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63.63% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

Capítulo 14: Chapter 13


Addy and Harley arrived hand in hand at her parent's home it had more brightness to it being her mom is a vampire and her dad is human but their still in love though her dad is older than shit. Addy wore her formal black fancy blouse with black jeans and boots to bring in a sexy style while Harley wore a black tank top and black jeans with boots too. Addy's parents wore just fancy wear Cameron a black suit with a red tie, and Madison looked gorgeous in a red and black long gown that covered her arms in lace.

"Welcome ladies, we are so happy to have you. Madison and I would like you to enjoy our new home along with a special feast from our chef." Cameron said politely.

"Thank you for having us, dad and mom. I am wanting you both to know that, we are glad to be here and can't wait to see what is in store this evening." Addy replied proudly.

Addy held Harley's hand tight as Cameron let them both through the door. Addy couldn't believe how her parent's owned two homes and one being underground with the rest of their kind.

"Dad, why aren't you a vampire like mom, so you two can be together forever beyond my life?" Addy asked.

"Baby girl, I am fine being a fifty year old man with a one hundred something year old vampire, plus your mom deserves to live longer and enjoy her only daughter." Cameron replied.

"That has got to be some awkward sex, just saying." Harley spoke with laughter.

"Harley, your parents were the same way. So, you are no better than you're own father who also decided to stay human. You both do realize the men in this population will grow old for their wives to live a long and happy life?" Cameron replied.

"No, we didn't. Celeste didn't bother filling us on much information besides being formally on time and everything in between that." Harley responded rolling her eyes.

"Too much of her appreciation, Celeste takes her job way to seriously especially for how long we are supposed to be in the real world." Cameron explained.

"She can either be a bitch or take stuff serious there is no in between with her." Harley responded.

Cameron laughed out loud that sounded delightful to Addy's ears. Addy let Harley and Cameron talk about Celeste as she found Madison in the kitchen sipping on wine.

"Addison, oh my, you startled me." Madison said.

"Madison, seriously? I am not Addison it is Addy." Addy complained.

"Sorry, Addy. How is everything with you and Harley?" Madison replied.

"Testing her has been fun but her kisses are hard to resist for too long." Addy blushed.

"Addy, I do not accept this. We are meant to be vampires to rule over men not be with the same-sex." Madison winked.

"Shut the fuck up, I am allowed to love whom ever I want. Goodbye, Madison." Addy stormed off grabbing Harley and they left in a hurry.

Addy didn't stop running with Harley behind her. Addy felt Harley's arm tug her then wrapped her hands around Addy's waist.

"Stop, Addy, baby please stop." Harley begged.

"I hate her, I hate her, I FUCKING HATE MADISON." Addy screamed into the air.

"Why do you hate her? and calm down." Harley said with calm and patience.

Addy fell down to the ground with tears in her eyes.

"She doesn't approve of us being together." Addy said through more tears.

"That is one person against the world, Addy. She doesn't even deserve to be you're mom if she disapproves and you're dad is happy that we got together finally." Harley responded turning Addy around wiping her tears.

Addy kept crying into Harley's top as Harley saw Addy's dad come out with a sigh. Harley saw Cameron rush over to be with Addy.

"I am divorcing Madison as of this week. I do not want someone closed minded involving the child, I was raised by myself." Cameron spoke softly to both.

"Dad, NO! You just got back with her after many years." Addy replied still fighting tears.

"Addy, I don't need someone whose out to hurt your choices plus by option you and Harley are our Queen's so technically, Madison can be kicked out of here for discrimination against the Queen's that will be taking over." Cameron responded.

Addy didn't want her parents to end but at the same time, she knew it would be best and it would be a grateful turn around to be the three of them. Addy couldn't see any reason not to go by that thought. She will be marrying Harley soon enough.

"Harley, hand over Addy and go stay with Madison. I need to talk to Addy alone back at your loft it is very important and I need you to handle Madison in case she breaks down, she is known to be over dramatic." Cameron said.

"You can't be serious? Addy needs me right now, whatever needs to be discussed can be handled later on." Harley demanded.

"Harley, look at me. I am dead serious this is very important and it can cost her to be Queen if she doesn't know this information." Cameron pleaded.

"Ugh, fine but make sure she gets rest please. I had plans for us tonight but I guess we can hold off. Addy, I love you." Harley said.

"I love you too, Harley, go on Madison should be safe." Addy replied wearily.

Addy watched Harley leave her side and go back in the house with Madison the woman she hates with a passion as her dad helped getting her off the ground. Addy and her dad made their way back to the loft in silence but she saw her dad struggling on what to even discuss with her even though she knew there was more to her past that she is about to find out and Addy isn't sure she wants to find out quite yet. Approaching the loft, Addy still had no idea what her dad is expecting out of her besides worrying about Harley being with Madison because she knows in her mind that Madison is out to get revenge on her daughter being lesbian and future queen of this whole coven.

