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100% Shadow Monarch In Fate Grand Order / Chapter 12: 12. End of Singularity 1

Capítulo 12: 12. End of Singularity 1

(Ritsuka fujimaru pov)

"Master, I know she's our enemy, but you're bullying her," Tamamo admonished me.

Seeing their serious faces, I realized I should take it easy. They were weak servants. The mastermind didn't think I was strong, so he made sure to keep weak servants.

So, that demon lord underestimated me. Fine, that's good then. It's funny to think that the Beast I, the evil of humanity, forgot this moral code: you should never underestimate your opponent.

This will become his downfall.

He had some guts to think like this for a mass murder. Even the idiot Eren Yeager didn't do mistakes like you when facing enemies.

I canceled my dragon shadow soldiers. Everyone was surprised to see this.

"I'm just kidding. I won't bully anyone. My friends are enough to take care of you, lady," I said.

"You bastard, I will burn you," Jeanne Alter said angrily.

Jeanne stepped in front of me and addressed her evil version.

"Are you really me? I don't understand why you would destroy France? I can't even imagine it! I ask you again. Are you really 'me'?" Jeanne questioned.

"I'm shocked! I didn't think you were this slow. This country betrayed me and spat on me. That's why I'm destroying it. Even a child would understand it's what's normal, right? I will remake France into a country of nothing but silent corpses. That's who I am. The salvation of the new Jeanne d'Arc," Jeanne Alter declared with a sadistic smile. "Now then, question time's over. Die here, country girl. And take those rats along with you."

Hearing Jeanne Alter's words made Jeanne realize her doubts. She remembered Elizabeth and Marie's words when they talked with her after meeting them.

"Saint Jeanne, I feel very lucky to fight alongside you. But I don't understand why you have a dark side servant. It's impossible because I hate 10% of France because they killed my children, so I have 10% hate in me. But you are not like me. You don't have any dark side or evil ideas in you. I think you should talk with your evil servant and understand her and make a decision," Jeanne remembered Marie's words.

"Saint, talk with your evil servant and say what you want to say," Jeanne remembered Elizabeth's words.

"I see, I understand now. I feel as though I'm really blessed. I'm quite thankful to meet wonderful people. And thanks to that, I'm certain about a few things," Jeanne said.

"What?" Jeanne Alter asked.

"I thought to defeat you, but I didn't know what emotions I should face you with," Jeanne explained.

"How weak-" Jeanne Alter's words were interpreted by Jeanne again.

"But I know now. I'm me, and you are you," Jeanne declared.

"What nonsense, I'm real-" Jeanne Alter's words were interpreted by Jeanne again.

"Dragon Witch, La Charité. That town where you attacked now. Do you know who it was that you tried to kill there?" Jeanne asked, her voice tinged with emotion as she remembered her mother whom she had met a few hours back.

Seeing Jeanne's sentimental face, Jeanne Alter didn't understand what she meant.

"What do you mean?" Jeanne Alter said, her confusion evident.

Hearing this, I understood that the evil Jeanne either didn't remember her mother's face or she wasn't Jeanne in the first place. She was a faker. What a plot twist, but not impressive to me.

Then Jeanne came to an understanding, and she looked at Jeanne Alter with pity, not anger or seriousness.

"So, I was right, Dragon Witch. I will defeat you. However, that will not be out of anger, nor rejection, least of all, out of hatred," Jeanne declared as she took her weapon and looked into Jeanne Alter's eyes. "I shall defeat you out of pity."

Jeanne Alter felt her heart beat faster, a small fear creeping in.

"Kill everyone. I'm the original," Jeanne Alter commanded.

Then her wyverns and her servants—Berserker: Berserk Saber, Berserk Archer, Berserk Lancer, Berserk Rider, and Berserk Assassin and last her dragan—all of them attacked.

"I see she chose to fight till the end. What a fool," Artoria Alter said, because she and Jeanne understood Jeanne Alter's intentions.

"Kill them all, it's an order," I said to my servants and Beru, Igris.

"Yes, my Liege," "Yes, Master," they all responded simultaneously.

