. That would be utterly absurd and senseless.

I watched Nakamura-san frown slightly, immersed in thought... It seems he too sensed something unusual, right?

As for Ayanokoji-san, his detached gaze continued to follow the scene. While he seemed focused on the discussion, he remained withdrawn, contributing little. His calmness and silent observation added an enigmatic layer to his character.

Nakamura-san: Yes, that could explain what they said, but there's still something strange... When you mentioned you were from class S, they seemed more eager to avoid you than anything else, and they looked less intimidated than when they thought you were from class A or B...

Kaguya: I take a moment to think. Yes, indeed... There must be something more behind all this, I wonder--

???: Hey, you four, can you turn around? I have a few things to tell you.

Just as I was about to respond to Nakamura-san, an unexpected feminine voice, strangely familiar, interrupted our conversation. Nakamura-san and Sudo-san simply turned their gazes toward the source of the interruption, obviously surprised by this unexpected entry, while Ayanokoji-san and I turned to identify our interlocutor.

And there, to my great astonishment, stood a young girl about our age, with auburn hair falling to the middle of her back, styled in small braids and held by a simple accessory. She also had straight bangs and deep blue eyes.

Wait, it's impossible! Yes, it was indeed her, Ange-chan! I was absolutely not expecting to encounter her here. Caught off guard, I let my mouth slightly open, my eyes widening in surprise. Next to me, Ayanokoji-san seemed to have noted my reaction.

Kaguya: Huh? Ange-chan, is it really you?! What a surprise, I wasn't expecting to bump into you here at all!

What a wonderful coincidence!

Ange-chan, whose face usually bears a neutral, detached, and rather reserved expression, showed a moment of surprise upon seeing me. It seemed we shared a moment of mutual astonishment before she quickly composed herself.

Ange-chan: Kaguya? I didn't expect to bump into you here... I came over because I noticed three second-year students seemed to rush off from here, and I wanted to know what had happened.

Yes, it appears she was drawn by the commotion of our recent altercation... Indeed, we must have created enough noise to catch her attention. Understandable, after all.

Kaguya: Ah, regarding that altercation... Well, those three just started harassing the other two, so I couldn't just stand by... In the end, they just left afterward. Luckily it ended without further incident.

Ange-san: Yeah, I see, well, if you say so, I suppose I have to believe you then.

Hearing her voice, slightly softer, I realized she remained true to herself. What a pleasure to see her again!

In the background, Nakamura-san, somewhat embarrassed, scratched the back of his head, probably unsure how to react to this new interaction.

Nakamura-san: Ah ha, yes, it seems the issue was resolved more easily than expected thanks to their intervention, which is pretty positive.

Sudo-san: Yeah, but if those jerks hadn't started it in the first place, there wouldn't have even been a need for all this! Seriously, what was their deal in the end?

Nakamura-san: Yeah, well, sorry for the inconvenience... You came here to understand what happened, is that it?

Ange-san: Oh, it's nothing, I'm just doing what I have to do, and besides, it's better that it ended without any harm, that's the main thing. She then observed each of us in turn. By the way, I'm Ange Ushiromiya, it was the least I could do to introduce myself after approaching you, I suppose.

Ange-chan took the initiative to introduce herself to everyone, which, frankly, marks a slight change in her behavior. In the past, she probably wouldn't have made the effort to introduce herself to strangers. Maybe she feels more comfortable because I'm here? That's a possibility. In any case, it's a positive and delightful development.

Observing the scene, I could notice that Nakamura-san appeared slightly embarrassed again, a sign that social interaction might not be the most comfortable for him.

Nakamura-san: Ah, yes, sorry, ah ha, I was about to forget my manners. Pleased to meet you, Ushiromiya, I'm Riku Nakamura. He finishes his introduction with a warm smile once more.

Sudo: Yeah, hello. I'm Ken Sudo.

