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67.44% Reincarnated Ice Warmer (GxG) / Chapter 24: Chapter 22

Capítulo 24: Chapter 22

~ The Calm Conversation, part 2 ~

Narrator POV:

"What do your parents do?" Elsa asks and sees Diana's hand stop moving, but continues nonetheless "I got curious because Gerda complimented your ability as a maid by saying 'from a house of trained maids' or something along those lines, but that got disproven by you already, so I want to know what they do"

Diana slowly puts the biscuit down in awkward silence, she gulps "They don't exist anymore, that's what they do. They are gone"

"Oh... Ah... I-I am sorry... I should've not brought it up"

Diana only shakes her head at the Queen's condolences "It's fine, besides, that wasn't breaking the set 'boundary', I should've realized myself that something like this is bound to be asked..."

There's a long silence after that, for Elsa it was awkward, thinking that she ruined the so-called 'mood', but for Diana, it was a move backward emotionally, for most of the year while she was here, she chose not to think about some aspects from her previous life, her dreams, her best friend Lilly and her parents. Back then, on her first meeting with Rosa, that was just a made-up story, nothing really mattered, it just had to be at least somewhat believable and she had to roll it with it when necessary.

But with Elsa, it's more real, her own parents died, yes those were for plot's sake, but right now, it isn't, for this Elsa and Diana herself, this is real. So when the Queen asked her about the parents, she finally thought of her real ones, not the made-up lies, the ones she left behind to mourn for her and bury her, so young, while she lives here... Maybe she should've used one of the wishes for them somehow, but for some unexplainable reason something like that never even came to her mind...

Elsa just sits there, looking worriedly at the quiet red-hair girl, having forgotten the cup of chocolate and everything else, if it had been somebody else, they'd probably try to comfort or talk to the girl, but Elsa having herself experienced loss knows that letting the person grieve in silence is for the better.

That's what the Queen thinks as she sees it, but she doesn't know the whole picture. Diana isn't grieving, she never did, instead of trying to move on and remember the memories for what they were. She chose to try and forget them, forget and ignore all about it. Only now with this question, she subconsciously realizes that it was wrong to do so.

For the first time, Diana starts to somewhat reminisce about her parents. So with barely any conscious thoughts about being with somebody else in the room, she starts answering the previous question while longingly staring down at her shaky hands.

"They were... musicians of a sort, a whacky bunch" Diana chuckles dryly at some of her memories "My dad, played string instruments, he was... something else, sometimes he did great, sometimes he was unbearable to listen to, I think that people would pay him to stop if they could, but he wouldn't listen and just continue, saying that, without experimenting, there will never be something new, he tried to invent new music, new sounds, anything new, didn't matter if it was bad or good if people mocked him or praised him... But to me? He was the greatest, the best... Well the second best, the first place was held by my mom. While I like the music that instruments make... What I loved the most, was the different voices and that's what my mom did, she sang, be it with an instrument playing in the background, or without it, unlike my dad, she was more... realistic? She didn't try and forcefully invent something, she just used her best strength, which was her voice, and made it work in her favor... I miss the times when she sang lullabies to me... Hehe, though I guess I shouldn't call them lullabies because instead of falling asleep, I would become even more active since her amazing voice had the opposite effect..."

Diana is forced to slightly sniff and deeply breathe in, after that, she finally raises her head to look at the Queen.

"Haha, sorry for that... To answer your question, my parents did what every parent should do and that is, be awesome people"

"Mhm... Thank you for sharing all of that, no need to apologize... I am the one that should do th-"

"No, it's completely fine, I am actually glad that you asked it... It made me remember something very important. So... Thank you"

"I... O-okay..." Elsa doesn't know what to say to something like that, here she thought that she made a big mistake asking about it, but got gratitude instead.

Diana finally takes the biscuit that was put down and eats it, helping her reset and get back into the groove, had enough of sappy and serious stuff. While she allows for Elsa to think whatever it is that she's thinking. Diana herself is thinking of a question to ask, that could work both ways, if the Queen chose to bounce it back, she could easily answer as well.

"What one aspect of your powers do you like the most?"

