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3.17% Reborn as Batman's Little Brother / Chapter 2: School

Capítulo 2: School

The next day. It was the first day of school for me and my big brother, Bruce Wayne.

You might know him better as the Dark Knight Batman but currently, he is still just an 18-year-old kid while I, myself, am just a 10-year-old brat.

Alfred dropped us off by the gate.

I turned towards Bruce with worried eyes.

"Brother, if anyone makes fun of you, I have your back!"

"Pft! Please. If anything, I should be the one saying that you brat!"

Bruce laughed and ruffled my hair.

Dammit, after I just combed it so perfectly earlier for an hour!

But I'm glad that Bruce can still smile and laugh like this. Maybe he'll be Batman in the future, but I'm sure he wouldn't so dark and brooding like in the comics!

After separating from Bruce, I went to my own classroom.

Class 3-A...I stood in front of the door for a while and sighed. I can't believe I'm going to school...again.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Just to be safe, I didn't enter immediately.

Sure enough, there was an eraser dropping from above.

What is this!? Japan!?

Sighing at the cliche anime-like scenario, I sighed and caught the eraser easily.

The students who were ready to laugh paused and watched me enter casually and place the eraser back to where it should be.

There is still no teacher at the moment. Maybe the eraser was meant for the teacher? I don't think they should even know that there is a new student at the moment.

"Who're you!?"

A chubby looking boy asked me arrogantly. Is he the main bully in the class?

"A new student. Name is Lucas."

"New student? At this time?"

I just shrugged and sat on an empty seat by the window behind.

When I looked beside me, surprisingly, it was actually Barbara!

"Lucas! Nice catch!"

"Barbara? You're also in this class?"

"Yeah, also, I told you to accept my friend requests but you didn't!"

I blinked, then took out my phone to see.

Sure enough, there was indeed a friend request.

"Sorry about that, I didn't notice."

"Hmph, I'll let you off this time!"

Barbara pouted and turned to the side.

Seeing such childish behavior made me smile wryly and shook my head.

Then, the chubby kid appeared once again.

"Hey! You two know each other!?"

"None of your business Tom!"

Barbara frowned and glared at Tom.

Hearing that, Tom suddenly glared at me angrily.

What is this? Did I get stuck in a love triangle or something?

Ha,'ve got to be kidding me…

After a few minutes, the teacher finally arrived. He looked unkempt and skinny. When he entered, it seems he had somewhat braced himself for something but eventually looked up confused.

...So the eraser was indeed targeted to the teacher!?

Seeing his reaction means that this had happened a lot of times before!? How pitiful is this teacher!?

The teacher didn't seem to mind it much and went up to the podium.

"Emm, there is a new student today. Please come up and introduce yourself to the class."

...He sounds so unmotivated!

I sighed and stood up.

"My name's Lucas Wayne. 10 years old, previously home tutored."

"Haha, I thought you were something, turns out, you're the son of the dead Waynes!"


The chubby boy, Tom, laughed while Barbara glared at him for being insensitive but I didn't really mind.

"You are...Tom right? Do you know my father's name?"

"Uhh, what?"

"Thomas. Thomas Wayne. In short, he was also a Tom. What a coincidence isn't it?"

"Haha, you better call me daddy then!"

"Sure, that's not a problem. But first, you'll have to be dead too."

As soon as I said that, Tom fell silent and his face paled.

"I wonder, maybe my father was killed because he was named Tom? Maybe the killer hated the name Tom. Too bad, the killer is still not captured. Tsk tsk."

I said while looking at him with pity, seemingly implying that he may be killed next.

Of course, if this was told to a grown-up, they would just roll their eyes or ignore it. They certainly wouldn't take it seriously.

But this is just a brat. With a little scare and a few seemingly correct facts...well, you can understand the rest.

Tom's face paled even further and he started crying as he ran out of the classroom.

"Are you sure you should run? What if the killer is waiting for you outside the school?"


"Or maybe he's already here? On the roof across the street maybe? Ready to aim his sniper at you."

I formed a gun with my fingers and pointed it at him.



Tom's eyes rolled and he fainted in fright.

...Well, I didn't really think he would actually faint. Was he really that afraid? I mean...that shouldn't be...right?

Seeing everyone's look at me, I was embarrassed so I cleared my throat.

"Ahem, I was definitely lying. I didn't think he would faint…"

"...Sigh, I'll bring Tom to the infirmary. For now, self-study."

The teacher sighed and carried Tom away. I'm surprised he can carry such a fat kid with that skinny body.

Also, did I just imagine that there was a slight smile when he was leaving?

I shook my head and sat back down. At the side, I can feel Barbara's gaze.


"...You're...unexpectedly mean."


Barbara is a cop's daughter so she's a bit smarter than your average kid. She knew that the whole being killed because of his name is very far fetched and knew that it was just a lie to scare off Tom.