Following the introductions with Ange-chan, Nakamura-san spoke again, this time gracing us with another of his warm smiles, a clear sign of an atmosphere that was softening and becoming more friendly.

Nakamura-san: Well, anyway, we have to go eat... And I'd also like to tour the campus before it gets dark, so I'm going to have to leave you. It was a pleasure meeting you, I hope we'll see each other again soon and become good friends, everyone!

Sudo: Oh yeah, wait, I'm coming with you, Riku, we haven't even eaten with all this going on. Well, then, bye everyone, see you next time!

Ah, I understand, so their initial intention was simply to have their meal here... It's true that taking the opportunity to explore the campus seems like an excellent idea. It makes me want to suggest to the president to spend a day discovering it together, which would almost be like... a date, wouldn't it? Oh, why do I let myself be distracted by such thoughts at the moment?

Kaguya: I give them an elegant smile and bid them farewell with a small bow. Oh, very well then! Goodbye and, who knows, see you another time!

Ayanokoji-san: Alright, then goodbye.

After our exchange, Nakamura-san and Sudo-san politely waved before taking their leave...

Nakamura-san left a very positive impression on me. He seems to be genuinely nice and kind-hearted; I would almost vouch for it. It's unsettling to know he is in class D, especially if we consider the existence of a well-established hierarchy among the classes at the school. His place there puzzles me.

Kaguya: Anyway, I'm really happy to see you again, Ange-chan. It's been such a long time, hasn't it? I would never have imagined you'd attend ANHS; it's quite a surprise for me, but a very pleasant one! I give her one of my most charming smiles.

Ange-san: She gave me a slight smile before responding. Well, coming from me, it must probably be surprising... As for me, your presence here doesn't surprise me, obviously.

Indeed, given my own aspirations, it's only natural that I'd choose a school of excellence like this one... And as for Ange-chan, my surprise at finding her here is certainly not due to any doubts about her abilities. On the contrary, I'm convinced she would fit in class A or B, assuming the school actually establishes a hierarchy among the classes. However, I know her well, and I'm aware she's generally not drawn to prestigious institutions, ha ha... Even if this school is indeed very special.

Ange-san: So, what were you two doing together? A boy and a girl wandering alone, that's quite unexpected from you, Kaguya. She gave me a slightly teasing smile as she said that.

Eh?! What is she implying by that? Really, I didn't recognize this facet of Ange-chan!

Her unexpected remark threw me off balance. I felt perturbed, trying to grasp the implication of her words.

Ayanokoji-san: We were planning to do some shopping and were heading in the same direction, so we decided to go together.

Ange-san: Her gaze then settled on Ayanokoji-san, studying him for a moment with her usual expression. I see, well, I kind of figured... And you are?

Ah, well done Ayanokoji-san! Amazing, he manages to maintain his neutral expression even in such circumstances! He is truly impressive, and his demeanor increasingly reminds me of Hayasaka... Anyway, I'm truly grateful for his timely intervention. Thank you, Ayanokoji-san!

Ayanokoji-san: Ah, yes, I haven't introduced myself yet... I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Ange-san: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, I see... Then, she turned back to us as normal. Well, I hope everything goes well for you in class S.

Kaguya: Huh? How did you guess? Oh, wait, I didn't even ask you... But what class are you in, by the way?

Ange-san: I don't belong to any class, to be precise... I'm not part of any. And obviously, I'm not here to take care of any campus store either.

Kaguya: Huh, what do you mean you're not a student? What do you mean by that, are you part of the school staff? But... how is that possible?

Ange-san: We'll talk about it later, Kaguya, don't worry. Right now, I'm rather busy, excuse me for this brief exchange, but I have to go.

Kaguya: Her comment piqued my curiosity. Oh, I understand, you're busy then... I was hoping we could chat a bit more, but that's fine. We'll surely have the chance to catch up later, right?

Ayanokoji-san: Hm. Alright, goodbye then.

And with those final words, Ange-chan turned around, giving us a farewell gesture with her hand before uttering a few parting words and walking away.