Artoria Alter began to fight Fafnir, while Igris engaged Berserk Saber, Berserk Archer, and Berserk Lancer. Elizabeth fought against her future version, while Marie, Mozart, and Kiyohime faced off against Berserk Rider. Beru started to massacre all the wyverns, and lastly, Jeanne fought against her fake evil version.

And lastly Tusk giving buffs to everyone on battlefield.

I started to supply them with enough mana so they could use their skills and Noble Phantasms without trouble.

Kiyohime approached me before joining the battle and said, "I think it's my turn. While I was unable to meet with my lover, I did make some friends. I gained a lot in this summoning," with a small smile.

"Yeah, I think that's a positive way of thinking, Kiyohime," I replied, observing her shorter stature than I had imagined.

'I have found a man who interests me. But if he sees what I look like next, then I'm sure he'll be disillusioned. Oh well, there's nothing to be done about it now,' Kiyohime thought, giving a small sad smile and avoiding eye contact with me.

I couldn't quite grasp what was going through her mind or why she was giving such expressions.

While Tamamo behind me understood her expression very well. And she also understand I was dumb in relationships while looking at my face.

Kiyohime then turned her head towards the Berserk Rider, her eyes filled with confidence.

"I will now exterminate the runaway liar," she declared as the mana within her started to react.

Suddenly, she began to transform into fire slowly.

{Samadi Tenshin through Transforming Flames

Kashou Zanmai!}

She turned into a flame dragon.

"Wow, cool," I exclaimed, admiring her transformed appearance. I had always liked dragons, but it was my first time seeing a flaming dragon up close. After all I'm a Pokemon fan.

Jeanne Alter, who was fighting with Jeanne, witnessed her servants helplessly dying against my friends. Then, suddenly, Artoria Alter used her Noble Phantasm and killed her dragon, Fafnir.

"Impossible!" Jeanne Alter screamed at the sight of her dragon's death.

Then, Jeanne stabbed Jeanne Alter with her weapon, causing blood to spill from her body and mouth.

"Fafnir has been defeated!? How?" Jeanne Alter exclaimed.

"This is the end, Dragon Witch. In this moment, you have been defeated," Jeanne declared.

"You're wrong! I can still-- Gilles, huh, okay," suddenly she disappeared from that place.

"What?" Jeanne exclaimed, shocked.

I approached her and said, "Jeanne, do you know who caused this Singularity?"

She nodded her head with a sad expression.

"It turns out that she wasn't me. She wasn't Jeanne d'Arc. She didn't remember Mother's face. If she was my dark side, that wouldn't have been something she forgot. Memories of happiness are the reason humans feel hatred. However, she held nothing but hatred. Even for a Heroic Spirit, that's unnatural."

Then I understood that someone wished for the Holy Grail to bring a fictional character to reality. The fictional character is Evil Jeanne.

"If she wasn't another side of me, then why was she born? And where did she gain the power to control a dragon? It all converges to a single answer. The 'Dragon Witch' herself is the 'Holy Grail'. A certain man wished upon the Grail to create her his own 'saint'," Jeanne concluded.

But who did that?

"We will meet them. Let's teleport to their location," I said to her.

"It's GILLES DE RAIS, he is the one who caused this Singularity" she said finally revealed the truth.


(Caster Gilles castle)

Jeanne Alter appeared on her throne, visibly exhausted. Gilles approached her, concern evident on his face.

"You're tired, aren't you, Jeanne. Please rest for a while," he said.

"I can't... I haven't destroyed France yet..." Her eyes didn't focus clearly as she spoke.

"I'll take on that mission. Leave everything to me. You can sleep for a while. I'll have finished everything off by the time you wake up," he said, his gentle smile contrasting with the horror in his expression.

"Yeah, I can leave it to you," she said weakly.

Then Jeanne Alter transformed into the Holy Grail itself, and Caster Gilles took it in his hand.


(Ritsuka fujimaru pov)

"Let's go over the situation. With Fafnir and the Dragon Witch defeated, the wyverns are destroyed by Shadow Soldier Beru," Romani informed us.

I nodded in agreement.

"Then our last mission is to defeat Gilles de Rais," Olga stated.

Jeanne seemed lost in her thoughts.

