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100% Red And Purple [Naruto] (Complete) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Yukari

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3 Yukari

This FanFic Is Not Mine

Years passed once more. They shared many unforgettable moments together. The moments they shared are varied and many. Her favourites are those during the nights where they are both at home together.

Sometimes the night will be one of comfortable silence. Sometimes it's her playing her shamisen with him reading his book nearby while sipping on some warm tea. Sometimes they can get a little playful. Sometimes the night is one of passion that blew her mind. As long as he is around even the biggest of problems seem to fade away.

She loves his presence beside her. She loves how he quietly takes note of her likes and dislikes. She likes how he does special things for her just to make her happy, even if they are simply small little things. She likes how they cuddle with each other on the couch or on the bed after a long day at work. She likes their physical contact and his touch, especially the intimate ones. She likes it when they are conjoined and he makes her scream his name. She likes how their curves fit so perfectly, as if they are each other's missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, a pair match made in heaven.

They had both changed once more, and yet never changed.

Ever since the night where they bared their hearts to each other it was like he had a newfound motivation to grow even stronger, to be as powerful as the monsters known as S Rank shinobis. Just as their Third Raikage invented the Black Lightning, Kan had actually invented a new form of lightning known as the Red Lightning. He is now known as 'Red Lightning Kan' of Kumo, a powerful threat in his own right, a shinobi who now stands by her side as her equal. She is now a perfect jinchuriki, capable of undergoing a full transformation without much backlash other than experiencing physical exhaustion after the transformation recedes. Her hard work and skills had now earned the acknowledgement and recognition from her village, just like how Killer Bee did.

But back in the comfort of their home they are still the same as when they had first met each other in the academy so many years ago. They would spar, eat, fool around, or simply talk about anything under the sun just like how they always did. As long as they have each other by their side nothing is ever boring, everyday is a wonderful day.

They are twenty-two years old now. Things have been peaceful for a couple of years, the village is steadily growing stronger. They are no longer young anymore, for shinobi standards anyway.

"Should we get married?"

She sprung him that question during one fine morning, her chin resting on her palm as she lazily watched him preparing their breakfast in the kitchen. She is dressed in nothing but his shirt which is a few sizes too large for her and her black panties, revealing her bare slim legs in all their glory. He is wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. She remembered it being a beautiful morning because the both of them need not work that day and they had a really passionate night the night before. He always seems to know how her body works. She remembered staring at her shirtless boyfriend, appreciating the toned muscles and the scars on his chest while sensually licking her lips without realising it until she did the action. Somehow, seeing him cook for her in the kitchen while shirtless makes him so very sexy in her eyes. It is a very delectable sight.

To his credit, he wasn't fazed by her sudden question. He simply continued cooking as he made his reply, acting like she hadn't just dropped the bomb of a question.

"Will the Raikage allow it? Especially with your jinchuuriki status? It's already a miracle that he actually allowed us to date and live together for so long."

"That is why I asked if we should try and take a step further. Never know till we try."

"He might blow a hole in the Raikage Tower again and I don't want to be the one responsible for fixing it on our day off."

They still ended up visiting their Raikage after breakfast. Thankfully, the Raikage Tower is still intact by the time they left it because Bee was there to restrain their Raikage and he was genuinely happy for them, if what they deciphered from his horrible rappings were accurate. The Raikage actually gave his permission for her to marry him, which surprised them. Kumo has always been very strict when it comes to what their jinchuurikis can do with their personal lives.

However, secrecy is still a necessity, something which the both of them agreed as well. The union of two shinobis as powerful and dangerous as them will only attract unwanted attention from foreign villages. While Kan is no S Rank shinobi, he is easily among the upper tier of the world's A Rank shinobis. She knew that the reason why his moniker, the Red Lightning, had started to spread across the Elemental Nations over these years was because he wanted to be a shinobi that can stand by her side as her equal.

And he had done it. The moniker of Red Lightning is by no means any less dangerous even when compared to shinobis like Sharingan Kakashi or the Demon of the Mist.

So, with their Raikage's help, they managed to get their marriage papers secretly signed and archived in the Raikage Tower that day. Both of them are not one for ceremonies so on the very same day, the both of them decided to exchange their vows at a shrine hidden within one of Kumo's numerous mountains even when they are not dressed for the occasion. It was a shrine that they had stumbled upon during one of their previous vacation trips. Bee had willingly tagged along as their witness and so did Darui. Under the priest's blessings and Bee and Darui's gaze, they exchanged their vows and became husband and wife.

