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80.64% Shadow Slave: Possibilities Without Meaning / Chapter 75: Collective

Capítulo 75: Collective

With that one question, every eye in the hall was on Aldric. Looking at him with differing emotions.

Some filled with hope.

Some filled with suspicion.

Others filled with curiosity.

"I don't know."

The simple answer knocked the breath out of those that were hoping for something different.

Not a single soul spoke as they hoped that he would continue talking. Waiting for some revelation. 

"After defeating the creature that I was holding off, the spire was empty and broken. I made my way to the gateway thinking that everybody had left."

With that, all hope had left those that were desperately clinging to a sudden reveal. 

Many were not satisfied with what Aldric had to say, but none could voice it. How could they question the man that held the rear as they escaped to the waking world?

The Fallen killer.


No one was strong enough to impose their demands onto him, so with that, the conversation was over.

With that done, Instructor Rock continued his speech.


"Listen up!" 

A voice shouted across the hall. 

The reunion was reaching its ending point. Those that were close to each other in the Dark City formed close-knit groups. This was the main purpose of the reunion: to not lose any relations formed in the dream realm and to continue them in the waking world. 

Everyone looked at the figure who spoke out. 

Aldric and Cassie stood beside each other. 

While Cassie had not originally joined them in the reunion, Aldric had called her out for this moment. 

The seer was reluctant to show her face in front of a particular person, but she had to show up for this.

Those present were quiet. Respecting the authority and strength of Aldric. While he did not show himself as a leader, in the eyes of those present, he had accomplished more than enough to stand before them. They all knew of his accolades.

With Nephis gone, those that lacked independence were relying on some figure such as Aldric or Cassie to guide them.

This was not the case for everybody.

Many had received offers from legacy clans and took them.

After all, it would be ridiculous to not take all the resources offered in exchange for their loyalty when they would have risked their lives for a sliver of that in the Dark City. The scarcity mindset that had developed within them would not dissolve any time soon. 

"I'm sure that many of you have realised that being back in the waking world is not the paradise that you imagined back in the dream realm."

He spoke while addressing the entire crowd. Moving his eyes across the room.

"Rivalling legacy clans or the government. All competing to get a piece of the strongest group of awakened in history."

People focused on what he was saying. The long pauses, measured talking speed, and strong eye contact maintained their attention subconsciously.

His face suddenly hardened. Exuding passion and intent. 

"But they did not know of our existence yesterday when we were on that bloody battlefield or when we marched to the spire after burning down our last shelter."

His speech evoked many emotions from the cohort as they thought back to what they experienced. 

"We will be making an organisation of sorts. For the survivors of the Forgotten Shore."

Aldric spoke, getting to the heart of his speech. 

"For those that want to learn more about this, meet back here in one hour."


Kai, Effie, Sunny, and Aldric were sitting in the canteen as they ate. 

Catching up for the last time before they went their separate ways. 

It seemed that Cassie was missing.

"So what ability did you guys get?"

Sunny spoke as if sharing abilities was a regular occurrence. 

"I can see really far away. Through objects, illusions, and anything unclear."

Kai responded in good nature.

This reveal from Kai brought a round of teasing from Aldric and Effie. 

"Through clothes?"

Effie spoke.

"Wonder why the spell gave you that?"

Aldric said in a teasing voice. 

"Guys, stop it! I would never!"

Kai cried out in response to what they were hinting at. 

A voice interrupted the teasing.

"Short-range teleportation through shadows is what I got."

Sunny revealed. Hoping to speed the conversation along. 

"The perfect little scout."

Effie laughed as she mocked Sunny. 

Saving him from the hunter, Aldric revealed his. 

"I can give orders to my darkness."

While the description sounded confusing and vague, they could all imagine what he was describing in their minds.

'It kinda sounds like my dormant ability.'

Sunny subconsciously compared the two aspect abilities.

However, he could imagine how deadly Aldric would be if he could give commands to his darkness and make them move autonomously.

"That should expand your combat abilities, right?"

Kai spoke in a charismatic voice. Complimenting Aldric on his boon.

With a small smile, Aldric nodded to Nightingale. 

"Well, I can make my skin as hard as steel. Never getting gnawed on again."

Effie spoke as she remembered what it was like getting munched on when she got trampled on by a horde of nightmare creatures during the siege. 