"Ah... Okay... that was out of nowhere" The Queen quickly adds, her mind was still on the previous topic, but it just got thrown out of the window just as quickly as the previously serious mood escalated.

"Meh" The maid only shrugs at that.

"Well it seems that there is no need to give you this question back, neither is the question too much for me to answer nor am I interested enough to know yours... I can already imagine it anyways"

"Oh, is that right? Do tell, fancy royal, what is it that I like about my powers the most"

"No, it's okay"

"Scared of being wrong?"

"Wha- No, but I don't fully know your powers and from what I've seen and the way you... Ask certain things, I can already figure out what you'd answer"

"And you know what I think? That the Queen is afraid"

"I am not"

"You are"





"Stop that"

"I will, but prove it then"

"Fine! It's one of your 'sexual' powers, obviously, you can't resist yourself and you mention something inappropriate almost every day"

"Hmm... Great guess from the Queen" Diana mysteriously says, making Elsa start to doubt herself.

"It has to be right" Elsa repeats with less confidence.

"The Queen has finally guessed after a scared pause, But... Is it right? Is it wrong? Maybe, maybe not, who knows, oh wait, there is somebody that does. Find out by throwing the question back at your host, the excellent Queen's Maid!" Diana enthusiastically says imitating a game-show host. Of course for Diana, that was just a bad act, but to Elsa, it just seems over-dramatic.

"So, Queen, what's it going to be, do you throw the answer back to validate your awesome guess, ooooor, does the Queen throw in her royal towel and just answer the stated question yourself, never to know the truth from the Maid!" Diana continues doing it, she'd try to act out an invisible microphone... But that'd just be even more awkward because of the obvious point, of microphones not existing.

"Uh... This wasn't supposed to be a choice even worth thinking about, but somehow with your theatrics, you got me stuck in thought... By the way, what was that about a towel? Is that something from these random books again?"

"I am glad that I can prolong this game for your fine royal lady, just doing my job, so while you think about what to do, I will explain the towel part. 'Throwing in the towel', is something akin to surrendering. Phew, that was one very long explanation, I might need some refreshments from how tiring that was..."

The Host-Maid stops talking, takes another biscuit and eats it, pulls out a bottle of water from under her maid clothes, opens the top, and starts drinking from it, after drinking half of it, she stops, breathes in while closing the bottle, puts it back in her clothes and resumes talking.

"And we are back, that was the best break I've ever had, thank you for asking, now, has the Queen decided what she will do?"

"Huh... What? Oh, yes, right, the choice..." Elsa blinks while remembering what she was supposed to do "That... Whatever it is that you just did, was quite... Distracting"

"Oh, the host is quite sorry for that happening, but she's also flattered for being so god darn charming, charming enough to pry even the Queen into distracting herself from her tasks, the maid is awesome!"

"Seriously... Whatever, it's not like I'd disagree... You're definitely a sight, just not always a pleasant one"

"Ha, the host maid will take that, it's as good as it gets"

"Okay, I think I got it. I'll answer myself"

"Good choice, but before we continue on with the show, would the Queen please comment on why she chose such a spectacular option?"

"Because I can just ask that another day, or after the 'game' and I know that you'll answer"

"Oh... Well, it seems that the host has just got played, by the sweet and amazing intelligent intellect of the Queen. And I sad big words twice, that's how you know that it's true and with that settled, the host says goodbye to all of the 'single' watcher, could we get applause for me and them" Diana finishes her act with clapping excitedly towards the Queen several times, Elsa just rolls her eyes, she literally did nothing and all of that just happened.

"Moments like these, I think that you could have a conversation with yourself"

"Hehe, you wouldn't be wrong. Ahem, anyway, let's hear the Queen's answer"

Elsa makes multiple ice shapes, completely random ones, there are shapes of snowflakes, little furniture, there's an ice chocolate bar floating, even an ice-made princess Anna. But strangely, there are no actual snowmen... Diana guesses that Elsa may have stopped doing those because she doesn't want to create more siblings for Olaf and Marshmallow... If only she knew, there will be hundreds of them later.