They exchanged ceremonial weapons in front of the shrine as per the village's customs. It's a pair of swords which they now hang on the walls of their living room. One of the swords has a crimson red sheath and handle, the other sword is those of a deep purple. Kan had somehow prepared the pair of swords a long time ago without her knowing and had brought it along when they had decided to get married at the shrine. It seems that she wasn't the only one who had been mulling over the possibility of marriage too.

Their Raikage had even very graciously given them an entire month off for their honeymoon to do whatever as long as they keep their travels within the Land of Lightning and to send a report about their location at least once every single week. The both of them wasted no time in packing up the moment they got back home and happily skipped out of the village hand in hand, ready to enjoy their lives as newlyweds.

And at the moment when he swept her off her feet and carried her bridal style, tree hopping to their holiday destination, she found herself falling in love with him all over again.

She's really, really lucky to have met him. Her love of her life, her husband.

Kan, her husband, that really has a nice ring to it.

She's not sure who she should blame for this, him or her. Or maybe them both, considering that they were basically acting like a pair of horny rabbits during their honeymoon.

She found that she was pregnant about two months after their vacation ended and honestly, she has no idea why she didn't realise sooner that she was pregnant. None of them were prepared for this, they had taken all the precautions they could possibly take and yet it wasn't enough.

None of them are ready to be parents.

Not only that, being pregnant is not safe for a female jinchuuriki like her. The seal that keeps the beast in will start to weaken from the start of the pregnancy and will be at its weakest during childbirth. If all goes wrong Matatabi will be unleashed during the childbirth and that is the last thing anyone needs.

She had thought long and hard about it and it was the same for him. Nevertheless, they still decided to give it a go.

They want to bring their child into the world.

Their Raikage wasn't happy at the news either, although he was expecting such a thing to happen sooner or later now that they are married. Kumo has to face this problem eventually. It was then that Yugito was relieved that Kan had started to learn Fuinjutsu ever since the end of the Third War and studied it like his life depended on it even when she could not understand what drove him to do so. Kan does know a thing or two about seals to prevent the worst outcome from ever happening. He is not an expert, but he is already one of the best shinobis Kumo can offer when it comes to Fuinjutsu.

Fuinjutsu is arguably the most elusive shinobi art to ever grace the world. It is a dying skill. Kumo could not claim to have Seal Masters within their ranks, that honour goes to the now extinct Uzugakure and the current Konohagakure, but Kumo's knowledge in this branch of the shinobi arts is enough to control their Tailed Beasts. If the worst really is to come, they still have the Amber Sealing Pot to fall back on.

However, she is less worried about the cat breaking loose to destroy the village but rather, more worried about what that would mean for the life growing within her.

She does not want their child to die simply because she is incapable as a jinchuuriki.

She had tried delving within her mind to talk to Matatabi. While she can claim herself to be a perfect jinchuuriki, Matatabi and her are never exactly on good terms. They both begrudgingly respect each other and the cat is more than willing to lend her its power should she need it to stay alive due to the importance it places on its self-preservation, but that is about it. All they have within them is a bond of mutual cooperation, they have not forged a lasting friendship like what Bee had done with the Hachibi. She has no doubts that the cat will still try to break free at the first opportunity that presented itself.

Matatabi didn't kick her out of her mind immediately, which is a good sign, but the talks had still failed. She can understand Matatabi's longing for freedom but she is not going to jeopardise her child's safety.

She will do whatever it takes to hold the beast back, and she is sure that he is hard at work to ensure that their child can be safely born into this world too. She is sure that he will do his best to ensure their safety, so that they can have a complete family.

A faint smile graced her face at the thought.

Family. She's a jinchuuriki, an outcast, but she now has a family. She has her husband, and now she has their child.

That thought doesn't sound that bad and it makes her feel that everything is going to be worth it.

Being a parent is maddening, infuriatingly, hilariously, hard.

She is twenty-six now. She is Nii Yugito, the jinchuuriki of Matatabi, one of the best and deadliest kunoichis of Kumo, wife to Kan.

