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53.33% Reborn as the Minotaur God / Chapter 5: Name Day

Capítulo 5: Name Day



And she was greeted with a foot to the face!

Waving her arms blindly, the goddess tried to get closer to the boy, who, with all his strength, tried to push her away.

"Don't you even think about dirtying me with your stink and the sweat of a depraved drunk, Dangerous Tits!"

Whining like a child, Aphrodite pulled the foot from her face, looking at Asterius with puppy-dog eyes.

"Your brother is kinder, Ast… or are you jealous?"

The goddess spoke playfully while managing to paralyze Asterius' movements and hugging him, leaving him to struggle in vain with his face pressed between her suffocating, sweaty breasts.

'In your dreams, shameless Big Boobs.'

Grunting irritably, Asterius continued his counterattack, biting directly into one of her nipples. It made her moan in discomfort. Taking advantage of the brief release of air, he grumbled angrily at the goddess.

"Let me go! I'm not going to sleep with someone reeking of sweat and alcohol!"

Pouting, Aphrodite raised her fingers while muttering about "petulant children" and "you're lucky you're cute and entertaining me." With a snap of her fingers, as if by magic, all traces of dirt, sweat, and odor were gone. Only a gentle, sweet floral fragrance remained.

"Happy now? Now let's sleep~"

Before Asterius could complain again about her invading HIS space, he was silenced once more by the goddess' breasts, as she shoved one of her bare, milk-dripping nipples into his mouth, reluctantly shutting up the hybrid demigod. Aphrodite, deceptively slender, demonstrated a hidden strength that fooled anyone.

And so, Asterius was forced to endure the lazy, spoiled goddess Aphrodite for the rest of the years to come.




Aphrodite was dreaming peacefully, sleeping in a comfortable bed made even better by the warmth she embraced—her favorite little teddy bear, a small Bull-



The undignified scream of the goddess of Love echoed as she fell face-first onto the soft bed, landing on top of her teddy bear.


Ah, there it is! Her dear teddy bear. Well, teddy bear wasn't quite the right word anymore.

After all, it had been 『13 YEARS』

Since they met. Though for the gods, that would be the equivalent of a few days or weeks.

Asterius was no longer a cute little boy—he was a cute MAN.

Though he had the personality of a grumpy old man.

"This depraved goddess always uses me as a pillow. I'll get back at her someday."

Fufufu~ It was always fun to torment him. Watching Asterius develop over the years had been entertaining.

Rising from the bed and resting a hand on her head as she watched him get dressed, she could admire his body at will.

Asterius was now a MAN, with a large, strong body sculpted with muscles. His physique was the image of a god, accompanied by his peculiar traits: large black horns and black eyes with crimson pupils. His heated gaze managed to keep her "excited" and focused. Yet, in the end, she still wasn't bored of him, contrary to what many would think. She could have forced Asterius to love her by increasing his lust to the point where he'd explode and ravish her—or her sisters or mother. She could have cursed him for rejecting her or even forced him to treat her as his equal. But she didn't. Why?

Honestly, even she didn't know. Maybe because, technically, it was her fault he was born?

Maybe out of simple boredom? She didn't know. Asterius was the man who had rejected her the most. Not even Hephaestus or Zeus had lasted more than a few minutes before succumbing to the pleasure of having her in their bed. It didn't matter if they were men, women, old, young, boys, or girls—EVERYONE succumbed to her love… but not Asterius!

He possessed an immeasurable willpower capable of overcoming his carnal desires, which she KNEW were at their limit.

Perhaps… that's why she was still here, and hadn't gone somewhere else or returned permanently to Olympus.

She still occasionally left to have fun with one of her servants, a minor god, or Ares, but in the end, she always came back to Asterius, who, despite what she thought, didn't care in the slightest about who she slept with.

His words were:

"We're not married or dating; you're simply the pest in my life."

Even though she didn't know what "pest" meant, she guessed it was something like a stalker… maybe?