Meanwhile, the other kids are now afraid of me.

It's funny how I am the youngest here and everyone is about 12 years old yet they are still afraid of me…

Time passed and it was lunchtime.

When I and Barbara arrived at the cafeteria to eat, there was already a commotion.

"What's wrong, Wayne boy? Are you gonna cry to your mommy and daddy? Oh wait, they're dead. Haha."

"You're just a spoiled rich brat! Go eat somewhere else with your manservant!"


Just hearing them makes me pissed.

I was about to charge in when Barbara grabbed my arm.

"Don't. Those are 3rd-year high school students! They wouldn't be fooled like Tom!"

"I know, don't worry. I have other ways to deal with them."

I shook her hand off and charged towards the commotion.

"So what if we're spoiled rich brats!?"

I asked with a shout and glared at the three high school students while standing in front of Bruce.

"Huh? Who's this kid?"

"I'm Lucas. Lucas Wayne!"

"Oh, you're also the son of the dead Waynes? Haha, this is too hilarious! He's actually proud he's a spoiled rich brat!"

The three laughed again but I didn't care.

"Hmph! So what if I am!? We're rich! Richer than all of your families combined! And without adult supervision!"


The three went silent while Bruce was stupefied.

"Hehe, without our parents to tell us off, we can spend our money however we want! You're just jealous your parents keep telling you off!"

"Y-you brat!"

"What!? What are you gonna do huh!? Hit me!? Do it then! Show everyone how manly you are by hitting a 10-year-old kid! Go on! The stronger the better! If I show a bruise to the principal, he would definitely agree that we bring bodyguards next time! By then, we can 'legitimately' beat you all up and claim it as self-defense. What are you gonna do by then!? Huh!? What's wrong!? Go on and hit me!"

I started to shout and talk in succession, not letting them cut in and speak up.

"What's wrong? Speechless? Are you going to cry now? Are you gonna tell mommy and daddy that a 10-year-old bullied you? Don't bother, we have money. Your parents only want money. As long as we don't kill you, we can just keep showering your parents with compensation money! Heh, if we tell them that we'll give them a million dollars for every hit we give you, I'm sure your parents will happily deliver you to us! You could be a millionaire for just a few hits!"

The three students stuttered and didn't know what to answer.

"I'll say this again. Do NOT test our limits! We don't have anything else to lose other than each other! As long as we're together, we can do anything!"

I continued to glare at them but they remained silent and pale.

"Well? What are you waiting for!? Are you gonna get out of my sight or do I have to do something!?"

Hearing that, the three finally ran away while trembling.

Seeing them running with their tails between their legs, I grinned and showed a V sign to Bruce who was still stupefied.

"Big brother, you don't need to hold back. Whatever you want to do, I'll always be with you!"

Bruce blinked for a while then also grinned.

"You little brat, you actually learn to bully now huh!?"

"Hmph! To those kinds of people, you need to make them fear you so they won't keep repeating their ways!"

The only way to stop a bully is to be an even bigger and smarter bully!

...Eh? Wait, why does this sound like something Batman would say?

As soon as I said that, I can see Bruce muttering, seemingly contemplating something…

...Crap, did I just turn into the reason why Bruce became Batman!?

"You're right. You can't just reason with these bullies. You have to beat them at their own game!"

"...Uhh, big brother, you don't really have to mind what I'm saying, I'm just a kid!"

"No, you're right. I can't always be that scared kid in the alley. It's time I become something more...something else…"

No no no no! That's Green Arrow's line!

Wait, that's not the point! Is he really about to be Batman now!?

Bruce seemed to have been fully convinced and no longer wanted me to continue the topic so he redirected it to someone else.

"So, this is Barbara?"

Bruce looked at Barbara who had appeared from the side.


"Un, my little brother can be a bit of trouble sometimes, but please take care of him."

"Ah? Y-yes?"

...Oi! Why does this look like a father meeting a potential daughter-in-law!?

Also, why are you blushing like that Barbara!?

The three of us ate afterward and when Bruce finally left for his class, Barbara tugged on my shirt.

"Your big brother is very handsome, are you going to look like that one day?"


Like this, in a simple manner, 6 months had passed.

Nothing much happened in school. I am still troubled with the character slot for synchronization. I mean, it's good that nothing's happening...but this is only the case for now.

In a few years, powered criminals will begin appearing. I need to be stronger now to prepare for that.

Plus, I refuse to live a normal life even after reincarnating!

Because of this, I have been depressed these past few days. Thankfully, there's Barbara who keeps cheering me up.

Speaking of Barbara, I was really confused when I met her before. It seems that in this world, Barbara and Bruce's age gap is quite small. From what I know in the comics, it shouldn't be the case?

Well, there are a lot of versions but...well, I guess there's really a lot of things that are different in this DC universe I'm in.

If Barbara is already this age, how about Dick Grayson or the other Robins? Actually, will there still be any Robins in the future?