A look of curiosity fell on Sunny's face.

"I wonder which rank memory could cut you."

He spoke, saying what was on his mind. 

"You shouldn't say that, Sunny."

Kai admonished the younger awakened. 

Effie gave him a dirty look in response.

"Go get me something to drink, no-name."

She insulted him. 

With no True Name, Sunny was the only one in their inner circle to not have one. However, both Sunny and Aldric knew better. So did Nephis and Cassie. 

Scowling in response, he did not offer a rebuttal.

Interrupting the flow of conversation, Sunny asked. 

"So what are you guys doing now?"

An air of silence met his question. 

"My agency has got me a place in Bastion. Away from all the fighting and dangers of the dream realm."

Kai spoke in a voice that contained hints of guilt. 

"Drop that tone, Kai. There is nothing wrong with living life like a person should."

Effie and Aldric showed expressions of agreement. 

"Please pardon my feeling of guilt. What about you, Sunny?"

"I'm going to be an independent. With the salary of a research assistant from the Academy and what I've made from reporting on the Forgotten Shore, I'm set. I haven't chosen a citadel yet."

Effie followed.

"Same. It's what you said earlier, Aldric. It doesn't sit well with me to join a legacy clan when they didn't care about me before. Besides, I would need their permission to challenge the second nightmare, which is something I can't wait on."

"So all you guys are independent? I'm with the government as of three hours ago."

Sunny, Kai, and Effie all had varying reactions. With Sunny showing an expression of disbelief. 

"You should have gotten offers from the great clans! Why choose the government?"

Remembering the life that Jet described, he wondered why Aldric would ever choose a life of subservience and low pay. 

Both Kai and Effie seemed to share the sentiment to a lesser degree. 

The reveal of Effie's offers made him wonder as to why he had not received anything from the legacy clans, but the point was moot since he had already made his choice. Though, he still had suspicions.

"I appreciate the concern, but only they could give me what I wanted. Besides, I negotiated for every credit I was worth."

Aldric spoke with a smirk.

It was not the place to disclose the exact dealings he had or the role that he would take within the government.

"I don't know which citadel I will be at though. I haven't chosen yet."

The group did not comment as they were in the same boat. 

"Hey Aldric. I was meaning to ask, what was that speech about?"

Effie asked the young man. 

Both Kai and Sunny looked at Aldric for his response. 

"It was an idea I got from Cassie. To build a collective for the dreamer army. It would be a waste for all of us to go our separate ways after going through so much together."

With them being part of the inner circle, it was pointless to invite them.

This response satisfied Effie and Kai, but Sunny knew that there was much more to what he said. Especially if Cassie was involved.

Kai spoke out after the brief silence. In an unsteady voice, he asked. 

"Why did you lie about the spire being empty when you used the gateway?"

The sudden question caught Aldric off guard. 

While he knew of Kai's flaw and often tried his best to be mindful of telling lies in serious moments, it was not something that he was always thinking about. 

As much as he respected Kai, he did not care if Kai knew that he lied when convenient to him.

Suddenly, a ring sounded from Aldric's communication device.

'Good luck, Sunny.'

"I think that Sunny could better help you answer that question."

Aldric deflected.

Turning the alarm off, he got up. 

"I have to go and meet those that were interested in what I was saying earlier. So this is it."

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

Sunny shouted.

Aldric ignored his question and said goodbye to the group.

"Here is my communication number. Keep in touch, and do invite me if you guys ever challenge the second nightmare."

He said as he looked at them.

"Don't be a stranger."

With that, he left. 

Kai and Effie looked at Sunny.

"So what did he mean by that, Sunny?"


Aldric stood in a large lecture theatre. 

They had found an empty lecture hall to meet in because the conference hall was too big and impersonal.

At the podium, Cassie stood beside him as they faced over a hundred sleepers seated before them. 

Taking the lead, Aldric spoke into the mic.

"Hello everyone, it's time we get this meeting started."


Thanks for reading. 

Anyone read the latest One Piece chapter? That reunion had me in tears. 

Till the next one. 






next chapter

Capítulo 76: Organisation

Looking around in the lecture theatre, Aldric counted just below one hundred people in their seats. 

While he could not anticipate how many people would arrive, the current attendance was more than enough for him and Cassie. 