And also the mother to one four year old Nii Yukari.

She decided that she really loves peacetime. Things are stable, the economy is thriving and so is the village, allowing everyone the time and opportunity to seek their own happiness. It was what made it possible for her to marry Kan and start a family with him. It was what allowed them to welcome Yukari into this world.

Childbirth is a scary process, more so for a jinchuuriki like her but they pulled through like they always did. Nothing went wrong with her doing her best in holding Matatabi back while pushing Yukari out of her womb. Nothing went wrong with Kan using his newly invented seals to ensure that the cat never had a chance to come out to play. They knew that everything was worth it when they finally held their daughter in their arms with happy tears in their eyes. They have no regrets. Yukari is their pride and joy.

Although she would really appreciate it if her daughter stops giving her a massive headache every five minutes.

"Come on, Yukari, let's be a little quieter and let your mother sleep, okay? She just came back from a long mission."

She is thankful that someone among the two of them is good with children. Thank God for Kan, what will she do without him?

She didn't fall asleep immediately. She was awake long enough to feel him climbing onto the bed and lie beside her, hugging her close to him with her back pressing against his chest. Even without looking, she knows that he must be tired as well. Babysitting Yukari is no easy feat, she'd rather face an entire army of enemy shinobis than to babysit Yukari for a single day.

"Thanks." She murmured as she let the sound of his breathing lull her to sleep, enjoying the sensation of being cuddled against him and basking in his warmth.

He didn't give a verbal reply, but the light kiss she felt on her neck is all she needs to know.

She's twenty nine years old now.

Things are starting to look chaotic once more. Tension is rising throughout the Elemental Nations. The fragile peace had been broken ever since the Konoha Invasion happened two years back. Sure, things didn't spiral out of control immediately, but the signs were all there. Tensions had been steadily building and rising among the shinobi villages ever since Konoha lost their Third Hokage to Orochimaru.

Now, they have to look out for this rogue organisation named Akatsuki. If what their intel suggests is correct they are after the Tailed Beasts, which means that they will be after her. This also meant that they might come after her husband and daughter to get to her if need be. That cannot be allowed to happen.

Kan is worried as well. Even the Kazekage had recently fallen to the Akatsuki's hands and it's a miracle that he's still alive at all. She can tell that Kan is gradually going stir crazy at the growing possibility of her facing the Akatsuki. It can be seen from how he is throwing all his free time into Fuinjutsu, the branch of shinobi arts which he claims is the most powerful branch of shinobi art but yet claim that he could never be an expert in it. There's just too much to learn and he just isn't gifted enough to understand it all, only managing to specialise in a few select areas of Fuinjutsu.

She knows how much she means to him. She is trying her best to reassure him that she will be alright even if she ever faces the Akatsuki. She told him time and time again that she is powerful and strong enough to hold her own just fine. She can tell that her words didn't really reassure him all that much because these are S Rank missing nins that they are looking at. She cannot even fathom just how powerful the leader of the Akatsuki must be to command such a powerful team of shinobis at his beck and call.

"Bring this with you at all times, especially when you are out for missions."

She looked at the small piece of paper he handed her, almost believing it to be some kind of evil-warding talisman he had gotten for her from some temple. She would have believed it to be the case if she didn't recognise the seals drawn on it. She would recognise the calligraphy anywhere, this is his handiwork.

"What is this for?" She asked curiously as she tucked it securely within her pocket while dressing herself up for her next mission. It's a mission that will take her two weeks, give or take. The Raikage had limited her movements to within the Land of Lightning because the Akatsuki had been growing bolder lately, so every single mission she was assigned on never allowed her to venture outside their country's borders.

"You know of Mabui's Heavenly Transfer Technique?"

Her eyes widened as she whipped her head around to look at him, her actions taking a temporary pause. Just what kind of crazy seal did he invent now?

"That seal acts as a tracker or to be more accurate, a beacon to me, so that I will always know where you are. I had invented a technique that allows me to temporarily transform into lightning itself, allowing me to travel great distances in a very short period of time. I just need something to help me know where I'm going. This seal is that something. Think of it as a lightning rod that guides me to its location." He explained after seeing the shocked look on her face, his hands going up to help her tie her long hair into her usual ponytail. "If you are ever in danger, and especially if you bump into any Akatsuki members, I want you to send a pulse of chakra to the seal immediately."


