Tiong Shulan and the others came back carrying the ingredients needed for the evening, just as they reached the spot where those women usually gathered to gossip. At that moment, the little girl from before rushed out and blocked Tiong Shulan's path.
Looking up at Tiong Shulan, "Auntie, can you take me as your goddaughter?"
Tiong Shulan looked at the raggedy-dressed little girl in front of her, and those words stunned her for a moment before she said, "Auntie already has a goddaughter."
The little girl said, "But the aunties said you have money with nowhere to spend, and if you were to take a daughter, you should choose one from inside the military families. I'll be very obedient, can I be your goddaughter?"
Now Tiong Shulan's expression turned sour, and she asked with a cold face, "Which auntie said that?"
The little girl turned her head towards the army spouses and pointed, "That auntie in the gray jacket said that."
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