She wasn't sure.

"Are you going to stand there daydreaming, or are you going to get ready?"

"Hmm? OH~ does my body shame you, my beloved?"

She asked while delicately running her hands over her body, massaging her bare breasts and between her legs.

"No, I just don't want to have to explain to people again why you've turned nudist and deal with my mother wanting to kill you."

He said this with an expressionless face, despite the display of sensuality.

"Fufufu~ as you wish, dear~"

And with a simple wave of her hand, I was fully dressed.

Thinking of Pasiphae, she was another interesting woman. She knew it was I who cursed her, but she didn't hate me for it… well… not for THAT reason. She was angry at me for being close to her "little star"—a forbidden love! How marvelous. But it will never progress as long as she hides behind a mask.

Watching Asterius leave the room, she sighed before rising to follow him.

In the distance, she heard a bolt of lightning strike the hillside. It made her freeze for a moment before sighing resignedly.

"Uugh, Zeus, you spoiled brat."

Flying quickly and embracing the great Minotaur's shoulders, she stole a kiss from his lips, smiling at his flushed face.


She then disappeared on the spot.

*"That woman will be the death of me."*

Asterius' whisper was the last thing she heard before teleporting to Olympus, ready to hear what Zeus wanted from this summons.



My life has been strangely peaceful. Maybe it has something to do with Aphrodite being here. Minos wouldn't dare imprison someone favored by a god—especially someone who's already cursed him once.

Walking down the grand corridor to the dining hall, I ignored the fearful and shocked stares of the servants and guests.

Yes, GUESTS. Minos thought it was a good idea to throw a party today. Why?

It's my 17th birthday. I (and Minos) didn't want it, but my mother and Aphrodite insisted, so I had to give in.

Not that I like having all this attention on me. I hate even more the DAMN WHISPERS I hear from the guests coming from other kingdoms to honor the *"divine son"* of Minos.

Their whispers are enough to make me want to go "Full Minotaur" and tear them apart.

"I heard that Zeus turned into a bull and fucked his mother."

"I'm sure it was an ox, just look at that!"

"With that size, he must accept any woman who sleeps with him."

"I heard that his dick is so big that prostitutes make him pay its weight in gold, since he stretches their pussies so much that he ruins them for other men after he's done."

WHAT? Seriously? Who invented that rumor? Not that I'm putting myself down, but I've never even slept with a woman! Much less would I do something LIKE THAT! Sure, a small woman would probably be broken, but seriously? Who invented those rumors?

Stopping in my tracks, I slowly turned with an emotionless, unblinking face to whoever said it. Staring at him with my red eyes.

I may be someone who doesn't like conflict, but that doesn't mean I take insults like that lying down.

I saw the bearded old man who said that paralyze while he and his accomplice froze like deer.





After a few seconds of staring at them, I saw out of the corner of my eye everyone moving away from Us, Boa, if I had to kill him, I'd rather not dirty anyone.

However, unfortunately for them, a delicate hand grabbed their shoulders and pulled them towards her.

Both of them came face to face with the queen, my mother. Who had a smile on her face, but the eyes of a murderer.

A very unmanly squeak came from the oldest of them while the last one turned pale.

"Hello, good sirs, how are we? I hope you're not causing ANY TROUBLE, huh? After all, it would be a shame if something happened TODAY and you couldn't sit down, or even worse, your dear families SUDDENLY got sick, right?"

As she spoke, I could see the murderous intent of that woman coming out in droves, along with the men turning paler. They were shaking so hard that one of them peed himself. Muttering apologies under their breath, they fled from here. Clever.

They are a simple minor noble family, unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It would be easy to make them all disappear.

And so, with a 180° she turned to me with a big loving smile.

"Shall we?"

Without waiting for my answer, she simply pulled me by the hand into the party room.


Is it too late to just imprison myself in the labyrinth? Seriously, having to endure these idiotic nobles and fearful commoners circling me like vultures while pretending to care is exhausting.

