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9.09% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1


Addy followed Celeste out of the bar with a smile on her face as Celeste led her to a back alley behind the bar where it was dark, and can barely make visible of Celeste's figure. Celeste shoved Addy against the wall then their lips smashed together as Addy let out a moan that she didn't expect to come out of her. Celeste put a knee between Addy's thighs as Addy rode against Celeste with more moans between their lips. Celeste pushed herself off of Addy then grabbed Addy by the hand as she held on tightly as they left the alley way and back into the street. Addy felt her panties so wet that it is driving her up the wall, as she saw Celeste in the light her wavy brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, she's as thin as her and her skin a model tan that made her heart skip a beat, she never knew a woman could be so gorgeous that would steal her breath away. Addy now wanted Celeste as hers just by the look of the woman, she wanted to marry this lady right then and there but Addy held herself back and thought of a positive way to settle her hormones while walking side by side with Celeste.

"Addy, I know you are expecting to be laid by a woman tonight but I can't be around long or else, I will be in trouble by someone and they are going to be back at my apartment by morning. You are to go straight back home and never think of me again. Just know, I love you and would want is best for you." Celeste said in a shaky voice.

"Wait, you love me after just meeting but now you are going to leave me high and dry because of someone else? You are making no sense Celeste, not the least bit." Addy replied feeling herself being torn into shreds.

"I will make a deal with you then. If you can meet me in private places like a bar, hotel, or something of that matter then we will keep seeing each other because I do not need this person finding out about us a trust me this person isn't the nicest either." Celeste responded with looking around with a nervous look.

"Okay, but why can't we be together tonight? Just cuddle, we don't have to do anything and you won't get caught with this person by doing just that. We can go to my place as long as the two that are staying there have gone out and done something." Addy replied.

"Fine, fine, whatever but please just know I am not doing this to be mean, I do have a rather distinctive person in my life that can watch every aspect that I do. We will discuss this more back at your place, lets go." Celeste responded.

Addy guided Celeste about another mile to her apartment complex as they made their way to the elevators they're lips locked with moans, they were both so needy with one another that it was hard to keep hands off. They giggled getting out of the elevator and walked toward Addy's apartment with a smile on their faces. Addy opened her apartment to find Reba and Taylor snuggling on the couch with smiles on their own faces. Taylor ran up from the couch an hugged Addy.

"I got good news for you, Addy." Taylor said with giddy.

Celeste backed out of the hallway seeing Reba in the room as both Taylor and Addy looked back and forth between the two.

"Hold on to that good news, Taylor." Addy replied with a questioning look.

"Celeste, young lady, where is your sister? And where is your girlfriend Melissa?" Reba asked in a stern voice.

"Oh, hi, mom, um....Harley is out with Melissa actually and I met Addy at the bar, we switched dates for fun and plus Taylor said their was a woman she wanted me to meet." Celeste replied in a shaking voice.

"So, you and your sister are playing with these women's hearts. Celeste, you and Harley are in some deep trouble. By the way, we are leaving say goodbye to Addy. Have a goodnight ladies, we are not feeling the need for anything. Taylor call me later, love you babe." Reba responded grabbing Celeste by the arm and shoving her down the hall.

Addy closed the door now questioning who the hell Harley is? And what is going on with everything surrounding her. She is even questioning who the fuck is Melissa? Addy walked to the couch with Taylor on her shoulder as they both didn't know what to say except hold one another then Addy looked at Taylor's hand seeing a beautiful small diamond ring and a collar on her neck reading Sub For Reba Not For Sale. Addy shook her head laughing as she gently placed a kissed on Taylor's forehead.

"That's what I was trying to tell you before everything crashed, my mistress proposed and collared me. I am so happy to be in love with Reba. My consequences are her daughter's though, they aren't the brightest crayons in the box, and Celeste is a playful one also very mean." Taylor said in a whisper that was barely audible.

"What do you mean Celeste is mean? She treated me nicely this evening and I am already in love with her." Addy replied without thinking about what she said.

"Oh no, no, that can't be arranged. You are in love with someone who isn't going to love you. Addy you must stay away from her, she is bad news." Taylor responded.

"I am seeing her tomorrow whether you or Reba don't approve. I want to be able to hold her and fall into her arms as we make love, Celeste belongs to me." Addy replied as she got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen.

