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6.25% Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic / Chapter 1: Transformers - New World
Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic original

Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic

Autor: Ellora25

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Transformers - New World

A young child came to in a hospital room, "I.. Where am I?"

A nurse gasped, "Doctor, patient Witwicky is awake."

The child muttered, "Wonder who named themselves Witwicky. Must be a die hard fan of Transformers."

A blond haired lady entered, "Oh Sammy, my baby."

Sam, that's his name was startled, 'What? Wait, wait, something is not right.'

Sam, "Ummm... Pretty lady? Who are you?"

A man who had also followed the lady looked heart broken, "Son, it's us, don't you remember us?"

The last sobbed, "Oh Ron, what has that man done to our baby?"

The Doctor who had been checking his health spoke, "Well there is nothing wrong with him physically. But he did receive a blunt trauma to the head earlier. Though he recovered physically, it appears some of his memories might be suppressed."

Ron spoke, "Will my son be okay, Doctor Nate?"

Dr Nate nodded, "Yes, though he doesn't remember you, it's obvious he is comfortable with you. Look, he is falling asleep. That would not happen if he had completely forgotten you and considered you strangers."

Ron, "He'll be alright Judy. We will make sure he gets better."

Dr Nate, "Now, I better go check on the other kids, I'll give you three privacy. Also do not fret, Sam is only ten, he will soon forget this event and be a happy child again."

Judy gave a watery smile hugging her son, "Thank you Doctor."

A while later Sam woke up again and this time his parents, or at least he thinks they are his parents were talking quietly. Sam was sleepy but he could hear a few snippets like, the bastard has been arrested, other kids are safe, thankfully no one died. Sam wondered what had happened previously to land him in a hospital, he had a vague memory of being grabbed by a man. But nothing concrete, his head hurt trying to remember and he whimpered because of the pain, which was heard by his parents.

Judy, "Sammy, are you awake?"

Sam gingerly touched his head, "Um... My head hurts though... Ow."

Ron, "That's because that ba... bully hit you over the head son. Don't worry though the bully is being punished."

Sam nodded, "That's good. Thanks.... Dad, Mom."

Judy teared up but smiled, "No need to thank us, baby. You should just focus on getting better."

Sam, "Okay... I am hungry."

Ron laughed, "Of course son. We got you food, don't worry."

Judy took out a hot case, "We got your favorites, toasted bread with eggs benedict, sweet pea soup and chocolate cake."

Sam's eyes gleamed, "Yay!"

Sam's mind however was in a turmoil, he was not a child, his closest memory was going to work and then an accident happened. He was pretty sure he had been hit by a car, but then again he hated his work life so should he be complaining? Maybe he should just enjoy being a kid again and who else could brag their family name was similar to the name used in a popular series. But, he decided, it could have been so much worse like a zombie world or Attack on Titan dimension. Sam shivered thinking about it then decided to just go with the flow at the moment, make his decisions, as things happen.

They stayed at the hospital for a few days and at one point the police came to talk to him about what happened. Unfortunately since his memory was blurry he could only remember being grabbed roughly, and being hit, could have done without remembering that particular memory. The police were quiet sympathetic and pat his head telling him not to worry about that fellow anymore then started to talk to the Doctor. It seems the Doctor informed them about his condition if the looks of pity sent his way were anything to go by. On their last day of stay though they were visited by another family, the Darbies which had Sam staring because Darby, really?

Mr Darby a blond haired man cleared his throat, "Hello I am Bradley Darby call me Rad though and this is my wife and son."

Mrs Darby a beautiful red haired woman smiled, "I am Sarrina Darby, feel free to call me Sari."

The youngest a red haired boy piped up, "Hi, I'm Raphael Darby, call me Raph."

Judy got up, "Of course, of course, I'm Judy Witwicky, call me Judy, dears."

Ron shook Rad's hand, "Ronald Witwicky, call me Ron."

Sam smiled at the young boy, "Hello, I'm Samuel Witwicky call me Sam. Wanna play checkers while the grown ups talk."

Raph's eyes lit up, "Yes please."

Judy, "Please have a seat Rad, Sari, kids stay where we can see you."

Sam, "Don't worry mom, we are gonna be on that bed while you talk."

Rad, "I wanted to thank you. Raph told us what you did for him. If you had not kept Raph safe, I fear what would have happened."

Sam blinked, "That guy was threatening a kid who is younger than me. Kinda lame don't you think? If he was tough he would have challenged someone his own size."

Sari, "Maybe you are right, he's not so tough, is he? But still thank you."

Raph was holding on to Sam's hand, "Yeah, thank you."

Sam ruffled his hair, "Don't mention it, it gave me a new friend at the end of the day."

Raph, "Really? Friends?"

Sam nodded holding up a box of colourful checkers, "Friends, now come on let's play."

The adults watched the kids play while they talked among themselves about what was going to happen next. The police were on the case and found out the man who had hurt the kids was also the one responsible for missing children previously. Judy took Sari aside and started to talk about lighter things not wishing to remember how close they both came to loosing their babies. Sari was visibly relieved by the change while their husbands were talking about how to tackle similar problems in the future. Soon both families left the hospital with promises of more play dates for their kids in the future.