To my side, there's a balding, potbellied old noble who won't stop talking about his lands and how I should visit them. Idiots. Do they think I don't know what they want?

I'm the last heir, and despite my appearance, my siblings treat me well, like their little brother. My mother doesn't even hide that she favors me. And then there's the fact that a literal OLYMPIC GODDESS walks around with me. They only want to flatter me in exchange for favors.

The worst are the banshees who keep petting me and whispering about how "comfortable" my fluffy white mane is or how "wild" I must be in bed. Don't these idiot nobles notice that their "innocent" daughters are practically throwing themselves at me? Well, whatever.

At some point, while drinking a jug of wine, my eyes landed on someone… out of place.


…What… the… hell… IS THAT?

I never thought I'd see a HUMAN with "jars" comparable to Aphrodite, but I was wrong. A few meters from the main table where I sat enjoying the massive feast stood an ENORMOUS woman.

She easily reached nearly two meters tall, with a plump, chubby body, but there was no mistaking it—anyone with TWO EYES could see the toned muscles in those arms and THICK thighs, which somehow still looked incredibly soft.

Her face was another sight to behold. She had a round, cute face with a serene and maternal expression, a button nose, and dazzling cyan-green eyes hidden behind round glasses. Her ebony hair was tied into a low ponytail, enhancing her maternal aura (an image of her appearance will be in the comments).

She wore only a purple dress, which clearly did very little; her body pressed tightly against the fabric, making her voluptuous figure easy to see! Yet, she maintained such a gentle and maternal expression with a small smile that made my heart pound. She was a wonderful combination—soft and maternal face, sinful and chubby body—she was so…



Ignoring the vultures clinging disgustingly to my arms, I stood to my full height of three meters. Ignoring the shocked stares of my siblings and family, both at my sudden exit and for SPEAKING out loud, I walked toward the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

My size alone easily intimidated everyone. I saw the nobles and other men fawning over her, drooling at the chance to bed her. Well, tough luck for them. Walking up to her, I watched her attention turn to me, and with just one look, I saw the men backing away, retreating. Their instincts are good.

Standing face-to-face, I admired her even more, seeing a blush form on her face.

Until I cried internally from embarrassment upon realizing I had just been *staring* at her, saying nothing! I could hear people whispering around me, and I saw my family encouraging me in the background. Androgeus gave a confident thumbs-up, Phaedra just shook her head, and Deucalion cheered me on. Ariadne? Well, she fainted with hearts in her eyes.

The first move came from the woman. Strangely, I felt even more embarrassed. Thank the gods my fluffy white mane hid my blush.

"My prince, my congratulations to you~"

Holding the edges of her dress, she gave a slight bow. Embarrassed, I only nodded… Smiling warmly at me, her next action surprised everyone, including me.

From absolutely NOWHERE, she turned and pulled a massive chest that had apparently been sitting at her feet the whole time, though I had ignored it.

With brute strength, she hurled it into my hands.

I felt the weight—it had to be at least 20 kilograms—but she threw it with just a grunt of annoyance. This woman must have some divine blood, probably from Zeus, given her sheer strength.

Which only made me desire her even more!

A big, strong woman…

My gods, I have a type.

I wonder if she's strong enough for an arm-wrestling match?

A voice in the background snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking at her, I saw her speaking enthusiastically while pointing to the chest.

"---I commissioned the finest creation for my prince! A weapon WORTHY of your Majesty!"


Awkwardly, I set the chest down and opened it… and was greeted with something I could love! The best gift of the night!


I hadn't noticed it before, but the chest was easily the size of a spear—nearly two meters—with two giant double-headed axes at its center!

I grabbed them delicately, afraid I might break them.

Lifting them to my face, I saw my reflection in the polished metal. They were silver and black, clearly forged with a special process!