Addy grabbed a cup of hot coffee then headed to her room to boot up her laptop as she stared at the screen waiting for a miracle to happen with hopes Celeste finding her and contacting her. Addy wasn't going to give up on Celeste no matter what anyone says. Addy waited over an hour for Celeste to appear at the local bar just when she was about to walk out that door here comes sassy britches herself strutting through the door like some hot shot. Addy and her made eye contact immediately. Celeste walked over to Addy with a smile so wide that she couldn't stay mad at her.

"Aren't you looking quite gorgeous?" Celeste said in a sultry tone.

"I didn't know where else to meet you and I didn't have a number or anything to contact you." Addy responded in a flirty voice.

"Damn, good thing I came this evening then, I would have missed out on the woman who stole my heart yesterday." Celeste replied with a wink.

"Yet, you never mentioned who this someone is that can't know about us besides your mom." Addy responded raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, um, yeah about that. Let's go talk elsewhere maybe at your place if Taylor isn't there?" Celeste replied looking around nervously.

"Oh no, no, not this again. This time we are going to sit at one of those booths and talk. I know Reba is already there and I have yet to know who your sister Harley is." Addy responded with frustration in her voice.

"Alright fine but let's go to one that is hidden in the dark." Celeste replied.

Addy grabbed Celeste by the shoulder dragging her to a far corner booth in the bar. Addy was getting annoyed and pissed off as it is about not knowing anything from this woman. She is already in love with her and yet it still frustrated her all this secrecy that keeps bothering her. Addy had enough after one damn day and fucking Taylor wasn't helping matters. Addy placed Celeste in the booth than sat down herself with her arms crossed waiting for Celeste to explain herself.

Celeste cleared her throat as she spoke, "Addy, I am only answering to this because you asked. Harley is just my best friend that I call a sister nothing more. The person, I am hiding you from is my ex-girlfriend Deborah she has a major obsession with me and I can't take it anymore, she has a need for sex that I don't want. My mom is Reba, a great woman I must say but Taylor better watch it, Mom can be a hussy at times and want others. Anyways, that is what you know. Oh, as for Melissa and Harley just ignore them their just love-birds enjoying a small honeymoon phase."

Addy sat their in shock unsure of how to answer all this information. None of it was making any sense especially over Harley, than protection over Taylor, what is this some kind of game? Drama 101: Beauty Vs. Evil. Addy just wanted to find someone else that wasn't going to lead her on some wild goose chase of information about their life but yet, she craved Celeste like no other. Addy had no idea what she has placed herself in but yet she wanted it, needed it. Addy felt Celeste's hands placed in hers as they both looked at one another with a smile.

"I am just unsure of how to wrap myself around all this information, how do I know I can trust you?" Addy said.

"That is the only thing you don't have to worry about is that you can trust me. Like I trust you with every inch of my soul." Celeste replied kissing Addy's cheek.

Addy turned a bright pinkish color on her cheeks as she gathered herself together then placed a kiss on Celeste's lips as they melted into one another again, she wanted so much more than making out with Celeste, and it just felt right. Addy felt at ease knowing her heart is whole again that even Taylor is wrong about her. They unlocked their lips to take a breather then walked out hand in hand as they made their way to a hotel where it all became a very hot steamy evening. Addy woke up to find Celeste had left her a note on the bed reading:

A journey for you is to find love in someone that means it will end in horror. A horror that will find its source of love in a gentle soul. Return to me at the bar by 7pm sharp and we will make love again in a new location. Do not bother finding me if I don't show up. Sincerely, Celeste

Addy just stared at the note dumbfounded by the words that meant nothing at the beginning what does she mean by it being a horror? Like a horror film. No, no way, Celeste loves her, she has to love her or else she wouldn't have came back a second time. Addy gathered herself from the bed making her way to the shower unable to gather her thoughts on anything at this point, she enjoyed the steam running down her body, she desperately needed answers but enjoyed her time with Celeste and wanted more passion and desire that held on to her.

Addy got herself dressed in the same clothes from the night before then just left the hotel without a word to anyone not that she cared, making her way back to the apartment she felt cold and vulnerable walking around without a friend, she should have called Taylor but she needed some air to resolve everything that had happened the night before. No one has messed with her before thankfully as she always kept an eye on her back and front also her sides. Finally, arriving at the apartment she saw Taylor with her nose in a book shaking her head knowing what happened.

"Addy, you know what is right and wrong. Celeste is a bad woman, you need to step away from this before you end up hurt. Celeste will never love you." Taylor said in a whisper barely audible once again.