"Promise me, please."

His arms hugged her around her waist and pulled her into his embrace, his face burying itself into her shoulders near the crook of her neck. She gave a small sigh, a faint smile forming on her face.

"I promise."

"Promise what?"

"That if I am ever in danger, or if I ever bump into the Akatsuki, I will send a pulse of chakra into that seal immediately."

"Good." He mumbled before pressing a kiss to her cheek, still hugging her close to him. "Stay safe. Yukari and I will wait for you."

"Won't keep you two waiting. I will finish the mission in a week."

"Remember to say goodbye to Yukari before you go. She was mad that you left without a word the last time."

"Yes yes." She nodded and patted his arm with her hand. "I will see if I can get her some new toys while I'm at it. It will be so good that it will easily be her favourite toy. The puppet that you got for her during your mission to Suna will have nothing on it."

He snorted.

"Good luck on that."

Oh the challenge is on.

Just her luck.

Akatsuki. They are here, trying to capture her.

She had sent a pulse of her chakra through the seal Kan had given her. It didn't outwardly react other than glowing a little redder. She still doesn't know just what she should expect from the seal beyond that she needs to keep it close to her at all times. Kan must be on his way and with that, reinforcements from the village. She just has to hold on until then.

If it was her from before she would have no doubt tried taking them on alone. She's still confident that she could take these two bastards by herself but things are different now. She is now a wife and mother, she now has people waiting for her back home. She will do her darn best to get back home alive like she promised him when they first confessed to each other under the moonlit sky, and if that means swallowing her pride and waiting for reinforcements to back her up then she will gladly do so.

She transformed into Matatabi and crushed the annoying silver hair freak into the dirt. She crushed him again and again but somehow he just couldn't seem to bloody die.

Then, pain was all she knew.


She doesn't know what happened because she suffered grievous injuries on her person all of a sudden without knowing why. Her transformation was forcefully stopped as she reverted back to normal. Some sort of weird black markings had appeared on the silver hair freak and everytime he stabbed himself with his scythe she would feel the same pain too, so much that she could do nothing but roll on the ground screaming herself hoarse even with Matatabi's power working at full strength trying to heal her body.

She clenched her teeth as she tried her best to fight back even in her dishevelled looking state. Her long hair had come free from its binding and even her forehead protector had been lost somewhere down the line, the pain is just that unbearable. Kan is waiting for her at home, Yukari is waiting for her at home. Yukari's new toy is sealed within a scroll in her weapons pouch and she has promised their daughter that she will be back to surprise her with a cute kitty plush toy when she gets back from her mission.

She cannot die here. She cannot break her promise to them.

Just as she was trying to fight back once more, lightning crashed right between her and her foes. Her eyes widened, this isn't ordinary lightning. This is red lightning and there's only one person in the Elemental Nations who can use this brand of lightning.

"Red Lightning Kan, bounty of 50 million ryo alive, 40 million ryo dead. What a good day this is."

"Fuck off."

A huge discharge of red lightning blew up the entire area they were at. Yugito screamed once more as this time, the sensation of getting shocked by lightning hit her with the force of an entire storm even when she wasn't struck by it. She felt herself being carried out of the area and even without looking, she knew that she must be in Kan's arms.

"Sorry. There wasn't a better way to release you from the curse that Jashin freak of nature put you under. Hang in there, reinforcements are coming. The Raikage will be here too."

"K-Kan…" She struggled to move as her wounds started to painfully close themselves with a hiss of steam. She's too badly injured to even move. She won't be able to help him until Matatabi has worked its magic and healed her enough to fight once more.

"Rest, Yugito. You did well. I will protect you."

He pressed a light kiss on her forehead and gently lay her by the base of a large tree. When he stood up and turned around, it was just in time that the Akatsuki duo caught up and Yugito could only helplessly watch as her husband calmly stood in the way of the two.

"Immortal Bounty Hunter Kakuzu, Undead Hidan. You have arrived after all."

"You faithless fucker! How dare you interrupt my precious time with Lord Jashin! I will bleed you dry, skin you alive, and offer your innards to him as recompense! You and that bitch both!"

"Quiet, Hidan. He's worth 50 million ryo alive."