Ange-san: <See you later, have a nice day>.

Yes, it's true, she always had that habit of ending her goodbyes or certain phrases in English... I found it a bit peculiar at first, but now, I've become so accustomed to it that it almost brings a smile to my face.

And so, after her departing words, she walked away. I really hope we will have the chance to meet again soon. I was looking forward to spending some time with her, just the two of us! And why not introduce her to the president and the other student council members? That could be an interesting experience, couldn't it?

Ayanokoji-san: You seem to know each other well... Is she a childhood friend?

Kaguya: Oh? Yes, I know her very well; she's actually a very good friend of mine. Even though she's from one of the three other conglomerates competing with my family's, the Ushiromiya conglomerate. Unlike the others, she's not narcissistic and doesn't look down on people. She's very pleasant to be around once you get to know her! And since she's not the heiress of the Ushiromiya conglomerate, my family allows me to associate with her.

Ayanokoji-san: Watching Ange-chan walk away. I see, interesting...

Ayanokoji-san's observation about Ange-chan intrigued me... So he finds her interesting? It seems she has caught the attention of our usually imperturbable Ayanokoji-san. Really interesting.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him a bit. I'm quite curious to see if I can shake that impenetrable facade a bit. It would be quite amusing to see him show a trace of embarrassment, wouldn't it?

Kaguya: Oh? What does that mean, Ayanokoji-san? Could it be that Ange-chan has caught your interest? I chuckle lightly. Could it be that you've fallen for her charm? Don't worry, I'd be ready to assist you if you confess.

Ayanokoji-san: His gaze then shifted back to me, staring in the same manner as always. How did you come to that conclusion? I was merely curious about her; she seems interesting, that's all.

Kaguya: I give him an amused look, accompanied by a mischievous smile. Mmmh? Really? Do you think I'd believe that lie?

Ayanokoji-san: It is the truth, I don't see why you would doubt it...

He gave me a look that betrayed nothing new, just as I had anticipated...

I then let out a sigh of resignation. Truly, he seems completely unflappable, impossible to decipher any emotion on his face. Deep down, I had expected it a bit, but hope persisted.

Kaguya: Well, regardless, we still have our shopping to finish, don't we? It seems all this has already taken quite a bit of our time.

Ayanokoji-san: Yes, it seems we have lost a lot of time due to all these events.

After this exchange, we finally decided to head to the convenience store to complete our purchases... This whole adventure just for some shopping seems never-ending, and I hope the president and the others aren't starting to worry. That said, the thought of seeing a look of concern on the president's face amuses me. He must be rather cute when he's worried, hehe... I'm already imagining how I could play with this situation to tease him a bit.


POV : Kiyotaka

This day has really been full of twists and turns, a series of events all more intriguing than the others... It all started with that unexpected encounter with the girl who bumped into me, followed by the altercation and the discovery of Nakamura and Sudo, two individuals from class D, then the meeting with Ushiromiya, who clearly caught my attention. And for good reason, isn't she charming? Any boy would probably have been interested in her.

Anyway, now, Shinomiya and I finally find ourselves in the convenience store, calmly selecting the items we need, all while carefully watching our expenses... That's when something inevitably caught my attention.

Kiyotaka: Mmh? Free...?

Intrigued as well, Shinomiya turned towards me and picked up one of the items from the basket, which was marked with a sign "free items, 3 only per person per week."

I would probably have pondered the meaning of this and the reason for the offer, especially since the school allocates us 100,000 points, if Furudo had not shared his theories with the whole class earlier


Shinomiya: Oh, I see... Yet another incredible coincidence, apparently... It seems that everything converges to validate what Furudo-san said. Well, I admit, I had my suspicions from the start too.

Shinomiya had also been captivated by it... Well, knowing her character, I suppose I should not be surprised that she might have guessed as well.

Am I really the only one who did not catch on to this? Who knows.

