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40.9% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 9: Chapter 8

Capítulo 9: Chapter 8


Seeing Addy in her gorgeous red dress the same one she met her in made her tongue licked her lips that sweet pussy still belongs to her. Celeste loved being with Melissa but desired Addy so much more than Harley ever will. She pretended to freak her sister out that she's having mental problems to try and get Addy back in her arms though that didn't happen when Lisa got her. News floated around that she was going to marry that bitch and it sickened her gut even more. What surprised her most is when Harley called her saying that she is with Addy and they are together finally. That is when she invited herself to their dinner, sitting next to Addy made her excited though Addy looked pale and unsure of what it is that she wanted. Celeste leaned over whispering into Addy's ear.

"You look so tasteful tonight, I would gladly rip that dress off of you, and make you moan my name again like you used too when you were in love with me."

Celeste looked at Addy seeing her shiver this is her chance to eat that sweet nectar once again making Addy beg her back into her soul. Celeste snaked a hand up Addy's dress with an idea dropping her forks on the floor, it is her chance to eat that delicious woman. Once getting down on the ground, open Addy's legs widely seeing those sweet silk red panties, oh yes, such hunger craved her, moving the panties, she sucked her finger first from where she placed on the outside, and then placed her tongue inside eating Addy's sweet pussy never felt better. She held Addy in place feeling Addy struggling to keep herself steal but all she wanted was more of her cum and juices again this satisfied her every chance she got. Finally after a few minutes Addy released everything inside of her including a few squirts into her mouth. That is all she needed to feel satisfied, she placed the panties back and grabbed a piece of gum from her purse that she brought for the perfect chance to enjoy Addy then kissed Addy's thighs then made her way back to see Melissa and Harley still deep in conversation while Addy threatened to cry right then and at that moment Harley let Addy out of the booth as she ran to the bathroom.

Celeste felt satisfied from having Addy again. Celeste winked at Melissa giving her the sign that they needed to go with her completion of having her sweet beautiful Addy. Celeste told Melissa her feelings for Addy and understood the game play until she had Addy once again. Arriving back with Melissa to their glorious home, Celeste made her way to her office and got on the computer this is her opportunity to play a little game with Addy on making her realize that she is with the wrong woman.

Dearest Addy,

You're sweet pussy has never changed and I devoured every inch of sensation with hopes you would be right back to me but it seems my sister has you in a bind. That is fine, my sweet lady, I will have you once and for all. Yes, Melissa knows how I love having you in my mouth and feeling my senses just right. I hope to have another taste soon enough.


Celeste Rayne

P.S. You tell my sister I will see that she doesn't have you again. Be good to Harley!

Celeste grinned at herself reading that email before sending it. She knew her time will come to have the most beautiful woman that has came across her heart. Harley may have her now and I have Melissa but doesn't mean I can't get a taste of that woman when I want and whenever I damn well please. Celeste has desired Addy since they laid together in those hotels, she even wanted to marry her and take her to Europe on a world tour like she knew Addy would love. Celeste has it bad for Addy and wants to make Addy all hers it is just time to get correct to have the right woman in her arms and not some whore that just wants her knowing she belongs to Harley.

"Baby, we need to get ready for our honeymoon, you promised we would have it before we wed and settled down." Melissa said softly.

"Forget that fucking honeymoon and our wedding. I will get Addy Keith as my wife over my sister Harley this game is about to get heated." Celeste replied.

"You promised Celeste, you promised me and now all because of her it is done. This isn't a relationship at all just another hunger for her, her is all I hear about." Melissa complained with a whimper.

"Shut it, Melissa! No one talks about Addy that way and I will make sure if you do talk about her that way, I will tie you up and leave you for dead." Celeste threatened.

Celeste knew how to keep Melissa in line especially when that bitch begged for everything including her damn attention. Celeste got up from the computer placing Melissa's suitcase on the counter than went to the bedroom packing things that belong to her and then closed the suitcase, handing it to Melissa.

"You want a honeymoon then go find someone else to take you. I am not you're bitch to beg for attention. Good luck, sweet cheeks. Say hi to your parents for me." Celeste said slamming the door in Melissa's face.

That now silenced the house with more ways to plan out on getting Addy back. This is her turn to consume everything in control of her life including getting things right on track and Melissa, Harley, Ariel, Marie or Taylor is getting in her way when she gets Addy that woman will be her wife even if it means trapping her into this wonderful furnished home and kicking Harley to the curb. Celeste bit her lip as plans formed into her brain waiting for a reply from Addy from that email she sent though it may take a while but she will eagerly wait to bait the love of her life into her begging arms. Drifting off to sleep seemed like an answer for waiting for a response from Addy.

