The hissing from the gigantic spider sent chills down Alaric's spine. He stood up quickly and readied himself for a fight, and so did the others.
The spider nudged Mulok forward with one of its legs and Mulok grumbled, "all I ask is that no trouble comes to me. As soon as I let you stay here, this spider comes along and forces its way in!"
The spider hissed, "quieettt youuu." Every sound the spider made was painful and grating on the ears.
The smaller spiders weren't moving as quickly but were crawling on all the walls of the cavern, slowly getting closer to Alaric and his friends.
Alaric yelled to the spider, "what do you want?! Who are you now?!"
The spider laughed, making an 'sssk, sssk, sssk' sound. "I have been ssssent from my king Inian. I am the one who hasssss taken over asssss the ssssspider queen after Reclusssa. You are mine!!!!!"
The spider laughed again, and the smaller spiders scurried even faster — a black wall of hairs and fangs charging towards them.
Thank you all so much for reading! Enjoy!