Spinning them in my hands, I squeezed their handles and noticed they didn't groan under my strength, which only proved their durability!

Admiring the blacksmith woman, I could only thank her in one way.

Her expression, proud and waiting for gratitude, was replaced with shock when I dropped the axes, grabbed the plump woman by the waist, and lifted her high into the air! Hugging her tightly in my arms, I laughed for the first time in years—something that echoed through the entire hall.


At the family table.

Androgeus choked on a piece of chicken, causing Ariadne to have to pat his back to help him while staring at me with her mouth agape.

Fedra froze in shock, spilling the wine she was about to drink all over her chest.

Deucalion slipped as he got up and fell flat on his back.

Minus and Pasiphae froze mid-conversation with the nobles and only rolled their eyes toward us. I was known for NEVER speaking more than two words, some people even thought I was mute. But never, NEVER had anyone heard me laugh! For the first time, I laughed out loud without a care. It seemed so small and insignificant to everyone, but to me? It was genuine joy. Maybe it's the spirit of the original owner of this body who lived in Fate, feeling nostalgic. But to me?

It was an unparalleled euphoria!

"M-My Prince? P-Please, e-AAH!"

Without waiting for her to complain, I carried her with a big smile on my face. I hurried back to my seat, ignoring the shocked looks from my family. I sat down with the plump woman on my lap and eagerly grabbed a piece of chicken thigh, handing it to her hands. Grabbing another, I ate it with hearty, joyful bites. For the first time, I ate with joy with my family.

Holding her in my lap, I just smiled, rubbing up and down on her waist, smiling like a child on Christmas. The woman simply stared at me with a shocked look, before melting into a maternal gaze.

She placed her hand on my face as she moved closer and gave a delicate kiss on my cheek. Smiling, she spoke:

"At least learn my name before you kidnap me, my prince~ I am Europa! Your Grandmother."

Grandmother! How cool, a grandmother—



'You know what? Screw it! It's my birthday, and I've never been happier! I'll leave the panic for tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll panic for being in love with my grandmother!'

Nodding my head, I went back to eating while watching her take bites of the chicken, smiling maternally at me. I soon felt her adjust in my lap, moving her plumpness toward the center of my lap, rubbing her weight all over my groin, making me freeze for a moment and look in her direction. Seeing an innocent face on her, I just let her play and went back to eating while holding her tenderly.

Hearing the silence in the room, I turned to look at the shocked expressions from my family.




With a loud, joyful shout and laughter.

Soon I saw my brothers laughing too and going back to celebrating, I also saw a tense smile on my mother's face as she awkwardly turned another jug of wine down her throat in a most undignified manner for a queen.

'Is this some mother-in-law trauma?'

Meanwhile, beside her, my "father" Minus seemed to be going through a wave of events beyond despair, his face shifting through various emotions before settling on one of resignation as he, like my mother, chugged down a jug of wine.

I just shrugged at their exaggerated reactions and hugged Europa, MY GRANDMOTHER, even tighter on my lap, feeling her rest her body against me and rub her soft, plump behind against me once more.

I have a feeling this night is just getting started. But, well, I think the weirdness runs in the family, because I'm sure I saw Europa (Grandmother) blush while looking at my horns and caressing my white mane.


Meanwhile, far away on Mount Olympus.

Aphrodite nervously bit her nails as she returned to her temple.

Murmuring frantically about what was said in the gods' meeting and Zeus' words:

『A warrior with a white mane, capable of holding the sky and climbing Tartarus, will rise! With berserker blood-red eyes, he will reign! And by his hands, The King of the Heavens WILL FALL!』

"Oh, Asterius... what have I done?!"

And so, a tear fell from Aphrodite's eyes as she thought of the young man she had grown attached to over the past years and feared what the king of the gods would do if he found out about him….

May Chaos have mercy on her little half-blood nephew.

Mujun_Sama Mujun_Sama

Europa appearance:Cattleya(queen's Blade)

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