/ TV / Reborn in game of thrones as a dark lord

Reborn in game of thrones as a dark lord Original

Reborn in game of thrones as a dark lord

TV 8 Capítulos 108.5K Visitas
Autor: Justin_Swart

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  1. Justin_Swart
    Justin_Swart Contribuido 30
  2. Alltier
    Alltier Contribuido 10
  3. Storm2023
    Storm2023 Contribuido 5

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It’s better than most GOT fanfics and the story isn’t as two dimensional as others but the spelling really of puts you from the story as you have to keep stopping to try to decode what you read or to leave a comment to help the auter correct the spelling errors. Other than that the story is pretty good for a GOT fanfic.

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Autor Justin_Swart