With Gu Ning's agreement, the waitress took out her phone and took several photos with Gu Ning.
The restaurant was big and only had a few diners, so not many people paid attention to them.
Afterwards, Gu Ning told the waitress that they wanted to quietly enjoy their lunch and hoped that the waitress would not tell other people that she was here. Gu Ning had a lot of loyal fans after all, and she was afraid that she might be interrupted by them.
The waitress nodded, because she knew that Gu Ning had fans nearly everywhere.
When the other waiters saw her happy expression later, they asked her for the reason.
Because the waitress promised that she wouldn't tell other people Gu Ning was in the restaurant right now, she made up a lie and said that she just received a good gift.
Her photos with Gu Ning was the best gift she had received this year.
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