"Is he on your mind? Gilles de Rais," Kiyohime asked Jeanne.

"No, it's nothing," Jeanne tried to deflect.

"That's a lie. I know when a person is lying," Kiyohime insisted, with Marie standing behind her.

"I want to hear it as well. I want to know about my enemy before facing. I won't underestimate the opponents I will face," I said, surprising everyone with my decision.


"But keep it to twenty words or less," I added, wanting a concise explanation.

"Why would a person who's trying to protect France now try to destroy it after becoming a Servant?" I questioned, feeling bored with the idea of simply facing an enemy without understanding their motives.

Jeanne was surprised at my words.

"I believed it was a Heroic Spirit's role to support the living, but you're a person who lends their shoulder to the dead," she said with a smile.

"Yes, Miss Saint, my Liege is Shadow Monarch, the greatest Ruler," Beru interjected.

"Beru," I said to him.

"I'm sorry, my Liege," he apologized with a crestfallen expression. Our interaction brought smiles to everyone's faces.

"Miss Jeanne," I addressed her.

"It's nothing, this might take a while," she replied.

Then she began to explain what happened after death and how it led Gilles to become what he is today.

He kidnapped many innocent children and killed them as if they were animals. Now I understand him to some extent; the world hurt him, and in return, he sought to hurt the world by inflicting the same pain he felt when Jeanne was burned to death in the fire. Her death drove Gilles de Rais to insanity, leading him to turn his back on God, practice black magic, and commit atrocities before he was captured and hanged.

People watched her death without intervening, and this is why Gilles seeks to destroy this place, which Jeanne loved so much.

"Jeanne, let's go and stop him," I said, creating a portal.

"Let's go," I declared, looking at my servants. Then we stepped through the portal.

We came to a castle through the portal.

"We've arrived at Gilles de Rais' castle," Tamamo announced, observing the massive structure.

"I can confirm the super-high density magical energy reaction. The Grail must be there," Romani reported, studying the readings on the screen.

"Regardless of the Dragon Witch's defeat... it seems your hunch was right, Jeanne," Artoria Alter remarked to her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. And it's been a while, hasn't it, Jeanne d'Arc," a voice echoed, revealing Caster Gilles.

"Gilles," Jeanne acknowledged.

"I was the first Servant summoned into this country. And I am going to destroy this place," he declared.

"Even until the end, you used the Dragon Witch as bait to lure us here," Jeanne accused.

"Oh... hearing those words from my saint... it pierces deeply into my heart. However, after I eradicate you, she will surely appear before me again!" he exclaimed with an evil smile.

Suddenly, octopus-like tentacles emerged from the ground and wrapped around him, growing huge.

"I do not use dragons; those belong to my saint. The means of her revenge! Therefore, you will face my Noble Phantasm, this demon from the underworld," he declared as the tentacles expanded from the ground.

"Gilles," Jeanne uttered with a sad expression.

"Don't worry, Jeanne. However, if you don't get in my way, we have no need to fight. What do you say? We can destroy--"

"Gilles, from the beginning, you tried to resurrect me. That's right, isn't it?" she interjected.

"Of course, I have no wish other than that," he confirmed.

"If that's the case, then you're wrong!! Gilles! Even if you had resurrected me, I would have never become the 'Dragon Witch.' Yes, I was betrayed! I was ridiculed! But I would never resent my homeland, I could never hate it! Because all of you were in this country. Please, just stop this already, Gilles. I don't want this!" Jeanne pleaded tearfully, recalling her final moments when she was alive.

Beru moved by her words. He liked her story and her personality. He watched the show infront of him. Because he likes old historical shows.

"Jeanne, what kindness your words are too kind," Gilles remarked, seemingly moved by her words. However, his next words shattered her hopes.

"Jeanne, you and that fake god can forgive France, but I won't," he declared, swiping the tentacles and destroying the entire castle on the spot.

As he remembered Jeanne's death, his anguish and resentment overflowed.


He recalled reaching out to save Jeanne, but his efforts were futile. No one came to her rescue.

