Hey everybody sorry for being dead for a long while let's just say life grows and I finally have freedom from school for life now a certain person gave me enough push ti continue and yes it's a shout out for them even though I forgot there title but never there words of wisdom anyway let's do this]
(James pov)
its been weeks since the London Chris's and now I'm in America man these Tripods have legs for days I been killing some sea creatures and some 'Remaining' Martians now I'm 17 lv wise and now here I am I'm where am I oh right I believe Las Vegas and man it's could be in better days I mean wow anyway while walking around I saw burning buildings wrecked Tripods broken cars tanks ash remains incoming army an- wait a minute INCOMING ARMY!? and as suspected America America Protect there lands and as suspected they shot there Weapons which wasn't much effective but did some abit of numbers on my shield I fired my orange lazer back and move to dodge I mean listen Martians are dumb of not dodging aragent of there Technology is not a smart way for a Advanced species so as always dodge and gun and was suspected Planes and bombs and man my shields are nearly dead but it lasted for like a few hours till they retreated and I backed off and want to a Abandoned factory to well Upgrades! now let's see what we get...
[More lazers more Armor more shield more Energy
Uniques Better horn smoke gas better tenticals heat vision]
James: screw it night Vision time!
and boom I'm lv 20 whoo but when I Activated it I scanned around and... dammit I'm not alone in here I exited my Machine I know dumb! but I'm to big to walk around so I want into my mini one from Jeff Wayne the I guess cars in Martian terms as I walked around I saw a girl... yellow hair blue eyes... oh sh-
[and that's the end for the Chapter short ues but tragically I forgot the movie so gonna rewatch and learn the characters all over again see ya!]
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