When Rory finished her lunch, she and Charlotte helped Esther and the pantry staffs to clear up the kitchen. Esther had, as always, tried to stop them, but they wouldn't listen.
"Cooking and cleaning are therapeutic." Charlotte said while wiping clean some crisp white porcelain plates. It looked like most, or maybe, all of the plates and vases in the mansion were white and made of porcelain. "I really find it soothing and calming to do."
Esther nodded in agreement. "Cooking is my life. I could spend all day in here and I wouldn't even realize it." She cast a quick look around the kitchen with a smile before gazing back at Charlotte, who had a smile on her face.
"Did you ever wish to become a chef one day?" Charlotte asked curiously. Esther's smile broadened before she answered.
Forgive author for poor update stability. We always make plans in life, but sometimes life doesn't go as planned. I hope you continue to support me through it all.
Thanks a lot!
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