"I am still seeing her tomorrow, I will not give up on Celeste no matter what this note reads." Addy replied with the note clung to her hand.

Taylor shook her head again then went back to reading as Addy made her way into her room with her computer on with a blank document still open. She just didn't care anymore and it became more clear no one else did either. Addy sat down at her computer thinking of ways that would make this document flow with words though her mind is still set on Celeste, she just couldn't get the woman out of her head, and knowing Celeste she is daydreaming about her in ways she never thought possible while sleeping next to her ex-girlfriend. Addy shook her head of the thoughts as words poured onto the screen then as she read it, it read on the screen.

Tread carefully on soil that could burn your soul into one hundred pieces, a woman that has no desire to love is not the one to fill that void that burns your soul. A dream of her will come and you will not let go but take this as a grain of salt when love comes into your arms and reaches into you with passion.

Addy read it over and over again trying to piece the wording that just reached her screen. She knew that she couldn't have written that it isn't her type of writing. Random quotes, where the fuck are these coming from? Addy cursed more words as she threw her computer across the room with such force it shattered the screen. Addy had enough of these filling lies of deceit that never even reached her before. Addy crawled into bed with tears flowing from her face, she desperately just wanted her touch again and yet, here it is backfiring from hell because she is still with her ex-girlfriend Deborah. Addy got up from her bed, wiping the tears away, and made her way into the kitchen to find Taylor gone, she questioned for a second then started wandering around the apartment to see if Taylor left a note or anything. Addy finally found a note that read:


It has come to my attention that we should no longer live together due to my happiness with Reba, I wish you to find another roommate and oh yes, I got married while you were away with Celeste so she is now my step-daughter. As for now, I will leave it at that you will know what is best for you. I do not wish you good luck as we were never great friends anyways but Reba seems to think you at least deserve something so I left you a nice fresh batch of brownies in the fridge. I will be back to get my stuff until then I bid you farewell.



Addy was only in her room for two hours and Taylor left silently without a word to her, now she is more alone than ever in this whole apartment. She didn't know what to do with herself besides eat ice cream and watch movies on Lifetime Movie Network granted they don't have any lesbian shows to enjoy but their movies are so moving. Settling into the couch with some hot tea instead and cuddling under the blankets, she watched movies until she fell asleep. Addy woke up to the sound of the bell going off for her apartment it startled her completely, she looked at the clock on the television stand reading seven in the evening, Addy couldn't figure out who would be here at her apartment at this hour as she got up and the bell kept going off she just shook her head sighing. Reaching the door she looked through the peep hole to see it was someone in a black dress with black high heels, she opened the door and was greeted with a smile.

"My name is Harley, I am looking for Celeste, we were supposed to go for some type of double date with her and Deborah but this address was on her desk at home, I was wondering if you knew where she was?" Harley said with a shy smile.

"Oh, hi, I am Addy. Come in, come in. Do you want some tea or anything?" Addy replied startling herself letting some stranger in her apartment.

"No, no, I just need to know where my sister is. She promised that me and Melissa would be able to have a double date with her and Deborah but I may have judged wrong." Harley responded keeping her head down.

"Her sister? Wait, she told me you two were best friends like sisters. I feel like I am missing information here." Addy replied holding herself tightly.

"Oh dear, you too, what is with that woman. Anyways, I can't explain that at the moment as I am supposed to be out of here and back home. Thanks for your help, Addy, I must be on my way." Harley responded leaving quickly.

Addy realized she left the door wide open without a care that now she has no idea, who these women are and what the hell is going on in this confusion. Harley rushed back in kissing her then disappeared without a trace again. She didn't get this at all. She couldn't even see who Harley looked like since she wore all black but those lips were so soft against hers. Addy closed the door as it stopped again midway with another kiss to her lips that were entangled in hers as she tried to open her eyes to see who it was they disappeared and she just shook her head this time slamming her apartment door shut, leaning against it and feeling her tingled lips. She guessed it was Harley a second time since that was the last person to have kissed her directly. Addy got up from the door, walking back to the couch, and shutting off the television as she sat in the dark losing her thoughts on who this Harley woman is and why the sudden kissing. Addy just laid their staring at the ceiling not sure if she should even think of seeing Celeste tomorrow evening if Harley keeps coming back for more kisses. She knew she had to be faithful to Celeste though by showing up, no matter the situation becoming more complicated though she still wish she knew who this Harley was that is now surrounding her brain with the dark mystery of her.

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