Su Xiaofei woke up the next morning feeling a little sore between her legs. Her husband lying on his stomach, an arm draped over her middle section as he slept peacefully. She smiled at seeing that he overslept this time and didn't wake up before six in the morning. Her husband was usually up by five and by the time she woke up at six, he was already dressed for work, waiting for her to join him for breakfast.
She slid out of bed as silently as possible, but it still roused Lu Qingfeng from his sleep.
"Come back, Feifei. There's no work for today." His voice was a sleepy mumble that made her quiver all over again.
"I need to check on Yuan. Be back soon, darling." She said as she quickly picked up the clothes her husband discarded from her last night and took them to the nursery where their youngest was sleeping.
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