"I'm afraid I don't share any of your religions. I do not pray to God, and neither am I a slave to money. This is where we part."

Another huge burst of red lightning blew up the area they were at and Yugito heard the telltale sounds of combat even before the dust had settled. She gritted her teeth and tried to move, trying to will Matatabi's power to work even faster, trying to fill her chakra coils with that potent raw Tailed Beast chakra once more so that she can be there to assist him.

An elongated red blade of lightning sawed through the surrounding area, forcing the Akatsuki duo to keep their distance. Yugito watched as the red blade of lightning retracted until a huge concentration of red lightning crackles in her husband's hand. The silver hair freak -Hidan, that's the name that masked freak and her husband had called him by- is still cursing up a storm. Her gaze then turned to Kakuzu. She had heard of him, the boogeyman of Taki. She just didn't expect him to be the Immortal Bounty Hunter.

"What the flying fuck?! Isn't this fucking Kakashi's technique?!"

"So the rumours were true. Sharingan Kakashi and Red Lightning Kan did invent similar jutsus. Interesting."

"What the FUCK! Kakuzu, now is not the time to be complimenting these heathens!"

Kan made the first move as he threw chakra senbons constructed from his red lightning at Hidan. It nailed him good as Hidan could do nothing but spasm from the electricity running through his body. Kakuzu moved and put himself in Kan's way. A powerful punch tore through Kan and Yugito screamed his name in worry, only to realise that it was a lightning clone that Kakuzu had punched and now Kakuzu is on the receiving end of the full shock of Kan's red lightning.

There was a shrill whirr that screeched through the air as the Akatsuki duo tried to fight against the paralysis. Kan reappeared above them with a chakra construct in hand and Yugito's eyes widened. She had never seen this jutsu in person before but she had heard enough descriptions of it from the survivors of the Third War that had escaped the wrath of Konoha's Yellow Flash.

This has to be one of his signature jutsu, the Rasengan.

Had Kan seen the Yellow Flash in action before? Had he fought against the Yellow Flash before and lived to tell the tale? He had never liked talking about the things he had been through during the Third War so she never pried, because she knows the war brings about nothing other than to force him to relieve bad memories. He had never been all that forthcoming about the period of time which they missed out on each other's life during the Third War so she really doesn't know, but if Kan had somehow recreated the Fourth Hokage's signature technique simply by seeing it once, then just how good is he?

Kan slammed the Rasengan on Kakuzu and grinded his body into the ground. He would have continued to do so if it wasn't for a scythe being thrown his way and he was forced to escape with a Substitution technique. Kan didn't let up but released another huge blast of red lightning that tore the land apart, buying him some time to catch a breather.

Yugito gritted her teeth and concentrated on recovering. She is starting to be able to move again. Her wounds had healed enough to do so. Her chakra reserves are quickly building back up. Just a little more and she can join him in battle.

"Rasengan… That is the Rasengan. How? Who are you?"

Kakuzu's deep voice growled out from within the dust cloud. Kan simply responded with a calm voice.

"You said it yourself. Red Lightning Kan, 50 million ryo bounty alive, 40 million dead. If the Fourth Hokage can invent this spinning chakra ball of doom then so can I."

"You are going to regret destroying one of my hearts, brat!"

Yugito felt herself getting picked up immediately just as the ground below them erupted. A pair of hands attached to some sort of black tendrils tried to grab at them but Kan's red lightning kept them away. Her hand quickly patted on Kan's arm, signalling for him to put her down.

"I've recovered enough, I can still fight."

"Don't fully transform. The scythe guy's jutsu works by ingesting his opponent's blood and then activated by drawing a symbol on the ground using blood, probably his own. From what Kakuzu said earlier, it's likely that he had also attained some form of immortality too. Don't be reckless."

"Well, aren't you just brilliant!"

Kakuzu roared as elemental jutsus of all chakra natures assaulted them from out of nowhere and this time, Yugito is the one who destroyed them all with an angry snarl. She prowled on all fours in her Version Two chakra mode as what B called it. She will be enough to defend Kan from harm as he devises a way to put this immortal duo down.

Kan used the opening she bought for him and appeared behind Hidan with a flicker, sword drawn. Hidan's reflexes were unfortunately fast enough to avoid a beheading blow as his scythe clashed against Kan's sword with a metallic clink. Kan smirked as his blade suddenly had a reddish glow as lightning coursed through it. The sword cut through Hidan's weapon like a hot knife through butter and cut Hidan's body into two at the same time.