Sam, "I like Raph, he is nice, a little shy but nice."

Ron, "Really?"

Sam, "Yeah, can I invite him over for my birthday?"

Judy, "Of course dear, along with your classmates and cousins, you can."

Sam nodded and paused that was another thing his classmates and cousins names especially his best friend, were a little too familiar. It's almost like he was reincarnated into a different world where his family was part of a huge fandom. OMG! The only fandom with a Sam Witwicky was the movies and everyone knew how the movies ended, the universe literally crashed. Though he has cousins who went by Dani Witwicky and Cody Witwicky who he vaguely remembers meeting before.

Sam was trying not to panic, "Raph is not as rude as Trent. I think Miles will like him too."

Ron, "Rude? What do you mean rude?"

Sam scowled, "Trent keeps bullying Miles, I don't like bullies."

Judy, "Understood dear, we won't invite him then."

Sam, "Hey mom, can it just be Miles, his family, Raph, his family and my cousins only this party."

Ron, "We can do that. It'll save up some money too."

Judy swat her husband, "Ron honestly."

Sam laughed at their antics and entered his home, a very familiar house. He was stumped but shook his head and announced he was going to shower and left. He would think about things when he stopped smelling like hospital antiseptic and soap. After shower, Sam started to look around his room and he suspected it but holding proof of it's existence was another matter. The infamous glasses with location of the Allspark, Sam went through the mess of room placing dirty clothes in a laundry basket.

Sam was holding a diary that belonged to Archibald, "These symbols.... Definitely Cybertronian."

Sam looked around the room that looked better now that his clothes were in one place, "Okay, let's fix this place up to my taste."

Ron walked in as Sam was placing the last of his grandfather's items on the shelf, "Son?"

Sam, "Hey dad, just give me a sec."

Ron looked at the shelf, "Your grandfather's compass, he always bragged about it."

Sam puffed up, "And I keep it clean and shiny. Look it looks good as new too."

Ron chuckled before looking serious, "Son, how are you? I mean seriously how do you feel?"

Sam, "Okay I think, I mean I don't even remember much what happened. I only know it did because the nurses gossiped when they thought I was sleeping but couldn't because they were loud."

Ron muttered, "I'll have to talk about that to the staff."

Ron turned to Sam, "Your mother and I were talking and we thought, perhaps you should get a therapist."

Sam nodded, "Okay."

Ron, "Of course, you don't have to.... Really?"

Sam, "Yeah, I mean the nurses mentioned therapy was important so why not."

Ron, "Alright then, we'll try to schedule a therapist for you with someone we trust. Now, as for your birthday, we are inviting the Darbies and Lancasters aside from the Witwicky family. Is that all you want?"

Sam, "Yeah, I can't think of anyone else."

Ron, "What about that girl that you liked? I think her name was Banes."

Sam, "Who?"

Ron, "Never mind. I'll talk to your mom about the therapist."

Sam watched him go muttering to himself, he knew who Banes was but he didn't feel anything for her. How could he? He was not the original Sam and no way he was gonna start pretending to be him. Too much hassle in his opinion, besides he would have his hands full if his suspicions about being in that one particular universe is true. On the bright side, he gets to enjoy his birthday with people who care about him. He needs to find a way to get the Cybertronians off planet Earth, maybe the Knight ship could be a good choice, that is if he knew where it was.

Sam eyed his grandfather's items, 'Something to keep me busy in the future. There's even a symbol belonging to the Knights of Cybertron in his diary. I can use that as an excuse.'

Sam soon was talking to a therapist and going to school where the kids would stare at him, either in curiosity or awe. Miles, bless his oblivious nature, treated him the same way as before, or maybe he was the smartest among them. It's always the ones who are not noticeable that surprise you after all. Raph was in a junior class but happily joined them during the recess period to the point a rumor about him being related to one of them started.

Sam shook his head, 'Some people have nothing to do.'

Raph, "Hey Sam, what's all these stuff?"

Sam, "Hm.. Oh those, they are stuff that my late grandfather left me on his will."

Miles, "It's a treasure hunters dream."

Sam, "Maybe ~"

Raph, "Is this diary his too?"

Sam, "Uh huh, let me show you something, bring it over."

Raph brought the diary over to the bed where Miles and Sam were hanging around, "What's it about?"

Sam opened the page to the part with one of the Knight's symbol, "This is a Knight's symbol. I reckon Gramps was looking for treasure but I have no idea what most of these symbols mean."

Raph's eyes shone with interest, "We could research."

Miles, "Totally, imagine if we found a chest of gold or even better a Knight's armour."

Sam laughed and they sat down looking through the diary that Sam was sure held more Cybertronian symbols. Later Judy called them downstairs to celebrate the birthday and have cake. It was a chocolate and strawberry cheesecake, one of Sam's favourite. His cousins were there too, Dani a brunette teen with blue eyes and Cody a blond haired boy with blue eyes. Cody's age was closer to Raph's and the two hit it off, to Sam's relief, the birthday went off without a hitch.