All the awakened looked towards them with curiosity in their eyes. After all, they were in a very chaotic period of their life. Having just returned to the waking world, they could finally live beyond survival. But in this sudden explosion of choices, it was difficult to make one. 

So the least that they could do would be to listen to an opportunity presented to them. 

However, the rest that did not attend moved forward with their lives. People that were certain about their life goals. Whether to be a vassal of a legacy clan or open a shop in a major citadel. Perhaps even becoming an instructor. 

The number itself did not matter much to Aldric and Cassie. For what they had planned, quality was much more important than quantity.

"It's nice to see you all safe and sound."

Aldric started off. 

"Cassie will start us off with her offer."

Giving the blind girl the floor, Aldric stepped aside. 

Moving up to the podium with much more balance and confidence than a blind person could possess, Cassie spoke into the microphone.

In a soft voice, she began. 

"Nephis is still somewhere out there."

Her beginning ran a sombre chill through the room. 

"As we celebrate our return and think about our future, Nephis is all alone in that brutal hell."

While everyone looked downtrodden by the mention of their leader's fate, others seemed to express strong emotions at the mention. 

From faces of anger, looks of inadequacy, and visages of guilt. These were the people that felt most strongly about Nephis. 

"She was the first person to offer her hand to a blind girl that believed she was a walking corpse."

She revealed.

"She saved me."

She continued with small tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"Just like she saved us all from that hell."

Aldric could see a plethora of emotions that surfaced from the awakened at the mention of Nephis. 

"But she will return."

Cassie spoke out passionately. 

Shouts of agreement and cries of hope erupted in the hall. All the emotions that had harboured in the hearts of these awakened from all their traumas and experiences broke out of their cages. 

While there was a loud minority, it seemed that at least half of them agreed to differing extents of what was being said. 

"For those that are waiting for her return, for those that want to be under her banner again, please join me."

Cassie spoke out earnestly. 

Sheer determination and passion exuded from her face. It was unlike anything they had seen from the young woman before. 

In a key moment of history that would birth the formation of Changing Star's personal force, Cassie began to walk out of the lecture hall without turning back or saying a single word.

It was not long before the first awakened ran after her. One by one, like a wave, the awakened cascaded towards the exit as they chased what they were looking for.



An idol. 

From an outside perspective, this was crazy. 

This level of loyalty and passion for a woman that was not even in the same plane as them. It spoke words of her capabilities or her machinations.

But it was the look on their face as they exited the hall. 

Looks of longing. 

As if something precious had been taken from them and they were marching to get it back.

'How much of this is because of your aspect, Nephis?' 

The hall of just below one hundred had dwindled to a mere forty-seven. 

Examining those that remained, it was clear who they were. 

Those that were not enamoured by the Changing Star.

Those that could objectively look at the actions that she made from an outside perspective.

As Aldric looked around, he could see as to why this was the case.

They were made up of those that lived in the Bright Castle. 

The hunters, the few castle guards that survived, the artisans, and the independents.

Those that had left to follow Cassie were mostly made up of those that lived in the outer settlement. The first place that Nephis set her eyes on and that formed her militia as she dethroned Gunlaug.

The remaining awakened were those that fought on the other side of that war. The ones that had lost. 

The ones that could see through the ploy that Nephis schemed to have all the sleepers charge to the Crimson Spire.

So while they respected Nephis for her accomplishments, they could see her for the danger that she was. 

After all, humans were not that single-minded. 

Those were the ones that Aldric wanted.

He could see their calculating eyes on his figure as he stood back to the podium.

"For those that remain, I have an offer for you."

Aldric spoke into the mic.

This was not the time to mince words or to speak to their emotions. 

These were the most opportunistic and ambitious of the survivors. 

Opportunistic enough to see what this meeting was about and if it would benefit them, unlike those that did not attend, and ambitious enough to not swear themselves under Nephis. Someone who wasn't even with them.

"I am making a small organisation."

He began.

"Our purpose will not be to wait for someone else but to better ourselves and serve our best interests."

Aldric spoke, choosing his words carefully.

Hearing him speak to their individual needs and desires had many interested. Leaning forward in their seats. 

"Do you know what humanities greatest strength is?"

Aldric asked the small crowd. 

The switch to a question startled some people; however, the interruption in expectations focused their attention.

