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3.7% Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya / Chapter 1: Truck-chan once again
Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya original

Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya

Autor: kurit_kun

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Truck-chan once again

(???'s pov)

How long has it been since it all began? So much time has passed that I don't even remember my own name. Or was it that I discarded it?

Who knows, but it's not important in any way. I used many names during my 'life', so it doesn't matter that much.

Forgetting people is a lot more painful. I remember having a few important people to me, but I don't remember their names or their faces. Not even a voice except one.

The person that that voice belonged to is the reason I didn't kill off my mind to ease my pain.

It was a promise. I promised her to do my best, and so I did. It's a shame that I couldn't ask her if I did a good job in fulfilling this promise, but maybe it's for the better.

I may have changed from the person I used to be, but I can't even be sure of that.

I'm just tired. Tired of my 'job' and tired of my life.

The only familiar thing to me at the moment is this hill and sunset that is covered by countless clouds.


I wonder how long it will be until I need to leave again.


Where is this sound coming from? It sounds like a truck, but it shouldn't be possible for it to be here.

I turned around only to witness a bright light, and then I felt incredible pain in my whole body.

For some reason, it feels like it's not the worst injury that I got in my 'life', but the surprising thing was that I could not react to that surprise attack at all.

But is this the end? Is this really it? I tried to do my best, so I'm allowed to rest, right?

As my consciousness was slowly fading away, only one thought or rather a question went through my head.

Am I... finally free?


What happened, where am I, and most importantly... who am I?

I can't recall anything about myself and about my circumstances.

I do, however, remember a truck possibly killing me. Does that mean that I died?

I'm strangely not too bothered by it. Is it because of my missing memories? You can't miss something you don't know you had, and I don't remember my life at all.

I flexed my body to feel my condition, and everything was in order. Everything was so alright that I even started questioning if I died, but I don't have any other explanation for why I am in... I don't know where I am, but it reminds me of a void, so I'll just call it void from now on.

Everything was white around me. It was strange, to say at least. I could see, but at the same, it felt like I couldn't.

Having nothing around me, I decided to walk in whatever direction I was facing. Not like I can get lost.


I walked for I don't know how long without encountering anything. I was ready to go crazy until I hit something.


I rubbed my head and looked at what I stumbled upon, and it was nothing. I couldn't see anything.

I tried to touch it, and I could feel a wood under my hand. It felt like Mahogany.

Why do I know what mahogany feels like, though? Question for later.

First, I need to discover what that thing is.

I ran my hands at the invisible object, and I discovered that it was a door. Not having found anything else for some time, I decided to open it, and I was half expecting for insides to be invisible as well, but thankfully I could see the room just fine.

The room behind the invisible door was... strangely ordinary. A bed, board with a computer, a TV and on the said board I could see a piece of paper and a mobile phone next to it.

I walked up to the board to examine the piece of paper up close, and it was a letter.


Hey there.

It's your favourite Truck-chan speaking... writing... you know what I mean.

You may, be wondering what's the point of this latter. I... kinda run over you but don't worry, everything is going to be fine. I wiped your memories clean, and you're going to start your life anew.

Unfortunately, ROB is busy at the moment, and I don't know when he'll be available again. That's why I left you with a pc, TV and a phone. I recommend you watch some anime, play some games, and anything in between.

I advise, however, against mobile games. That's hell you're walking into. Hehe, I always wanted to say that.

See you some other time~.

Your favourite four-wheeled reincarnation machine, Truck-chan.



I don't know why but she sounds like trouble.

Also, what the fuck!? Did she just write that she wiped my memories? That's kinda fucked up, and I would like to know who I was before, but that's for later.

I'm strangely calm about this whole situation, but I can't do anything about it for now. Maybe this ROB will be able to help me, although I don't know who he is.

How do I know that she is a girl? On the back of the paper was a tire mark with a lip mark next to it.

Since I don't have anything other to do and I don't plan to walk through the void without any goal any longer.

To not bore myself to death, I'll followed Truck-chan's advice and watched some anime.


I got sucked in... What else can I say.

I watched a lot of things. I mean A LOT.

I've seen most of the available shounen. Everything from Dragon ball to My Hero Academia. I didn't stop at shounen, though, and watched anything that was even mildly interesting. Not like I had anything other to do.

There was, however, one series that I avoided. Not because it didn't look interesting. Contrary even. A war between historical figures for a device that grants any wish. Sounds fantastic. The problem is what series I should start with. And that's not the worst thing. Everything thing is canon from what I know.

A spin-off? Canon. Different timelines? Canon. A spin-off manga? Also Canon. At this point, I'm convinced there's a TV ad with Canon information.

The best advice I got was, 'go read the fucking Visual Novel', and I can't do that. I can't download anything on this PC. The other was to either start with the prequel or the new version, but today I decided to start my journey with Fate, and I chose to go with the release order. You can never go wrong with the release order.


I don't know why but this story... stories resonated with me. Especially EMIYA's. At the same time, I didn't like Shirou. It's not like he was a bad character, but something didn't sit right with me. Was it because of my past? Maybe.

Also, Truck-chan was right. FGO is hell, and I can't escape it anymore. The worst or maybe the best thing, depending on how you look at it, is that I can't spend any money on it since I don't have any.

Damn you, low rates! 1% for a 5-star!? What kind of bullshitery is that!?

(E/D: Genshin Player have it worse, 0.600% for a 5-star.)

On another note, I discovered that I have a thigh fetish.

"I prefer wheels, to be honest."

"What kind of sick-"

Wait. Who said that?

I turned around to see a man behind a desk, mahogany once again, and at the same time, the room around me vanished before I even noticed. We were surrounded by a white void again.

The man was looking to be around his late 30s or early 40s. He was also wearing a proper suit and glasses.