"People that I show things like these, Kristoff and even Anna, always comments how pretty it is, how smooth to the touch... for those that touch it, quite a strange compliment, but a compliment nonetheless. How amazing it looks, if I make it snow, how powerful it happens to be. You too have complimented it... But we don't talk about those" Diana quickly giggles to herself, being imprisoned in ice was a wild experience, there's no way she wouldn't off-handedly mention it to Elsa.

"But I think... I love the creativity of it all... The endless possibilities, anything I can think of, it just happens" As the Queen says that, she makes an ice figure of her adult self, looking at an ice portrait of her parents, little Anna and little Elsa.

"As long as my imagination goes strong, there's nothing I can't make. That's what I love the most. But I guess it all ties in with the idea of freedom, I am free to imagine making anything... I would talk about Olaf and Marshmallow because somehow I made them alive... But I just don't know how that happened, I am pretty sure I never imagined making a live snowman and I don't know if it would even work if I did..."

"Ah, what a great answer. I have to agree with that, ice is quite a versatile power to have"

"Indeed, when I was a child, I loved it, then all the Anna things and accidents happened, I started hating it. Now? I am trying to fall back in love with it. So far, I think I am doing alright" Elsa finishes her answer, making all of the ice and snow to disappear, all but the princess Anna figure from before. She puts it down in the middle of the table.

"You are, I can tell that you are when I first saw you... Well, all I can say is that how you used to look pales in comparison to how you look right now... Of course, you looked amazing then too, but now... It's like you're alive again"

"I am alive again, huh... Normally that'd make no sense, but I actually got to agree with it"

"Well, it seems our game is over, this was a great time"

"Yes, it was and it almost didn't happen..."

"I know, right? And now, we can talk normally, the whole 'awkward' mood is gone, we are comfortable with each other. So no more games are needed"

"That is correct, who would've thought, that for me to get comfortable around you, it would require less talk about... that..."

"Oh, come on, that is not true and you know it"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, it isn't... I was just too closed off, because of everything"

"You know what wasn't closed off? I and my legs for you back in the ice castle" The maid says while raising her eyebrow repeatedly.

The Queen just groans "Oh... Too soon?" Diana asks.

"What do you think?" Elsa asks back.

"Uh... That it was perfect timing?"

"Okay, fine, but less of that from now on, okay?"

"As the Queen commands"

"Good, seriously though, why do you enjoy talking about it so much, shouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"No, it isn't at all, I know what I like, so I embrace it, if I got embarrassed by my own things that I enjoy, then I would be forced to hide it, which would just stress me out"

"But you do hide it, pretty sure that I am the only one that knows that you do it"

"Obviously, because unlike anybody else, I like you and quite a lot, so as I said, I know what I like, so I won't hide it"

"I don't want that to make sense, but unfortunately it does..."

"And anyway, sex is a natural thing, it's meant to be enjoyed, that's why it's so good, what is the point of shying away from it, you're going to have to do it eventually... Of course, unless you'd like to stay a virgin forever... But that's a whole other topic, that I am not interested in. To me, sex is something that should be done... A lot... A lot, lot"

"Yeah, I get the idea..."

"And since you told me that, most of the problem was that you had your first time with a person that you didn't love, unlike me. Well you can't actually fix what has been done, but you can try and get around it"


"Well, by simply thinking about it differently. If you regret something in the past, just think of it as learning from mistakes. Yes, it will definitely work with everything, just like almost anything else, but it might help a lot. In your case, it's a little bit different. But, you've only given away your... Well, I see you as full female, no matter what dangles in between your legs, but for the sake of clarity, for now, let's call it your manly virginity, you've given that away to me, which I am grateful for and I'd never tarnish that. But, unlike me, who doesn't have a 'man' thing and has given away her womanly virginity to you. the only one that I have. Elsa, you still have yours, so 'learn from your past mistakes', just keep it, until you love somebody, therefore, use your penis, but not your pussy. And since you've already done it once with your penis, what's stopping you from continuing to experience the heavenly pleasure that is sex"

"Wait... You can't possibly mean..."