Seeing Addy in a bikini that showed her figure perfectly it made Celeste so turned on. Hearing her laugh echoed in the distance then appearing beside her was Harley, it made her stomach churned feeling that Harley touching her, jealousy stirred inside her. Watching Addy walk her way made her smile seeing that Harley finally went away and she had her woman. "Babe, come on, let's go play in the water with the kids and Harley." She called me babe, I am her woman...oh my goodness...Addy is wearing my wedding band on her hand. Addy is mine, all mine, this is so real! Addy sat on her lap brushing Celeste hair out of the way and then kissed her with such sweet cherry taste. Addy ended the kiss with a smile, Celeste just sat there unsure of what to do next.

Celeste woke up feeling glee from the dream it felt like her world took a big change but thing is Addy isn't here with her, they aren't married, and Harley has her. It became weeks before she finally heard back from Addy though she doesn't work and never cared for society to live in a well made home from her exes that support her habits of being online. Reading the letter it became clear that Addy wasn't in love with her anymore or looked to be at all.

Dear Celeste,

I do not appreciate you raping me every chance you get. I am writing this now because we didn't have the internet where we are staying meaning me and your sister. Your sister is already well alarmed about your advances towards me, this obsession has got to stop, and I don't want you after all you lied to me when we met several months back. I can't trust you at all. Please leave me alone and quit hurting me sexually.


Addy Keith

Celeste hitched a breath reading that. She doesn't see how much I love her, how much I need her, this is so not what she had in mind when expecting Addy to become hers. It isn't an obsession either it is a dire for love and affection from the most perfect blonde hair beauty queen her eyes ever laid on. It isn't like she could just whip out a wand magically making Addy become hers but she needed that woman way more than Harley ever will. Celeste sat their rereading the email over and over trying to come up with words that would make Addy understand that her profound love is in her that they belong together.

Darling Addy,

I can't forget you as you are my soulmate and belong to me as I can't imagine not having anymore of that sweet body as mine. You are such a sweet taste that is hard to resist. I will not let you out of my sight as I crave that delicacy you gave me so long ago that I want more. Harley can be warned all she wants but she will never be me, she is my twin that only has a taste for love, I crave more than love and I want all of you. Sweet, darling, loving Addy please come to me again and we will make love until our bodies have worn out.

Love Always,

Celeste Rayne

Now that should be a way to win her over, a way to make her mine, and until I hear from her that will be all I can live on is her being mine. My sister will not get Addy for long since I have done enough to prove my worth to Addy of how much I can satisfy her in every way. Harley wouldn't know how to please Addy the way she does and that will come in time before everything else gets involved like a wedding, children, and a big home that I am sure both of them will want. An hour later Addy finally replied to the email it seemed the young woman struggled to make words of what she thought would make everything complete for her. That isn't the case this time and Celeste wasn't willing to give up that easily.


No! I am not your soulmate or anything else is in your mind. I beg of you to quit this nonsense that you believe in everything I give you will satisfy your need for me. You have Melissa that should be plenty and I have Harley, she treats me as a woman an respects me as a person unlike you. No more of this game, please.


Addy Keith

Celeste rolled her eyes that Addy would believe this is enough to satisfy her need of wanting to be with her. Celeste didn't need someone like Addy telling her no, over and over again. She will make her way to Addy by morning once she gets herself cleaned up an find out where they live because this is going to be one way to get Addy to believe her. Celeste began packing her purse, getting showered, dressed, and making herself look gorgeous for Addy this is her chance to make an impression on Addy also make her realize how much their love is worth then she heard the front door open.

"Celeste, you better be hiding. I am going to hurt you badly since you can't take no for an answer and if you dare keep wanting to hurt Addy, I will hurt you so much worse." Harley yelled into the house.

Celeste cursed under her breath then hid in the bathroom and locking the door with lights out. When Harley gets mad it is worse than her temper, okay maybe getting to Addy is a bad idea but she is in love with her and wants her more than anything. Celeste counted to ten in her head with hopes Harley wouldn't find her hiding. This is the last thing she expected when Harley did find her, she went pale this isn't good and it is about to get turned into a nightmare for touching Addy in the most inappropriate way. Celeste had no words after being beaten by her only sister for messing with Addy. Celeste felt grateful when Melissa came back right afterwards knowing that Harley beat her. Celeste noticed Melissa had words to say to her that it is taunting her to know what is running through Melissa's brain and for once she actually noticed how beautiful she looked.