A brief silence emerged in the hall, no one willing to speak out.

Until a quiet and numb voice spoke out.

"The nightmare spell?"

A petite young woman was the origin of this voice. With short, straight hair that stopped at her shoulders. Sitting down, he could not see her height, but she did not look taller than the average woman. With black round eyes, she wore circular-rimmed glasses that contrasted against her sharp features. 

The unconventional answer stunned everyone. 

'I mean, you're not wrong, but that's a bit of a wild thing to say.'

Aldric thought. 

The answer might be correct for the past 50 years, but he was not looking for something so contemporary.

A burst of noise came from the crowd as they began to discuss what they heard to the people around them. From whispers to the person next to them to loud disagreements.

A voice was louder than most. 

"Humanities greatest strength is their intelligence."

A feminine voice spoke out. 

At a closer look, the origin of the voice was an androgynous figure. With a heart-shaped face and clear, pale skin, long blond hair fell from their head onto their shoulders. Being held in a bun with a few strands falling in front of their face. The disorganised hairstyle gave the person a natural look that complimented them.

Aldric could tell that the person was male even if his features screamed feminine.

The pair of grey eyes locked onto Aldric, as if daring him to disagree with what he said.


The awakened present digested what he said. Taking some moments to apply the answer to the question.

The quiet girl did not react to her answer not being mentioned, but the androgynous male looked incensed at being brushed off. 

"From hunter-gatherer tribes to agricultural societies. From villages to cities."

Aldric spoke.

"Every breakthrough and revolution was formed and made by those that came together. Isn't that what a legacy clan is?"

The question sparked some understanding in those present. 

While legacy clans were told to be noble families that worked for the interest of the people, critical thinking would blow that notion away. 

Now in their third generation, the clans have only lined their treasuries full with shards and memories. Ever expanding and claiming whole regions of the dream realm while holding monopolies over entire industries in the waking world. There is not a single pie that they don't have their hands in.

Which will only get worse with each generation. Resources flowing to the top while those that are without have nothing. 

Anyone with an ounce of potential will be consumed by them, restricting their potential and buying their allegiance.

The world now being an oligarchy where a small few rule over everyone else. 

Furthering his point, he continued.

"Let's be honest. The legacy clans will never see you as anything more than an asset. You will never form the bonds that you hope to, and everything you do will be for their sake. No matter how much you do for them, you will never truly be a part of them."

The abrupt and harsh comment made the room even more silent. Widened eyes met him as they did not expect such a heartless comment.

"The same goes if you work directly under the government, though I doubt many of you will choose that option."

No one could argue against his words.

"And becoming an independent may be the hardest route of them all if you want to be more than an awakened."

Aldric paused and looked at the crowd. He could see that the majority of people were interested in what he was saying, while there were a few that did seem to agree with his comments.

"For those that are not interested in a life beyond where you currently are, leave the room."

He said in a serious voice. 

While he might lose future members, he would rather not reveal his ideas to those that are not committed to anything beyond surviving.

Seven people hesitantly left the room. Leaving forty awakened remaining.

Aldric did not think about their reasons, nor did he care to. 

"This is not an organisation based on blood connections but one based on strength, merit, and bonds. It will give you the space and support to fight alongside those that you bonded with in the Forgotten Shore.

"It will give you a network of awakened across the reaches of the dream realm."

Aldric focused on making the offer feel worthwhile and valuable.

While what he offered was interesting and was a great opportunity, there were many questions to be asked. 

"What would I gain from joining this organisation?"

A masculine voice spoke out. 

A man with spiky black hair spoke out. Scrutinising Aldric with his eyes.

Aldric began answering.

"I don't have connections to any legacy clans. After arriving back in the waking world, all I have are the bonds I formed during the time we spent in the Forgotten Shore, and I'm sure it is the same for everyone here."

Aldric now looked directly at the man.

"It is a network. The same way that you were glad to have found the Bright Castle after arriving in the Dark City, I want to form something similar here."

The man nodded, seemingly satisfied by the answer. 

Looking around, Aldric could see more hands raise.

'I guess it's question time.'


Thanks for reading. 

What exactly is this organisation? How does Aldric seem to benefit?

Anyone up to date for shadow slave? Crazy past chapters.

Till the next one. 










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