"That is exactly what I mean, let's have more fun times together"

"How did that almost wholesome and serious but strange moment, turn into this again?!"

"Well, it's different this time"

"How exactly?"

"I am serious about it. What I just suggested, not only do I want to do it, but I want you to start enjoying it. This isn't a joke, an invading question, or a passed-off comment. This is a proposition. Elsa, Queen, I don't mind doing things like these. We can start small, big, medium, do whatever, doesn't matter. But I'd like an actual start. And just like with your powers... I can and will do anything that your imagination tells me"

"...I... Um..." Elsa stutters with red ear tips, but she sees that Diana is patiently waiting with probably the most serious look she has seen from the maid, so she gets her act together and simply says "I'll think about it... It's a lot"

"Thank you, that's enough for me. And now even if you reject that proposition, I'll still be happy, because you would have given it some actual thought, instead of putting it away like it was nothing and just running away. So... I am okay with that, I won't joke, ask, talk, etc. a lot about sex anymore, it might happen sometime, but I don't think I can stop myself fully from doing it, is that okay with you?"

"Yes, it is, I think that I got defensive about it because you were... hmm..."

"Too much in your face about it?"

"Something like that, plus of embarrassment about the topic, I don't know if I will ever meet somebody else who can easily talk about it, just like you"

"Probably not. Anyways, now that, that's over with, I actually want to talk about something else"

"Sure, what is it?"

"What do you think of an idea about training yourself and your powers"

"Training? Why?"

"I don't know, for fun? For no reason? Maybe for a challenge or knowledge"

"Um... I don't know..."

"And my personal favorite reason... For curiosity, that's why I had this idea. How much can the Queen really do? How cold can her ice become? How strong? Is there a shape it can't create? How does her ice that makes snowmen alive work? And can we understand it? Does she have a limit of stamina? If she does, how much and long can it last? These are a few of the many questions I have floating in my head and I want to know all of them, there's no way you don't want to either. Maybe with not all of these, but there has to be at least one"

"I've never thought about it... But I am actually quite interested in the idea now... Especially the power behind Olaf... I really want to know how I did that"

"And that's why we should train you"

"But how? Some of these I easily understand, the stamina, I should just create snow or ice continuously, until I can't anymore, but how can I test the coldness of it, when I feel none?"

"And that's where I come in and my favorite part of my powers, the sexual ones are a close second though"

"Oh... I was wrong after all"

"Yep, anyways, unlike you, I feel cold... It just has to be extremely cold for me to actually feel it. So that's our goal, to see if you can me feel cold, make me shiver, or maybe even so cold I couldn't move or something and seeing as I thought about these questions quite a lot already, I have tests for all of them thought up, they might not be the best, or most optimal, but I think they are alright"

"You really had the time to think about this..."

"Obviously, my curiosity knows no bounds... At least when it comes to the Queen"

"Of course, why did I even think otherwise. So, where and how would we practice?"

"In the mountains, the ice castle. We can think of dates and easier ways to get there eventually"

"Okay, we can try"

"Great, I can't wai-"

Diana gets cut off by a knock on the door, both of the women turn their heads to face it.

"Queen Elsa? Are you there?" They hear Kai's voice and the man knocks some more.

"I will knock a few more times and come in to check if you're sleeping" Kai says louder, but both of them still hear his 'muttering', which was basically just talking "What is that maid doing... The Queen was supposed to appear in a meeting half an hour ago"

Elsa's eyes go wide, how could she forget, she starts getting up and anxiously looking around for anything that could help her with this situation, she also didn't have a bath yet, bath! That's right. Elsa quickly tries to make her way to the bathroom but gets stopped by Diana.

"What are you doing?" She whisper-shouts.

"I have an idea, it's a great one, just let me do everything and you sit and relax"

"Huh? What is it?"

"Don't worry, just sit down in this chair" Diana quickly pulls up a new chair and puts it in front of the mirror, Elsa still confused, sits down on it.

"Now what?"

"Now? Just play along, or don't even say anything, I got this" Diana cracks her fingers and gets closer to the Queen's ear "Oh and... it'd be my pleasure if you enjoyed yourself" Elsa gets even more confused.

