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26.66% Scar | Teen Wolf / Chapter 12: Co-Captain

Capítulo 12: Co-Captain

Once Stiles and Scarlett realized that the two Hale's were gone they quickly made their way to his jeep. The two teens rushed to the school to try and find Scott as soon as possible and warn him about who the Alpha is.

After fifteen long minutes they finally made it to the school. They rushed to the lacrosse field to see it empty. They then made their way inside and to the boys locker room hoping to find Scott and Scarlett praying that Nate was long gone.

Stiles and Scar both crashed through the door, one after the other. Quickly turning the corner they see Scott slumped on the bench. "Dude. We have a huge problem." Stiles says.

"Trust me, I know." is all Scott replies.


The next morning Scarlett wakes up to the sound of her alarm and tears rolling down her face. She can't remember her dream but when she looks at her phone she sees some unread messages from Nate.

Scar feels the urge to cry again but quickly blinks the tears away, "he does not deserve my tears." She whispers to herself. She takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes as she makes her way to her bathroom.

After showering and getting ready for the day she heads downstairs wanting to grab something to eat. As Scar grabs an apple, her phone goes off indicating a text. Checking the message, she sees that Lydia texted the group chat with Allison and her to ask if they could go shopping

Before Scar could answer, Allison said sure but she needed to stop and make an errand beforehand. Lydia and Scar both agreed and Allison said she would pick the two girls up.

Allison picked up Lydia first, followed by Scar. Once all three teens were together, they headed to the woods. It was freezing out but Scar was happy for the distraction.

"Allison, when you said you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping, a five mile hike in the woods wasn't what I was expecting." Lydia complains, shivering as she walks next to her best friend.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't mind but I really wish I wasn't in heels." Scar agrees with Lydia, tugging her jacket closer to her body to keep out the cold.

"It won't take long." Allison quickly replies.

"Can you at least tell us what we're doing?" Lydia asks.

"You'll see." Allison then shifts the black bag on her shoulder. She walks slightly ahead of Lydia and Scarlett. "Before I forget, Lydia, I wanted to ask if you're okay with something."

"I'll say yes to anything if it includes getting out of here."

"Jackson asked me to go to the winter formal with him."

Scar immediately rolls her eyes knowing that Jackson asked to get on Scott's nerves. Lydia blinks, not letting her emotions show. "Did he?" Lydia asks.

"Just as friends. But I wanted to see if you were okay with it first."

Lydia smiles, "Sure. As long as it's just friends."

"Well, yeah. It's not like I'm going to take him under the bleachers during lacrosse practice and start making out with him." Scar's mouth falls open, she never realized that Allison knew about that considering she never told her, even though as Allison's friend she probably should have.

Lydia looks shocked too, then starts talking, wanting to defend herself, "Oh. Um, about that..." She trails off as Allison drops her bag and unzips it.

"We should be good here. It's isolated enough."

Lydia looks at Scar with wide eyes causing the other girl to shrug, unsure what to say to end the awkward silence between the group. Looking down into the bag they see a bow and quiver of arrows. Lydia once again looks at Scar then looks back at Allison, nervously laughing.

Allison reaches into her bag pulling out an arrow. She twists the arrow head off and replaces it with something else. "What's that do?" Scarlett asks, looking on with curiosity.

"We're about to find out."

She takes a firing position in front of a target pegged to a tree in the distance. Lydia and Scar stand behind her watching. Once Allison lets the bolt go, it quickly reaches the target. The arrow explodes against the tree with a bright flash of light.

The girls quickly blink their eyes as Lydia gasps, "What the hell was that?"

Allison lowers the bow, still staring at the tree, "I don't know."

Scarlett gulps making sure neither girl sees her trying to calm her racing heart beat. Scarlett recognizes the weapon as a flash bolt. She knows this because Scott told her about them. Allison having the weapon can only mean she is one step closer to finding out about werewolves.

Allison moves to take the target off the tree. When she comes back Lydia speaks, "Well, that was fun. Any other lethal weapons you want to try out?"

Scarlett smirks but it quickly goes away when she hears something not too far away from them. Allison seems to hear it too because she cocks her head to the side trying to pinpoint the noise. Then a moment later, Lydia hears the noise too. All three girls snap their heads in the direction of the sound.

"What was that?" Lydia asks.

Scarlett speaks over the question, "We should probably head back to the car."

But Allison ignores her, "Hold this." She hands the bow to Lydia.

"What? Why?" Lydia asks, holding the weapon like she might shoot her eye out.

"I thought I heard something."