In the comics, Bruce took them in because he was alone and wanted a family as well as a partner that I'm here, will he still opt to adopt them?

Oh God, if he doesn't that mean I'm gonna be Robin? Ugh, I don't wanna wear that bright red and yellow suit!

Oh yeah, if I do become a superhero, what should I call myself?

Emm, let's think about it in another time…

Suddenly, the teacher announced something that made me nearly shout out loud!

"Uhh, apparently, there will be a field trip to one of Luthor Corp's powerplant in Smallville this Friday so all of you prepare."

The teacher sounds so unmotivated as usual but I was already used to it. What's more important is that I finally have a legitimate reason to go to Smallville!

Hopefully, I could bump into Clark Kent and get to know him, raise synchronization to 100%, then be as powerful as Superman!

Then, after Bruce becomes Batman, I would have the powers of Superman and the experience of Batman! Who can still defeat me by then!?

I'm different from Amazo. Amazo can indeed copy the powers of the Justice League but he can only use one power at a time. And I don't think this is the case for my ability.

I tried to calm down my excitement but it seems Barbara still noticed it.

"I forgot you're still a kid who gets excited in field trips."

"You're speaking as if you're not a kid."

"Pshh, power plant sounds boring. And Smallville's just the countryside, there's nothing to see there."

Barbara rolled her eyes.

I smiled wryly, she is indeed right. But I didn't care about that, I only wanted to meet Superman!

"Well, I haven't really left Gotham so I am indeed excited to see a different place."

"Hmm, if you put it that way, I guess it's indeed interesting."

Barbara nodded. Like me, she also hasn't left Gotham yet so there was a change in her expression.

As usual, after school, I would walk her home first before heading back to myself. It took a while but I finally managed to stop Alfred from shadowing me all the time.

Also, the area around Barbara's house is quite nice and not much crime happens since there are cops living there.

Somehow, the relationship between me and Barbara had developed nicely. Though it was never my intention, maybe having her as a girlfriend would be nice.

As we were walking to her home, we saw a girl about 13 years old with red hair as well but brighter than Barbara's red hair. Her body is still young but it's already beginning to show curves in certain areas.

There were some thugs surrounding her, seemingly stepping on some plants that she was watering.

"Girl, why don't you accompany us instead of these plants?"

"Hehe, we also give you our seeds if you want."

"Haha, we'll give you lots of it!"

The girl looked meek and scared. Even forgetting to shout for help.

I frowned and took out my phone and spoke loudly.

"Ah, is this GCPD? Yes, please hurry! There are three guys beating a kid to death! Yes! Yes! A few blocks near the Gotham Academy! Please hurry, the kid's all bloody and nearly dead! Oh god, there's a gun! He has a gun! Please help!"

Barbara knew my intentions and grinned as she started to clap loudly, seemingly mimicking the sound of gunshots.

"Ahh! He's firing this way! Please send help ASAP!"

The two of us started our play while the three thugs watched dumbfoundedly.

The surrounding people, who previously were too afraid to help the girl before, now knew what to do and also started shouting for help.

Suddenly, the three thugs paled and noticed that they were being duped!

"Brat! Who's beating anyone here!?"

"Dammit! We don't have a gun!"

"Shit, let's just go! Come on!"

The three quickly ran away, afraid of being arrested by mistake.

Though they knew that they were innocent, but if the surrounding people were to falsify their statements, then they would be in big trouble!

None of them had any big backgrounds, they just wanted to harass people for fun! They didn't think they would fail so miserably!

When everyone saw the three of them run away, they all cheered and started clapping.

I and Barbara laughed and gave a bow, as if we just performed on stage. Soon, they all dispersed and the girl being harassed before had walked over to us and bowed timidly.

"U-umm, that...t-thank you very much!"

"You're welcome. Sorry we couldn't save your plants though. But I think you can still use them as fertilizers? At least, they would help another plant and become a part of it."

When I said that, the girl looked dumbfounded while Barbara laughed.

"Haha, what's with that? I didn't know you were such a plant geek?"

"Hmm, I wouldn't say that. There's a lot of plants I don't know. I just appreciate nature."

"Heh, you're just trying to hit on the beautiful girl right?"

"I'm not!"

The hell, is she jealous???

"U-umm, b-being a plant geek...isn't bad…"

Barbara blinked for a while before explaining herself hastily.

"I-it's not that I mean it's bad! I was just making fun of Lucas! I didn't mean to offend you…"

"Ah, no! I also didn't mean it like that! I-..I...uhh…"

Seeing the two redheads being shy and apologizing to each other was amusing but I had to stop them before it keeps ongoing.

"Well, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, right? My name's Lucas Wayne. This is Barbara Gordon."

"Un, I am Pamela...Pamela Lillian Isley."


P-P-P-P-Poison Ivy!?

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