"Enjoy wh-" She gets cut off by the maid's hands going on her shoulders and it instantly clicks, she doesn't know how to feel it, but she knows that it will work.

Both of them hear the door being knocked and as the door handle starts turning, Elsa shouts back at him.

"Come in!"

And so, Kai enters and scans the room, spotting the maid first standing in front of the mirror, blocking the Queen.

"Hey, Diana, where's the Que-"

"She's here" Diana slightly moves out of the way to show off the Queen. Kai sees the Queen sitting in front of the mirror.

"Queen, you are needed for a meeting"

"I-I know, but Diana had a better idea"

"She did? What idea could be better than a meeting with officials?"

"Oh, there's plenty than that boring mess, but this particular one?" Diana answers, smoothly resuming her massage on the Queen, who lets out shallow and pleasant sounds.

"The idea of preserving the Queen's good health, great physique, and overall feel of her body. Her shoulders are so tight, her back stiff, her muscles not properly rested. And I saw the Queen uncomfortable sit in the chair. So as her personal maid, I took it upon myself, to help her out and massage her and that's what I've been doing for a while, so how about you take your meeting nonsense and attend for her, or just tell those impatient officials to wait, the Queen is more important than them anyways"


"But nothing, if your Queen won't be able to get up from the bed anymore, then in the future, not only will she not show up in those meetings, there will be no meetings whatsoever, so how about, you do an extra job of hiring more workers, scholars, who could do some of the documents that the Queen has to and let her take it easier. Seriously, how pathetic, you know... Scratch that, I'll do that myself, I have connections" Diana says while continuing with her massage, which is so expertly done that Elsa has completely lost herself and stopped paying attention to their interaction, she hasn't felt so great for a while now.

"Uh..." Kai lets out a questioning and unconfident sound.

"What is it?"

"You can't do that... You may be a personal maid, but you're still are a maid. Besides, I agree with that whole statement and the Queen's health is important, but she still has work to do"

"Yeah, yeah, work, shmork, pork, whatever you say, health over work, especially when it comes to the Queen, that's why you go do it and the next week there will be more people to do more stuff, it will make not only the Queen's job easier, it will make everybody's job easier. None of you prepared for the castle opening its gates with the Queen's coronation, the whole castle is barren and empty and understaffed, no wonder you're driving the Queen to an early grave, you should be ashamed. So, go to those officials, call the meeting off and re-schedule it for... I don't know... how about never? We shouldn't put a lot of value on such disrespectful individuals anyways, demanding a Queen to be there for them, they should be glad that they can even gaze upon her beauty, let alone talk to her, how ridiculous"

Kai gulps after the whole rant, he feels quite uncomfortable and stressed from being put on the spot like that, so without anything to say back, he turns to the Queen for her input.

"Queen Elsa?"

Elsa doesn't answer the call, she's too busy being pleasured in a non-sexual way. She's in heaven right now.


That second gets Elsa's attention but she's barely paying attention due to being in a daze.

"Hm, what is it?"

"Are you okay with everything that Diana said?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, fully, do whatever she said"

"Uh... Are you sure?"

"Definitely, I wholeheartedly agree"


"Are you questioning the Queen?" Diana cuts the uncertain man out of his confusion.

"No, no, I understand, I will go now... I hope those people don't hurt me..." He mutters the last part to himself as he starts walking away. But Diana heard it and her being her, she has to comment on it.

"Don't worry, if they do, I will pay the best doctors to help you"

"That's very comforting..." He says and leaves the room.

And with that Diana stops the massage, this act was not even necessary, she easily could've just done that or anything else and it would've worked, most people don't do well while being put on the spot, especially against a very confident 'enemy'. She just wanted to touch the Queen and she succeeded.

