[There will be a lot of major players entering the scene in this chap!
One would think this turned into a Chuthulu dating sim...you know, with a yandere that doesn't allow you to take your eyes off her and a cold-blooded chuuni edgelord going all 'I hate the world' as the main protags?
You would find SCP-173 surprisingly charming as an artistic interior of your room if you didn't have the need to blink, or if you were literally indestructible. I fit both criteria.
With a spin of my reclining chair, I faced my favorite sculpture as it tried to snap my neck- and failed to -for the 999 millionth time.
"Say, SCP-173. Do you fancy a stroll in the busy streets of Babylonia? I hear Uruk now bears a demigod king of its own; 'the one who shall bring the heaven and earth together' or whatever they claim. I want to know if he can protect his people from the terrors lurking in the dark."
The sculpture said nothing. It stood motionless with its stone body lifeless and its wire arms rigid. Only its eyes betrayed its innate intelligence.
With a snort, I relaxed and closed my eyes. Something touched my neck, and my body was blasted off my chair and hammered into the reinforced wall.
"Real mature there, SCP-173. Really mature."
With a groan, I pulled myself out of the wall and cracked my neck. While I did use 'Preservation' on the Foundation itself, I didn't use it on every bit of the facility, including some of the containment cells. It was an attempt at making the containment breaches more realistic, but it had its downfalls.
Like how it could be damaged by me getting thrown around as some glorified chew toy. Or was it a stress-relief ball?
I let out a small sigh as SCP-173 tackled me from behind and sent me flying into the opposite wall. My little sculpture was getting restless. Maybe it was indeed time for some action...
Gilgamesh. A hero so famous even I knew. Oh...the fun!
The sound of something breaking apart caught my attention. I blinked, then smiled. Ah, yes. I had almost forgotten the Sculpture could do that. A neat little trick, and a very deadly one if you take into account the characteristics of SCP-173.
With another blink, the sculptures disappeared from the room, presumably through the giant hole it has just opened through the walls.
An alarm started blaring as the gates around the cell blocks began to close, even though it was already too late. SCP-173 was already gone.
A containment breach had occurred in the C-053 department that was located directly underneath the Babylonian city named Uruk, and all hell was about to be set loose.
I tapped my watch and a holographic map appeared in front of my face, indicating the markers I'd set on SCP-173. Markers that were quickly multiplying by the second. I tapped my earpiece.
"Send a message to Alpha-1'Red Right Hand'. I want them to elect a four-man squad as commanders for 4 groups of 25. 5 groups of twelve selected from Epsilon-11 'Nine-Tailed Fox' are to contain the SCP-173 that remains in the facility. Only 104 personnel in total are to be despatched for SCP-173's containment. The rest of the Red Right Hand are to stand back."
"Affirmative. We shall immediately proceed. Are the rest of the Red Right Hand to stand in as 'observation squads' should the situation go out of control, sir? "
"Do as you see fit. The Samsara shall keep in touch with you if other procedures are deemed necessary. I shall enter the breached zone, code name 'Uruk'. No personnel is needed for my escort."
"...Samsara agent Τ-5 Iranku had already appointed T-5 Nanku as your escort, sir. Shall I call her off as your direct orders?"
"...No, send her in. It would not be much of a difference anyway."
"Affirmative. Iranku also sent you another message that is the following; 'Bon Voyage'."
"Tell him that he'll be 'working overtime' for the next 48 hours. You are dismissed."
Mobile Task Force Alpha-1, codename: Red Right Hand', is a task force that reports directly to the O5 Council and is deployed in situations that require the strictest operational security. The task force consists of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives, and a majority of information regarding MTF Alpha-1 is of Level 5 classification.
They are the only task force either than Samsara that is capable of containing SCPs in a massive genocide scenario, such as the infiltration of SCP-173 into a city population. Better than Shy Guy, though that's saying something if it's comparable to that kind of dire situation.
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, codename: 'Nine-Tailed Fox', is a task force that handles internal security for the SCP Foundation, under oversight by MTF Alpha-1. Most of their operations are classified, as they are special ops forces deployed to Foundation Sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent or ongoing.
As of right now, in the sense that the risk is multiplying. Again, quite literally.
...Come to think of it, the Immortal Reptile was still contained in the same block as SCP-173. He would be utterly terrified if he caught wind of its nemesis' escape. Hmm...
My earpiece crackled with static right before a panicked voice broke in.
"Urgent Report! One of SCP-173s' interference allowed SCP-682 'Hard To Destroy Reptile' to break free from its cell! I repeat, SCP-682 has escaped! It is now in a frenzy-induced rampage state, likely caused by SCP-173's existence! O5-1 sir, what are your orders!?"
Well, well, well...my dear SCPs do know how to read the room...
"Triple...no, double the task forces from Nine-Tailed Fox. The Red Right Hand is to proceed as prior orders."
The sound of crunching and a furious roar rang through the speakers, and the earpiece fell silent. I promptly switched the channel and repeated my orders. I shrugged.
It wasn't as if the agents were indestructible, not even the Red Right Hand. Samsara was the only exception, not the norm.
'Nanku, ready for departure, sir. I am by your door.'
The voice entered my mind like a refreshing dip in cold water. As always, Nanku was diligent, faithful, and oh so eager to please.
"Indeed. Let us proceed. Operation 'Uruk City', commence."
I knew the Nine-Tailed Fox had enough men to suppress the SCP-173s within the facility, though I was also aware of the fact that my appointed numbers were not enough to contain both SCP-173 and SCP-682. The Reptile would most certainly manage to escape...and then...
I smiled. The fun had just begun.
Why do I get the feeling our MC is a villain straight out of a cosmic horror...? Hmm...
Anyways, there we have it! Our favorite yandere sculpture-chan and biohazard resident evil reptile-kun. Gil mah boi...you're in for hell of a ride...
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