"THE KING, THIS COUNTRY, I'LL DESTROY THEM! I'LL KILL THEM! THIS IS WHAT I ENTRUSTED TO THE GRAIL! THAT'S MY WISH!" he screamed, blood streaming from his eyes, consumed by his desire for vengeance.

With Gilles merging with the monstrous entity before them, Jeanne persisted in her efforts to reach him, burdened by the weight of the situation. As her master, I felt compelled to intervene, knowing the toll it was taking on her.

"Jeanne, let me handle this," I offered, sensing her confusion.

"Master, but this is our—" she began, unsure of my intentions.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm your master. I can't let you carry the burden alone," I reassured her with a smile, determined to support her in any way I could.


"You talk too much for a donkey face. I will rip you into 1000 pieces, fry you, and eat you with salt," Beru threatened, his killing intent palpable. Gilles was shocked by Beru's fierce demeanor.

As I observed Gilles, I began to understand somewhat how he feels. In my past life, I read many revenge stories—a popular category. Many people liked it.

"I DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE WRONG," I said, my hair swaying with the breeze, partially covering my eyes.

"What?" "Master?" "Idiot!" "Fujimaru!" "Oh!" Everyone was shocked to their core and shouted at me, even Gilles was taken aback.

Except for Igris, because he knows what type of person I am. He already knows what my next words will be.

"I see. Then die in my hands. I will kill you painlessly," Gilles said, his anger evident.

"Of course not! We're going to stop you. Because I'm Jeanne's master, I'm telling you this, in her place," I declared firmly.

Jeanne's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at me, her cheeks turning red with emotion.

"GILLES DE RAIS. IT'S NATURAL THAT YOU WOULD HATE THIS WORLD. Killing that person who caused Jeanne's suffering, and those who failed to save her, may feel justified to you. But destroying humanity and the world is going too far. You've become a terrorist on the path you've chosen," I declared firmly, facing the colossal titan-sized Gilles.

"DIE, BASTARD!" he roared, launching his tentacles at us in a frenzied attack.

"Igris!" I called out.

Understanding my intentions, Igris grasped his long demon sword tightly.

With determination in his eyes, he raised the sword high, preparing to unleash his first Noble Phantasm. Lightning crackled around his body and his blade, ready to strike.

{{I'm the knight, the sword of my Liege, one of wings of bright Star.

Judgement Slash}}

The colossal form of Gilles de Rais was no match for the power of Igris's Noble Phantasm. With a mighty swing of his sword, the slash cleaved through Gilles's titanic body, cutting him cleanly in half.

Igris Noble phantasm is anti world type. Due to fighting for Eons of Years made him became strong like this. His Noble phantasm removes all buffs and stun the single target, then attack a single slash. This attack strong enough to cut the space and the world itself. But Igris reduce its Power lower to not to cause any damage to earth ozone layer and earth. His Noble phantasm stops all regeneration or other buffs, if the attack successfully landed on the target and Due to fusing 'The concept of death' into the attack the opponent will die on the spot.

The shockwave of Igris's attack reverberated through the battlefield, leaving everyone in the Chaldea control room speechless as they witnessed the incredible display of power. Their mouths hung agape as they stared in disbelief at the scene unfolding before them on the monitors.

"Nonononono, how... it can't end like this," Gilles was shocked as his body was severed in half.

What startled him even more was his inability to regenerate his body, even with the power of the Holy Grail.

As his body fell to the ground, I approached him and spoke,

"Do you remember the faces of the victims you killed?"

With a cold stare and a purple glow emanating from my eyes, I continued, "You're even worse than sadistic killers. There's no way I'll let you win."

With those words, he began to disappear.

[Level up]

[Level up]

2 levels good

Then I spotted the Holy Grail and seized it with my bare hands.

"Thank goodness it's over," Romani remarked upon seeing the Grail in my grasp.

Unbeknownst to Ritsuka Fujimaru, the Jeanne Alter created by the Grail had entered his mind, establishing a temporary connection with his command spells. Due to his weakened state, he remained unaware of it.

The tale of Jeanne Alter may unfold another time.

"Gilles... The past cannot be reversed, but I can still pray for the salvation of your soul," Jeanne began to pray for him. Afterward, I opened a portal.

We then journeyed to meet the servants who would soon disappear due to the Singularity's resolution.