"Didn't you guys say that my technique is just like Kakashi's? Then why are you still fighting me in close quarters?"

Kakuzu rushed at Kan with three thread monsters but she was faster, hurling massive fireballs at him before he could harm her husband. One thread monster turned to face her and she would have nearly obliterated it if Kakuzu didn't fuse the monsters with him in the nick of time.

Ew, disgusting.

"Fuck! KAKUZU! Hurry and sew me back together!"


Kan didn't allow Kakuzu to help Hidan or to take a break as he fought off the monstrous immortal with expert ease. It is then Yugito truly sees what Kan could achieve when he is fighting at full power. Even when they had been together for so many years this is the first time she had seen him going all out, not like the lighthearted spars they had whenever they trained together.

He really is brilliant, and she is proud to say that.

She continues to provide long distance support with her arsenal of fire jutsus, quickly turning their battlefield into a fiery hell. It wasn't long before storm clouds gathered above them thanks to the heat unleashed and Kan took control of the natural lightning in the sky, just like how they had once done it on Han. Last they checked, Han still has the nasty scars that reminded him of his defeat by their hands during the Third War.

Come to think about it, is Han still alive? Or had he already been captured by the Akatsuki just like the Kazekage did?


Natural lightning crashed down on Kakuzu at the speed of light and Yugito watched on in both awe and fear at how Kakuzu managed to defend himself from the worst of it. She immediately rushed up to Kakuzu to keep up the pressure, not allowing him the chance to recover.

"Yugito, get back!"

Another shrill whirr can be heard but this time, it's different. Kan reappeared with another Rasengan, but this Rasengan now has a dangerous amount of red lightning imbued into it.

Knowing what Kan is trying to do, Yugito extended her arms using the properties of her chakra shroud of her Version Two mode to pin Kakuzu in place from a safe distance. Kakuzu roared as he tried to break free but he won't be fast enough. Kan is already in front of him.


The lightning Rasengan was shoved at Kakuzu's chest and their surroundings got torn asunder.


She managed to grab him out of the blast radius just in time as her chakra shroud receded. Sustaining it any longer and it will be detrimental to her already injured body. She spotted electric burns all over Kan's arm that he used to shove the Rasengan at Kakuzu and her heart pained at the sight. These scars are most likely going to stay even after his arm is healed.

The dust eventually settled, showing them the sight of two very dead and extremely mutilated corpses. They had done it. They had slain the immortals.

She wasn't expecting him to suddenly pull her into a tight hug.


"You are alive." He rasped out. "You are alive."

"I'm fine. We are alright, see?"

His only response was to hold her tighter with his only working arm and she wrapped her arms around him as well, telling him that she is alright, that she had held true to her promise to return back to him.

That was the position that they were found in when their Raikage came charging right in together with an entire unit of Elite Jonin. He took one look at them as Yugito awkwardly tried to pry herself from her husband's arm only to fail, and then back at the very dead and scattered pieces of corpses strewn about the site of their battle. They could barely recognise the pieces of Kakuzu and Hidan in there. Kan's version of the Rasengan had violently ripped them into so many pieces that screamed of sheer brutality. The smell of charred flesh told everyone enough that Kan must have been the one to deal the final blow with his signature red lightning.

"Kan? You can release me now. The Raikage is looking at us!" She hissed into his ear but it was like he had blocked out all outside stimulus. It took her awhile to finally get him to snap back to reality.

"I expected nothing less from the both of you. If you are still able to move, then we head back immediately." The Raikage said with a snort as he signalled for his men to clean up the mess, probably hoping to glean some sort of secrets from the corpses of the dead S Rank nins, if anyone could actually piece them back together in the first place.


Kan caught their attention as he rolled out a scroll on the ground with some unknown seal array drawn on it. They watched as Kan knelt down in front of it and closed his eyes, fingers held in a hand seal as though concentrating hard on something. It took a while, but his eyes did eventually open.

"I knew it. Found you."

