After a few tries Jolie managed to get back to the forest. She was truly worried that Qie Xieling would be turned to a pancake by now but when she got back, the little cub was nuzzling a big ass dragon with no restraint.
Jolie, "..."
He had just been sold and he was counting the money. Jolie thought that they were going to give King Luo smoke before they could make up. She was ready to light his butt on fire but in less than two minutes Qie Xieling was already wagging his tail in following after his master.
Before he could embarrass himself, she pulled him away and the dragon that was enjoying the rub opened its eyes and found that that person was gone. Before he could say anything Eling was gone with Jolie dragging him away. He blew out a breath of hot air while rocks and boulders were falling to the from almost striking the people on the ground.
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