By the time Sam turned thirteen, he decided on earning money somehow, Miles and Raph had a few ideas on how to earn money. From selling lemonades, Miles, during the hot summer to taking dogs out on their walks, Raph, to weeding the neighbor's yards, Sam, his dad showed him how to do it. The three of them collected a decent amount, summer was the best time for the jobs. Raph and Cody had become fast friends over the years and stayed in contact though Sam's Uncle and Aunt lived in England across the sea. It did not stop the two boys from being friends, Sam would have prefered if Trent didn't flirt with his older cousin.

He was protective, sue him, Dani though could handle herself and asked him if his girlfriend knew he was a pathetic cheating looser. Trent became flustered and left, Miles though was laughing and telling her, she was his favorite Witwicky now. Sam snorted from laughter pointing out she is everyone's favorite Witwicky. By the time Sam and Miles turned fifteen and Raph turned thirteen, all three of them had collected a good amount of money. A couple thousand dollars and Sam hummed wondering if he should get The Camaro next few months.

Raph looked up from his book, "Something up?"

Sam, "I was thinking of getting a car."

Miles, "Not just you. It would be good for us to have a car, even though it's second hand."

Raph hummed, "There's a car dealer close to the junkyard. They sell second hand cars last I checked at least."

Judy who was walking to the couch, "Sorry Raph but you are too young and none of you have a license."

Sam, "Miles and I were planning on applying for drivers license this week. By next year we should get it."

Miles, "Yeah, but before that, what are you planning on dressing up as for Halloween?"

Sam, "I was thinking of dressing up as a scientist. I have Gramps stuff I can use as prop. Especially the glasses and those mathematical instruments."

Raph, "Nice, I was planning on becoming Iron Man, like in the comics."

Miles, "Cool, I'm gonna be the shadow man."

Sam snorted and let it go, he was planning on posting a picture of him on his twitter and facebook account. Let's avoid the awkward EBay scene, while it was hilarious, Optimus was obviously judging human kind, honestly Sam did too when he saw the scene. After Halloween Sam asked for digital copies and posted around five of them in both his facebook and twitter. He only hopes that he will survive the next few years which would be mad world for all of them.

Nothing happened for a while after the post were put up, but something inside Sam told him it was calm before the storm. He was a little embarrassed to admit it but it was Raph who pointed out the weird police cruiser around town. Sam observed the cruiser from school, he was pretty sure that was Barricade especially considering he didn't see any driver drive the vehicle. It was early December and getting cold too, Sam wondered if he made some changes in the timeline but whether they were good or bad was hard to say. One good thing though Sam and Miles both cleared their driving lessons and got their driving license.

Mr Lancaster, Dave was very proud, "Well done kids. Just in time for Christmas too."

Miles grinned, "Thanks Dad."

Ron, "You mentioned wanting second hand cars, I know a good place."

Sam, "Bobby Bolivia? We know."

Raph, "Can I come along?"

Sam, "Sure."

The group went to the second hand car dealers shop and their fathers talked to the guy who was in charge. Bobby was a very energetic person, that was Sam saying it in the nicest way possible, he honestly looked like he could cheat you out of money. But it was just his opinion and he, Miles and Raph decided to look around instead. Miles noticed a red Toyota Tundra that looked a bit beat up but something about it called to him. Raph though pulled Sam towards a very familiar Camaro that was next to the Tundra.

Sam looked between Raph and the Camaro, 'If I didn't know any better I would say Raph and Bee were meant to be. Best friends forever.'

Sam smiled, "Like this one Raph?"

Raph flushed, "I mean, it's a Camaro, an old version but still."

Sam ruffled his hair, "Well then let's get this car, we can pay half each and take care of it together. It'll be good practice for future cars."

Raph beamed, "Really? Wait, but we are here to get a car for you not me."

Sam, "I only have a few more months of school then it's two years of high school. We are not allowed cars in first year of college, especially if we live in dorms, don't ask me why but it's the rule."

Raph, "Oh so... "

Sam, "I don't want you to be without a ride after I go to college. I have no doubt you will clear your driving lessons too in the next two years, you can use... You can use this handsome fellow, after I finish high school."

Raph, "Yeah, I can. It would save money too."

Sam, "Right? Come on let's get this car."

Getting the car and the pick up that Miles chose was a bit of a commotion, they argued about the poor condition the two vehicles were in and then, it went as a perfect copy from the movie. Sam covered Raph when Bee, sent a shock wave through the lot and Bobby finally agreed to the low price of four thousand each. Sam and Raph paid two thousand sharing the cost while Miles paid four, he was planning on using his pick up to do more jobs. Either way, Sam was now sure it was Bumblebee especially after seeing the logo sitting behind the wheel.

[A. N.: Thought I would try writing the movie one this time.

Hope you all liked it. Next chapter will be the bots.]

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