"I am not staying long as you requested I have moved on to someone else and she treats me like a human being." Melissa said.

"Wait, what? No, don't leave me. I love you Melissa." Celeste replied.

"No, you love someone you can't have and you're sister made her point by beating the shit out of you." Melissa responded.

"Who are you seeing?" Celeste dare to ask.

"Lisa Winters, of course, she is a wonderful person that Addy has no idea what she is missing, and her having Addy and Taylor's apartment is gorgeous since she changed it." Melissa responded gloating about her new love.

"That is nice, I suppose, I do deserve to be alone after hurting you and breaking promises." Celeste replied.

"You will find someone, possibly Deborah still has a heart for you unlike Addy or myself. Oh, wait isn't Deborah is getting married to her lover soon enough. What about Taylor or Abby? Oh, wait not Taylor she has a boyfriend. Abby is definitely still single and she is your best friend." Melissa rambled on cluing on which girl to be with.

Celeste ignored Melissa's rambles after several hours of being laid up from the beat down when Melissa left with her things and left Celeste with one last kiss on her lips that made Celeste break. She didn't realize how much Melissa actually loved her and now she is by herself. Celeste regretted all she has done to Addy and making Melissa suffer in the process especially since they were to be wed within the fall but that is now done and over with it.

Celeste finally got up from the bed as she decided to get a hold of Abby to see if they could possibly be together with hopes it doesn't end in a message reading that she has someone. Taking a deep breath she finally messaged Abby.


I know you are probably not going to care whether I am single or not at this point but I am single and hoping you as my best friend would like to be with me. We can enjoy movies, drinks, and popcorn. Contact me when you get this.



Celeste now wondered if she would hear from Abby at all now. She felt panic knowing whether or not that Abby would take this chance with her. Celeste felt so nervous that her hands were shaking has she always been in love with her best friend without knowing. Celeste knew that sounded crazy being in love with her own best friend that has known her for many years but she didn't want to face the fact that Abby probably had settled down long ago while she chased many other women. Fifteen minutes later a message finally appeared from Abby it took her breath away wondering if she could dare read it.


I am not sure this is a good idea for us to randomly hook up without dates. Even though I have stayed single for so long, I don't think this is what I want especially with you and you're obsession with Addy Keith. You need more time to yourself instead of moving from one woman to another. So, my best suggestion is to contact me again in six months and if you are still single I will date you for now we will stay where we are.



Celeste felt tears threatening her eyes as she finally realized that Abby had actually turned her down for the sake of the mess that she caused in her life and not being over Addy so easily or even Melissa. Celeste never felt so down on herself as she did at this point knowing that there is no relationship for her anymore. A knock on the door startled her from the thoughts that consumed her and when she went to open it, she found Abby standing there gazing with her beautiful gorgeous green eyes, sweet pink lips, beautiful olive skin, dark green dress that's strapless, and dark green heels. Celeste swallowed hard.

"Hey sweetie, can I come in?" Abby asked in a whisper.

"Um..yeah, sure." Celeste said as she moved out of the way.

Celeste watch Abby come into her place then heard her speak again.

"I am only here to make myself see that you have changed and not obsessing over Addy." Abby said smiling.

"I can promise you after my sister beat the shit out of me that I am not even thinking about her anymore." Celeste replied.

"My question to you is than who do you see yourself with as a future wife?" Abby asked without missing a beat.

"Abby, for once I don't know because it isn't Melissa, she is in love with..." Celeste answered.

"You don't know, well that is a first in over five years. At least you didn't say a name that I was expecting that proves you have moved on." Abby replied.

Celeste realized she had the door still wide open as she finally closed it and made her way to Abby slowly when Abby stopped her half way with a palm to her chest.

"Not so fast, Celeste. We aren't going to bed together, I know I look sexy in this dress but there is one thing you should know." Abby said with a firm voice.

"That is?" Celeste asked with questioning eyes.

"I am a woman for commitment that is why I have been single and no, it hasn't been waiting for you though that would be most women's answer especially these glory lesbians." Abby mumbled.

"I agree to dating you then and wait for true commitment with you." Celeste replied.

Celeste watch Abby smile then they just sat next to each other on the couch and cuddle into one another, sharing a kiss every few minutes though Abby's eyes looked more in lust each chance they get close to one another.

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