Ayden opened his eyes and saw the blue sky with no clouds visible. He was lying on something extremely soft, his body did not hurt him given the fact that he clearly exceeded the limits of his body with the burst kaioken and that he had to receive an extremely violent backlash but yet nothing .
He sat up and noticed that he had no wounds on him and that his t-shirt which had been destroyed had returned. Now it was even more bizarre, he was sure to have received many injuries after his fight.
He then looked around and there he saw that what he was sitting on was a cloud, he looked all around him and he found that the whole place was covered with cloud ground.
He stood for a moment gazing at the horizon, which stretched as far as the eye could see, and suddenly a single thought crossed his mind.
Ayden "Don't tell me I died like shit after the fight!"
That's when he heard a growl coming from behind him. He turned his head and saw augus who was waking up too.
Augus: "Mhmmm.... Where am I?"
He turned his head and saw Ayden staring at him with wide eyes.
Augus: "What? What are you doing here and where are we?"
Ayden: "Don't tell me you died like shit after the fight too!"
Augus: "Dying.....shit....what are you talking about?!?"
They both stood up and looked around.
Augus: "Do you have any idea where we are?"
Ayden: "Heaven!"
Augud: Stop with your bullshit, we're not dead! "
Ayden: "Okay fine!"
They looked around to understand where they were when sounds of applause were heard. They lifted their heads to see above them mirok descending while levitating.
Ayden: "I should have known it was you..."
Mirok: "Glad to see you too ayden!"
August: Hey! You're the guy who sent me to this weird world after I died!"
Mirok: "Precisely!"
Ayden: "Didn't think you'd get in touch with us so soon?"
Mirok: "To be honest I didn't think so either but some things happened that left me no choice."
Ayden: "What kind of things?"
Mirok: "To start I would like to congratulate you for this remarkable fight! The passion and the determination in each of your blows was just perfect! But I did not bring you here to praise you!"
Augus: "Speaking of which, what is this place and why don't our bodies hurt after our fight?"
Mirok: "This place is a spiritual space that I created, it's not your real bodies just spiritual representations, your real bodies are indeed in a bad state after your fights."
Augus: "Hmmm I see."
Ayden: "So...why are we here?"
Mirok: "I will tell you but before that it is better I explain everything to augus who is not aware of the whole story."
Mirok explained the conflict between him and Eris the Goddess of Discord and her intentions to take control of Remnant.
Augus: "So this so-called goddess wants to take over this world and what does that have to do with us?"
Mitok: "A lot to be honest!"
Ayden: "What do you mean?"
Mirok: "You have shown incredible skill in your fight and above all a level of power that far exceeds the inhabitants of this world, but the most important thing is that your fight was broadcast throughout Remnant, which mean the minions of eris probably know what you look like and what your abilities are!"
Ayden: "Hmmm that's true...."
Augus: "It doesn't change anything! If they want to fight, let them come, I'm waiting for them!"
Mirok: "Hmph I hope your confidence won't get the better of you...after all one of the four people I sent into this world is already dead...."
At this moment Ayden's attention turned to Mirok.
Ayden: "You said you brought two other people with me and augus and one of them died, but what about the other one? Why didn't you bring him into the spiritual space with us to explain to him what is happening?"
Mirok: "To tell you the truth... this guy is really stubborn to the point that he won't listen to me... him and his damn pride!"
Ayden: "Just who is he?"
Mirok: "sorry but you'll have to find out for yourself!"
Ayden: "Seriously..."
Mirok: "I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!"
Ayden sighed in exasperation and turned to augus.
Ayden: "You told me you met a man with similar energy to mine the first time we met...can you tell me what he looks like?"
Augus: "Hmmm I didn't have time to really see what he looked like because when I got closer he flew away directly but from what I could see he had spiked black hair, a tail monkey wrapped around his waist and he was wearing some kind of armour."
Ayden: "Hmmm I see...thanks for the info."
Augus: "Do you know who it is?"
Ayden: "Let's just say I have a little idea of who it is...."
He turned to mirok and could see on his face that something was worrying him.
Ayden: "What are you hiding from us?"
Mirok: "Hmmm?"
Ayden: "It's obvious you haven't told us everything and there's no way you had us come here just to warn us of something obvious like the servants of eris know what we look like now. "
Mirok: "(sigh) You are insightful! Indeed I have something else to tell you or rather warn you of something."
Ayden and augus watched mirok carefully wondering what he was going to tell them.
Mirok: " My conflict against eris has been going on for centuries now and our rivalry is no longer a surprise among the gods but most gods like this kind of conflict, it deverts them during their immortality. some of them have taken notice of our indirect conflict over the world of remnant and decided to see how things unfolded."
Ayden: "Ok so what?"
Mirok: "Several of them watched your fight and some took an interest in you!"
Augus: "What do you mean by that?"
Mirok: "What I mean is that some of them want to make you their champion..."
Ayden: "Their champion?.... What the hell are you talking about?"
Mirok: "To put it simply, the gods have a habit of establishing a link with certain mortals and making them their champion in order to use them to represent them across the different worlds because the gods cannot act directly on the worlds. because of one of our primordial rules. They then use their champuons to satisfy their will in the different worlds."
Augus: "And why us?"
Mirok: "Simple.... your power! During your fight the gods could see what you were capable of and therefore it is normal that some of them wish to make you their champions."
Ayden: "But....you reincarnated us in the remnant world, doesn't that make us your champions?"
Mirok: "Not exactly.... I just took your souls after your death and placed them in a new world. To be able to make you my champions, the mortal must accept of his own volition to become the champion of a god in order to receive his blessing which will give him particular capacities which change according to each god but in return he will be obliged to listen to the orders of his gods and I know very well that if I asked you to become my champions you would refuse. "
Both: "Exactly!"
Mirok: "Anyway, I'm not the type to collect champions and I prefer to solve my problems by myself most of the time, even if having several champions increases the power of a god.
I just wanted to warn you that in the future certain gods may try to contact you to offer you to become their champion and their number may increase over time given your current power levels."
Ayden: "How so?"
Mirok: "A god can only make a mortal his champion, he cannot make another god his champion, with your current strength you are at the level of a demigod who is extremely sought after among the gods because it means say that you are close to the level of a true god and that this is the best time to make champions of you before you reach the level of gods."
Ayden: "It makes sense, the stronger the champion, the better..."
Mirok: "That being said, our little conversation is coming to an end and it's time for me to leave you, good luck for the future!"
A white light sprang from Mirok and Ayden could feel his consciousness being drawn away.