Sonic, Tom and Knuckles pass through Sonic's last ring riding on the Tornado. On the other side is a wrecked Mobius. Green and purple fumes fill the air. The ground is a mere ghost of what it used to be as the usual green of Mobius is degrading into dead grey. Animals are being chased by robots to be turned into them, as a small army of bots is slowly getting closer to the Master Emerald, but a selected few echidna stay there to protect it. An enormous chemical plant stood at the root of all the problems. Made of chunks of steel and wood from the island itself. But right now none of this worried Tom since he first had to get enough speed for his plane.
Once it got off the ring it plummeted
downwards. Knuckles floated safely, and Sonic was left to fall on his own. Tom pulled the steering joystick with as much strenght as he could, narrowly dodging the trees below. Sonic rolled into a ball and homing dashed above the plane, landing on one of its wings, as Knuckles slowly and safely landed on another. Sonic cheered.
Sonic: "Woohoo!"
Tom: "Jesus Christ, that was way too close. You both okay?"
Knuckles nods and Sonic gives him a thumbs up.
Tom: "Also, maybe it's a little too late to think of this, but why didn't we just use the ring to teleport above the chemical plant?"
Knuckles: "They're too uncertain. When I said Sonic's lair to it before it took me inside of a colourful cave. It took me a while to find your home, but I'm used to finding stuff."
Sonic: "Plus, we wouldn't get this view otherwise, or at least what's left of it."
Tom: "Robotnik really wrecked the place."
Tom flies over the chemical plant above the enormous chimney at its top.
Sonic: "Is that really the entrance? Are you sure we won't die from the fumes coming ou...", Knuckles walked towards Sonic pushing him off the plane. He tried holding on with the tip off his feet as he girated his arms like in the games, but another tap made him fall. Sonic screamed. "You fists for brains!"
Knuckles: "What did you say?", Knuckles jumped out ready to pummel Sonic.
Tom: "Be careful in ther... Oh no."
A red light came off a siren on top of the factory. A speaker said out loud.
Speaker: "Intruders detected. Lockdown protocol activate."
We cut to Robotnik in his control room as a red alert appears on screen. One of his flying bots has an image of what the intruders looked like. Robotnik zoomed in only to recognize them.
Robotnik: "Sonic? That blue rodent ran away from death, did he? Too bad he's just falling into his doom again."
Tails sees Sonic's image through the screen.
Tails: "I knew it.", Robotnik looks at him with a malicious smile.
Robotnik: "Good news, my precious prisioner. It appears my plan has moved an extra step. I'm going to experiment on you right now."
Robotnik violently tapped on his control pad as a wire connected to the capsule Tails was captive in. The emeralds, all located in their own compartments, began to shine. The tubes concentrated that energy on the capsule, and Tails felt its pressure. His fur started to shine in a bright yellow.
We cut back to Sonic and Knuckles falling towards the chimney. Unfortunately the lockdown protocol took action. Several moth bots flew out from the chimney before it closed completely.
Sonic: "It almost seemed like it was going too smoothly."
Knuckles: "Who did you call a fists for brains?"
Sonic: "Ahh!"
Knuckles threw a punch, but when Sonic dodged it, he instead hit one of the moth bots. Sonic landed on one of the droids, which also got punched before he jumped to another. The cycle continued as Sonic mocked Knuckles prompting him to hit the bots instead of him, saying "You're too slow." "A swing and a miss."
Tom however wasn't having much fun, he kept flying the plane but was now being followed by several of these bots. With some maneuvers he was able to dodge some of them, but with no weapons equipped he could only flee.
Tom: "C'mon Tornado, don't let me down." Sonic jumped over Knuckles and looked up seeing Tom in trouble, adopting a serious face. He looked back down to the closed chimneys and got an idea. He dodged under another of Knuckles' midair punches and rolled up in a ball.
Knuckles: "You can't dodge now!"