At that moment, he was reading some papers, and without looking away from them, he started talking to me.

"As you probably already know, you are dead. My condolences. This, however, isn't the end of your existence. You see, you were killed by the Godness of death, Truck-chan. She is pretty new to her job, so she made a mistake and erased your memories and made your death unnecessarily painful. For your memories to return, you need to remember them on your own. The Mind and Soul are a lot more powerful than people, and even gods, I imagine."

I tried to see through, and I found one strange thing in a way, he said one thing.

"You say that it's the only way, or you just won't restore my memories for some reason?"

For the first time since he started talking to me, he looked me in the eyes.

"Sharp as always, even without your memories, but this information won't do you any good. It simply doesn't matter as it won't change that your only option to recover them is by yourself. But remember that just because you want or can do something doesn't mean that you should. Humans often forget this simple fact."

Higher beings are a pain in the ass, as always, I see.

Wait, as always?

I couldn't continue my thought process as the man in front of me started talking again as his eyes returned to the papers in his hand.

"As I was saying before, this isn't the end of your existence as you will be reincarnated or transmigrated, if you will, depending on how you look at it."

"I see..."

"Normally, I would let you spin the wheel of reincarnation to decide the world where your new life will begin, but I couldn't help myself and already did it offscreen. Sorry~"

I couldn't hear even a hint of remorse in his voice. That bastard doesn't regret anything.

"It was decided that you'll be sent to Fate/kaleid. Congratulations."


Think positive. I can't do anything against this mysterious man, so better not to piss him off, so I should think about what I can do.

Fate/kaleid is one of the safest places in Type-moon, and if I'm not in the Miyuverse, then I'm safe practically completely. Otherwise, I'm screwed.

"Now that you're done planning, let me continue speaking. As you were killed by Truck-chan, you're going to be reincarnated to the said world, but you'll also get a power of your own which is also decided by the wheel."

I waited for him to get the wheel, but it never came, so I looked at him, questioning him.

He put down his papers and crossed his fingers as he laid them on the board. At the same time, he closed his eyes.

"Sorry, I already spun it."


"Then what did I get?"

"You will be sent to Fate/kaleid with Archer EMIYA'S powers which include all his abilities, skills, and UBW. His stats won't be replicated as you will be a human and not a servant or counter-guardian.

I will also give you a small bonus as an apology for Truck-chan killing you rather violently. She is new to this job.

As a bonus, you'll have Avalon inside you, and while you still can overuse your magic circuits, the only side effect aside from pain will be the darkening of your skin and your hair turning white, which will return to normal after some rest.

I advise you, however, to stop yourself from fighting until your whole skin turns dark, together with your hair turning white. It will give you a powerful ability, but there will be consequences. Any questions?"

It was an info dump if I've ever seen one, but I'm rather thankful. I expected to be reincarnated without any power or a useless one at best. I've read too many isekai with that premise. To be fair though I've read as many with op abilities but better be pessimistic and be positively surprised than be disappointed later on.

"You're saying that I will have some kind of power boost when using too much magecraft. Can you tell me what it is?"


He didn't even elaborate... Fine then, I have other questions to ask.

"You said that I'll have all of EMIYA'S abilities and skills. Does that include all of his magecraft knowledge and skills like <Hawkeye> or Unlimited Blade Works and its arsenal?"

"You'll only get theoretical knowledge, so while you technically could use everything he can, it would take to be proficient in it. The exceptions are his skills like <Hawkeye>, <Magic resistance>, and <Mind's eye (True)>, and they'll have their corresponding rank."

I see, no pain no gain as they say.

"Anything else I should know?" I asked, hoping for any additional information. The more I know, the better, after all.

"Yes, actually. The world of Fate/kaleid may defer slightly from what you know of. Also, don't forget to remember that this world is alive and is bigger than it was shown in the manga or the show. Also, they may be some familiar characters there as well, but nothing too major."

A crossover? Depending on what kind, it could be either inconsequential or completely crazy, but from what I hear from this mysterious man, it should be the first option.

"Now that we went over everything, good luck in your new life and make the best of it. Don't have any regret, and just be happy."

With that, I was sent to my new world.

(3rd's pov)

As the soul left the white void, it only left the older man behind the desk. The older man sighed and started seemingly talking to air.

"Was it good enough?"

Moments later, a figure of a teenage girl with platinum hair and a shirt with an image of a truck on her cleavage appeared out of nowhere.

"Yeah, that's good enough. Thanks for helping ROB." The girl thanked ROB with a cheerful smile, but that smile was hiding her not-so-great mood.

"You know that what you did, you could do in a way less complicated manner. I sometimes feel like you took too much after your mother.

Speaking of which, as you know, you owe her now a favor. It took some effort to help you with |that| so I hope it was worth doing for this little crush of yours."

Hearing that, the girl started turning red because of an increased feeling of embarrassment, and she started waggling her arms to stop ROB from talking without avail.

"But did you really need to take his memories away?"

The young girl stopped her shenanigans and turned serious.

"That was the only way for him to be happy..."

"But was it really?" Questioned ROB. "Overcoming your difficulties or failing to do so is what makes humans... humans. Taking it away, you are taking a shortcut, and shortcuts at times take longer time than the original path."

"Some things are better to be forgotten. You know it well." Answered girl.

"He won't be the same person." ROB didn't stop pressing her.

"It may be for the best." She answered once again while glaring at ROB. "It's what he would want."

Seeing her resolve, ROB sighed.

"Just don't regret it in the future. He may hate you for that."

"Don't worry, I was prepared for it, but that doesn't mean that I won't try to win him over. Speaking of which, did you tell him that he could change his clothes with a thought to EMIYA'S clothes?"


"You didn't, am I right?"


"*Sigh* I'll go write a letter to him."



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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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