???: Isn't it? It seems that even fate is playing in our favor. *Giggle* *giggle* *giggle*.

Suddenly, coming from nowhere, a voice and familiar giggles called out to us. Shinomiya then put the free item back in the basket and turned, just like me, to see who had just arrived, or rather to confirm that it was indeed her...

Furudo, so she also chose this convenience store. It seems that this store has attracted quite a crowd, hasn't it? It's not surprising, given that it is the closest to the gym where we all came from.

Kiyotaka: Furudo.

Furudo: Yes, that's right, Ayanokoji-san, Shinomiya-san. She then gave us an elegant smile.

It seems she will probably always remain like this, right? She is undeniably fascinating and intriguing... But considering my position and what I represent, I would probably have no way to get any closer to her. After all, I'm just a bird freely traversing the skies, an average student at best...

And she, undoubtedly, is not; we belong to two distinct worlds... I am already very grateful to be able to interact with her, as well as with Shinomiya; it's a true privilege, really.

Shinomiya: Wasn't expecting to see you here.

Furudo: Well, there was no need to go any further... This is the closest convenience store to the gym, after all, isn't it? I didn't particularly feel like looking elsewhere, and I suppose it's the same for you.

A logical reaction for a logical person, I assume.

She was also carrying a plastic bag which she held out to us to illustrate her point... Once again, something irresistibly caught my attention. What drew my gaze was the content of this plastic bag... It was clear that it did not correspond to simple groceries, nor even to ordinary shopping. It was truly intriguing.

Kiyotaka: Duct tape ?

Shinomiya: Curious following my remark, Shinomiya also leaned in to examine the contents of the bag. Eh? What? Furudo, why do you have a bag filled only with rolls of duct tapes?! How many are in there? Aren't you the one who formulated all these theories? Why would you spend so many points on this? What do you intend to do with it?! Shinomiya seemed genuinely perplexed, and I understood her well.

Furudo: After observing our reactions, she only wore a slightly more predatory smile, then simply replied. Who knows? Duct tape can prove extremely useful, don't you think?

This evasive answer, which wasn't really one, left a certain ambiguity... What could she possibly want to do with so much duct tapes? Did she need to fix something? But what kind of repair would require so much duct tapes?

I suppose I will probably never fully grasp what goes on in the mind of someone like her, right? She undoubtedly has her reasons, which are certainly incomprehensible to me.

Furudo: Well, I must apologize, but... I will have to leave you now, I'd like to take care of something before nightfall. Please excuse me, we will meet again later, Ayanokoji-san, Shinomiya-san. Once again, she offered us her usual smile.

Shinomiya: Eh? Uh, okay, sure, Furudo-san. See you later then.

With a smile and a bow, she immediately left, her bag full of duct tapes in hand.

As I watched her leave, intrigued, I could also notice, by my side, a somewhat disconcerted and perplexed Shinomiya following this exchange with Furudo. Indeed, who wouldn't be, after all?

Shinomiya: I was already thinking this earlier when she was laying out all her theories in front of Forger-sensei, but now I'm sure... I really don't understand this girl, she is simply extravagant and strange to the extreme!! I feel like I understand her even less than Fujiwara-san!

Kiyotaka: Watching Furudo walk away, I took a moment to reflect before responding. Yes, it seems so...

Well, it appears I have no choice but to agree for the moment, this girl seems to be of boundless extravagance...

Furudo, a sharp and competent intellectual, endowed with a strong spirit of deduction and observation... A kind, courteous young woman with a soothing voice, who will probably quickly gain the affection and trust of others. She may have shown a hint of arrogance earlier, but... Isn't that the case for everyone in areas where they feel assured?

I'm curious to know what else there is to discover about her. Who knows, maybe I will have the chance to find out soon.

Phoenix_Lore Phoenix_Lore

Hello everyone, it's Phoenix Lore greeting you!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^. A lot is happening here, with some interesting discussions, among other things...

I won't say more, but I wish you an excellent day!!

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