"Addy, baby girl, before we go inside this isn't to affect you and Harley's relationship but it may affect ours even though you just got here and about to presume your space as queen with Harley." Cameron said.

"Let's go in and talk, dad. I don't need any personal information aired out for this community that I don't know yet." Addy replied smiling.

Addy guided her dad inside while closing the door behind her making sure no one is near the door for nosy business.

"Addy, come sit with me here on the couch." Cameron said.

Addy made her way over to the couch and slowly sat down next to her dad.

"Yes, daddy?" Addy replied questioning.

"You aren't going to like what I have to tell you but you have every right to know especially with the fact that I am aging and you deserve the truth." Cameron explained.

"Okay, what is it?" Addy asked again with a curiosity.

"Madison isn't your birth mother. She is technically you're step-mother by marriage." Cameron replied with a shaky breath.

"Who is my mom then? Is she still alive? Is she human or vampire?" Addy asked all at once.

"You're mom is Bianca Diaz she went back to her maiden name when we divorced years ago, she is still alive last I checked, and believe it or not, she is also a vampire like Madison." Cameron replied with a hopeful look.

"You still love Bianca, don't you dad?" Addy asked without missing her dad's expression.

"Their is nothing getting past you is there? Yes, I love Bianca but I am believed to known she has found a fellow mate but refuses to marry according to everyone here." Cameron replied looking down at his hands.

"Where can I find her?" Addy couldn't resist asking.

"If I remember correctly, she lives in the human world and is located at Idaho but she could've moved again for all I know. Baby girl, she didn't want to be found that is the truth especially when she knew you would be queen with another woman in the future. It disturbed her badly that her daughter would be a lesbian queen of the vampire's. Best option would be that I would remarry a third time and find a proper mom for you because Madison turned out to be just like you're mom." Cameron replied through gritted teeth.

"It's good to know that two women despise me because of my unknown sexuality that I haven't verified for myself since leaving Raven and getting away from Celeste." Addy responded rolling her eyes.

"Sweetheart, you are lesbian there is no question behind it you love women even though you haven't had a stable mother in your life." Cameron replied smiling.

"Okay, I am a lesbian but fact of matter is dad that I will never be stable with Harley due to my past of not having a stable mother in my life and it will cause a rift with me and Harley if she ever wanted to meet my real mom who doesn't know anything about me besides my sexuality." Addy explained biting her lip.

"Harley isn't going to care either way princess that woman loves you more than you will ever know. I know you two just got together but everyone knows where you two stand whether it is now or five years from now, you and Harley are stuck together." Cameron replied chuckling.

Addy enjoyed a conversation with her dad until he left leaving her alone to think about everything they discussed including her sexuality that never bothered him but she did wonder if Harley would be making her way back since her dad left a message for Madison to let her know that Harley can come back but never got a response. Addy ended up falling asleep on the couch after a long day but kept the loft unlocked in case Harley decided to return in the middle of the night.

That next morning Addy woke up searching the loft for Harley with no sign of her anywhere and they had duties to attend that morning it was making her sick again that something happened to her partner but it wouldn't hurt to blame Madison for it to make sure she wasn't in love with a woman that made sense to her personality and compatibility. Addy turned around to see the door open with a shocked Celeste.

"Where is Harley? Did you see you're parents last night?" Celeste asked urgently.

"I do not know where Harley is, she was at my parents house with Madison than never came back, and I am hoping she returns." Addy replied fighting her tears away.

"You do know Madison isn't a good person and could care less about anything other than ruling this Coven?" Celeste responded.

"She sure proved that last night when she disapproved of me and Harley being together as queen's. Now, the question is where would she send Harley off to if not back here?" Addy asked nervously.

Addy saw Celeste raised an eyebrow verifying what Addy felt that Harley is either in hiding or heading back to where their friends are. Addy wasn't ready to accept the inevitable of what happened to Harley and where she might be at this point.

"If my sister is smart, she would be making her way back here without Madison knowing." Celeste suggested.

"I am hoping she didn't get sent back to New York with everyone else because we have more than enough going on here." Addy replied rubbing her temples.

"As if I know Madison's full on game but right now let's go get your duties started then you can show Harley when she returns." Celeste responded tugging Addy by the shoulder.

Addy willingly went with Celeste to find out what is in store for her duties as future queen today. It wasn't what she felt motivated for but she had no choice but to keep going with or without Harley by her side. Addy and Celeste about life outside of what has happened since their past in New York, Addy is happy to find out that Celeste found love in her best friend Abby Walker, and they are planning to stay together. Approaching a big community in the plaza seemed so out of the norm but was normal these days when it comes to vampires and goths working together.