The seal markings on the scroll moved and immediately expanded outwards across the ground that they were standing on in a split second, stretching further than what they could see. Yugito watched as Kan quickly went through a long list of hand seals as the seal markings slowly compressed back towards the scroll and dragged along with it something… black. Some black gooey thing with yellow eyes.

"Let go of me! Argh! What is this?!"

"You will not bring harm to anyone ever again. Seal!"

Everyone could only watch in silent wonder as the mass of black got sealed into the scroll. Kan quickly rolled up the scroll the moment it was done before obliterating it from existence with a blast of red lightning.


Their Raikage's questioning frown is shared by everyone present. What was that?

"I sensed its presence since the start of the battle but I could never pinpoint its exact location until now. It just doesn't feel human, so I decided to use my new seal to lock it in a separate dimension for all eternity and destroy the only space-time link to this world so that it will never come back. That is all."

"You deemed it to be that dangerous?"

"Very, Raikage-sama." Kan replied respectfully with a slight bow given the injuries he is sporting. C is trying to heal his mangled arm back but proper treatment could only be done back at the village. It was a wonder that he managed to form that long list of hand seals earlier when he was sealing that black thing.

"Very well." Their Raikage closed the issue without prying further, showing the trust he has in Kan. It wasn't long before the entire squad were on their way back to the village and Kan carried her on his back despite her protests.

"I can run on my own just fine, you know? And that arm of yours, you are in no state to be-"

"I'm using my other arm, aren't I? Sleep, Yugito, you deserve it. I will wake you up when we get back home. Hopefully Bee hasn't taught Yukari how to rap like he does."

"Wait, you left Yukari with Bee?"

A round of muffled laughter was elicited from the shinobis around them and even their Raikage visibly sighed.

"It was an emergency. Who else can I find at such a short moment's notice that is strong enough to protect her and will be in the village?"

"At least things won't be dull with Yukari and Bee together." Darui offered, but Yugito shot him a glare that got the lazy man to shut up immediately. Like hell she will allow Bee to corrupt her daughter!

"Sleep, Yugito. I'll wake you when we get back." Kan's gentle voice lulled her as her eyelids started to droop. No doubt he is using some form of auditory genjutsu to put her to sleep but she didn't bring herself to fight back against the effects of the genjutsu despite it being a C Rank genjutsu at best.

"Love you." She mumbled as she finally allowed sleep to claim her, resting her head against his back and a smile on her face.

It feels great to be loved.

"Do you think we should try for another kid?"

She's thirty one years old now. Things changed once more.

Akatsuki had been eliminated. A Fourth World War had been sparked by a fake Madara wannabe not long after their run-in with Akatsuki's zombie duo but the Shinobi Alliance brought the Akatsuki down soon after. She herself had nearly died many times in the war and so did Kan. It was just that dangerous.

After all, the real Madara was reanimated by the slimy snake known as Yakushi Kabuto. Fucking Konoha and their incapability to put a leash on their unhinged geniuses.

However, it was worth it.

An era of peace had been ushered after the Fourth War. Peace the likes of which the Elemental Nations had never experienced before blossomed across their lands. She has her fellow jinchuuriki, Uzumaki Naruto, to thank for that. The five major villages are starting to cooperate with each other to avert the possibility of another war happening once more.

Yukari is old enough to attend the academy now, which means that they now have a lot more alone time with each other. Letting her terrorise her classmates instead of her poor parents is a really brilliant move on their part.

"Raikage-sama will have another headache if that really happened." Kan mused as they both laid on their bed, comfortably snuggled against each other with their eyes closed.

"Matatabi's a lot more cooperative now. It will be fine." She whispered into his ear with a seductive tone as her finger lightly traced his jawline. She let out a surprised yelp when he suddenly pinned her under his body and began to plant kisses all over her body while clumsily getting rid of the few clothes that they are wearing.

"Kan! A little warning next time!"

"Time waits for no man and it's time to get Yukari a little brother or sister so that she can stop bothering us to give her a younger sibling."

"At least let me- mmph! You beast! At least let me finish speaking!"

"You were the one who seduced me, and Yukari won't be back until late afternoon. Babies aren't going to pop out of nowhere, Yugito." He said with a low husky voice near her ear that got pleasant shivers running up and down her entire body.

Whatever happened next ended up being another memorable intimate experience that she will remember for eternity.

Meeting him was really the most fortunate thing to have happened in her life.


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