"So what? Let's just go back to the car. It's probably an animal, and we're both freezing." Scarlett says trying to talk Allison out of checking out the noise like she knows she wants to.

"I want to go check it out." Allison insists.

"What if it's something dangerous?" Lydia asks, looking wide eyed at the Argent girl.

"Shoot it." She answers, nodding towards the bow still in Lydia's hands. Allison takes off before either of the other two can protest anymore. Lydia then looks down at the bow in her hands and quickly shoves it into Scarlett's arms, no longer wanting to hold the weapon.

The minute Allison was out of hearing distance Scarlett turns to Lydia, "How did she know you kissed Scott?"

Lydia looked helpless as she shrugged in response, "I was hoping you would know." Scar pulls her lips together and shakes her head. "What if she hates me now?"

"Everyone makes mistakes, Lyds. She said yes to hanging out today. I doubt she hates you. Plus you're still getting used to having another good friend around."

"I have plenty of friends."

"Sure, we both do. But she's our first friend that we can actually trust beside each other."

Lydia opened her mouth to speak again but quickly shut it when she saw Allison making her way back towards them. "Finally, can we go? My fingers are completely numb from the cold and look at you," Lydia gestures to Allison, "Your eyes are tearing up all over the place."

Allison quickly wipes at the tears grabbing her bag and bow. They quickly start heading back towards the car.


When Scarlett gets back home, she sits at the kitchen table picking at the food on her plate. Her mom finally notices her distant look, "Hey," She says quietly, gaining her daughter's attention. Scarlett looks up at her with wide eyes, "Are you alright?"

Scar drops her fork, "Not really." She takes a breath then starts talking, "I caught Nate kissing another girl. I broke up with him."

"Oh Scarlett, I'm so sorry." She frowns and gives her hand a squeeze. "He doesn't deserve you. You are amazing and he is so stupid for not realizing that. You deserve the world, my beautiful daughter, and someday you will find that."

Scarlett sadly smiles, "I know. I just really thought he was the one mom. And I'm so confused." Scar groans before continuing, "Part of me is so angry that he cheated on me, like how can someone do that? If you weren't happy in the relationship just break up!"

She runs her hand through her hair then starts speaking again, "The other part of me is just really sad. Was I not good enough? Did I do something to deserve this?"

"Sweetheart, of course you didn't."

"But that's the thing mom. I know I haven't been giving him as much attention recently."

Melissa interrupts Scar, "Nate is a big boy, Scarlett. If he was feeling upset about you doing other things he should have talked to you rather than cheat. Cheating is never okay, no matter the situation."

Scar nods and bits her lip as her mom continues, "It's alright that you are feeling both pissed and sad. You have every right to feel that. You should be angry that he did that to you. And though I wish you wouldn't be sad over it, because trust me he does not deserve your tears, I understand why you are sad. Nate was your first love. But he will not be your last."

"Thanks mom," Scar whispers, quickly raising her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. Melissa pulls Scarlett into a tight hug, only breaking away when they hear a knock on the door.

The older woman gets up to see Allison on the other side, "Hi Mrs. McCall, is Scott here?"

Melissa smiles, "He's in his room." She moves out of the way to let her inside. Allison smiles at her friend, still sitting at the table, then makes her way upstairs.

When Allison was upstairs Scarlett looks at her mom, "Thanks again for listening."

"Anytime Scarlett." The teenager was about to head up to her room but instead her mom stops her, "I could actually use your help with something."

Scarlett cocks her head, waiting for her to continue, "I have a date tonight. Could you help me get ready." 

Scar brightly smiles, her mind completely distracted from their previous conversation, "Of course!"


The mother and daughter duo make their way to Scott's room to let him know that she is going out, "Scott! I'm going to be coming home late tonight!" Melissa yells before making it to his door and opening it.

Scott looks shocked at their moms attire. "What's wrong? The hair? Makeup?" Melissa quickly panics.

"Stop!" Scarlett instantly scolds, "Do you really think I would make you look bad?"

"Nothing is wrong, mom. You look beautiful." Scott replies.

Allison nods, "You look amazing."

"Amazing," Scott confirms then pauses, "Why do you look amazing?"

Scarlett rolls her eyes as their mom answers, "Because, amazingly, I'm having dinner for once with a member of the male gender who's above the age of sixteen."


Before she could answer, Scarlett excitedly replies, already knowing the answer from when she asked earlier, "He's a medical rep who came by the hospital today!"

"What medical rep?"

As if on cue, the doorbell rings, "That medical rep. Oh God, I'm not done yet. I'm not ready. Come with me Scarlett to help me finish." Rushing out Scott's door, Scar follows quickly. Their mom then yells at Scott, "Get the door. Talk to him. Be nice!"