"We will be greeting everyone and helping with what extra hands they need it is part of our communication responses to make sure everyone gets along with each man, woman, and child within this society." Celeste said motioning to the crowds of people.

"You got it, boss lady. Where are we going to first?" Addy replied.

"We are off to see a librarian at a local college for the college kids that are expanding out into society by learning the basics of life including fixing vehicles, and such showing them that they can be human as well as them up above us. We are heading to Gravel College." Celeste explained cheerfully.

"Wonderful." Addy responded.

"To make this a faster move you will need to get on Miranda's back and I will be on Derek's to get there quicker instead of human pace." Celeste recommended.

Addy saw Miranda smile fully with her teeth showing with politely kneeling before her.

"Queen Addy, I will take you safely to the college that is my promise." Miranda said.

"Thank you, Miranda." Addy replied as she climbed onto Miranda's back with ease.

"You're welcome." Miranda responded holding tightly onto Addy's legs as she stood up.

Addy felt Miranda squeeze her legs for grip and she placed her hands around the front of her neck. Addy could smell how lovely Miranda smelled a beautiful rose that made her smile. Without realizing Addy felt the rush of air fly into her hair and wind catching her breath, she never met vampire's who'd go very fast but Miranda made her feel a rush of excitement and she wanted to lay that woman down and take her for a ride of her own between her thighs. It is thrilled that Addy never felt before and Miranda gave her just that by riding on her back to a collage.

"Queen Addy, we have arrived at Gravel you can get off of my back now." Miranda said sternly.

"Oh yes, sorry." Addy climbed down off of Miranda.

Addy walked around to face Miranda as she lightly touched Miranda's face.

"I hope you will be back later to come get me after my tour here." Addy said with lust.

"Queen Addy, that isn't necessary since Misses Celeste commands the schedule but I can meet you later on down at your loft, if you would like?" Miranda replied smiling down at Addy.

"That would be delightful. See you then." Addy responded kissing Miranda on the cheek.

Addy watched Miranda leave as Celeste tugged her along.

"Good to know vampire's have a charm on you, Addy." Celeste said.

"Oh, what?" Addy replied.

"Addy, are you okay? You didn't smell her, did you? Please tell me you didn't." Celeste responded looking firmly.

"I am fine, yes, I did smell her, she smelled like a lovely rose that would blossom early morning." Addy replied smiling.

"Addy, do not ever smell another vampire again. You will now have to lay with Miranda literally to appease her hormones that you now will be marking as her human." Celeste explained.

"What? No, I love Harley this can't be right." Addy responded freaking out.

"You done fucked that up now and she hasn't been gone a whole day even my sister knows not to smell them because of their pheromones." Celeste replied frustrated.

"I am sorry, Celeste, I am still learning the ropes of this whole thing." Addy responded feeling guilty.

"Anyways, let's head to the library these students aren't going to care about the next high reigning coming to visit not unless you have a speech to catch their attention but otherwise they will just think we are parents in for a visit." Celeste replied.

Addy and Celeste make their way into the college itself though it is so huge with castle like look that can catch your breath. Addy finds herself looking around the place as she follows Celeste to the next flight of stairs that lead to the library as the signs read. Upon reaching the library Addy saw Celeste turn around looking at her.

"I am going to tell you this once, do not disturb these students and watch in silence as they work." Celeste demanded.

Addy walked inside with Celeste as every student stood at attention then clapped their hands with praise. Addy smiled and waved like she has been guided to do as she walked through also shook hands of fellow young students who were very fond of her. A banner across the library read Welcome Queen's Harley and Addy to Gravel! Addy wiped a tear wishing Harley could see this celebration of them becoming queen's.

The day went on as casual with every student asking where Harley is and why is Addy by herself along with how they are adjusting to changes from reality though they run on human time to keep everything going as normal. Addy felt lost without Harley that whole day and it didn't get any easier when finally getting back to the loft, thankfully Miranda didn't show up to her place, she couldn't take being around someone else when she had no idea where Harley is or what is going on.

Addy got herself cleaned up from her daily errands with Celeste enjoying a hot shower to relax as she was about to get out of the shower, she heard the bathroom door open keeping her eyes close breathing heavily with hopes it is finally Harley, and as soon as the curtain swished open, Addy felt hands around her waist.

"I can't stay long baby but I have missed you, do not turn around and look at me. I want you to know I love you and keep our place safe. I am going to guide you out of here but keep you're eyes closed do not look at me not even a little." Harley whispered to Addy.

Addy nodded as she felt Harley guide her gently out of the shower, helping her dress, and then placing her in the bedroom on the bed with a gentle kiss to her lips. Addy heard the bathroom door close as she opened her eyes seeing their bedroom dark.

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