Elsa sinks in the chair, while relaxedly sighing out "Haaah, that was great, I might need one again"

"It'd be my pleasure, why don't we make it a two days per week kind of thing? One time before you go to sleep and one time once you wake up"

"Oooh, that's the best sentence you've said today"

"I can also do more than massaging the shoulders, the back is another great spot, then arms, the stomach, the legs, I can massage it all"

"Ah, that sounds amazing, I can't wait"

"Yeah? Well maybe we can do the shoulders while you're having a bath and I can even do your feet... Or even further"

"Huh? No, that's okay"

"Well, at least I tried"

"Yeah..." Elsa says, finally standing up again and slightly stretching she asks Diana "So, what was that you told Kai to do?"

"Oh, to let me hire people to work in the castle, therefore helping everybody by shortening their jobs"

"Oh, that's not so bad, why was he so..."


"That's harsh... But I suppose so?"

"Oh, because I also said to call off the meeting and never reschedule with those people"

"Oka- YOU DID WHAT?!" Elsa shouts at Diana.

"Should I have not done that?"


"Oh... Whoopsies?" Diana hits her head jokingly, with her tongue out.

"Now what?" Elsa asks herself out loud.

"If it's of any help, you agreed to it"

"I... I did... But, no that doesn't help"

"Huh, I thought it would"


"Because we could share the 'blame' and it's better for both of our conscience?"

"That makes no sense, you know, stop talking, that's a command"

The maid instantly snaps her mouth shut, but she hums out the words.

"Stop that"

She slightly tilts her side to the side and hums again.

"Yes, that, stop it, also a command"

The maid starts waving her arms around randomly.

"Stop moving like that"

The maid tilts her head to the other side and thinks for a bit, then pulls out a paper and a pencil out of a small pocket and writes something on it, she shows it to the queen.

"Cam I at least breathe?... Yes, you can, obviously... But you can't write anymore, give it to me"

And so the Maid complies and gives it the paper and the pencil to the Queen.

And so, the Queen stares at the maid, who's listened to every command, but she starts to feel embarrassed and gets red ear tips, because of the obviously seductive look that the maid's giving her, it's the same, as when they did it in the ice castle.

"Stop thinking about inappropriate things, you pervert, and close your eyes, I don't want you to look at me like that"

And the maid complies with it... But the fortunate thing for her, now there's no way for the Queen to know if she's thinking... Various scenarios in her head.

"Uh..." Elsa looks at Diana again... "What are we even doing?" She asks out loud, but after a while, doesn't receive an answer "Oh, right, um, you can speak again, but... I swear, if you say something... erotic, I will order for you to not speak for a full day"

So Diana opens her mouth, but no sound comes out at first, but after short notice, she finally speaks "Would the Queen like to finally have her royal bath?"

"Right!? I forgot about that again, seriously, what is today and it's still only before noon" Elsa sighs "Yes, I'd really like one"

"Okay, I'll go make it"

Elsa looks at the maid, who's not moving. "Uh... Diana?"


"Why are yo-" She stops herself and looks at the closed eyes of the maid "Right, all of the previous commands canceled, you can do everything again, oh, except look at me with those eyes, they can be open, but, it's a no-no"

And just like that, the maid resets, also vocalizing robot-like sounds as if she's being rebooted after a failed first launch.

"Well, the maid is up for her duty again, so she shall go and re-make the Queen's well-deserved bath"

"Yeah, yeah, go, thank you"

"The maid will do her task with pleasure" Diana finishes her imitation and starts moving towards the bathroom.

"Diana" Elsa calls out the maid, causing her to stop and turn to look at the Queen.


"Do you think there will be problems with what we agreed to? Even though... My part was hugely less than yours, but still"

"Oh, that? Psst, nooo, don't worry your majestic head about that, there will be absolutely no consequences, in fact, I can only see good things coming out of it"

"Huh? What?" Elsa is confused.

"I'll explain that... When I feel like it, right now the bath is more important" The Maid turns around and continues walking, but she does say one more thing.

"Oh, and if you want to know the complete list of things I said to Kai, you can ask him after, pretty sure he will say everything by word and syllable. But, it's completely okay, it may sound bad, but I and you got this, the queendom and the world belongs to you after all"

And with that Diana goes inside the bathroom and closes it door behind her, leaving Elsa alone in the room with her own thoughts.

She sighs and mutters to herself "I don't know about that... The world is a big place"

~ End of Chapter 22 ~

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