"Little puppy, I thought you'd forget us," Elizabeth said, with Kiyohime beside her.

"Master from the future, I don't know much about you, but I know you weren't a bad person. I hope your path is filled with happiness. I hope we meet again," Marie said before disappearing first.

"Well, with the enemies gone, our job's done here," Elizabeth remarked.

"I understand. Since you've fulfilled your duty given by human order, it's time for you to depart. Allowing a Heroic Spirit to remain too long could lead to chaos," Romani explained.

"Exactly," she agreed, turning to me with a cheerful smile.

"Well, that's how it goes. Though I'll be gone, let's team up again if fate allows it! And as for you, you've worked tirelessly, so I'll affectionately call you 'Little Puppy' from now on!" She said before fading away.

I couldn't quite grasp the logic behind being called a puppy, but I pondered it nonetheless.

"She is gone"

"That dragon girl really is an idiot. Meeting the same person twice in a Holy Grail War is nearly impossible. I'll be taking my leave as well. Yes, I'm sure we'll never meet again. But it's a shame that you had to see such an ugly sight in the end," Kiyohime said with a smile.

"Ugly what?" I asked her.

"Come on, my Noble Phantasm. Don't make me spell it out!" She said.

"Huh, but it looked really cool! Right, Fou and Beru?" I said.

"Yes, my Liege," Beru said, and Fou agreed.

'There's no way that form could look cool. But unfortunately, I can tell when people are lying,' she thought with a fake smile, but suddenly she stopped.

Her whole face became red and cute because she found out Ritsuka Fujimaru liked her Noble Phantasm.

He didn't lie to her.

She found her husband now.

"Sti-stick out your pinky finger," Kiyohime said to me with a red face.

"Hm? Pinky like this?" Then she gave a pinky promise and disappeared.

And Tamamo saw everything, grabbing her chin in thought.

'Another girl became a rival to me. But it's not like I like Master, but I feel uneasy in my heart. I should protect Master from yanderes like her,' Tamamo thought.

"Hey Fujimaru, when you part ways with someone, a smile is what's most important. Got it?" Mozart said.

"Yes," I smiled at him.

"Good, I worked hard, now my butt hurts anyway. Bye!" With that, he disappeared. He is an interesting person I have met in my life.

Then Jeanne came to me.

"I understood what is going to happen for this singularity. It will disappear. I'm glad my mother didn't die. But I can't see her again. We shouldn't be too serious. Let's part ways smiling!" She then hugged me tightly.

"What?" I was surprised, but I wasn't against her. I returned her hug.

"And I've got a feeling that I'll meet you again. My hunches are pretty spot on, you know?" She smiled beautifully and disappeared. Any person would have fallen for her at that time if they saw her. And I too, but I shook my head. Now love is not important when war is going on, I thought.

Tamamo grabbed her hands and placed her hands on her chest.

'Another girl added now,' she thought.

"Doctor, let's go to another Singularity. Prepare the Rayshift," I said to him. I wanted to level up.

[A/N: Ritsuka this is not dungeon raid it is Singularity, don't treat them same]

"Wait, what did you say? No, no, we just completed a Singularity now. We can't take risks," he said.

"Yes, we should take a week's rest," Olga said.

"Sorry. Hey, Tamamo and Alter, can you guys move?"

"Yes, master," they said.

My shadow informed me of the next Singularity's coordinates, and I used my Rayshift ability to shift to another Singularity. Then we all went to another place.

"Fujimaru, don't throw us into another thriller show again. Say something before you do anything," Romani said.



Guys I'm going to skip next Singularity. (Second Singularity Eternal Madness Empire: Septem) . Because it's damn boring. Not only that I also planning to skip Third Singularity Sealed Ends of the Four Seas: Okeanos and Fourth Singularity The Mist City: London.

I mean they are boring as hell. I can't write a story which is not good enough for me.

And (°^°) God I got Morgan NP 2 with 60 sq. I think My wife morgan loves me so much, she came to my Chaldea so early without wasting my sq. Next for Caster Artoria. Best of luck for everyone who is rolling for her.

And please support me with giving power stone's to the novel.

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