About a minute later the doorbell rings again and Melissa yells, "Scott! Get the door!"

Another minute the doorbell rings once more, "Scott, for the love of God!" Melissa turns to look at her daughter, "I got this, can you get the door."

"Sure," Scarlett smiles, excited for her mom. She quickly reaches over to give her a kiss on the cheek then rushes down the stairs to get the door.

When Scarlett gets downstairs, she sees Scott standing in front of the door, making no move to open it. She gently elbows him out of the way, he starts to protest but before he can, Scarlett swings the front door open coming face to face with none other than Peter Hale.

She widens her eyes in shock as her stomach drops, she goes to shut the door back in his face but before she can, his hand reaches out stopping the movement.

Melissa calls from upstairs, "What are you doing? Aren't you going to let him in?"

Scarlett's hand is still gripped on the doorknob ready to try and close it on him once more, but once again he holds the door open. "Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on, take a second to think that through."

"I'll tell her." Scott replies, simultaneously pulling his twin behind him.

"That I used to be a catatonic invalid with burns covering half of my face? Good luck with that."

"You hurt her... Even touch her..." Scott's threats are empty though. Peter isn't afraid of him, not at all.

"Scott, if I can interrupt your listing of the top five most impotent sounding threats for just a moment, try to remember I've been in a coma for six years. You don't think I'd like to have dinner with a beautiful women?"

Melissa calls from somewhere in the house, "Half a second, sorry!"

Scarlett steps away from the Alpha and his beta, quickly finding her black vans and black leather jacket. She sneaks out the back door, cell phone in hand. She starts walking down the street and calls Stiles. He picks up on the third ring, as soon as he answers Scarlett says, "I need your help."

She explains the situation, making Stiles rush to pick her up. Then she sends a quick text to Scott so he knows the plan.


Stiles and Scarlett sit in the jeep trailing behind Melissa and Peter. Scarlett clenches and unclenches her hands trying to stay calm. Stiles glances at Scar from the corner of his eye, finally he grabs a hold of her hand, halting her movements, "Will you stop. You're stressing me out more than I already am."

"Sorry," She quietly mumbles. Neither of the teens move to let go of the other's hand. They see the car pull to the side of the road. When they finally make it to the other car, Stiles drives his jeep right into the rear end.

Stiles and Scarlett glance at each other quickly as Mrs. McCall gets out of the vehicle, they then move to do the same. "Stiles? Scarlett?"

"Mom?" "Mrs. McCall?" They both ask feigning surprise.

Stiles continues, "Wow. This is crazy. Talk about a coincidence."

Mrs. McCall, exasperated, looks at her daughter, "When did you even leave the house."

Scar shrugs, "A few minutes before you, I think. I asked Stiles to hang out."

Melissa sighs as Scar bits her lip. The three then turned to assess the damage to the cars. Stiles speaks up, "I don't know what happened. You guys came out of nowhere."

"Came out of nowhere? We were parked on the side of the road!" Melissa exclaims.

"How crazy is that? We should call the police, do an accident report."

"I don't think that's necessary." Peter says, finally joining us.

"You sure? I'm feeling a little whiplash." Stiles raises his hand to rub the back of his neck.

"You have whiplash? You hit us!" Melissa says through clenched teeth.

"Something's definitely wrong with my neck."

"Something will be when I'm strangling it with my bare hands."

Scar glances towards Peter as she sees him step away but she speaks up before Stiles can reply bringing their attention to her, "Mom we're sorry okay. It was a complete accident. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Scarlett. I just wish this date wasn't ruined."

"I'm sure it will be fine, accidents happen. He has to understand that." Scarlett tries to give her a reassuring smile but she knows it doesn't reach her eyes. After another few moments Stiles and Scarlett leave Mrs. McCall and Peter but only when they knew she was going to be safe.


"God, I am the world's worst daughter." Scarlett sighs, shoving her head into her hands.

"You were just doing what you had to in order to protect her. I on the other hand am the world's worst son." Stiles speaks up.

Scar looks up to see Stiles slouched in his seat with a distant look in his eyes, "What happened?" She whispers. Stiles sighs and explains that he got his dad drunk so that he told him about the case with Derek he was working on.

"Stiles," before Scarlett could continue her thought, Stiles just shakes his head.

"I know I shouldn't have done it." He says.

"You're right. But that doesn't make you a horrible person. And I'm not either no matter how I feel. We wouldn't be feeling guilty if we weren't good people." Stiles tilted his head towards the brunette and nods. Scarlett gets out of the car and makes her way up to her room, finally ending the day.

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