Knuckles fell after him readying the strongest swing he could muster. Sonic sparkled in blue electricity. Concentrating on his target he homing dashed downwards in the same instant Knuckles hit him. The blue ball of electric speed flew down creating a sonic boom. Its power was too strong for the metal gates on the chimney to withstand, breaking through it immediatelly in an explosion. Sonic passed through five of these gates before aiming towards a wall and sliding to slow down. He free fell once more and landed on a platform, standing with a knee and a hand. With lighting all around him and a serious look he stood up seeing the horrors around.
Several small animals (rabbits, birds, squirrels, etc.) sat on top of moving mats which brought them inside containers with the words 'For Badniks only'. When they came out the other side they became the robot version of themselves, with their eyes shining red. There were several pools of purple fluid that came out as waste from the badnik making process.
Knuckles landed beside Sonic as they looked above at Robotnik. The doctor took a mic, as another one jumped at Sonic. He grabbed it, and heard Robotnik tell him.
Robotnik: "So you've come to foil my plans? You really don't spare a chance to start a party."
Sonic: "Oh, you know I'm all about having fun."
Robotnik: "Then, keep me entertained."
Robotnik pressed on a button besides his control pad. As the whole chemical plant seemed to move on its own.
Sonic: "What are you doing? Release Tails already."
Robotnik: "You're in no position to make demands. I have measures to beat creatures like you. I was afraid there might be other animals like you, but it seems that you are one of a kind."
Sonic: "Nothing you do or make, will stop m...", Knuckles punched Sonic on his side, launching him to the side. The mic flew up and landed on the echidna's hand.
Knuckles: "I'll make you pay Robotnik. I'll break your whole chemical plant from inside out, you hear me?"
Knuckles dropped the mic, and proceeded to jump from the platform and head for the moving mats. Sonic got back up.
Sonic: "Stupid Knuckles. I won't let you get the lead."
Sonic ran forwards as well, but was quickly stopped. A big hand appeared from the ground grabbing him and placing him on top of a running mat. Sonic gained speed while still, and once the hand let him go, he was blasted forward against the wall. He twirled back from the impact landing on a bouncing pad with Robotnik's face that pushed him towards a fluid pool.
Sonic: "Not again!"
With a homing dash he landed on the border of the pool, narrowly evading drowning, however another boucing pad appeared and threw him right on it. On the sides of the pool were tubes filling it up. Sonic jumped and homed towards the tubes, jumping from one to the next, until finally getting out.
He tried to rest, however several badnik started shooting at him, forcing him to move. He ran towards Robotnik's position, but the stairs there closed themselves, making a wall. He was stuck. He looked around for any solutions until realising something.
Sonic: "I'll use your inventions against you."
The badniks caught up to him. He dodged through them, and ran around avoiding deadly traps and any shot the badniks threw out. Once well positioned, Sonic grabbed the mic once more.
Sonic: "Hey Robotnik!", The doctor looked at him with annoyance. " Watch this."
Sonic jumped on the ladybug bot, and then onto the moth bot, and then onto the bird bot... He kept jumping from one badnik to the next, as explosions preceeded him. With enough speed and height, he was able to reach the top of the factory, where Tails resided in a capsule.
Tails: "Sonic!", The two birds that were dead besides Tails were now ressurected from the Chaos Emeralds power and flew next to the fox. They were still stuck in the capsule though. Sonic noticed there was something odd.
Sonic: "Where are you hiding Eggman?"
Robotnik: "Oh oh oh, you really thought you did it, didn't you?", Sonic looks around but can't seem to find where the doctor is. "You really thought those petty traps were my defense mechanism. No, this is. I present to you my Death Egg Robot!"
Robotnik emerged from the shadows inside an enourmous mech. His semicircular pod inside the belly of a red and silver mech, fully weaponized to deal with one or more hedgehogs.
Robotnik: "Now let's crank that energy up."
Robotnik pulled a lever causing several lightning bolts to shoot at Tails. He screamed in pain as his chaos energy was being sucked out.
Sonic: "Stop it!"
Robotnik: "Then make me!"
Sonic jumped and homing dashed at the Death Egg Robot, as Eggman readied a punch. The final bout was about to start.